Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 at school - the best selection of ideas

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 at school - the best selection of ideas

A collection of original nomination of boys on February 23.

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 at school

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 at school
Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 at school

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 at school:

The most shy
Smart and brought up, in life - a hero,
Only you are shy sometimes.
Try to be brave to be in life always,
Success will never leave you!


The most sports
For dexterity, for strength, dexterity
Hard work in training
For the comprehension, for the help of the rest
We sincerely want to congratulate you.

The most fashionable
Slightly lazy and a little improving,
Dressed elegantly and handsome
And exactly the dandy from the magazine is important
Anyone will confirm this now.


The future traveler
You will be excellent dancer
Or geography you will devote to yourself,
You will certainly study the countries
Those who someday, of course, will visit.


The most cheerful
Is always capable of joking on everything
He is an optimist and a balagur and a merryman,
He goes through life with an open smile,
He loves the draws, and for fiction a mastic!


The most hardworking
The class is proud of
You like to learn
And you like to work,
Successful with new ones please us!
You can achieve so much in life!


The best debate
Right or not, but in the dispute he does not retreat,
There are no eternal truths - it has comprehended,
He brought up endurance and strength in himself
And I am used to defending my opinion.


Computer gamer
For a long time with a computer to "you"
And Bill Gates can soon be overshadowed
You play games you excellent
No one will defeat you in them.


The most restrained
He is calm and reliable
He does not show his emotions,
So restrained that it is impossible to imagine,
So that he is something very outraged.


The most sleepy one
At least in the lessons you will usually dock
Going into yourself, almost without listening, you sit,
But, waking up, you answer logically,
I am sure what it means - erudite!


The most absent -minded
So many thoughts are in the head that they are crowded there,
That's why you are scattered sometimes
You forget everything, and this is a well -known fact
You often come there and not then.


The most artistic
You are artistic, you love to be in the center of attention
You always try to please people,
And you have a very important talent -
From situations difficult to find out.


The most independent
There are no difficult obstacles to you
And you know how to win, and hold a blow,
There is no such thing for you that it is impossible
For the result, you are ready to give everything!


The best vocalist
Everyone knows you in our school -
You have been singing the best for many years
In addition to talent, you have willpower
So, success awaits you in life!


The most delicate
From delicacy, you are a little shy,
You know how to be friends and forgive for misses,
And in life a beautiful road awaits you
Friends will help you in it!

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in verses

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in verses
Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in verses

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in verses:

Mr. Independence
This child knows everything around
The science of life knows independently,
He will fry the scrambled eggs, if necessary
The clothes are washed down!


Mimster Stestan
Leisurely in motion and smart,
He knows how to support the conversation.
It happens to be thoughtful, sees the prospect,
Sometimes it will make it so - you are a diva!


He is a riddle for everyone in the district,
He is independent and smart,
Can achieve what he wants, if he wants to
It always goes only in its own way.


Mr. is all a little one
Not to surprise him with anything
Always and everyone will put it up to date,
Who, what brought, where did he go
He will tell you quickly and skillfully!

For hard work
Our class is proud of you,

You love to learn
And you like to work. Successful with new ones, please you,
And in life you can achieve a lot!


The dream of girls
He knows how to find an approach to any girl,
They dream about him in the evening and day
Timely passions are boiling in the classroom,
So that in a waltz, spin with him together.


Mr. Aristocrat

Slightly lazy and slightly impressive,
Dressed neatly and beautiful,
He, like a dandy from the magazine, is also important.
Anyone will confirm this now!


A real gentleman

He is helpful, neat,
No doubt neat.
For many years without change -
A real gentleman!


Mr. Sweet
Neither cookies nor sweets
They don't give me for lunch ...
I would be from the creamy pull
It jumped much better!
And from a strawberry waffle
I would be more excellent!


Mr. modesty
He is quiet, modest, charming,
And in the classroom attentive.
Only b said louder
but there is no strength to do not


Mr. Athlete
For dexterity, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training,
For comprehensive, steel nerves,
And for the desire to be the first,
For courage and patience,
Talent, pressure and inspiration


Mr. Justice
Fair and calm
Praise is always worthy.
All the guys respect
Everyone wants him success.

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in the Mr. competition

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in the Mr. competition
Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in the Mr. competition

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 in the Mr. contest:

Our young "Mr."
Maybe even Chinese
Learn cleanly for a year,
It breaks to economists.
Very inquisitive,
Correct and accurate.


Our young "Mr." is an example for everyone.
Always ready like a pioneer
Stand for justice,
He dreams of a detective, he will become
To give the criminals a fight.
A fighter with evil, almost a hero.


Though our young "Mr."
And not very speech the
But the matters are mandatory
Smart, kind, attentive.
He, like in the class, no one
Loves a car very much.


Our young "Mr." is a football player,
Athlete, big specialist
In terms of recondition of the quarrel.
Calm, friendly, disputes
It does not start in vain.
He is a man and a wonderful friend.


Our young "Mr." - explosive
Character, but also humorous.
He loves sports, plays football,
And in life he dreams of becoming a doctor.


Our young "Mr."
I really like us
- Brave, kind, not liar,
Football player and runner
He is a famous athlete
He wants to know management.


In the midst of authorities
There is our young "Mr."
He is worthy of recognition
By your thoughts, knowledge.
He knows the computer
The programs understands.


Our young "Mr." is a companion,
Resourceful in everyday situations,
It helps your friends with what it can,
At the competitions of various wins.
Likes to delve into a computer program,
Dreams of becoming the owner of the restaurant.


Good guy our young "Mr.",
Not stupid, rich in fiction.
He loves humor very much between it,
He dreams of becoming a skilled technologist.


Our young "Mr."
Makes beautifully like that
With a simple comb
Classmates hairstyles
By nature, calm
And he always leads with dignity.


Our young "Mr." is a football player,
A competent specialist
On the computer, calm.
He is a very worthy guy.

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 comic

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 comic
Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 comic

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 comic:

Nominations for awarding - a talented guy,
The music in it is so boasting.
He will play as a pro, he is on the guitar
And he himself will even make a bit.


Nominations for awarding - a computer genius,
He easily creates sites,
Beautiful and any directions,
As an alphabet, he knows the code.


Nominations for awarding - the most brave

Always decisive and hard
Martial arts of eastern wisdom, he comprehended,
He brought up endurance and strength in himself
And I am used to defending my opinion.

Right or not, but in the dispute he does not retreat,
There are no eternal truths for him,
Having set a goal, he achieves it,
I decided to become a lawyer - he will achieve his.

* * *
Nominations for awarding - always capable of jokes
He is an optimist and a balagur and a merryman,
He goes through life with an open smile,
REP is very fond of, and for fiction mastak -

Once in red color, he repainted for laughter,
But over the past year, he has become more serious,
And he wants to go to England to study,
To increase your knowledge of your knowledge.

* * *
Nominations for awarding - economist
And he treats everything seriously,
He is ready to study at school on weekends,
He especially likes the story of him.

Also, of course, he is excellent mathematician
All his knowledge is serious, deep,
Thanks to his efforts, decently
English also knows French.

* * *
Nominations for awarding - talents.
And with a read of books, he expands the horizons.
And even though by age he is younger than all of the class,
Olympiads on the French medalist.

Swimming winner also competitions,
And he firmly knows mathematics on "five",
In his studies, he attaches a lot of efforts,
He wants to become an economist in the future.

* * *
Nominations for awarding - designer
Hardworking and responsible in everything,
He has a lot of achievements in creativity,
And at one time we will hear everything about him.

He as an artist is extremely original,
And very soon a dream will come true -
He will be a landscape design master,
To everywhere we are surrounded by beauty.

* * *
Nominations for awards - politician
He is happy to study everything countries,
Those who someday, of course, will visit.

Anton intends to study further at Moscow State University,
Loves cars, is passionate about sports,
Always tightened, neat and sure,
It is versatile and gifted.

* * *
Nominations for awarding - for a long time with a computer to "you"
And Bill Gates will soon be able to overshadow.
He loves sport: and he is good ski,
And with a backpack he loves to go on campaigns.

In everything, he always gets to the bottom of the point,
And he himself will come to the decision -
Any of this will be happy for the institute,
And he will definitely find his place in life.

* * *
Nominations for awarding - calm and reliability
He does not show his emotions,
So restrained that it is impossible to imagine,
So that he is something very outraged.

He is executive, diligent and modest,
He knows English and German.
The guy has a huge potential -
He is seriously passionate about political science.

* * *
Nominations for awarding - get to MGIMO
To the economy with the Korean language,
And these plans are feasible for him,
He is given to the preparation entirely.

Skort skiing to be stubborn helps,
Reach the heights so that the head does not spin,
He is slightly offended by criticism, it happens
But he appreciates friendship and kind words.

Nominations for awarding - erudite
But he wants to know even more about everything,
The mathematical winner of the Olympics,
He can become a brilliant programmer.

At least in the lessons it seems to be a dozing it, it usually,
Leaving, almost without listening, sits,
But, waking up, he answers logically,
He is confident in himself what it means - erudite!

Nominations for awarding - comprehensively developed
He is in astronomy and physics is strong.
Olympiads of prestigious glorious winner,
Beautiful, he is tall, and built, and smart.

Both golf game, and impeccable manners
Important, and most importantly - not to miss the moment.
Step the first is made by him for a future career -
He is a student of the Higher School of Economics!


Nominations for awarding - intellectual
This guy can not be other opinions,
Fate is assigned to science to make a contribution,
In economics with history, he is a genius
And he is a chess player, and the winner of the Olympiads.

So many thoughts are in the head that they are crowded there,
And therefore Sasha is scattered sometimes,
He forgets everything, and this is a well -known fact
Or comes the wrong place and not then.


Nominations for awarding - the future is light science
This guy is on the Korea branch
I decided to go to the economy in MGIMO.
He is energetic, loves to do everything soon.
He is not afraid of any obstacles on the way.

Sit down to him
And he is always in a hurry somewhere, runs,
Olympiad winner, sports,
Responsible, kind and friendship is very valuable.


Nominations for awarding - the most charming
No more charming this guy
He is red -hewheel and beautiful as Apollo,
Perhaps he will become a historian good
Or he will be famous lawyer.

He is artistic, loves to be in the center
I am always ready to please the beautiful ladies,
And has a very important talent -
From situations difficult to find out.


Nominations for awarding are the most confident
No one will argue this guy,
He can defend his position
And he, of course, is worth it to go to MGIMO,
Japanese specialist to become -

He is very close to samurai in perseverance,
And at the same time, musically gifted -
Igor plays remarkably in the rock band,
One of the most energetic in the class is.

Nominations for awarding - the most sociable, cheerful,
Seriously passionate about the history of the universal
But very often he is late to school -
I am not used to the Moscow pace so far.

He loves to talk very much, knows a lot
He can say a thousand words per minute,
Girls like it, he plays in a rock band
And for their friends is ready for a lot.

Nominations for awarding- talented very and smart
The soul of the company and he started,
Responsive, kind, still need to say
That he is constantly in love with someone,

He defeated the Olympiads on various
There is no equal on economics,
Economic universities were happy
It is enrolled in any faculty!

Nominations for awarding - organized, accurate,
He winner of the Lomonosovsky tournament, he,
And at the same time, Lesha is very artistic,
Seriously playing the guitar is enthusiastic

Communication with people is easily given to him,
It is as if it turned out by itself
As a diplomat, he will achieve a lot
And he is going to act in MGIMO.

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 are funny

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 are funny
Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 are funny

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 are funny:

Leader nomination

There can be no other opinions,
He is appointed fate to science to make a contribution,
In economics with history, he is a genius,
Member of the Leader club, and winner of the Olympiads.


Nomination "Diplomat"

No one will argue him
His position will be able to stand with dignity.
And he, of course, is worth it to go to MGIMO,
To become the best diplomat in the world.


Requirement "Perfection"

And not very speech the
But the matters are mandatory
Modest, kind, attentive.


Nomination "Intellectual"

Participant in intellectual competitions,
Seeks to do everything in life for "five",
In study, he attaches a lot of strength, efforts,
He dreams of a programmer in the future he will become.


The nomination "The most attractive"

Eyes burn like two agates
For which all the girls love


The nomination "The most talented"

This guy in dancing is a genius.
In study, everything can, maybe.
He does not know the doubts
And friends will always help friends.
And he sings, and plays
On the guitar, or in the field,
As an athlete - he understands everything
In basketball and football.


Nomination "Real Man"

Everything has everything in it: determination, practicality
Energy as a waterfall
Patience, mind and pedantry.

Hard will, strong will,
Persistent in study and in sports
Waiting for you, guy, happy share,


Nomination "Mr. Brave"

Our boyfriend of the most honest rules
It will always come to the rescue of everyone.
You made yourself respect
Let the success find you!


Nomination "hero"
In sports, he does not know on equal terms!
Candidate for the master
In many species it performs!
We wish inspiration
And in all of you luck!


Nomination "Best in everything"

The best in study, the best in shooting,
You try to be the best everywhere.
We wish: let the success
You always accompany you
Bird of happiness let you go to you
It flies to the window!


Nomination "Winner"
He - "came, saw, won!"
We wish you both victories and discoveries,
So that the name is good with honor!


Nomination "Veselchak"

(Name) - Balagur and Veselchak,
Everything does joking, easy and simple,
Learn, go ahead, let it be so!
We wish you creative growth!


Nomination "Soul of the Company"

This guy is calm in appearance
But in reality he is:
Hardworking, companional,
And cheerful, groovy.
We wish him good luck
Only so, and not otherwise!


The nomination "The most"

The guy is very impressive,
And inside is doubly beautiful,
I am educated, gallant,
And completely relaxed!

You have noticed, probably
There is another feature:
That I'm modest immensely
In general, a guy at least where!


The nomination "The most positive"

Restless, funny,
Good, positive,
Energetic and sports!
So stay so
And do not change a drop,
You are only older
Every day is a little smarter!
Be happy and healthy,
To the tests ready!


The nomination "The most brave"

Our classmate-warrior,
We are proud of you
And you are satisfied with yourself:
You shoot and fly
Five only in a notebook.
You will protect the country -
The enemy will fall on the shoulder blades!
Worthy of being father and grandfather -
Then victory will come in battle!


Nomination "Defender of the Fatherland"

You are brave.
You are always a hero for always.
The most important!
Be always brave and strong,
Be always kind and sweet.
You are always our hope,
The future defender of the Fatherland
The defender calls you rightfully
You will soon become an adult soon,
You will find a council on all enemies of the country,
And you will not get tired of protecting us all.

Grow up confident and strong,
Raise the nature of the strong -willed.
How many years to you, not so important.
The main thing is that do not fall into the dirt face!
You can be frantically brave,
Being a young man by age.

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 festive

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 festive
Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 festive

Nominations for awarding boys on February 23 festive:

1. The highest

Above dad, above mom
An uncle-son has grown.
You are high in the class!
How do you come to the lesson

Secretly girls, sigh:
"I would have invited to the cinema ..."
And sometimes they don't notice
That the lesson has been going on for a long time.


2. The most avid football player

Everyone in our school knows
You are in football - just ace!
If our class acts,
It is unlikely that they will beat us.

If you get the ball,
Exactly a blow to the target went.
Every time you score
The goalkeeper is a beautiful goal.

You know everything about football:
Who played when and with whom ...
And you go like a field
There is no time for theorems.


3. The master of all hands

Take a tool
You can from a young age.
Maybe in the classroom will break
desk, chair, window, parquet ...

Once it happened, in a break
Someone dropped the board.
Masterfully back into the wall
You scored rusty cloves.

That's what to learn
The equations are solved.
The mathematician will be surprised
And he will put five in the magazine!


4. The most important programmer

The terrible virus tortured the network,
And the computer suddenly hung ...
We have for this case
His craftsman is a programmer.

He understands in the settings
And he writes the programs himself.
The new hacker is growing up
FBI, for the joy of you.

He knows how to spam advertising
Recognize and delete.
If the flu is ill,
It is better not to enter Yandex.


5. The most cheerful

You are the most cheerful in the class
Master of jokes and sharpness.
You always have in stock
There is a freshest joke.

Not afraid in the lessons
To ang up the teachers.
Then you suddenly sit on the button,
Then you will stick to glue ...

You respect the jokes.
Here you are one advice:
On the doors of your favorite school
Make the inscription "quarantine" ...

How children will be happy:
"You can not go to school!"
Sorry, the director of these jokes
It is unlikely to be able to evaluate.


6. The most stylish

The most fashionable, most stylish
Well, of course, this is you!
You have a cool mobile
And other show -offs.

Change - fur coats on wheels.
Jeans-shoes, tattoo ...
Special in glamorous issues.
Zverev - you can see a mile away.

Then you come to the class blond,
After a couple of days - a brunette.
Where do you find the image?
Give the girls advice.


7. A motorist

You were not born in a shirt
And in the car, it is clear to everyone.
Your dad boasted yesterday:
“Why do we need a car service?

The Mercedes broke down the other day,
So the son repaired.
The whole evening was picking
But the breakdown was eliminated.

He knows everything about cars
Where to buy and how to repair.
In the best car shops
The consultant can be.

I will give, of course, to ride.
It will hit eighteen years
You can get behind the wheel,
In the meantime, a bicycle. "


8. The most important connoisseur of music

You can not even try
Ask you something.
It is impossible to reach
You will not hear how to be?

Plays in your ears
Rap, heavy rock, metal ...
After all, the music does not interfere
Listen to new material.

You don't attend school
Without screaming decibels.
And when you sit, you are biting,
Know, the battery sat down.


9. The amateur guitarist

If the house has a guitar,
You need the Internet.
Three chords, two blows ...
Let the neighbor knock on the door.

And when the hands get tired
You can study notes.
And completely different sounds ...
The neighbor stopped knocking.

If only not to be lazy,
And VKontakte do not sit,
You can learn by summer
To sing a song under the guitar.

Imagine, we are on a campaign!
We promise until the morning
Listen songs in nature
At the extinct bonfire.


10. The most smart

The smartest boy at school -
Be sure to be you.
Do not drive on football
In the yard until dark.

Do not eat under karaoke
Not enthusiastic about hits.
Teacher in the lesson
You are always ready to listen.

You only get five
Every day, and not one.
You decide all control
Without mistakes. Why?

You are an excellent student, everyone understands everyone
The best student.
As parents are pleased
Look at your diary!


11. The most mischievous

They call a bully
Adults sometimes.
They don't understand anything
You are almost a hero.

He ran along the corridor,
So I searched for a chalk to the lesson.
I accidentally tore the curtain
I just wanted to ventilate the class.

And when you are in the toilet
Devil painted,
"You don't need to do it, children!" -
The head teacher shouted menacingly.

And why did he swear like that?
Dad will be called again ...
You just tried the guys
Raise the mood.


12. The most sports

You are very sports with us.
Karate, hockey, football ...
And on skis, by the way,
I went around everyone today.

Physical education, you think,
Mandatory item.
You never miss.
If suddenly there is no lesson,

The historian fell ill,
The mathematician was late ...
Everyone wanders idle
You are running to the gym.


13. The most sociable

There is a free minute
You are sitting in Vkkontakte.
Maybe it's just a joke
What are you sleeping at night?

Until the morning, I’m ready to communicate
Photos, video watch.
It’s hard to wake up to school,
I wish the flu to get sick.


14. The strongest

The strongest, most dexterous -
This is you, believe us.
Why? Without a mount
You will open the door in the classroom

If suddenly the lock broke down
Or the key is stuck in the castle ...
Our guard admired:
"Well, silvering in the hand!"

“You can do a barbell,”
With pride, Fizruk said, -
Do you want to swing,
Guy, in the gym. "


15. The most well -read and smart

You are almost Lomonosov,
And the scientist and the poet ...
They did not come up with questions
So that you do not know the answer.

You know about everything in the world
How many books I read!
In the "most intelligent" how you play
You will go out to the finale right away!


16. The most optimistic

You never lose heart
You are in various trifles.
If you get a couple,
You say to the students:

“Pythagoras Theorem?!
I will read, prove.
Composition is not a problem.
I’ll rewrite for the third time. ”

You do not upset mom.
With a deuce leaf from the diary,
As usual, you tear out.
There are still sheets yet ...


17. The largest lover of computer games

The composition was written
In September, we once
Where we rested in the summer.
I tanned at the sea Stas,

Tanya went to the country
Igor in the pike river?
This difficult task
You alone did not decide.

Nothing about the past
You could not write.
After all, all summer on the Internet,
He spent in the “counterthop”.

Video: Gift Girls Odnoklassniki for February 23

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