Nominations for awarding of children - universal, short, creative, in the competition: Best selection

Nominations for awarding of children - universal, short, creative, in the competition: Best selection

We offer you the ideas of nominations for awarding children in competitions for holidays.

Children's nominations for rewarding children - the best selection of ideas for competitions

Children's nominations for rewarding children - the best selection of ideas for competitions
Children's nominations for rewarding children - the best selection of ideas for competitions

Children's nominations for rewarding children - the best selection of ideas for competitions:

Children's nomination "Veselchak"

In the lesson he sits
The mouth does not close.
It will always amuse everyone
By this, he differs from everyone in the classroom.


Children's nomination "Futureproducer«

She is slim and pretty
The school passed quietly
I shot everyone on camera
I have not forgotten myself.


Children's nomination "The most well -read"

Expressively reading
A lot of words in a moment.
But the table for folding
He does not know for a joke.


Children's nomination "The most kind"

Well, this girl,
Quiet, modest.
And she also has it
Good - counting.


Children's nomination "Miss Activity"

She is active and smart
She came to us - the third -grader.
All that she will do,
But he is friends with a fifth grader.


Children's nomination "very diligent"

It is not great growth, but
Everywhere he will try
Here write without corrections
So far it does not work out.


Children's nomination "A little forgetful"

He is smart and of course
He knows all the rules
But how to write a dictation, then at least one
But he forgets to apply.


Children's nomination "The most musical"

She sings perfectly with us.
Always cheerful, never sad.
Sits with a good boy
After all, this is ours - ...


Children's nomination "The most modest"

There is a modest boy from him
The tear breaks through.
He knows everything, but he has
From modesty, the hand, well, very rarely rises.


Children's nomination "The most daring"

She does not cry with us.
She did not drop the ball into the river.
But we would be more closely writing
And correctly correct errors.


Children's nomination "The most active"

He does not study five and behavior is lame,
But then he takes prizes everywhere.
In olympiads and in the fight,
And in a geological circle.


Children's nomination "Excellence"

This boy is also engaged in struggle
But he is still learning
Four and five manages.


Children's nomination "Heads"

With unwillingness, but tries to know everything around.
Mathematics is her best friend.
The surrounding is an unloved object.
In general, there are no more questions for her.


Children's nomination "handsome"

There is a nice guy in our class,
That our girls cannot take their eyes off.
He is also engaged in struggle,
But with study, it doesn’t work out yet.


Children's nomination "Diligent"

This girl is younger than everyone in class
Remember how I played with pencils in the first grade.
And now he is studying four and five
Although her Russian is weak.


Children's nomination "Mr. Fidget"

Learn, study, study!
That's what he needs to strive for!
Of course, he will learn everything,
And we will not leave him to anyone.


Children's nomination "Most Smart"

This boy is all in freckles
But then the smartest.
All tasks and tasks
Clicks like any nut.


Children's nomination "Mr. originality"

A modest guy.
Draws perfectly.
He tries in everything
Four, five is engaged.


Children's nomination "The most unpredictable"

This girl is no different with us.
Slowly learning
He tries to the best of strength.
But she could have done better
And for this you just need to try.


Children's nomination "Fashionista"

Legislator Mod.
She has a beauty.
But with the Russian language so far
It is impossible to be friends.


Children's nomination "The fastest"

Faster than all tasks
He is trying to fulfill.
But the letters are ugly
They turn out terribly.


Children's nomination "Miss and Mr."

In our class there is a sister with a brother
The world, of course, does not really take them.
Older, he is smarter, but English
The sister, for some reason, is better than everything.


Children's nomination "Artist"

She draws just a class.
He is engaged in the artist.
But constantly, for some reason
All things are forgotten at home.

Nominations for awarding children at school

Nominations for awarding children at school
Nominations for awarding children at school

Nominations for awarding children at school:

Nomination for awarding - virtuoso artist
He became an artist from God - ...,
Picasso worships,
The gallery was exhibited
The world is idolizing him.
We will write off his entire notebook
We are always on algebra
He will ask: "Who wrote?" -
He never hears an answer.


Nomination for awarding - Miss Success
Our girl ... ..
Everyone drove completely crazy.
Mathematics Marina
Respects the most
Very quickly decides everything,
In life, her success awaits.


The nomination for awarding is the most sports
… ... our wonderful guy,
The speed of light is nothing
And therefore an arrow
He is worn behind the ball.
.... Our is not weak small,
In childhood, the flu did not hurt
Over the past three years
He moved the razshki.


The nomination for awarding is the most compassionate

He is very quiet and reinforcing
And a sharpener with him,
He will undermine a pencil for everyone,
He will calculate its volume.


The nomination for awarding is the most ingenious

... .. reads algebra,
Integrates calculates
ODZ easily finds
The formulas itself display
Loves REP and Break dances
(rides on the floor),
Does not like computer science
I can’t write off.


The nomination for awarding is the most patriotic

I became ... physics to teach
Recently, it is very intense,
Then decided to invite her
On international consultations.
But she spat in the face
Western capitalists:
Larisa Semenovna is needed
Than these clowns and artists.


The nomination for awarding is the most funny

Balanced and calm,
Always a smile on the face
Our ... just a genius of the word -
The words finds only at the end.
But this is dear to us ...,
Well, where else can you meet this,
And if you help with Sochi
Then you suddenly notice his laughter.


Nomination for awarding is the most reliable friend
What is it?
What a miracle student?
He goes along the corridor
He holds his diary in his hands.
He will swing, stumble,
He will fall, get up again.
For such simple signs
How not to recognize him?
Our ... glorious guy,
Will say: “In the light, friends,
This difficult task
He or I will solve you "


The nomination for awarding is the most carefree

This guy goes to school without textbooks.
Where are they? Lost, and he does not find them.
It is better to pick up textbooks from a neighbor,
And then to pass them quietly to the library.
He loves ice cream
To rush at the friend,
And also to the house
Take a walk.


Nomination for awarding - sly

At the fourth desk of the row,
Where are the membranes sit
The boy settled ....
And he is madly happy
After all, now he can
Write off all control,
After all, the drummer is in front of us
I could have appeared in the light.


Nomination for awarding - the conqueror of the Internet
He is waiting for the bus for a long time,
Sometimes it goes on foot
He is friends with informatics,
That year he lived at the computer.

Interesting nominations for rewarding children

Interesting nominations for rewarding children
Interesting nominations for rewarding children

Interesting nominations for rewarding children:

Nomination for awarding - Mr. Umnik
This boy is very smart
He will go to the matfac
Very rarely he is on duty
Algebra it is infected.
All examples like nuts,
Our boyfriend crashes,
He has been friends with Igor for a long time,
The song will easily sing.


The nomination for awarding is the most witty
Humor is his element,
He is always wit and cheerful.
I dedicated my poems to him,
I hope he will be pleased.


Nomination for awarding - Miss Ormarois
Our headman ....
Just shine and beauty.
I am soon juggled on her
So we expect toast from you.
This is a joke of course,
She is too young.
She will finish the institute,
Then, then, then ...

Nomination for awarding - Dreamer
Our sports girl,
I went to physical
After that, our Dnvochka
Fegser fell in love with Fi-Zeru.
Never sad, not sad,
So much in life good, damn it,
She loves Tom Cruise
And she dreams of meeting him.


Nomination for awarding - merry
He is just cool football player,
And Ronaldo and Zidan,
Like an eagle, soars over the field,
He will conquer many countries.
If he becomes bored,
Physics will begin to read
If the boy is cheerful,
It will prefer it to write it off.


Nomination for awarding - music lover
In music, Ilyusha cuts,
Knows Prodigy, duft Punk,
If you want, he will tell
What kind of style is such a funk.
If suddenly the throat problems
Then he will not bother
He will smile at everyone and say:
"Elvis will always live."


Nomination for awarding - Elegant friend
She is very elegant
And dressed non -standard,
A very stylish hairstyle,
... no comb.
Our ... is friends with ...
This friendship is proud of
A lot of all sorts of ideas
They are stored in their heads.


Awarding nomination - activist
She does not go to physical
For her, literature is more important
About Romeo and Juliet
Read it more fun for her.
Dancer, ballerina,
Activist first grade.
You remember, you promised
Invite us to a wedding?


Nomination for awarding - Hero of our time
Super-Genia, master of words,
Dance, hoop, ball,
He loves Nirvanu very much
And cut on swords.


Nomination for awarding - Mr.ideality
Give you a guitar
Give you skates to him
And a textbook of a mat-class,
So that he escapes with longing.
If you need it, he will play
If you want, - decide
And faster than everyone a hundred meters
Stopudovo will run.


The nomination for awarding is the most creative
He could become a gymnast,
Could become a handball player
But rather he will be a famous financier.
Maybe he is toce
A hundred and ten times,
He does not like to express himself
And he is always cheerful.


Nomination for awarding - Miss Chistulya
This girl is always calm,
And how many secrets and riddles are there,
If you saw it on cleaning,
I immediately understood
In life, she loves only order.


Nomination for awarding is the most unusual classmate
What the sun is on the desk
Did you fall apart now?
This is ... our beloved
He pleases us with snoring of us.
Forever sleepy and tired,
He sat down at the desk, like a groundhog,
He has big plans:
"Here I would have a lesson for me."

Creative nominations for rewarding children

Creative nominations for rewarding children
Creative nominations for rewarding children

Creative nominations for rewarding children:

Nomination for awarding - the most invention

... .. in the classroom they respect not in vain,
He is polite and calm, the diplomat is wonderful.
He is a bright, smart, cheerful guy,
Thoughtful, mysterious often.
He loves physics, and everyone is sure:
He will invent a time machine in the future!


Nomination for awarding - Mr. Activity
.... Our boyfriend is at least where!
It always shines with humor,
Engaged in swimming,
And he is trying to win.
He is always active in business, active
Dear, kind and sports.
But only touch his finger,
How he will turn into fire!


The nomination for awarding is the smartest
She is dreamy, smart, sweet, beautiful,
Slightly thoughtful, proud, but not springs,
The hostess is a great and faithful friend,
Everyone in our school likes ...!
In school - she is the first
Everything is carefully done and quickly.
She has a cherished dream - to become a prosecutor,
The best to become a lawyer!


The nomination for awarding is the most fair
... our smart and very honest,
At school, his kindness is well -known!
It’s good for everyone, of course, and smiling,
He is fair, even though it is hot -tempered.


Nomination for awarding - generator of ideas
The character of the girl is not the easiest
She is unpredictable, spontaneous:
Science loves those more precisely
And the sport is such that it was a jast:
Football is her favorite game,
At that, the artist she is at least!


Nomination for awarding - Seeker adventure
The guy is sports and active,
Musical, reactive.
Good, brave, cheerful, funny,
Open, honest - not twisted.
A wonderful friend, a wonderful person.
Learn, persistent and believe -
Success will come to you.


Nomination for awarding - Miss sociability
The girl is very delicate,
Cheerful and elegant,
Both beautiful and generous,
And always to all good.
Be happy on the life path
And everyone, like the sun radiant, shine!


Nomination for awarding - goodwill itself
It cannot live without music,
Loves, to madness, cats.
He loves life, family, friends,
Summer, sun, sneakers, bags.
Just does not tolerate ... boredom
Will support everyone, help everyone,
He can become a beautiful doctor!


The nomination for awarding is the most optimistic
... ours is a cool football player,
He will never get bored in life!
Kind, handsome, smart, moreover, an optimist,
Let the champion come out of it!


Nomination for awarding - Miss responsiveness
Charming ...
All shines with happiness!
Everything in the world is interesting to her,
Worries about people.
It is doing well
Kohl will try very much.
Loves to perform on stage,
I could easily become an artist.
Ah, how she reads poetry!
And never discourages!


Nomination for awarding - a big dreamer
To tell everything about this boy,
The poem needs to be written!
Handsome - a boy in every way,
Intelligent and with humor,
I am confident in my difficult decisions,
Loves physics, computers.
The speaker is beautiful, dreamer
He can become a science fiction writer!


The nomination for awarding is the most smart
This girl always tries
And everything turns out for her:
All kinds of drawings,
And the tasks are complex,
Cultural and tactful,
Sings and dances perfectly!


Nomination for awarding - Mr. "I know what I want"
Worthy of our boy, without debate,
Be Alexander, like Suvorov!
Be Macedonian or Nevsky,
There is a very good argument:
He strives stubbornly for the goal,
He will study at the Ministry of Emergencies,
After all, he is not afraid of difficulties!
Here he is, man!
Hope, support and our pride.


Nomination for awarding -
Merry, kind small,
He does not like boring people!
Prefers to live without glory
It’s so easier and miles.
At least often hid under the desk,
When the teacher called
But on the control, if necessary,
He received his four.
We wish new achievements,
Success, all kinds of achievements!


Nomination for awarding - Miss Tenderness

She is beautiful, tender
With a kind heart, open soul,
Very modest and polite,
And of course, beautiful.
Lucy is a wondrous flower.
Friendly, generous and smart.
The richer is famous for the horizons,
She is interesting in communication!


Nomination for awarding - the soul of the company
... does not let off offense
Through life with a smile, walks!
Always be the same funny and bold,
Proud, beautiful, capable, skillful!
All the best to you, peaceful, clear,
All you are bright and beautiful


Nomination for awarding - the most purposeful
Our boyfriend is strict
Will not turn from the straight road!
Polite, affectionate, good -natured,
It is easy, light, boring with him.
There are many beautiful features in it,
A computer genius will become ....!


Nomination for awarding - a real gentleman
Who is the philosopher - theorist,
Will it answer any question?
This boy is our pride,
There is a will, at least a quiet voice.
Here is his secret - he is simple:
On the planet among the stars
The modest one must be kind,
Not with the eyes - vigilant heart
See the world, love, work,
Life will be transformed then!


Nomination for awarding - good nature
In the affairs of good people you can see
And it acts, it is always active,
Everything does easily, talented and fast,
He knows how to sew dolls, dances like an artist.
Model appearance - smiling, dear,
And always charming, and cheerful.
And she has a valuable skill -
Have your own view and your own opinion!


Nomination for awarding - model (supermodel)
This girl is a sweet ideal.
Modest, kind and smart, of course.
Friends with you feel nearby
Always easy, comfortable and careless.
You helped everyone more than once
And the class never failed!
You are femininity yourself and kindness.
Beautiful and always happy!


Nomination for awarding - cool guys on the shoulder!
Brought up, smart and attentive,
Besides, very charming!
The character is burning, energetic,
And in general, the guy is pretty.
He loves to study accurate sciences,
He wants to become a great chemist!


Nomination for awarding - an example of intelligence

The look is gentle,
As in portraits of Italian masters,
And dark curls her wave is careless
It falls on the shoulders like silk cover.

She is always responsible, hardworking
And the ambulance is ready to provide,
And if necessary, it is elegant and beautiful
And the automatic machine can disassemble.

Original nominations for rewarding children

Original nominations for rewarding children
Original nominations for rewarding children

Original nominations for rewarding children:

Nomination for awarding is very talented

As an eternal engine of this girl -
Sings, dances and is always full of ideas,
And it cannot be said about her definitely
What talent in it manifests itself stronger.

Creative person, no doubt,
English, swimming she is passionate
And in the near future she is an advertising genius,
And in the photo she is talented.


Nomination for awarding - know -it -all
Smart and beautiful,
Her gait is impeccable and light,
It combines in harmony happy
French charm and knowledge of the language.

Thin, elegant nature,
She may have been created for the scene,
Let everything be given to her: talents and a figure,
But she is a real worker in life.


Nomination for awarding - genius
All open spaces are open for her:
She is a thinker, composer and poet,
For beliefs, the mountains are ready to turn off,
But the impossible for her is simply not.

On television, strength and skill
She plans to successfully apply.
With her energy, talent, inspiration
She can change everything in this area!


Nomination for awarding - intelligence
This girl is very modest,
I am restrained with everyone, calm and even,
Not verbose, but her smile - for sure
As the moon suddenly appears from behind the cloud.

She draws, loves piano,
Now on the keys of the computer knocking,
She dreams of writing programs.
For safety, those that will be responsible.


Nomination for awarding - determination
Airy, light, plastic,
Braid - to envy, with a wiping eye,
It is so elevated and poetic, it is poetic,
But, that superficial, one cannot say about it.

For this appearance is beautiful
The character is solid hidden, the desire forward,
She is always responsible, hardworking,
And setting the goal, it will always reach her!


Nomination for awarding - talent
There are no difficult obstacles for her,
And he knows how to win, and hold a blow,
And there is no such thing for .... impossible,
For the result, she is ready to give everything!

Thin like a string, but it is steel string,
I’m used to always solving everything myself
She perfectly performs music,
God gave everything to her - both talent and mind!


Nomination for awarding - the soul of the company
I like to learn, capable of it,
But she has more inclination to the science of accurate,
And very physics she is passionate.

And loves to play even more,
She already had a lot of victories,
The soul of the company is nice to communicate with it,
She has no refusal to her friends!


Nomination for awarding - eloquence
Everyone ... knows in our school -
For many years he reads poetry best,
In addition to talent, she has willpower
So in life, her success always awaits!

She is a young violinist with a poet’s soul,
Political science has been passionate for a long time.
As they say, small spool, but roads are
About ... everything - so much is given to her!


Nomination for awarding - curiosity

This girl was always modest,
And silent among all his friends,
The time has come, and became bright and open,
All blossomed and changed suddenly.

Without hesitation, energetically and with pressure
She chose her purpose -
She wanted to become a sound engineer,
And everything will turn out, of course, with her.


Nomination for awarding - a real lady
There should be a girl this model,
With such a scythe and with the legs "from the teeth",
But only she set out another goal -
It contains both physics and lyrics love.

She is consistent in her actions
And he is able to convince of his correctness.
Without making concessions and concessions,
She decided to act firmly in MGIMO.


Nomination for awarding - an extraordinary personality
Always helping is ready
And is reflected in the eyes of her soul,
She is gullible, open and humane,
And she is very feminine and good.

There is little shy from delicacy,
Knows how to be friends and forgive for misses,
And in life I chose a hard road -
She will protect the law with order!


Nomination for awarding - Master Golden Handles
Independent practical,
Knows how to make the right decision,
And in our life he understands perfectly -
I can quickly change everything.

She painted so good for a long time
But suddenly I decided to go to the economy,
Not afraid, start all over again,
Having overcome many difficulties on the way.


Nomination for awarding - determination

She has a solid character,
She is proud of the best, and always
She goes forward decisively and proudly
Having invested a lot in this strength and labor.

The economist should turn out from her,
She began to move to her goal,
And study in the Higher School of Economics -
Such a bar for herself ... raised it!

Universal school nominations for awarding children

Universal school nominations for awarding children
Universal school nominations for awarding children

Universal school nominations for rewarding children:

Nomination "Class Soul"
The leader in the class is very not easy,
You need to be interesting for everyone,
It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,
It is important to know and love people.


Nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm"
How wonderful that there are guys at school,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her
After all, it is precisely about them that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!
But in life no less than knowledge,
Their charm is useful.


Mr. Veselchak nomination,
From the spleen and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
Who wants to live for many years
He should be friends with them.


Nomination "Real gentleman"
The gentleman is not just a title
What is given to you from God,
Gentleman to be - a vocation,
Take it yourself!


Model nomination
If in a person everything is fine:
Face and thoughts, and clothes,
Then, perhaps, not in vain
Hope to become a fashion model.


The nomination "Miss Kindness".
Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life cannot go otherwise
So far there is kindness in the world.


Nomination "Class Sun".
No matter what the weather is today,
Even if there is rain on the street,
In the soul and heart is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives nearby.


Nomination "Girl's Dream"
Girls dream about princes since childhood,
And they are waiting for a sail of scarlet, they are waiting for
Not noticing that with them
Nearby dreams go through life.


Miss Independence nomination.
How rarely meets in our life
The person is completely independent ...


The nomination "Mr. Hope and support."
Life will not seem complex,
When you can rely on a friend,
But despite all the changes,
Reliability was valued at any time.


The nomination "Miss hostess".
To work - the main thing
Everyone knows about this.
For these children, this is like a law
And therefore today "Miss Mostdyushka"
Give a star and applause ringing.


The nomination "Miss and Mr. Decisiveness."
When you decided it
Achieve a noble goal,
Then only one thing remains:
To fulfill the dream in practice.


Nomination "Fashionista".
A little girl in Garykh lives,
People all admire: fashionista is coming.


The nomination "Miss and Mr. Riddle".
Mr. riddle, miss riddles
Perhaps they had not been sweet,
But they went forward, not backward
The star to you and applause hail.


Nomination "Miss accuracy".
Always and in everything she has accuracy,
All things are in order, nice to watch.
Dirt, untidiness and disorder -
This girl will not endure.


The nomination "Miss Multiception".
Both artist and athlete,
Mischievous record holder,
And dance, and sing
Never down.


Nomination "Mr. Surption"
He was quiet and tearful,
He became cheerful and beautiful.
He began to read well,
In the lessons to answer.


Nomination "Faithful friends"
In our class there and here
The faithful friends live.
Devoted friendship
Anyone will envy!


Miss athlete nomination
For activity, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training,
For compilation, steel nerves
And for the desire to be in the final of the first.


The nomination "Mr. Stepnity."
Without hasty in movements and smart,
He knows how to support the conversation.
It happens to be thoughtful, sees the prospect,
Sometimes it will make it so much - you are a diva.


Miss clever nomination
You behave approximately
You are always attention itself.
And therefore, probably,
You are an example to follow.

Nomination "Wise men and clever" - rewarding of children

Nomination smart and clever - rewarding children
Nomination "Wise men and clever" - rewarding of children

Nomination "Wise men and clever" - rewarding of children:

How wonderful that the group has guys,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is precisely about them that they will once say:
You are the pride and hope of our days!
The winners were: ____________.
(Medals, applause are presented.) Fanfare.


Miss Charm nomination.

In your life no less than knowledge,
Charm is useful.
The winners of the nomination were: ______.
(Medals, applause are presented.) Fanfare.


Nomination "Soul of the Group".

The leader in the group is very not easy,
You need to be interesting for everyone,
It is unlikely that the stars will help you here,
It is important to know and love people.
The winner of the nomination: _____.
(Medal is awarded.) Fanfare.


The nomination "Real gentleman".

The gentleman is not just a title
What is given to you from God,
Gentleman to be - a vocation,
Take it yourself!
The winners of the nomination were: ______.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfares.


Nomination "Femodel".
If in a person everything is fine:
Face and thoughts, and clothes,
Then, perhaps, not in vain
Hope to become a fashion model.
The winners of the nomination were: ____.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfares.


The nomination "Miss and Mr. Charm."

If someone smiled at you
And around suddenly the radiance spilled -
Fortune suddenly returned to you,
That's what the charm did.
The winners of the nomination were: ___.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfares.


The nomination "Miss Kindness".

Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life cannot go otherwise
So far there is kindness in the world.
The winners of the nomination were: ___.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfares.


Nomination "The Sun of the Group".

No matter what the weather is today,
Even if there is rain on the street,
In the soul and heart is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives nearby.
The winners of the nomination were: ___.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfares.


Nomination "Girl's Dream."

Girls dream about princes since childhood,
And they are waiting for a sail of scarlet, they are waiting for
Not noticing that with them
Nearby dreams go through life.
The winners of the nomination were: ___.
(Medals are awarded.) Fanfares.


Nomination "Miss Artistry".

If you are given a talent to shine,
No need to bury in the ground.
The winner of the nomination was: ___.
(Medal is awarded.) Fanfare.


Mr. Independence nomination.

How rarely meets in our life
The person is completely independent.
The winner of the nomination was: ______.
(Medal is awarded.) Fanfare.


Mr. Veselchak nomination.

From the spleen and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
The winner of the nomination was: _____.
(Medal is awarded.) Fanfare.


The nomination "Mr. Hope and support."

Life will not seem complex,
When you can rely on a friend,
And despite all the changes,
Reliability was valued at any time.
The winner of the nomination was: _______.
(Medal is awarded.) Fanfare.


Nomination "Faithful Friends".

You and I are you and me
4 years are already friends.
Devoted friendship
Anyone will envy.
The winners of the nomination were: __.
(Medals are awarded.)

"Hero of our time"
For dexterity, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training,
For comprehensive, steel nerves,
And for the desire to be the first,
For courage and patience,
Talent, pressure and inspiration

Poetic nominations for rewarding children

Poetic nominations for rewarding children
Poetic nominations for rewarding children

Poetic nominations for rewarding children:

"Miss quick wits"

You are capable of fast
Well understand and judge
That two plus two are always four,
And differently, it cannot be!


"Miss Attintness"
Quiet, modest and charming,
And in the classroom is attentive.
You will help anyone out, you can't let anyone in
You will tell you a verse, you will sing a song.


"Miss Laughter"
Laughs there, laughs here
Make fun friends, girlfriends.
It always sounds funny laughter
To infect everyone with a mixer.


"Future president"
Leisurely in motion and smart,
He knows how to support the conversation.
It happens to be thoughtful, sees the prospect,
Sometimes it will make it so - you are a diva!


"Miss Kindness"
Among all human qualities
It is valued for a reason:
Life cannot go otherwise
So far there is kindness in the world.

« Real gentleman "
He is helpful, neat,
No doubt neat.
For many years without change -
A real gentleman!

"Class Sun"
No matter what the weather is today,
Even if there is rain on the street,
In the soul and heart is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives nearby ...


"Fighter for justice"
Fair and calm
Praise is always worthy.
All the guys respect
Everyone wants him success.


"Best artist"
I love to draw very much
And do not count the paintings!
You have a lot of talents
May your road be bright!


"Hidden Reserves"
He lives quietly and calmly and works next to us.
But how many ideas are stored in this head?
He will definitely show himself to be all.


"Miss Activity and determination"
You are in the case of any activity,
you are fascinating everyone with ideas,
You help friends, lead yourself!
Always good, interesting with you!


"Miss Charm"

In your life no less than knowledge,
Charm is useful.


“Mr. Veselchak
From the spleen and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!


"Mr. Aristocrat"
Slightly lazy and slightly impressive,
Dressed neatly and beautiful,
He, like a dandy from the magazine, is also important.
Anyone will confirm this now!


"Mind of the Chamber"
It's great that there are guys at school,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,
After all, it is about you that we say:
"You are the pride and hope of our days!"


"Miss Sample behavior"
The course of the you is chosen
You behave approximately
respectfully, obediently,
Do everything you need!
"Olympic Hope"
Your achievement is a sample for everyone
Victories and luck!
Well done!

Video: Gift Girls Odnoklassniki for February 23

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