Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples of nominations and words for literacy

Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples of nominations and words for literacy

Examples of texts and nominations for letters in kindergarten.

Letters are awarded not only to adults, but also to children of school and preschool age. Many will say that young children do not particularly understand the essence of such celebration. But believe me, it’s nice to hear praise at any age, so feel free to plan the rewarding of kids after contests, thematic classes, sports holidays. It’s just perfect that such an event will fit into the graduation program. Just keep in mind that for awarding babies you do not need to use “faceless” letters, in this case it is better to choose samples as bright and beautiful as possible so that the child has something to consider, since not all children for graduation from kindergarten can read. You will find ideas for nominations and letters in kindergarten in our article.

Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples

Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples
Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples
Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples
Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples


Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples
Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples

Children's nomination for letters in kindergarten - examples of words:

Nomination for talent

Creative success
I want to wish
Fresh ideas
New day to meet.


I wish to create
And enjoy life,
I wish to live in friendship
With the muza capricious.


I wish inspiration
Good luck, creativity,
The ocean of success
And the sea is positive.


I wish you fame
Conquer the peaks,
To the whole world
Your name was thundered.


I wish your creative nature,
Achieve significant heights in matters,
Let the storm not subside inside you,
And all the creatures delight the people!


I wish, this world is inspired,
Good for him to answer for happiness,
Love, create and just enjoy,
From this life, take everything the best!


You are a creative person,
And there is no doubt about
So let him burst into the window
Great inspiration!


Let all your creations
Confessed to the end
And a degree of mood
It increases noticeably!


Creative success
I want to wish
I wish my dreams
I am implementing.


I wish the limit
There were no ideas
So that everyone admires
Creative Bold.


I wish you
Luck smiled
Creative Muse
I did not say goodbye to you.


Creative success to you
I want to wish now
Creative ideas
Let everyone be on the shoulder.


Let the recognition come to you
You can do everything
In general, in creativity I wish
Stay on horseback.


Creative great success
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Let the muse always help
Let friends be near.


Let them evaluate and exalt
Your talent is so beautiful
The sky of your career
Let it be clear forever.


Success in your work
I wish grandiose
Let the prophecies come true
About serious profits!


Inspiration forever
Let it not leave you
And achieve achievements
Just delight from now on!


Let it be successful in creativity,
And your talent awaits your talent
To live the most beautiful of all,
When the river income comes!


I wish not to stand on the spot
And to achieve significant achievements to strive,
The conceived cleverly embody
And in your business to achieve all the heights!


Creative success in the case
I want to wish now
So that all your ideas
You were on the shoulder.


Will not leave a special
Muse along with inspiration,
Let you push you
To great achievements.
For dexterity, strength and dexterity,

Hard work in training,
For comprehensive, steel nerves,
And for the desire to be the first,
For courage and patience,
Talent, pressure and inspiration
And for a great result,
Which is the best of all awards!


Ski and ball, rope and bars -
You treat them very skillfully!
Running and jumping is not a problem for you:
You hand over the standards for Superman!

For dexterity and strength, for achievements
And for victories in sports battles
We are handing this letter today,
To be the first we wish you!

Confidently go ahead
And always believe your strength!
And let your luck are waiting for you
Dare, fight and win!

You are strong, dexterous and skillful
You are able to overtake everyone.
You are trained and brave
You can take any record!


For creative successes

Draw and create as you want
Smooth your dreams and desires!
When there are abilities for creativity,
Then any goal is achieved.
And the plans are diverse
Easy to lead to execution!

The reward for you - for fantasy,
For search and imagination!
You receive an honorary diploma as a reward
For the fact that you know how to achieve the goal,
You dream a lot to learn interestingly,
The answers to each question are to get.
Who will you become in the future is still unknown.

But you can now say for sure:
The desire for knowledge is wonderful,
And in life you will always win!
The diploma is very honorable and important
And not everyone gets it at school.


Local historians and historians

Pages of books of centuries of past
You explore you, local historian.
And there are no happier found
A simple answer to your question!
To mosaic times
In works, how the sun was reflected,
In order not to forget the names glorious,
The descendants are not forgotten!


To the Ural finds
Would have met more than a hundred years -
Find and tell the descendants
There is no more beautiful aspiration.
Rangers of past times
In your search for the echo of victory.
New things to you and new names!


You chose the road, it is not simple:
Heavy everyday life, sleepless nights,
The guys need your support,
The teacher needs your help very much!


With you together more fun -
A reliable faithful friend!
That the world becomes brighter -
Your merit is!
Play, study, relax
Being a tag in everything.
Children to lead and captivate.


I want to sincerely congratulate today
All those who give the dance time,
And put a lot of new numbers.
Let the soul dances and sings.


Young geniuses

Ballet, hip-hop and dance waltz,
Very different, but so similar,
Costumes, attributes and talent,
And the rhythms of music are beckoning and disturbing!


You are beautiful in a wonderful dance,
The movements are honed, easy!
And I just want to admire
And devote poetry to the dancers to all.


"Eyes and ears ..." - school newspaper
I once gave the first start.
Thank you for that -
For your journalistic talent.
From wall newspapers to circulation
Great potential is growing.
And a journalist without missing
We want everyone to immediately become!


You are on the way, and the thoughts are all the radiants,
And we wish to be always in the ranks.
Timid for now, but journalists,
I'm talking about yankors here.
Not one peak will submit
Not one star will rise.
The journalist needs to be born
To create a volcano on the surface of the waters.


You are a vocalist since childhood
You sing so excellent.
Walk louder, vocalist,
Walking more likely!


When you sing, hearts freeze
Forgetting about the concerns of everyday life,
And we cannot forget past songs,
Though new and more interesting.
Congratulations to you from a pure soul
Let the school be famous for talents.
And sing something new you do not rush,
We really like it.


Young trace

History is a very interesting science!
And as you tried, you studied!
And our praise for you today is flattering.
The association "Clio" we congratulate.


We wish you today
Leave a bright mark in history!
And good beginnings of continuation,

In the research of valiant victories!


Never forget you a terrible sight
Those soldiers buried in the ground by war.
The world of soldiers will not change,
They can no longer return home from the battle.
But the shovel rings, and the earth is torn
Not from the explosions of war, on our peaceful days.
The boy from Revda digs the earth, tries,
So that the soldiers can return to their relatives.

Literace nomination in kindergarten for children

Literace nomination in kindergarten for children
Literace nomination in kindergarten for children
Literace nomination in kindergarten for children
Literace nomination in kindergarten for children

Nomination for letters in kindergarten for children:

Best member of the children's team

To get a reward,
We must try very hard
And luck to be near
The desired moment was able to stay.

But all horoscopes came together
It’s very successful for you,
Work and experience were useful,
Grasp the success to firmly.


And, deservedly, award
You get today
She's a degree
Umbaken excellently!


To get a reward,
It is very necessary to try
And people are superiority,
Oh, it’s not easy to prove!
But you are courageous,
You achieve all goals
You sweep away all the obstacles
And here is your reward!
I wish, and in the future,
I didn’t give the fart your cracks,
Success did not end
And only multiplied!


To get a reward,
You need to try very hard
Success for the sleeve to grab
And do not give up a drop!
You succeeded
Here, in your hands, your reward
So successfully everything has grown together,
As you needed!
I wish, forward
At the same pace, advance,
Let him find success,
In order not to part from now on!


Congratulations on the presentation of the award,
Not everyone gives her every day,
And from the bottom of my heart we wish you today
To congratulate everything there and here!
What a blessing that you only got it,
And not the last, God forbid, you have it,
So that joy remains forever in the soul,
And in memory, how they honored you!

Awards are not given just like that
They will deserve a great honor, undoubtedly!
And today this important sign
You have rendered, enjoy proudly!
Let your courage always grow,
And they visit vivid ideas
For the awards to lose the score,
And it was always in a plus mood!

You received a reward, congratulations!
Do not count the merits of all yours,
We always wish to be a model like that
Do not miss the successes, your benefits.
We wish you prosperity in everything
Let the berths succeed with a bang!
Let you go everywhere happiness surrounds you
Not leaving in this life.


Congratulations on you on the award
With recognition of skill,
I wish you a road to lives
I led you to success.
She is honest honestly
Your talent and labor,
The reward is worthy
Let it take in your heart.
Let it become the key to success,
He will open the way to the glory,
I wish you all awards
They found their heroes.


The best future first-class (-sa)

So much effort is applied, labor,
To finally get a reward!
I wish to win around, always
I wish the leader in everything!
May you have such awards,
At least, probably a hundred pieces!
Walk only forward, don't know the barriers,
I wish only valiant merits!


We congratulate us on the award!
You deserve this honor!
For efforts - payment,
After all, it was not for nothing that they were attached.
Let the reward will help.
The goals of the new are achievements!
And in all matters you again
And success and luck.
Well, you live, trying
Standing to new plans!


I congratulate you on a well -deserved award,
Be very happy and glad
For this award to take place
You did so much, tried.
Many victories in the future, you,
Large forces, health and good,
Inspiration for your favorite business,
So that your life is bright.


How good that there are such people nearby,
How are you. We congratulate you sincerely
Today with receiving a reward,
We wish you immense good.
We wish you success in everything,
We wish that no grace leaves.
There will be no problems around problems, flaws,
Let everything be around five!


I congratulate you on the award,
After all, she is rightfully given
Limit your talent
You are a decent frame.
I always wish to win
Much of the success,
Furned before you
In life, all the interference.
Let there be many ups
New cups and awards,
And for new discoveries
It will be rich every day.


Your work is worthy,
We are glad to congratulate you
With friends and relatives
With the received reward.
And let it happen sometimes
Not everything is so fast and smooth.
We wish to go to the goal,
All overcome obstacles,
And let you in the way
New awards are waiting.


Congratulations to you on the award.
She is deserved, undoubtedly.
I had to work hard,
Go to your dream is persistent.
I wish to keep it on and continue
Victories are waiting for you
Always in the shower, let it be enough
Enthusiasm, insolence, fire.
Let the ideas succeed
Let them continue to wait for you
Zeal, strength and charisma
Recognition in the case will be brought.


Congratulations on a well -deserved reward
I wish you to strive for new achievements.
More interesting and worthy goals,
And people are close to support.
Always only be ahead in everything,
So that the obstacles do not fear in the way.
To receive awards many more times
And this holiday is often celebrated.


The most hardworking or most hardworking

Congratulations, keep it up!
I wish new achievements,
Win as often as possible,
Do not know either tears or defeats!


Let it easily and without difficulty
You get victories
Let always before you
Your rivals give up!


Let others say:
The main thing is participation ...
Only victory gives us
Enjoyment, happiness!


Congratulations on you on the victory,
From the bottom of my heart we wish you
Without hints and embellishment
Win a hundred times!


To get victory,
You need to sweat pretty
There is a lot of strength to attach
And then take the award.

But self -confidence
It does not give you peace
And, having outlined the goal in fate,
You bravely rush to battle.


I am in a hurry to congratulate
With this important achievement.
Don't give up and don't work,
Beat all the targets in the future!


With victory, cheers! I congratulate you.
And I wish new achievements in life.
Let this victory become excellent,
And the best, successful habit.


Friendly team

You got the victory for nothing,
A lot of work was invested,
A lot of effort, perseverance, patience,
Your will was firm!


At this hour, we congratulate you,
We wish you a lot of new heights.
Success, Fortune, good luck!
Even more victories in addition!


I congratulate you on a victory
And I wish from the heart
Win as often as possible
Believe in a miracle, do not be sad!


That's the moment of good luck
You won, cheers!
So everything was here by the way,
So everything was not in vain!


Congratulations on you on the victory,
It could not be otherwise,
In the future, I also wish
To always be lucky!


Success was pursued everywhere,
And it turned out to be five,
And all goals will be on the shoulder,
To easily achieve them!


Congratulations on a well -deserved victory
Heights, new records I wish,
And then add only the turnover,
With an opponent, always reduce the scores.


Patience, excerpts, skills,
The attitude of the brisk, efforts,
Great luck and aspirations,
And the fulfillment of the cherished desire!


With a victory with all my heart
We are happy to congratulate you, we are in a hurry
We wish you not one
She was in a piggy bank!


Let there be goals, undertakings,
And new dreams, desires,
To feel free to go to them, walk,
And do not be afraid to perform!

Nomination for the letter in kindergarten for victory in the competition

Nomination for the letter in kindergarten for victory in the competition
Nomination for the letter in kindergarten for victory in the competition
Nomination for the letter in kindergarten for victory in the competition
Nomination for the letter in kindergarten for victory in the competition

Nomination for the letter in kindergarten for victory in the competition:


Congratulations on a wonderful victory,
Delight, luck, happiness and success,
Let the competition be not easy,
But today you are the best!


The competition is completed. Victory!
Congratulations from the heart
With the fulfillment of desire,
With the conquest of the peaks.


Let it also be further,
On the shoulder, any goal,
Strength, courage, good luck,
The main thing is to believe!


Grandiose perseverance
Led you to victory!
In compliments, just work,
Like in the mildest blanket.
Do not relax from now on
And keep the vector on the target,
And bathe in ovations
For the radiance of intelligence!


I sincerely congratulate you on a victory,
She chose worthy.
And with all my heart I wish you
To be the joy of her.


Let the victory inspire you
Raises right to heaven,
To new achievements directs
To the new world of discoveries and miracles!


The competition is over -
Your victory,
Congratulations to you
I am cordially whore.


You are at the top
The whole world is before you
You can rightfully
To be proud of yourself.


To the new peaks
I wish to go
Let it be with good luck
You are on the way.


In this contest, the beautiful
You had no equals
I often wish to win
So as not to be successfully apart!


So that Fortune is like a girlfriend
Everywhere she led her hand.
With every day, let it be even better
Your work is up to the mountain!


You went to this victory for a long time
Trained day and night
And this competition was expensive,
Where no one could help you!


And so, this miracle happened,
In the struggle for the highest pedestal
You won honestly, difficult
But here this moment has come in a moment!


We congratulate the first place
With a real dream,
Praise to the gods with an honor inherent
You have become the main star!


A grand victory
And you are won by you
You are now a legend for everyone,
Keep the mood for success!


I wish Fortune
I did not let you down
And to dreams of not worried,
Be sure to bring it!


Wise guy or clever

Congratulations on the victory,
You really are the coolest
And I sincerely wish -
Let him wait for success in everything!


Let there be all obstacles
Failed easily
And for you rewards
They grow like a snowball!


Congratulations on the victory of you
This will not be the last, believe
Ahead so that it is not one yet,
She knocked on you at the door.


To make it easy to win,
And collect all the medals sooner
So that happiness with courage meets,
And there were many friends around.


Believe in yourself so that everything happens,
And you just look forward only
Troubles so that it does not happen,
And in good luck passed years.


I congratulate you on the victory
I want to wish happiness:
Let it bloom further
Wonderful talent!


Let the luck fail,
And the fantasy is growing,
Prosperity comes
And success does not get tired!


The competition is beautiful
Undoubtedly succeeded
Congratulations, it's cool
After all, the desire came true.


I wish you bright victories
A lot of joyful minutes
And there are still many rewards
Let the talents bring.


Competitors of all, undoubtedly,
You easily get out of the way
I wish, stubbornly
Go to achievements.


In this competition, victory -
Only the first step,
Pursue new goals
Be more successful every day!


Victory in the competition of mining,
You are now celebrating a triumph,
I congratulate you on an achievement
Applause you are noise.


I wish you new successes
Still brightly win,
In your dream to believe with perseverance
And to achieve the goals of the brave.


At least it was difficult and difficult
But you are a bright example of
That everything is possible in this life,
If the desire is great!


Work, because there are a lot of achievements
Still waiting for you ahead!
I wish the correct aspirations
So you can find a success!


It could not be otherwise,
Take Olympus you, undoubtedly,
And luck helped
And your powerful work is hard!


And with a victory at the star hour
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you
And I wish you the strength
Umnch everyone to envy!


With a victory in the competition today
I want to congratulate you
I wish to keep it on and
And let everything be on the shoulder.


Let your triumph be loud,
Strive, fly to your dream,
Let the victories be in abundance,
I wish you happiness.


You with a victory in the competition
I send me congratulations
The heart is crowded
Delight, admiration.


Step behind the step
You take off up
Let the new ahead
Success awaits you.


Luck is accompanied
Let on the way to the top
Let the whole world in the future
He will recognize your name.


A miracle and victory happened
Honestly, righteously finished off
And in the competition large and complex
You won without a doubt!


I wish you not to relax,
Prepared and taught everything,
And every day I trained
To win again!


Everything happened, cheers, victory!
I congratulate from the heart
I wish you joy and light
That's how your dreams come true!


I wish you great health,
Good luck, the sun with love,
So that in the future at least once
You showed everyone a class!


Bucket of our kindergarten

I hasten to congratulate you on the victory,
A difficult competition behind,
Let huge successes
They are waiting for you further ahead.


Let there be strength and desires
Tasks to set, win,
More ups in life of bright
I want to wish you.


We congratulate you on the victory,
Today you are on top
Success, happiness we wish you
And to win in the struggle.


You invested a lot of efforts,
For this honor to you and praise
Proud of your willpower
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


It’s not so easy to win
But there are no impossible goals!
I want to praise you
And wait for more victories!


Always try with your labor
Achieve your goals of all,
Walk forward and don't give up
After all, there is a success like you!


Let it pursue success,
Win through the life of everyone
So that the top of the pedestal
Only you always shone!


Let today and from now on
All your prizes will be.
I congratulate you on the victory
I only wish you luck!


This competition was difficult,
But all competitors are behind!
The competition gave experience
And only pleasant moments!


There is no worter champion,
After all, you are stronger than all others!
I wish you a hundred victories
And better a thousand such!

The competition is completed by victory,
It could not be otherwise,
Follow the star, follow
So that you are always lucky!


Let the willpower stronger
It all succeeds by five,
And let the good luck
In life will help!


The first number is the winner,
And today it is you
We wish it further
Always go to fate!


Win without all doubts
Leaving behind
All rivals in life,
The first issue is you!


Victory in the competition is great happiness,
Let the taste of victory last a very long time,
And the days are becoming more and more beautiful
And let there be so many more victories!


Let with a well -deserved victory
Inspiration will come
This competition is certainly
Will bring success, honor!


So that it won further
In every business, on a day, any,
And the eyes always laughed
And the cheerful was the mood!

Nomination for letters in kindergarten for various achievements

Literacy for the letter in kindergarten for graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten for various achievements
Literacy for the letter in kindergarten for graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten for various achievements
Literacy for the letter in kindergarten for graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten for various achievements

Nomination for letters in kindergarten for various achievements:

The most active person

With the receipt of a reward
We are very happy to congratulate
We express our admiration
With this important achievement!


To be always in the first place,
From now on to walk with luck together,
We sincerely wish you
And again congratulations!


Congratulations on a worthy reward,
After all, victory is wonderful
Complex work for the award was a payment,
And the reward received honestly!


Continue that spirit always,
In your strength, the ability to believe
And you, certainly, then
Each door will open!


Your work is worthy,
We are glad to congratulate you
With friends and colleagues
With the received reward.


You work with a soul
You give yourself without a trace
And let it happen sometimes
Not everything is so fast and smooth.

We wish to go to the goal,
All overcome obstacles,
And let you in the way
New awards are waiting.


Congratulations on a well -deserved reward
I wish you to strive for new achievements.
More interesting and worthy goals,
And people are close to support.


The most hardworking preschooler or preschooler

Always only be ahead in everything,
So that the obstacles do not fear in the way.
To receive awards many more times
And this holiday is often celebrated.


It is difficult to earn the award,
And she is rightly yours
Take care of her reliable
May yours prove your glory!


I am you with this reward
Congratulations with my heart,
Joyful and bright life
I sincerely wish you very sincerely!


Congratulations to you on the award.
She is deserved, undoubtedly.
I had to work hard,
Go to your dream is persistent.


I wish to keep it on and continue
Victories are waiting for you
Always in the shower, let it be enough
Enthusiasm, insolence, fire.


Let the ideas succeed
Let them continue to wait for you
Zeal, strength and charisma
Recognition in the case will be brought.


You received a reward
There is no need to be modest here,
After all, you deserve it,
Not in vain was handed to you!


Congratulations on you
And we wish you all our hearts
You will continue to keep you like that
Another rewards to receive!


With the receipt of a reward
We are happy to congratulate you!
Wish for good, love,
So that dreams are fulfilled.


So that warmly envelops it,
To shine with peace.
So that you are immensely happy for life,
A lot to get more awards.


How good that there are such people nearby,
How are you. We congratulate you sincerely
Today with receiving a reward,
We wish you immense good.


We wish you success in everything,
We wish that no grace leaves.
There will be no problems around problems, flaws,
Let everything be around five!


You received a reward, congratulations!
Do not count the merits of all yours,
We always wish to be a model like that
Do not miss the successes, your benefits.


We wish you prosperity in everything
Let the berths succeed with a bang!
Let you go everywhere happiness surrounds you
Not leaving in this life.


A very purposeful child

We congratulate us on the award!
You deserve this honor!
For efforts - payment,
After all, it was not for nothing that they were attached.
Let the reward will help.
The goals of the new are achievements!
And in all matters you again
And success and luck.
Well, you live, trying
Standing to new plans!


After all, the awards are not awarded to everyone
They only choose the best.
Merit, after all, you have considerable.
What can I say? This is a super class!


Congratulate from the heart in a hurry,
There are no positions to take Velim.
For the reward to allow
Know you the joy of extreme.


Congratulations on you on the award
With recognition of skill,
I wish you a road to lives
I led you to success.


She is honest honestly
Your talent and labor,
The reward is worthy
Let it take in your heart.


Let it become the key to success,
He will open the way to the glory,
I wish you all awards
They found their heroes.


So much effort is applied, labor,
To finally get a reward!
I wish to win around, always
I wish the leader in everything!


May you have such awards,
At least, probably a hundred pieces!
Walk only forward, don't know the barriers,
I wish only valiant merits!


It was not for nothing that you were given a reward,
There are many reasons for that!
I wish everyone to consider
You are only "one" number!


Let there be a hundred such awards,
And even two hundred or three hundred!
Walk forward, don't know the barriers,
"Turn on" in the life of an optimist!


Smart and smart team

I congratulate you on a well -deserved award,
Be very happy and glad
For this award to take place
You did so much, tried.


Many victories in the future, you,
Large forces, health and good,
Inspiration for your favorite business,
So that your life is bright.


With the receipt of a reward
We are very happy to congratulate
We express our admiration
With this important achievement!


To be always in the first place,
From now on to walk with luck together,
We sincerely wish you
And again congratulations!


Congratulations on a worthy reward,
After all, victory is wonderful
Complex work for the award was a payment,
And the reward received honestly!


Continue that spirit always,
In your strength, the ability to believe
And you, certainly, then
Each door will open!


For success in life,
Positive, happiness
I want you
Wait for good luck.

Let it be
Your eternal companion,
Let everything go along with her
And let everything work out.

So that there is no end to her,
There was no bounds
In life so that luck
I flew behind you.


I substituted its wings
Illicated for a dream
And I was yours
Happy star.

I want to wish good luck
So that I was with you,
So that in the afternoon she was the sun
And at night a bright star.


I wish my luck
Hold it tightly in your hands,
Good luck not to change with anyone
And do not give anyone a debt.


I wish to protect good luck
Appreciate it and cherish it,
I wish you good luck
Live a happy life.


The smartest graduate

Good luck I wish you
Let you certainly be lucky
Let everything for which hands take
Only joy will bring.


Everything will turn out, I know for sure
Only sacredly believe in success,
Let the beauty Fortune
The door will open your own to you.


Luck let you accompany you
I wish you a lot of achievements!
Let everything that your soul wants,
Supplies easily, without delay!


Walk forward, and don't be afraid of changes,
After all, everyone leads to the best road!
And nothing, please, do not worry,
After all, in the future, success awaits you!


I wish you always lucky
So that life is filled with success,
So that every moment it carries
You only have feasible tasks!


Let you accompany you
And life will be unthinkable beautiful!
I wish to be more successful than everyone
So as not to strain in vain!


Luck let your girlfriend become your girlfriend
And it is true with you in life.
From different problems and heavy ailments
Let her, certainly, will save you!


Let the path illuminate like an asterisk at night,
To high leads to achievements in fate,
And if you really want something,
Luck, of course, will help you!


I want to wish good luck
To Fartilo undoubtedly
So that Fortune brought
Good only changes.


Ideal children-contexts

Let the good fatum help
Conquer any goals
I wish you strength, inspiration,
So that the fanfares are only rang.


Good luck I wish you
Let the impudent fart be nearby,
Let Fortune helps
Go to success without barriers.


Let everything turn out as you want
Let all dreams come true
Let the victorious path illuminate the path
The happy light of a big star.


Luck has not interfered with anyone yet
I wish you to hug you
And all opened hearts and locks,
And everyday life with her became clean and easy!


With a success in life, it is easier,
She will even illuminate the path to you at night
A sonorous laughter and luck will bring with it,
So that your mood is beautiful!


They wanted to wish you
We are in all matters of good luck
Always go with her in life,
After all, she means so much
Let the success come huge,
And you succeed
For dreams and for victory
Let there be a place in life!


They wanted to wish you
We are in all matters of good luck
Always go with her in life,
After all, she means so much
Let the success come huge,
And you succeed
For dreams and for victory
Let there be a place in life!


I wish you from the bottom of my heart
In all your affairs of your good luck
And let happiness come with her
And a lot of joy in addition,
Believe in yourself and your strength,
Everything will be very good
Bright moments await you
Victory and success great!


Make one's heart with all my heart
I want good luck
Everything will come true, just believe
Let the tasks be solved.

Forces will be, inspiration
To make the goals closer,
I wish you patience
And success did not disappoint.


Inhale more air,
And come on, rush into battle,
I know what around the corner
Your great triumph is your great.

I want to wish good luck
We will indulge in fate
To solve all problems,
The forces were to fight.


Let Fortune smile
Kiss the Fart in the brow,
I wish that in life
Be sure to be lucky.

Let the luck be near
And he is waiting for order:
At work and in the family -
Everything is now in your openwork!


Relatives will be healthy,
Life is bright, positive,
Money is always in abundance,
And the rest - order!

I want to wish good luck
So that it is always lucky, in everything,
So that Fortune warms up
You are affectionate beam.

So that success with you is only in the leg
I always walked about fate,
To fart you are capricious
Never left.

Good luck,
Let it always be nearby,
It will never become different
Live with her your life of the year.

Let her help you out
And brings luck in everything,
From everything, let it protect,
I love to visit your house very much.


Success is your second name,
Luck will be with you
Let them pass by sorrow,
Open your door to luck!

Let everyone come true,
Fortune will turn the face!
Everything will be as you want,
Let everything succeed easily!


Everything will be as you want,
Let the success await you around,
Let everyone come true,
And the sun shines outside the window!

Do not be afraid and believe in yourself,
Good luck will smile at you
Open the door more likely happiness
Let all the good be back to you!

Ordations for letters in kindergarten original

Ordations for letters in kindergarten original
Ordations for letters in kindergarten original


Ordations for letters in kindergarten original
Ordations for letters in kindergarten original

Nominations for letters in kindergarten original:

Favorite educators

We wish you responsive, kind people in life,
And if you need anything, always ask for boldly,
I will help you with your problem!


May your life be sweet,
Good luck is always accompanied!
Health to all your relatives,
And of course to you, in addition.


Let it always be joyful,
Warm, comfortable in your house,
May all friends be nearby,
Who is with you in joy and in grief.


Let him be rewarded with heaven
For your good deeds
Let the strip in life be
Always, like snow, white white.

For help, for your thanks
I want to tell you cordially.
You are a responsive person
And you should know that.

Words of gratitude again
And again I will speak.
For your good deeds
Thank you with all your soul.

Thank you for your help and for support,
Thank you for those next to me were you,
And in an endless life in a hurry,
You haven't passed a stranger problem!

Everything happens, because we do not live in a fairy tale,
But know, I will not leave you in trouble
Having extended your palm, I will help you get up,
For you, I am grateful to fate!

For help and support
Thank you so much,
You helped, at least by
It could be easy to pass.

Sensitive heart
To call you so possible?
Such a person
Finding in the world is difficult!

I express my gratitude
You, for help at a difficult hour.
God give you health, happiness,
So that your fire does not fade away.

Help will reach out
Only a good person
Thank you, I express you again
And a happy life forever.


For help, for your thanks
I want to tell you cordially.
You are a responsive person
And you should know that.

Words of gratitude again
And again I will speak.
For your good deeds
Thank you with all your soul.


A sensitive person
Thank you for your help and for support,
Thank you for those next to me were you,
And in an endless life in a hurry,
You haven't passed a stranger problem!

I express my gratitude
You, for help at a difficult hour.
God give you health, happiness,
So that your fire does not fade away.

Help will reach out
Only a good person
Thank you, I express you again
And a happy life forever.


Thank you for your help!
Live only beautifully
Thanks for support,
For faith and hope,

What did you give me
When only hurried
For revenue so fast.
You are radiant radia!

I want to say thank you
For help, for your patience,
With you together we are a team
And nothing would have happened without you.

Thank you for your efforts and work for you
For the fact that the time was unnecessary,
Thank you for not refusing me,
That one did not have to bother!

What would I do without you?
True, to sit and wait,
Who else would suddenly think up
I still help me here.

So “thank you” catch
Well, I can tell you:
You, if anything, come in
How can I help!

Thank you for your help,
And there is not a drop of flattery in my words,
Thank you for in difficult times
We were together with you.

Help does not require evaluation,
It doesn’t matter to her either gold or a penny,
You will recognize the price only then
When you no longer wait for it at all.

I will express my gratitude to you
Not the rustle of bills and not a coin with a ringing,
I will leave your trace in my memory, in the shower
And I will call your child in your name.

I am for help, "Thank you!" - I must say
I know you are not waiting for gratitude,
You will see my smile
And you will understand everything at once with your heart.

Your help kept me
On a cliff, on the very edge,
Kindness from the knees raised
Thank you for you.

I am grateful to you for your help
The trace remained forever in the heart,
I asked God for help,
And a simple person saved me.


For your help and support
I thank you now
And thank you so much
I say from the bottom of my heart,
You devoted your time
And they could not pass by
Sensitive man
Always take everything in everything!

Thank you my friend,
With a huge heart, a warm look,
When I suddenly needed,
You were immediately nearby.

Thank you for being there,
I appreciate and respect so
And if necessary, I will be here
And just sit for tea.

Thanks for the help! It is so valuable.
I wouldn’t be able to cope without you, I guess.
In response, I wish you good and success,
Help, if necessary, I promise you.


Thank you for not indifferent.
Let them be successful and good will be obedient to you.
The century will not come to you sadness and fatigue.
May you meet happiness and joy in life!

Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation

Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation
Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation

Nomination for letters in kindergarten cool at graduation:

Our favorite sun

We congratulate the graduation
We congratulate the graduation
You today, kids,
And happy dear to you
We wish from the heart.


We wish you good
Kindergarten you recalled
And what we taught you
Never forgot.


We wish the new school
We are interesting to you,
It releases a kindergarten
You are wonderful into the world today.


We congratulate the graduation
We congratulate the graduation
All kindergarten educators,
We wish each of you
So that happiness is always there,
From all parents now
Take a lot of wishes
We are grateful to you for everything
For your sensitivity and start!


With graduation, kids!
You are now very big.
Kindergarten behind,
The school is waiting for you, dear.


Congratulations, kids,
And we wish you now
Sit down with the interest for books,
And open the door to the world of knowledge.
Let you not live bored,
Around the opening, they are waiting for you
Happiness will cling to a side
And let all dreams come to you.

Congratulations, kids,
You completed the kindergarten!
You girls and boys,
We loved over the years
Sorry for us to part with you
But it's time
We say goodbye today
We only wish you good
A lot of joy and laughter
In school life, certainly,
We want to wish you success
So that everything is excellent!


Lovely children
Lovely children! Watch how the sun shines!
This is it on a new path of all, all escorts you,
Wants all your dreams to be fulfilled,
So that you always and everywhere do it.


Let everything be joyful and interesting to you.
Love mom and dad, live honestly.
Let the whole country be very, very proud of you.
Let only good faces be in your way.


Feel free to go ahead! Ahead is only joy.
Let every day be like a big sweetness.
Hold on to each other tightly and correctly -
And not a single one will overcome you!


Our dear guys,
Dear preschool children.
Congratulations on the graduation
And with all our hearts we wish:

All the assessments are only the best,
At school, let it not be bored.
And let books and notebooks,
Everything will always be all right.

The numbers are quickly considered
Long fairy tales are read.
In general, you are first -graders,
Painki and clever.


Graduation came in our kindergarten
Graduation came in our kindergarten,
Here is your dream, it is in reality -
You are going to school, you are successful there,
Many joyful days, fun and laughter.


It has already grown large
Have already grown big,
You are serious!
We hear the notes important in you,
Guys, girls are beauties.


Do you have to go to school?
Well, happiness, children!
Let the learning be easy,
Let him arouse interest in you.

To find a favorite item,
What will be the basis for you.
It escorts our kindergarten
All your grown -up detachment.


Time flew quickly
Time quickly flew by
Our children have matured
And yesterday's preschool children
Seeing a kindergarten!

You have a road ahead
There will be a lot of adventures,
Conversations of different and discoveries
And exciting events!


We wish you to you
I accepted the first grade together!
So that you all learn well
And only for the better strove!

It is hard to part with you
It’s hard to part with you
You grew up very quickly, dear,
The graduation time has come
We wish you the way of happy.


Future excellent students

Let the horizon await success,
Let the luck be favorable,
We will recall your laughter for a long time
May the life be the life of the bottomless.


You have a noticeably mature
The program passed the program
And they managed to remember everything
The mind is inquisitive.

You played and naughty
Dance, sang songs,
We walked with pleasure
On a swing-carousel.

Carefree sales
You are no longer shining at school,
There so frolic like that, for sure
The leadership will not allow.

We wish you, booty
Always invest in study,
To be for great knowledge
There were points of the highest test!


On a bright day, festive, joyful,
On a bright day, festive, joyful, kind,
From kindergarten to your graduation
We wish you children good and health,
For everything that awaits you is good luck.


The best boys and girls

Well, boys and girls
Well, boys and girls,
Kindergarten lets you go.
By September, calling call
He invites you to school.


You played, have fun
Consistently went carelessly
We studied different skills,
Grounded very noticeably.

Going to adulthood
Do not forget your kindergarten
Educators to joy
Bring them up.


You have the first issue today
You have the first issue today!
The kindergarten remained behind
School, lessons, changes
They are waiting for you ahead.

Let you save forever forever
A cheerful children's look for life.
Success, joyful events,
We wish you new friends!


In kindergarten, we celebrate
In kindergarten, we celebrate
We are a friendly graduation today!
Dear children, congratulations
Team and crowd.

Smile, live in joy
And you learn diligently, good.
If something is wrong, sorry,
We love you anyway.


Here, girls and boys
Here, girls and boys!
You are no longer kids!
Soon-horror-in the hands of books,
We will hurry to school together!

In the meantime, congratulations to you
Our kindergarten is relatives!
We meet moms and dad,
We will give them a holiday!


Congratulations to you kids
Congratulations, kids,
You already have a graduation
You will go this fall
All you are in first grade.

Congratulations to you cordially,
Let the joy will be the joy,
Let me like, guys,
The school world is bright, new to you.


Your first main graduation
Your first main graduation,
What do we congratulate you guys!
May your life be colored
But without a beloved kindergarten!

Let your dreams come true
We wish you success in everything
Smiles, happiness, kindness,
Fun, joy and laughter!


So our guys have grown up
So our guys have grown up,
Childhood has taken off into the distance, we will not catch,
And already with the end of the garden
We congratulate them all today.

Let this day remain in the heart,
Save it, do not rub it,
You are forgiven today with childhood.
Fly to a new life soon!


Adult kids and babies

Children, we congratulate you cordially
Children, we congratulate you cordially,
After all, in the garden we have graduation today!
May you be farther more flawlessly,
Let peace reign in the district.


Let the parents are proud of you, dear,
And the study will always be height.
Not meet any obstacles
On the way you have a dream.
Kindergarten escorts you
Our dear children!
From the heart we wish you:
Let the sun shine brightly!


Everything will work out for you.
The school class will be friendly!
Kindergarten do not forget!
Sometimes we visit us!


With graduation, cute kids
With graduation, cute kids.
You will sit down for your desks soon and books.
Let it be interesting at school,
Remember, you are power, if together.

So learn, play fun,
And sorrows, do not know sorrow.
Be happy you are in your new life,
And always be smart, kind, healthy!


It is time to say goodbye
It is time to say goodbye
After all, the kindergarten is behind you.
We will be sad to stay
Without your curious eyes.

We want you to always laugh,
So that they never miss
So that they are better at school,
We were visited sometimes.


Our dear children
Our dear children,
Girls and boys,
The sun shines for you brightly,
The world attracts tempting.

With a kindergarten today
Forever forgive
And so serious
Try to look.

We wish you success
In your endeavors,
Perform only
School tasks.


Be happy guys
And remember the main thing:
Honesty, kindness, love
Fill this world.


With graduation, guys
With graduation, guys,
Guys and girls!
We need to say goodbye
With your kindergarten.

The school is waiting for you soon
So say in chorus:
“Cute kindergarten, goodbye,
Wait for new children! "

Kids, in the kindergarten we have
Today graduation, which means
We congratulate you today,
We wish you good luck in everything!

The school is waiting for you very soon,
There we wish you success.
May your life always bloom
Smiles, kindness and laughter.

Examples of nominations - awarding in kindergarten

Examples of nominations - awarding in kindergarten
Examples of nominations - awarding in kindergarten
Examples of nominations - awarding in kindergarten
Examples of nominations - awarding in kindergarten

Examples of nominations - awarding in kindergarten:


Congratulations on the victory!
The path to her was not easy.
But now fanfares sound
Joyful and loud.

It’s not for nothing that you were engaged in
They achieved goals.
We walked stubbornly, without giving up,
Faith did not lose.


Let the victory give joy
Pride and recognition,
And they always carry good luck
Your undertakings!

Good luck! With an achievement!
Happy, bright years!
Let them give pleasure
Success, taste of victories!

Brings inspiration
All that is ahead!
The path to new achievements
Always open to you!

Fanfares ring,
And the salutes are rattled,
I want with a victory
Congratulate you!
Let it be another
The enemy will remain
Let behind.
Let the top is new
Waiting ahead
You go from victory to victory!

I wish you
Do not know the defeats,
I will be a witness
Your ascents.
New in life
Let them wait for victory
Fame and glory
They will bring you!

The world of education is amazing,
That you don’t know anything in advance:
Someone achieved and became the winner
Someone only tomorrow will come.
We know, luck is not smiling at everyone,
There is only one guarantor in this life:
Not sold or bought
Good name, love and talent!

This competition was very difficult,
But you won him in him,
Understand that it means a lot
There is simply no worthy of you!
Congratulations on you on the victory,
Good luck we wish you
Always achieve success,
Go through life, winning!

Victory, sweet victory -
She is yours, own, proud.
Let more triumph days
Presents life with a gift!

Congratulations to you from the heart,
The laurel crown is yours today.
I wish new ups
And keep all your enthusiasm!

Of course, it is impossible to defeat everyone,
But it is easy to participate in the competition!
When the excitement is breathtaking,
And the forces all grow stronger suddenly,
When show the talent, ingenuity,
And there is no need to ask the fortuneteller,
Who will win in the most beautiful struggle!
And the first, of course, everyone will be!
Let the competition become happy for you,
And you perform boldly and beautifully!
And let the cherished dream come true,
And, of course, kindness will win!


The fastest
Each of us has his own dream.
The road to her is not so simple at times ...
Let goals are always achieved,
Luck shines with a bright star!
Will help to achieve all heights
Vera, in their own strengths,
And the new day that comes
Again it will be successful and happy!

Let from this day, as if from a new page,
Everything for the best in life is changing.
The dream will necessarily come true
Any desires come true!

Forces will be doubled, health will arrive,
Luck will come and luck,
Everyone will be a wonderful moment.
Success in everything! With an achievement!

Let others say:
The main thing is participation ...
Only victory gives us
Enjoyment, happiness!

Congratulations on you on the victory,
From the heart, we wish you:
Without hints and embellishment -
Win, a hundred times!
Victory in the competition is not easy to win,
But he turned out to you on the teeth.
Congratulations on the victory, keep it up,
And all thanks to your work!

I only wish you to win
And a lot of new achievements!
And on the way to victory, the difficulties do not know,
And always go up without defeat!

Consistent excitement
Causes achievement
Any person
Be a kid or grandfather:
It is always gratifying to win
And the awards are what you need
And the words of friends are pleasant
And there are no more beautiful flowers.
And, of course, a holiday in the house,
And, of course, all huge
The joy of the most close loved ones
For your beloved - you.
Let dizziness
Does not affect movement
To that top of the achievement,
What, of course, yours!

Any moment is important and valuable,
After all, there are no minor minutes in life.
Let there be luck all the time with you,
And there are many bright victories ahead!
The path to the goal is bringing you every step,
Any roads lead to success,
Support for loved ones helps in everything,
The warmth and care of their strength give!

The competition was, of course, difficult,
And the obstacles were in the way
But we are very proud of you,
You could get around competitors!

We are delighted! Ah yes well done!
Congratulations flare now!
This is just the beginning - not the end,
You will surprise us with a victory more than once!


The most confident baby or baby

Congratulations, keep it up!
I wish new achievements,
Win as often as possible,
Do not know either tears or defeats!

Let it easily and without difficulty
You get victories
Let always before you
Your rivals give up!

Jerk, adrenaline, excitement,
You can't see the stands around ...
Big finale worthy of start
And - an enchanting finish!

While the fire in the chest burns,
Strive forward stubbornly,
Let it be a lot ahead
Medals, cups, letters!

You are in your soul - a fighter, an athlete in life,
Victories and medals are important to you,
The results of competition are important for you,
So be you in life
On the first pedestal!

Only the one is rich in health
Who is close to physical education, is close,
Who never gets tired
And in life it takes a call!

And on this day I wish
Sports more achievements!
To be proud of the whole family -
An example to become for generations!

With a victory! With the conquest of the top!
Everything succeeded, and here you are the best!
After the efforts of many and routine
A stunning success came!

Congratulations with all my heart!
There are no barriers to those who believe in life.
Good luck and success we wish
And a thousand more of such victories!

The one who is tireless, daily
Leisure gives time to sports,
Today we will certainly congratulate
And we wish to move forward!

We wish you more muscles,
So that it is lucky - at least in races, at least in the fight,
So that physical education will strengthen the will
And made a confident myself!

You united your life
With sports, and you are devoted to him.
Let the first places be the first
You will always have a victory!

And on this day, accept from us
Congratulations on your victory.
We wish you joys and blessings
High most achievements!

Let all your aspirations
Bring joy, victory.
Good luck, happiness and love
And life long and comfortable!

Behind the victory on the way
You managed to get around everyone!
Becoming a strong athlete,
Resilient, active,

Worthy of records
In this sport!
Release soon
All high goals!


The most sportswear
Who gives himself to sports
Raises the will
Those prepared fate
The wonderful share:

Health will not let you down,
And youth will last!
Let the athletes be lucky for everyone,
Success is useful to them!


You rave sports, breathe and live,
After all, this is for you as inspiration.
You only take sports victories,
And you have to wish you luck!

Today I proved: you are a champion!
Congratulations and wish again
So that the spirit of faith is always strong.
You are the best! We know that for sure!

We congratulate the athlete,
If you were strong, certainly!
Be invincible in the struggle,
For girls - irresistible!
Be successful in life
Never be you superfluous!
A lot of happiness and love,
Achievements and dreams!

All athletes you are an athlete,
Strong, like Superman!
The long -awaited moment has come
You went to the pedestal
Your gaze burns triumph,
The medal shines on the chest!
Take the congratulations
With this glorious achievement!

You were the first among others
He managed to brilliantly win!
To the victory went stubbornly,
Dedicated to sports all the time.
All these merits are rightfully,
Become the very first on the planet!

I wish the athletes of victory,
Good luck, great achievements!
Records, command flights
And take off to excellent heights!


Congratulations on the victory of you!
With a big achievement in your life!
Fate gave victory
For Starans and the best thoughts!
Continue in the same spirit now
Continue training, man!
In the competition, just believe in victory!
Each time go up to the peaks!


With a victory, keep it up!
Congratulations to the cool one!
The path to her is both difficult and cool,
But above all you became clear
As soon as the battle began.
I wish - repeat victories,
But only there is no star.
Live you just, modestly somewhere,
And do not put desire on the network ...


Do not talk about them either in tweet, -
Neither in Storis Insta, nor in VK,
Your rivals will see
And they will cross, for sure.

I wish you joy, good luck
And to be always on top
Let life go now differently
I wish you and wealth!


Congratulations to you with the victory of brilliant!
I wish you great happiness!
Let the bursts of emotions be remembered by these!
Let them lead you to a new victory!
Let the happiness of victory inspire you
Let it inspires new feats!
You post victorious pictures on the network!
Let everyone find out - they go like victory!


Your aspirations received a reward,
Your training for 7 hours for a row!
I wish victory, high achievements!
And personal happiness - not to be lonely!


With a big victory on the way!
Congratulations on the big victory!
Amulets helped - horseshoes!
Get ready today a friendly crowd!
Gather after training!
I wish to always win!
Believe in a miracle, and strive for goals!
Believe in a fairy tale, but do not flatter!
Before the end in the competitions to fight!


Until the end - to victory again!
Let luck be accompanied too!
I will always hold the fists
For your victories and further!


With a victory in competitions, you always have victories!
Congratulations on a well -deserved victory!
Much has been invested in it!
Go through life, just won!
Let you always be lucky in everything!
Let him be lucky in the competitions forever!
You train, but rest!
Let it be lucky and just as endless
On the personal front, just do not discourage!


Only in optimism the will, strength, strength,
Go through life is always joyful!
May your life be beautiful!
Let there be forever a series!


With victory !!!
I congratulate you on a new victory,
Launching will not be the last, she,
Smile, to win it, because it is cool,
And go to the victories to all you to the end.
I wish you a huge joy
Let the success accompany you in business,
And, let it be modest, fate,
All the same, you are in life be happier than everyone.


With victory !!!
Congratulations to you from victory from the bottom of my heart,
I wish to win you in life more often,
You are sure of the new victories in a hurry,
After all, the taste of the victory of each in the world is all sweeter.
May you have no defeats in your life,
You are sure of your success,
I wish you victories and achievements
In the victories of new ones, after all, it changes the colors of life.


With a victory in the competitions!
Congratulations on the victory and wish you
To be always in competitions at such a height!
Let the victories be given to you for the Staranga,
And for the fact that you spend time in work!
Let plans and goals come true! Strength
Let them be awarded worthy all their lives!
Draw strength, set, power, love, inspiration
In every day by nature, gives us optimism!

Video: Gift Girls Odnoklassniki for February 23

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