Beautiful wishes to teachers for the last call - poems, prose, words of gratitude from the heart: the best selection

Beautiful wishes to teachers for the last call - poems, prose, words of gratitude from the heart: the best selection

A huge selection of beautiful spiritual wishes to teachers for the last call from students.

Soon the last call in the academic year will nickname, and you do not know how to thank your favorite teacher? Then pay attention to our article. In it you will find touching words to teachers in prose, and many mental verses for subject teachers.

Thanks to teachers for the last call from students - from the heart in their own words

Thanks to teachers for the last call from students - from the heart in their own words

Thanks to the teachers for the last call from the students:

  • The last bell is a feature of another school year. All this year, the teachers of our school did everything so that we were kinder, smarter, more restrained, more well -educated. Sometimes we resisted their smart instructions, and began to do everything in our own way. Of course, often such our childhood carelessness led to the emergence of not the most pleasant situations. But here, our wise teachers came to our aid. They found the right words that reached our hearts, and to our mind, and we were happy to take up the development of new knowledge. Dear teachers, thank you for the endless patience, and let it end with you!
  • The last call will soon be nicknamed, which means that tomorrow the summer holidays will begin. But the holidays will only begin with us, and our favorite teachers will literally immediately begin preparations for the new school year. And while we are enjoying warm summer days, rest and pastime with friends, they will be engaged in repairing classes and compiling curricula. Let's all thank all the teachers of our school for their titanic work and huge zeal. After all, they think about other people's children, and try to do everything so that they grow up to real people.
  • Great gratitude to our teachers for being always ready to help, explain and support at the right time. It is always easy, fun, interesting with you, and when you come to school, we know that good and wise friends are waiting for us here, who will replace our parents during the lessons. Thanks to you, we learned to appreciate friendship, our neighbor’s support, learned to compass and help, and, most importantly, became educated. Great thanks for this. Always stay teachers with a capital letter!

Prose to the teacher on the last call - beautiful words

Prose to the teacher on the last call - beautiful words

Prose to the teacher on the last call - beautiful words:

  • The profession of a teacher can hardly be called easy. After all, he has to find a common language with different children - calm and not particularly talkative, terrible fidgets, and considering himself the best - “smuts”. Therefore, you have to push silently to action, cool the ardor of the fidget, and periodically explain to the “knowledge” that you need to give a chance to everyone to answer in the lesson. And you (the name of the teacher) are perfectly succeeded. On this holiday, I would like to wish you to always remain a good example for the rest - both for students and your colleagues!
  • Every student knows that it is sometimes difficult to study, but still it is always interesting to learn something new, and every day becomes more educated. But very often, we perceive the learning process, let's say, not very well. We are distracted in the lesson, we are trying to skip him altogether. But you (the name of the teacher) always understood that we were cunning and evading from classes, and persuaded us to stay in the lesson. It’s even difficult to count how many times your interesting stories made us linger, and listen with great rapture and remember, everything you say. Thank you for your ability to interest! We wish you great health and long life. Let more than one generation of students, thanks to you, will understand that at school it may be interesting.
  • Our school was lucky, because it has the best teacher on planet Earth, And this is you (the name of the teacher)! Despite the fact that you have your worries, your own family and relatives, you always find time for your own, not always obedient students. Thank you for the fact that at any time of the day or night, I can call you and get help. Seeing such your dedication, I want to learn better and better to be a worthy student of such a good teacher. Always stay as friendly, fun and sweet. I wish you great human happiness and new achievements in difficult pedagogical work!

Poems to teachers for the last call from grade 11

Poems to teachers for the last call from grade 11

Poems to teachers for the last call from grade 11:

Thank you, teachers,
For limitless patience,
For wisdom and inspiration.
Thank you, teachers!
You taught you to win
But, which is sometimes even more important
Keep the defeats,
It is not easy to realize this.
We will leave soon for the threshold,
But others will come next -
Both noisy and combat,
And again the search for a hundred roads.
Thank you, teachers,
For labor and honesty without flaw,
And for love for us without deception.
Thank you, teachers!

Today is silence in the class,
The lessons are over.
There is a teacher by the window
And looks at the road.
What is he thinking now?
And what does he remember?
After all, he has once again
He releases from school
Your class ... run years,
Fate flashes, faces ...
And so much work has been invested
That even at night is dreaming.
All that the path has made up
Training, difficult.
And now, teacher, be proud - be -
Today graduation!
And we, a friendly class,
We want to congratulate you.
With all my heart for labor, talent
We thank you!
We trusted every day
Teachers are what is more expensive
There is no - their children in the world.
And so we congratulate them too!

Thank you! At least this is a simple word
He will not express all the feelings of these years.
Thank you for having so many of us,
And so many troubles have been withstood with us.
Today we are leaving - relief.
But we see tears in your eyes.
For so many years, following our life,
You still love us so much.
Having accepted from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts of us,
You raised, carrying knowledge.
Gave eternal, reasonable, and also
They gave each of us ourselves.
Let me hug you, second mothers.
Those who showed the road of life.
Today we must say goodbye to you
But we promise: we will visit.

My second mother today
We want to say thank you.
We say goodbye to life we \u200b\u200bare school -
They are ready to walk on an adult.

You gave us a lot
They rally, they were able to make friends.
And the years that ran here,
We will store in memory.

Thanks for the tenderness and affection,
Caring, warmth, and comfort.
Today we have become adults,
The roads are different for us.

We will come to you often,
Tell you about everything.
A little later, their children too
We will bring to you to study.

Whether you justified your hopes, we do not know:
After all, the final exam is still so far away,
In the meantime, we invite you to visit you
On our holiday, a cheerful - the last call!
And forgive me, please, all sins,
That we have accumulated by the last day:
And control with a load of incorrect solutions,
And the answers are slurred, and the chatter,
But you know one thing, we will remember the school
And not only in these words excited.
We will never forget their teachers,
And your work will respond in our affairs.

Was the first teacher and the first call,
And with trembling in the knees, we went to the lesson.
We read books, wrote words,
We learned about mountains, forests and sea.

Considered, divided and multiplied
And every day we learned a new one.
And here is our long -awaited graduation,
We start different today.

And saying goodbye to you, we thank you,
We wish to be next to everything dear:
With friends, with his native family,
And happiness always leave for yourself.

Wishes to the teacher of the Russian language and literature on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of the Russian language and literature on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of the Russian language and literature on the last call:

We came to you, not knowing the rules at all,
Written works with errors,
The teacher of the Russian error is our rules,
And there were not strict his moralizing.
For memory, we taught spelling,
Wrote neatly the presentation,
Our mothers grabbed the heads,
Reading, made by us, exercises.
It was easier for us with literature,
We read the stories and stories
The poetry of poets taught by heart,
And they even tried to compose themselves.
We remembered Russian lessons tightly,
And we turn the prose of life into a verse,
Quotes from a beloved poet
We use our own stories.
We wish you never tired
In dictations, correct the mistakes of the heaps,
We want to bow to the ground,
For the fact that we learned a mighty language.
For the fact that we were instilled with love for him,
For the fact that we remember the spelling,
We have not forgotten your lessons,
Take gratitude and recognition.

The call is written, we know
Today he is the last time
Calls us to lessons
In your favorite and familiar class.
We want to tell you, teacher,
That Russian, our native language,
Brought us many discoveries
What we have learned from the books!
And speed read and verbs
They studied from you for so many years.
Thank you for both you and the school
We were taken to the teachings of the light!

Great classics of the page,
Taught to think and dream:
What is the truth and our lives,
And where to look for the path to the truth.
We were looking for him in novels
And frankly, for a reason,
The main principle was opened by the soul,
That kindness rules the world.
And you conducted expensive knowledge
Through the storms of life passions -
Thank you for all efforts
We wish you only happy days!
Let fate give you health,
At least - up to a hundred years,
Success, joy, love,
Fill the life plot!

In Russian, as usual
Everyone has to make mistakes.
But they taught if the rules
That words wrote correctly!
We understood this on time
They remembered the benefits about studying.
Our teacher, be sure to
Grammar will come in handy!

Wishes to the teacher of mathematics, computer science for the last call

Wishes to the teacher of mathematics, computer science for the last call

Wishes to the teacher of mathematics, computer science for the last call:

You "check the harmony of harmony"
They always taught us persistently,
And with you in numbers magic to believe
The students were able to not without difficulty.
Thanks, say for Newton's bin,
Still, for the "Pythagor pants",
Accept as confessions, bow,
For the knowledge that this is important to us.

You put everything in full in us,
Proving a year from year to year,
That mathematics is needed
Not only to count income;
Let a couple of your good hands
It controls without stress
Queen, recognized sciences!
Let the peace and the way around be!
We all today congratulate you!

Mathematics is an accurate science!
There can be no yes or no.
Here the solution is always unambiguous
No matter how anyone turned the task.
We will now find it quickly and competently.
And all because it was you who taught us.
We want to congratulate you sincerely
We wish you all the class of happiness to you.

The verbosity of simplicity!
With informatics "on you"
Our computer teacher,
Megabytov Lord.
Congratulations. Let the hard drive
It will be fast as if the wind
So that the virus is not a single
Do not penetrate the "Admin" section

We thank you for everything
Captain of the ship
Computer science. With such
Well done at the helm

Can be without fear, boldly
Go to the stormy Internet!
Well, it will be bad.
“Reset” will save us from troubles.

Be with a computer on "you"
You taught us patiently.
Accept congratulations and flowers
And excuse us, lazy.
But your wisdom and perseverance
Overcame all obstacles
You have invested so much strength in us, labor,
The fact that you are our teacher, we are glad!

Wishes to the chemistry teacher on the last call

Wishes to the chemistry teacher on the last call

Wishes to the chemistry teacher on the last call:

The teacher of our chemistry gave us knowledge,
The test tube, like a pennant, handed a few.
"Chemistries" with you, and were like gods,
You were kind, but you were strict.
We congratulate you, everything was yesterday,
We congratulate you, congratulate you.
You give the storehouse to others,
Glue your science for centuries.

Now we know the entire table of elements,
As well as any chemical process.
And all thanks to you, teacher,
Due to the fact that you taught us for several years.
Thank you very much, we express you
We congratulate you, because you have a holiday!
And we wish, sincerely and sincerely,
So that the students only please you!

Atom, molecule, electron,
And also some proton.
That's what the whole world consists of.
And we learned this in the chemistry lesson.
A wonderful teacher taught us.
We are grateful to you for this with all my heart.
And on this holiday we sincerely wish
So that you can teach a lot of the same ordinary students.

Chemistry is a very necessary science,
And, at the same time, very hard!
You made it understandable for us,
Although they were sometimes angry slightly.
Thank you, let me congratulate you
Your lessons are like a catalyst!
We are lucky - you are a wonderful teacher,
And a wonderful speaker.

We wish you to achieve goals
And let fate favors everything,
Who knows how to share knowledge
It will always be successful, famous.
We will study the reactions with examples,
And experience with a fireproof scarf,
You have become an exceptional example
Mutual understanding by the sample.

Wishes to the biology teacher for the last call

Wishes to the biology teacher for the last call

Wishes to the biology teacher for the last call:

What is a stamen,
What is an amoeba
How wisely arranged
Our nature is with you -
All our teacher knows
And tells beautifully.
We wish you in response
Living is easy and beautiful!

Biology is important to everyone.
She is directly related to us.
And therefore, we taught all the material,
What did you give to us at lectures.
How many interesting are we managed to find out.
How many wonders we saw.
Do not describe, do not tell in words.
But we want to say: "Thank you, congratulations!"

Explains the biology of all the origin of the species.
Biology helps in a small one to see more.
Whose features are small in the child? Whose genes and Alels are there?
Why are the scales different in the wings of the butterflies Alyk?
How to cross the plants carefully, without prejudice to nature?
What do the terms "area" or "breed" mean?
The biology of the consequences teaches to think. Today
We wish your every student to understand all this!

Knowledge of biology in life is very important!
From you we learned a lot about the subject.
And with impatience, we were waiting for the lesson,
We wanted to know about everything in the world!
Congratulations on you on a bright holiday!
Let the bosses value your hard work!
With all my heart we wish you this!
Success of new ones call you on the glorious path!

In biology lessons, I opened
All the secrets are your mother-nature.
You have become our guide and mentor,
The idol of the entire school people.
Today all the flowers are for you.
For your wisdom, knowledge and patience
Earthly bow from all of us.

Wishes to the teacher of English, German on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of German on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of English, German on the last call:

English is important - you cannot argue with this,
Not everyone is given easily.
But the teacher will imagine everything figuratively
And in dark, it will become light at a moment.

May there be a lot of light in your life,
Be healthy, be happy in everything,
And let the topic be not unanswered
Be more successful every day.

We seemed to be in the States!
We learned England close to you,
And now we can now find out;
For this, it’s nice and English is dear to us.

The pronunciation sometimes lame,
But there was no white spots in the language;
Well, accept our congratulations!
Let it be pleasant to you every day!

English is poetic.
Isn't it, our dear Teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know everything better and better!

Declension The verbs are close to us.
We think so in English.
Respect you accept today!
You are like The Best, our teacher!

German is a difficult subject.
But we know him perfectly.
There is no better teacher around the world,
And your works are not in vain.

We are grateful to you for the knowledge of those
What have you already given us
We wish you to never and nowhere
Happiness, love did not leave you.

They say that the prestigious has now become German.
But, this is for the one who knows Nevazhnetsky.
My teacher and I will soon become a pro,
We will analyze the mountains of the rules, the sea of \u200b\u200bspelling.
Congratulations from the heart, we always hasten to the lesson,
We wish you not to get sick, not to be sad and not get old.
Let the folk Deutsch always remain in force,
So that the "popular -speaking" be in abundance.

You teach us wisely, patiently,
German is not just to understand.
Sometimes it’s difficult for us - let's say frankly,
But we learned to write, read!
For your work, your noble, inspired
With all my heart, we thank you!
On your bright holiday, say: certainly
We will conquer German!

Wishes to the teacher of social studies for the last call

Wishes to the teacher of social studies for the last call

Wishes to the teacher of social studies for the last call:

We all want to say now
Thank you for this knowledge!
We are very appreciated, love you,
The teacher of our social studies!
We wish you from the heart
Happy days and inspiration,
Success of bright and large,
Good health and luck!

No item is more interesting
Than social studies:
You teach us wonderful
To complete tasks.
We will study life and society
With your leadership,
We apply the scientific approach,
We will show knowledge.
Let the luck be with you
And the success is significant,
Congratulations to you today
With this holiday, a teacher!

You help us to know the society,
We consider your work it is difficult, the greatest,
We wish you we will never lose heart,
Health to you, of course, joy and happiness!
Let everything that you are silent about will come true,
On a holiday, we congratulate the whole class,
Let them be clear, beautiful all days,
We are longevity, harmony, good!

Congratulations on you on the holiday
Dear teacher, our
For the subject of social studies,
And for our knowledge, our baggage.
We wish you a lot of happiness
And health and love,
And success at work,
And they came true to dreams!

Teachers of social science
We want to congratulate today
And make a recognition from the heart,
That your very subject is loved!
Let your desires come true
Let success wait ahead.
After all, your invaluable knowledge
We really need us in life!

Wishes to the physicist teacher on the last call

Wishes to the physicist teacher on the last call

Wishes to the physicist teacher on the last call:

From the straightforward movement
We moved to the law of OMA with acceleration.
Electricity, optics, dynamics,
We are interested in everything, and everything is new to us!
You have taught us enthusiastically!
And with physics today we are on "you"!
And on the holidays that came,
Take our bright flowers.

The laws of physics cannot be counted!
Praise a teacher, you, and honor!
For the fact that this difficult subject
Teach for many years,
You are so affordable and understandable
That we are second to you clearly.
That there are no in the answers of our "porridge",
The merit, by the way, is yours.

Physics for us like a birthday,
We are happy to go to the lesson!
Tiles, irons, electric lamps -
Physics everywhere and always.
Glory to Newton, Amper, Omu,
Watt is a good person!
Honor, praise to you that became friends
We are forever with them!

He will be able to tell about each action,
Any lesson for intelligence food,
With such a teacher, a physicist like a mother
And the experience will never be superfluous.
We wish you vivacity and strength
Patience, sometimes condescension,
So that every day he brings an armful
Health, happiness and prosperity.

When we leave home,
Then we repeat the law of OMA,
He does not hold in his head in any way
Looks like guilt in that centrifugal,
Or relativity is to blame,
What blossomed in us approximation.
We are in a hurry to congratulate you now,
And all-all-all! Run to teach!

Wishes to the geography teacher for the last call

Wishes to the geography teacher for the last call

Wishes to the geography teacher for the last call:

Congratulations to the geography teacher,
To the one who has opened us a whole world,
We are loudly announced
Listen enthusiastically in a hurry:
Live happily, not sad,
In the countries of everyone, to visit,
The world is not only on paper,
But in reality, know!

We are in the seas and oceans,
We float on the boat.
And this ship is all with love
We call the geography lesson.
And our captain is special,
He knows how to surprise us.
The teacher will pave the correct course,
To conquer the topics for us.
All islands and continents,

We have passed with you more than once.
And with wonderful day,
A friendly class congratulates you!
We know the world with you,
Cities, villages, countries,
And on the map we will find
All these were given!
We want to congratulate you
I wish you health
We hasten to lessons to you,
Knowledge give us the sea!
And also, prosperity to you
Islands to visit,
We walked around Europe,
In general, everything was taught!
Success and goodness to you
For dreams to come true
So that you smile!

Not croaking with my soul, let's say
We love, appreciate, honor the subject.
You are a geography teacher,
We know for many years.
Congratulations on the road
Our teacher.
We wish you success
And of course happiness!

We are on the map without difficulty
We’ll find everything right away.
States, cities,
Rivers and lakes.
Our teacher is a guide,
To the world that is so huge.
We are in a hurry to congratulate you
Happy holiday with love!

Islands and continents,
Oceans, and the seas,
He knows everything in the world of this
Our geographer is Kruzenshtern.
We are so interested with you
Do not let everyone get bored,
In your lessons, time,
It flies not to catch up.
Congratulations on the holiday,
Let everyone come true.
And we wish to open
Island of happiness, kindness!

Wishes to the teacher of history on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of history on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of history on the last call:

History is the most beautiful subject
It has long been known, every student knows -
Without the past and future, there is no
Everyone is studying their origins.
And you, teacher, wise man,
You confidently bring us knowledge,
We wish the respect of colleagues
And the most interesting days in work!

What year did Russia be baptized,
And what was the war -
All these facts are accurately
You know "with a bang."
History teachers
We better not find.
And on the holiday we wish you
Good luck on the way!

History teacher
We are congratulations to the helmet
We wish this on the holiday
Good luck in everything.
We wish us to know
All memorable dates,
So that they never confuse
Lincoln with Bonaparte.
Control and tests
Wrote perfectly
Our successes were
Your personal merit.

You know the centuries -old wisdom,
Having studied many books in life.
Patiently our class was taught,
Putting experience and patience.
Now it's time for us to say goodbye
And cross the school threshold.
We promise to study further,
So that your studies go for the future!

Thank you for valuable lessons
For the fact that they introduced into the world of history.
In the campaign to knowledge, we are not alone -
For you, we have passed after the century.
Let Socrates himself, from the envy of Nemei,
Admits that you are the best conductor
On the wilds of years - this is our opinion,
Every student will tell you this
We wish you to achieve in life
Unthinkable and fabulous heights,
So that the evil diseases do not overtake you,
And life did not add to you worries.

Wishes to the physical education teacher for the last call

Wishes to the physical education teacher for the last call

Wishes to the physical education teacher for the last call:

You taught us to fight, fight,
Not just someone-to win yourself.
And if the difficulty on the way comes to us,
Then we will use this skill.
On the last call, we congratulate you,
Sports we wish you new victories,
After all, each of the school probably knows
Which is better than an athlete in the district and not!

Physical education teacher, thank you very much
For helping to gain strength.
And in the muscle mass, the relief is tangible,
The press, biceps, triceps fit to match.
More than once we were driven, they gave the loads,
And we fell, you shouted at us.
Now we know what you have taught,
To endure, go to the goal, always win!

You made us stronger, healthier.
You have raised a healthy mind in us.
Now we know how useful physical education is.
We know how important sport is in this world.
Say “thank you” - there will be very little.
We sincerely thank you to everyone with a class.
And on this day we congratulate you, teacher. And we wish
You can only gain more and more strength from year to year.

Physical education is very important to us.
She gave us a lot of strength.
Now pull up twenty times
Every guy knows how to for no reason.
Thank you for spending time on us.
Thank you for bored with each of us.
Accept congratulations
Which our class reads to you now.

Wishes to the music teacher for the last call

Wishes to the music teacher for the last call

Wishes to the music teacher for the last call:

Let joyful music sound
In your heart, full of kindness!
Let harmony reigns in the soul
And all dreams are made!
We wish you any day
Give me smiles, joy and luck!
Let every musical lesson
Brings everyone a great pleasure!

Music lessons will help
Fill the hearts with beauty.
We want to say so much
After all, the day today is not simple.
We congratulate you on holidays
And we wish you
It always sounded, others to envy
In the soul, a pleasant quiet jazz.
Happiness will not force yourself to wait for yourself
Good luck in your hands flies to you,
So let on the festive octave
The face will illuminate the face.

You have a musical talent,
And it is pointless to argue with this,
We wish you high awards
And a prize of significant sea!
And let him sing the mood
In enthusiastic, joyful notes,
And let every day, all year round
The work will be rich.
Let the students appreciate you
Colleagues always respect
And all the everyday life will be easy,
And only good surrounds!

A clear hearing and a sense of rhythm
You instill us.
In the field of music you are all
You know thoroughly.
Congratulations to the class to everyone
We are a teacher with a holiday!
Love, respect
Sounds, notes of the Keeper.

Music lessons - minutes of pleasure,
With a wonderful meeting, with a miracle, magic,
The melody is filled with moments,
We are looking forward to your lessons.
You lead us to the enchanting world of sounds,
Where the wind and flowers are singing,
Where seven notes take us by the hand
To that land where I come to life all dreams.
Music teacher, accept congratulations,
There is no beginning and end to the music
Thanks for the wonderful moments
For having a happiness fill your hearts.

Wishes to the teacher of drawing on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of drawing on the last call

Wishes to the teacher of drawing on the last call:

You put a pencil in our hands
And in thin lines, a dream was depicted,
You are our world in drawing lessons,
Simple, ordinary into a fairy tale turned.

Taught feelings to write paints,
Taught to see the beauty nearby,
And on this holiday, we want to tell you
Thank you for the revived dream.

Drawing lessons -
This is just a fairy tale.
You, our teacher, thank you
For good and affection.

On your holiday we wish you
Paints - only bright,
Let the capricious fate
Makes gifts.

You taught us from the heart
Draw your dream.
The lessons gave us strength
Believe that on the shoulder
Overcome any hill,
Draw your landscape.
Congratulations, teacher,
Flourish and do not get sick.

In the bright world of beautiful colors
The door was opened to us.
Congratulations, our teacher,
We wish to live without loss.

We give you a picture of happiness
What we wrote with the soul.
She has love and respect in her
Our message is great.

How easy it is to draw
House, car, everything in the world
You strive to show
And colorfully colorize.

Of course, you are talent,
The ingenious teacher,
We wish you all the best
Love your subject more!

So we love drawing lessons,
Thank you for teaching you to create!
Let your desires come true
We wish you always happy to live!

Let the work give inspiration
And let the salary always pleasing to you!
And remember that everything, without exception,
The guys love you very much in the class!

Wishes to the labor teacher for the last call

Wishes to the labor teacher for the last call

Wishes to the labor teacher for the last call:

A large number of labor lessons
It was definitely not in vain.
We can now fix the outlet
And even a nail in the board is clogged!
And this is not all that we were taught.
We are glad that you are our teacher.
Thank you for the secrets of skill.
We will keep you gratitude for the years.

In the life of everyone important and necessary always
Work is certainly.
Thank you very much, labor teacher
For what your lessons give.
We will always remember what we are learning now,
All this will come in handy.
We want to wish you to have
A lot of happiness, goodness and success.

In the hands of a labor teacher
Everything is always easily argued, as if without problems.
And the ease of reaching this is not nonsense at all!
And the teacher is ready to convey your experience to everyone!
By hands, lightness, zeal in everything to help us
We from the bottom of our hearts today we thank you!
We will comprehend the wisdom of labor,
At least the result is like yours, unattainable!

All girls know how to cook food,
And the boys have a carpentry with a tool -
No wonder we still studied at school work,
Moreover, with such as you, a chic teacher!
You came to our aid in everything and always!
You taught us everything! And today we are glad
To congratulate you, a glorious, beloved teacher of labor!
Let your works be a reward!

In labor classes
You taught us skill
And never boring
All your lessons were.
We are wonderful housewives,
Golden masters,
Let's tell you without hiding,
We became only the day before yesterday.

Songs-transfers to teachers, about teachers for the last call, funny, modern

Songs of alteration to teachers, about teachers for the last call, funny, modern

Songs of alteration to teachers, about teachers on the last call, funny, modern:

The converted song "How great is that we all gathered here today!"
The call rings confidently
Persistently, measuredly,
The hour of parting is nearing,
Eyes are already in tears.
Well, how to be, we are dear,
Dear teachers,
There is no joy in life without you
Where are we without you?
Here we grew up in an uncle,
The girls are our girls.
Give up at least.
And so nice to feel
What is in the world
Those people who love us
And they will not forget us!
Both joy and troubles we
Lived like a moment
Although there were problems
But this is nonsense.
Grigoryevna, beloved,
At least sometimes grumbling
But we know that substitute
Your shoulder is always!
Thank you for your knowledge
Patience, attention.
But the main thing is science
-You gave a passport to life.
So be forever in health,
God forbid you the strength and courage,
So that in a year we are with you
They also gathered here!

On the melody of Laima Vaikule "Sherlock Holmes".
I do not recognize myself
How so? How so?
I can't live without sports-
Sport is a friend to me, not the enemy !!!
I believe you alone
Mine, physical
You helped me become slimmer
Dear friend,
Do not find what you are kinder
Our physical
And now we are not sick
Our physicist, dear friend!

On the motive of the song "On the French side ...".
In (name of the terrain) side
I had to study -
Mom said to me:
“It can turn out
From you, son, lawyer,
Or a decent doctor,
Kohl will take up you
Real Techer. "
"Go TU" I am to the lesson,
I stumble something
Very "Hope" - it will be a good reason,
Only Slip Hunting.
Eyes are closed,
I will fall asleep through a moment,
I hear "Tortl Mi" ... What to say?
I can’t remember.
Ten winters and ten years
I studied English,
I can order lunch

Song to the teacher of Russian on the motive of the song "Extraordinary"
The stars are fading before you.
There is no other in the world like you.
In your class flowers bloom
Unearthly witchcraft beauty.
Your lessons are not more expensive for me.
Only I breathe Russians and live.
I don't know how possible
But you are like the whole deity.
Chorus: Extraordinary, affectionate, tender,
Like an ocean, your vast love.
Extraordinary, sweet, priceless.
You are a whole universe
My extraordinary.

On the motive of the song "Just give"
Our strict teacher is coming
In the turmoil of weekdays.
Just as we see her,
It will become both brighter and warmth.
Then he will put us on the dictation,
Then leads to the presentation.
And she does not notice
How our entire class gets tired.
Chorus: Just give me tickets to the exam,
And give the answers to them quickly,
And then I will fabully become rich,
Richer than all princes and all kings.
And let the cheat sheets let me write
And write off the opportunity for us.
And our class will become rich in five,
Richer than all princes and all kings.

On the motive of the song "Oh God, what a man!"
He burst into my life suddenly,
Changed my reality.
I'm running to the lesson.
And I teach without a break.
Geography The world is great
Your UAZ has passed several times.
You are a teacher from another planet ...
You are from my dream!
Chorus: Oh god, what a teacher!
Young talents connoisseur.
We traveled around the countries
Seas, oceans.
Oh god, what a teacher!
At least teach a year.
I don't want to part
And say goodbye to you.

Song-slanderity to teachers on the motive of "lilac fog"

The lilac fog is floating over us,
Above the school’s school is a midnight star.
The teacher is in no hurry, the teacher understands,
That soon we will leave here forever!
Another call - and the noise of the lesson will remain silent,
And we recall then how we ran away from them.
How often we were looking for cheat sheets under the table,
And how, having expired the day, we surrendered debts.
You are my relatives! I want to stay with you
But alas, we can’t go into a big life.
Like the ships in the sea, we are soon sailing,
But we will meet again on the path!

Song-drive to the last call "Your Blagority, Madam Luck"

Your nobleness, Madam Luck,
For whom you are kind, and to whom - otherwise.
True girlfriend, don't let us down:
Not lucky in assessments, lucky in love.
Your nobleness, lady separation,
We leave the school - this is such a thing.
In difficult times, school, help:
Not lucky with the ticket, lucky in love.
Your nobleness, mistress Victory,
We can withstand all the difficulties - we promise it.
Only all the good in life is ahead:
Lucky with the exam - just believe and wait!

Video: Congratulation - surprise to the class teacher on the last call

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