Where can and cannot go with dogs according to the law: a detailed explanation, place

Where can and cannot go with dogs according to the law: a detailed explanation, place

From this article you will find out where you can and cannot go with a dog by law.

Any owner of the dog repeatedly thought about what places you can take with you? This is especially true in those cases when the dog is small or “pocket”. Nevertheless, some manage to go with impunity with huge dogs in pharmacies, shops and other social institutions and other places of public use.

How and what regulates the ban on walking dogs in public places: Law

You can’t go to public places with a dog
You can’t go to public places with a dog

On the one hand, dog shoes can be understood - often they try to do 2 cases simultaneously. But if you walk the pet and in parallel to buy a loaf of bread in a kiosk is still possible, then with more “closed” retail outlets like supermarkets, sometimes significant problems arise. Here is the law that regulates the ban on walking dogs in public places:

  • The main legislative act is the article 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which pets are equated with property, that is, person’s personal things.
  • This is somewhat “facilitates” the fate of the dog breeders, however, it imposes additional duties.
  • Suppose all large dogs should have not only a short leash, but also a muzzle, and small ones can only be moved in a special carp.

However, the human factor also plays a role. Therefore, even when taking into account all the nuances, incidents sometimes cannot be avoided.

Where can you go with dogs by law - a detailed explanation, places: shops, markets, pharmacies, transport, parks

You can go to the parks with the dog
You can go to the parks with the dog

According to the new law, now before going to public places, you must put a leash and a muzzle on it or put in a special carry if a pet is small. Here are the places where you can go to go with dogs by law is a detailed explanation of the law:

To shops and markets:

  • You can go with a dog to these outlets if she has the necessary "outfit".
  • However, there is one thing "but". Some outlets have a sign “Do not enter with dogs”.
  • It turns out that the legislation itself implies the entrance with dogs, but the last word is still behind the administration of a particular store.
  • Nevertheless, if you have already come to the store with a large dog, and the seller says that it is forbidden, then there is no reason to turn around and leave.
  • If representatives of the outlet do not want the buyer along with the dog to approach the counter, they must provide him with a place (usually at the entrance, at the door), on which the pet will expect the purchase of the owner.
  • Just say "No, you can't with dogs" And the sellers do not have the right to let go to the store.
  • Of course, waiting conditions vary depending on the upbringing of the animal. As a rule, for dogs it is the usual leash.
  • By the way, there are no fines for ignoring sellers' requests.


  • These establishments can be ranked to trading institutions, so the rules in them are in effect.
  • As for hospitals, the owner himself must be aware of the situation here. Indeed, by and large, no matter how disciplined and trained the dog is, among the sick there are people to whom the presence of the dog clearly will not bring joy.
  • Therefore, it will be wiser to tie a dog nearby, in a “safe” place - that is, where it will not interfere with people passing by.
  • But in fact, the law does not prohibit visiting pharmacies and hospitals with a four -legged friend.


  • You can walk in a park with a dog.
  • But not as most of our compatriots do.
  • The uncontrolled movements of the animal should be suppressed.
  • That is, in public places, it is better to take a dog on a leash.


  • Transportation of small animals is possible in containers.
  • Be sure to have a leash and a muzzle.
  • If the move is carried out in a bus or trolley, a veterinary passport is not required.
  • Regarding the metro, the dog cannot be transported without a container there. Accordingly, going with a large animal will not work.
  • However, if the pet is located on the neighboring seat, you will have to pay for it separately (as for an additional occupied place).

As you can see, you can walk around the city with your pet. Just comply with the established rules.

Where you can’t go with dogs by law - a detailed explanation, places: public beaches, restaurants, hotels, schools

The dog cannot be taken with you to a restaurant or store
The dog cannot be taken with you to a restaurant or store

From the foregoing, it is clear that you can go to public places with the dog, but it is necessary to fulfill some conditions. However, it is worth remembering that there are places where it is forbidden to come with such pets or allowed, but with special reservations. Here are places where you can’t go with dogs by law - a detailed explanation:

Public beaches:

  • Bathing dogs in various reservoirs - at sea, rivers, lakes is prohibited!
  • However, the very presence of the animal is not forbidden.
  • Before taking a loved one with you "Rex" On the beach, it is better to ask in advance about the rules established by the municipality.
  • It should be borne in mind that on the beach there may be older people and children who do not always adequately perceive the presence of the animal.

Restaurants and hotels:

  • Also controversial situation, and it all depends on the administration.
  • A sufficiently large number of hostels against tailed guests.
  • But some admit their presence, relying on the responsibility of the hosts.
  • Naturally, the dog should have personal hygiene products, a bowl and be disciplined.
  • People’s complaints about permanent barking and noise can sometimes not play in favor of the owner of the pet, and in this case they are usually evicted.
  • In some cases, employees ask the dog owner to make a certain amount as insurance. This is in case he does not manage to hold a shaggy bully, and he manages to make any dirty trick in the form of damage to the property.


  • Dog walking on the territory of this institution is strictly prohibited.
  • In addition, even the short -term finding of the animal among children will be punished and suppressed by the administration of the educational institution.
  • Most rules indicate that the owner should prevent animal pollution of sports fields and school territories.
  • It is worth noting that in this case, the law again shows flexibility. The dog cannot be in the school court only if it interferes with the free movement of children and teachers.
  • Respectively, if necessary parents 5 minutes To stand with a dog on a leash not far from the school, waiting for the last lesson, for example, with a little son will end, no one will impose a fine.
  • But this is provided that the animal will sit quietly, will not interfere with the movement of people, and will not crap.

To places where there are many children, it is better not to go with the dog at all. If she barks and scares the kids, then parents can sue the owner of the animal and the lawsuit will be considered, most likely, in their favor.

Where you can walk and where you can go to dogs without a leash: explanation

In specially designated places, you can walk with the dog
In specially designated places, you can walk with the dog

Such places exist, and every owner of the pet should know about this. Here's an explanation where you can walk and where you can go to dogs without a leash:

  • Only on specialized, designed sites for walking. And only under the supervision of their owners.

It is also worth knowing:

  • The law obliges dog owners to observe cleanliness in the territories they have visited.
  • It is necessary to carry bags and scoops with you.
  • The penalty for non -compliance with the rules is 500 rubles - At least, and 5000 rubles - Maximum.

The concept is also introduced "Potentially dangerous dog". This includes some types of mestizo, hybrids of the wolf. They can walk freely only in the fenced territory or in the courtyard of the owner of the owner. As for other spaces, such pets should be in the muzzle and on the leash.

Video: where can not be with a dog?

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Comments K. article

  1. I still did not understand whether the owner of the French bulldog has the right to take it with him to the post office without a leash and a muzzle and still insult a remark to him.

  2. Can you take with you to the mail of a French bulldog without a leash and a muzzle or not?

  3. Is it possible to go with a dog into a pet store if it is on a outlet. The dog is less than 40cm at the withers.

  4. i do not understand what the problem with the dogs of small Parrot. I made a certificate that my dog \u200b\u200bis a dog of emotional support and now there is no problem.

  5. We will ever write clear laws ????? It is impossible, but no matter how you violate ....
    I take the child to a school with a dog, on a short leash. Husky. He brought, kissed, went out.
    How to consider ??? From the above reading
    “It is worth noting that in this case, the law again shows flexibility. The dog cannot be in the school court only if it interferes with the free movement of children and teachers. ”
    Nobody! For 4 years I did not make comments.
    And now (well, as it usually happens!) One lady (apparently unsatisfied with either her life or her husband) clung - “And why ...?” ... This is despite the fact that at least 40 people with dogs pass through school (territory) in a day.
    So the question is, what to answer such people? There are no complaints from school, teachers, children, director. Everyone is adequate !!!

  6. In each region, on this subject there is its legislation, which strictly prohibits entering shops, schools, cafes and hospitals with dogs.

  7. I have a small dog of Siba Inu and I always remove feces behind her. It’s distant to the nearest park: in winter it is very slippery, and in the spring there is a continuous slush and dirt, I live in a city -type village, there is a fenced area, but I don’t walk inside the sleeping sector, since there are playgrounds and lawn. I walk behind the fence in the private sector, I don’t beg for anyone and I don’t go to any territory. I’m walking where the unrestrained territory, where people themselves prayed, sometimes risking their safety, since there are drunks of the locals, but there are unique ones who do not like that I am walking with a dog - they threaten to scatter a poison, lower Alaby, which, apparently Sows right at home, since they do not take him to the street, and so on, how to explain to them that this is not a public place and this is not their territory, that they are not kings and not gods? I noticed a trend for young girls more often rude and make comments, and also worry very much if the girl smokes. I realized with experience that it is better to just ignore such subjects, you won’t prove anything and you will spend your nerves in vain, the girls, as women themselves did not treat, and men, will be bad. It is necessary to ignore such personalities as external noise. I also believe that threats should be held accountable, that it would be disgusting to spit and threaten poisonous words.

  8. tell me where and who makes certificates of emotional support to the dog

  9. Is it possible to register in Russia and get a certificate for a assistant dog or an animal of emotional support (ESAS) so that you can fly on an airplane with your pet (carry out a pet in the aircraft, and not in the luggage compartment)?

    Unfortunately, in Russia there is no way to register a dog of such an appointment. Currently, there is a legislative framework governing the concept of “guide dog” (guide), and it concerns only dog \u200b\u200bguides for people with vision restrictions. If you do not have a visual impairment, then the dog will not be able to register.

    In Russia, there is still no body certifying this direction. In the United States, along with the registration of dogs Dogs for various purposes, there is the possibility of registering “animals of emotional support”-Emotional Support Animals (ESAS) and some airlines allow flights with ESAS. But for this it is necessary to have citizenship, for example, the USA. There is no such certification in Russia yet, be careful, do not buy candy wrappers!

  10. The article that does not meet the current legislation.
    Wrote an amateur)
    Stubbling the amateurus - in his “stubbornness” that understands the topic - which is not at all! - From the word "well, does not understand at all"

  11. It is not clear what means “at the discretion of the administration”, or to someone else's “discretion and rules”. Not a single “discretion” should contradict the law. I would like not the agricultural prohibitions of the administration, but the links to the legislation. If there are many prohibitions, what kind of humane attitude can we talk about? But I do not like children either on the beach or in the hotel, and even more so in restaurants.
    I have a small dog, it is also useful for her for bones and joints, we want to walk in the park and museums with her, because we do not leave one in unfamiliar places. What now we can’t go anywhere and not go? In many countries, the attitude to dogs is truly humane. In some countries, even carts in grocery stores are specifically for visitors with a dog. I am talking about little dogs, of course. It was very unpleasant when. We have made a huge way in Crimea, but we were simply not allowed into the park, although the dog was in a bag, and we were not going to release it. Add. And it's a shame, for our rotten legislation.

  12. I really want to travel with the dog (small, 3.5 kg), but the question arises where you can eat, because they will not go to the cafe, to the park too. Somehow they visited the open-air museum, the dog was in a backpack, they were not going to release, but a bunch of comments were made, and to whom he interfered- he didn’t bark, one head from the backpack stuck out!

  13. According to the law, some shops can come with animals, small dogs up to 40cm.

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