Comic nominations for girls for March 8 at school - the best selection

Comic nominations for girls for March 8 at school - the best selection

It so happened, but people, regardless of age, love to hear pleasant words addressed to them, and children in this case are no exception. Therefore, we have collected in our article comic nominations for girls that can be used during the holiday on March 8 at a school or kindergarten.

Nominations for girls - the best selection

Nominations for girls - the best selection
Nominations for girls - the best selection

Nominations for girls - the best selection:

1. The kindest
Like the sun, you radiate
You are warm and kindness.
You help to wash the board,
Observe cleanliness ...
If the apple is in the portfolio,
You will certainly treat.
Those who themselves did not have time
You will solve the whole control.

And homework
You give boys to write off.
Invited for a date,
Yes, we are afraid, you will not come.
(I would invite to a date
Yes, I'm afraid you won't come.


2. The future excellent student
You haven't appreciated yet
Hidden its potential.
Again I got a deuce
Instead of letters and praise.

You are very talented,
In vain, you hide your talent.
In the "Bear", by the way,
That year was the second.

You read many different books,
The geography is strong ...
You don't raise your hand in vain
What, five is not needed?

That's not to be lazy,
Fulfill all the tasks ...
It would be better to study
Only five to receive.


3. The most energetic
You are like a boy in life
Beats the energy with a key
Jeans, cap, jacks, haircuts ...
You like to play with the ball.

You do not miss physical
Even with injury to the lesson,
And you are chasing like that
That the physicalcase could not catch up.

In volleyball, in basketball
You are one for four ...
Sorry, so little in our school
Cool girls are like that.


4. The most modest
You are a beauty, it is known
But sometimes shy.
Every boy, to be honest,
He wants to meet you.

Only you don't notice
You don't look at the boys
You don't answer calls,
Biology is crammed.

The modesty of women adorns,
Everyone has known this for a long time.
Only this is bothering us (me)
Invite you to the cinema.


5. A successful and in everything
You manage to do everything in the world:
Theater, pool, sports hall ...
You visit the music:
Piano plus vocals.

In the morning you do exercises,
After the shower, of course,
And opening your notebook,
Anyone admires ...

Neat lines,
So beautifully write!
Well, crumpled leaves
You can not even look.


6. Future stage star
You are a soloist in the school choir,
After all, you can barely open your mouth
It is heard even in the corridor
Everyone understands who sings.

You love to sing from birth,
In Karaoke you are a star.
You dream in Eurovision
Go out, grow up when.

You know a lot of songs of different
From ditties to hits.
Girls are so beautiful
I am ready to carry it in your hands!


7. The most virtual
You love the community very much
There is no question when and with whom.
Very strongly mood
It rises then.
You discuss in SMS
Who, where and with whom went,
And then you don't understand
What the teacher said.

The whole evening on the Internet,
You go to bed at dawn ...
Confirm, I'm not lying.


8. The most fun
You never lose heart
You live a lot of fun.
If you get a couple,
You will never roar.

You are a great girlfriend
Do not get bored with you
Mischievous laughter -
Anyone will confirm in the class.

As many jokes you know,
More than any of us.
Positively infect
And a smile of our whole class!


9. The most creative
Every day with a new haircut
You go to the gymnasium:
Then with a two -meter pigtail,
Then you suddenly pour the curls.
Then with straight hair,
Reproach them again ...
In front of the mirror for hours
You are ready to stand.

You paint your lips and eyelashes
Manicure - in five minutes.
At school, even graduates
Take a lesson to you.
Teachers scold in vain,
The hair is not the same again ...
They do not understand anything
In real beauty.


10. Reading
You don't have time to eat
Do not go on the Internet,
You are sitting day and night, read
There is no time for dancing.

Everyone runs a disco,
Offending the team,
You go to the library
Take the latest detective.

You read a lot
Interesting, thick books,
The most wise in the class has become.
Each student sees -

For dictation, for composition
You get only five.
Yes, useful, without doubt,
Books for girls read.


11. An animal lover
More "ICQ", chocolate
You love cats and dogs.
The parrot is also glad
Without mice and rats - nothing.

You adore animals
You feed the birds from the window
And you don't forget the dogs,
They always need food.

And a cutlet from the dining room
You put a coat in your pocket ...
The yard dog barks loudly,
If you go home!


12. Fans of the Ranetki group
In the head - only "Ranetki",
There are no extraneous thoughts.
These "creative children"
They shot a film for many years.

The whole evening by the screen
The disk is taken out by the disk.
Yes, granny-teles
Grape, here!

She would still learn
Choose on the guitar.
Will be able to ask for the group
And become the sixth soloist!


13. Craftswoman for all hands
If the trousers suddenly torn,
It will not pass by exactly
Instantly pick up a needle in his hands,
The hole will expert masterfully.

Does not lose in the evenings
The gift of time she is:
Sculpts, knit, embroiders ...
The life of fantasy is full!

McDonald's can not compare with her,
And the "pancake", alas, does not count.
By hot dogs craftswoman,
Bakes buns with cream ...

I dream to visit her
On a hot dog and pancakes.
I don't know how to ask for how
Help, boys!

14. located in creative search
You don't know yet
Who would you like to become.
Constantly thinking
It is very difficult to choose:

“Maybe I can go to the Goths?
Paint lips black,
Hang out on the graves,
Drink beer .... I think no.

EMU is not suitable either,
The grandmother was a punk ...
Life is pointless
And I did not find myself.

Maybe fall in love with your ears?
Father will not like ... "
Well, start to study,
A quarter is nearing the end!


15. The most stylish
You know a lot about the last fashion:
Rings, beads, wigs ...
Even if in nature,
You love heels.

You don't go in school uniforms,
You are sick of her.
Platform sandals,
Jeans, top - this is a view!

You love a fashionable magazine
Pour in the lesson,
And a finger will get tired completely -
You can raise your hand.

“I haven't left yet
In the new blouse to the board.
Only yesterday I bought it
In a supermodly boutique! "

Miss nominations for girls

Miss nominations for girls
Miss nominations for girls

Miss nominations for girls:

Miss Smeshinka nomination
You are a beautiful girl
Clever is big,
You are an assistant for mom
The baby is humorous.


Miss Education nomination
Very charming
And brought up on "five",
About such a girlfriend glorious
You can only dream.


Miss Perfection nomination
Diamonds - you have eyes,
And the wind moves the hair.
And the voice is ringing more than a stream
And the gaze is more tender in the world.

And the dress - flies in the spring.
You lower the eyelashes.
Palms - roses of the petals,
Touching them caress everything.


Miss Charm nomination
You are beautiful, dear
And drunk, and smart,
Ray of light you are for loved ones
As a gift you are given.


Nomination "Miss attractiveness"
You are an assistant for mom
Dad is a sweet princess,
I'm watching you
With genuine interest.


Nominations "Miss Floral Fairy"
You are the most beautiful and cute
Affectionate and cheerful.
Everyone knows this everywhere,
You are the most cool.


Miss smile nomination
You are always with a smile, you
You shine with rays everywhere.
Let life happy
Only happy days.


Nomination "Miss Talent"
You are a little rose in a fairy garden,
Your smile will always take trouble
If you laugh, then there is happiness,
And I can’t count your talents.


Nomination "Miss fun"
You are always funny, forever on the run,
Then you dive into the sea, then already in the snow,
You bring joy and warm with you,
Of course, I was very lucky with you!


Nomination "Miss Charm"
Bows, pigtails -
Delight from the boy
The dress is just lovely
The cheeks turned red.
Young beauty,
Slightly crazy.


Miss Kindness nomination
You are dear girl,
The sun in heaven,
You are very beautiful
Sparks in the eyes.

Be like that always you
With joy in the hearts,
And the good rich,
And the soul in flowers.


Miss Tact Nomination
You are sweet, tactful, baby,
Kindness is your wonderful treasure
Mischief and charm bright
Glorious eyes burn.


Miss Constancy Nomination
You know how to be friends right
And smart is not over the years
You can see, you will be the first
Among all the beautiful ladies.


Miss Sun Luchik nomination
You are a beautiful girl,
Good and sweet
The joy of your whole family,
Glorious, beautiful.


Miss Nomination Good mood
You are smart, dear,
The girl is smart,
A halo of tenderness,
You are illuminated.
Praise you, girl,
From the bottom of my heart I want now
You laugh loudly, loudly
The light of cheerful eyes beckons.


Miss Education nomination
You are beautiful, artistic,
Charming, Mila,
You are brought up, tactful,
Enterprising, good.

Be such a sweet girl
Well, not every girl is given.
You always look happy
You radiate joy and warmth.

You help all girlfriends
You always please mom and dad.
You never lift the younger ones.
So never change.


Nominations "Miss Perfection"
Girls you are beautiful, undoubtedly.
You have such a sweet smile
And at school you study hard,
And you always help everyone.

Eyes are beautiful and posture
A straight, like a violin string.
So the bar is raised in everything,
Everything is equal to you!


Miss compassion nomination
You are a beautiful girl
You are smart and good
And for all friends is open
Your bright soul.
You are a big assistant,
You are sweet, always good,
In the heart of girlish beautiful
A sea of \u200b\u200blight and warmth.

You are a beautiful girl
It’s better not to find
You are always ready, Bunny,
Give advice and help.


Miss Joy nomination
You are sweet and so beautiful
You look always happy.
Mom with dad please yourself
You give them care and peace.

Your youth is so lovely
And your laughter sounds wonderful.
I admire you
Be always like that.


Miss admiration nomination
You are like a flower good
You are like an angel beautiful
Pure, your soul is tender,
After all, you are always peaceful!

Let it shine brighter than the sun
Your smile is very often!
Good luck ray will touch you,
And remember, your life is beautiful!

Nominations for the competition of girls at school

Nominations for the competition of girls at school
Nominations for the competition of girls at school

Nominations for the competition of girls at school:

They are awarded in the nomination "Golden Pen"
For success in the humanities
Here is the happiness of the intellectual -
Learn, think and look!
So that life becomes even more fully,
It is useful to know history,
The language of the people and culture,
And the philosophy of Aza!
For your success in the sciences of difficult
Let us give us a letter!


They are awarded in the nomination "Young Pythagoras"
For success in the exact sciences
Sometimes it’s hard to make your way
Through the jungle of formulas, equations,
But the more difficult it is to figure out
The brighter the joy of achievements!
Who believes that everything is possible,
He is daring, decisive, desperate!
For your success in a complex science
Today we are handing a letter!


They are awarded in the nomination "Young Biologist"
For success in the natural sciences
How interesting it is to be in the center of events
When you rush through the thorns to the stars of knowledge!
There are already so many discoveries.
And how much ahead - you will amaze!
But modestly hide victory is not possible,
After all, we note all the achievements,
We wish to develop in the future
And we are solemnly handed the letter!


They are awarded in the nomination "Sports Star"
For sports achievements
In ordinary life we \u200b\u200bare different
Athlete with perseverance and patience,
After all, in sports, the will tempers
And the aspirations are strengthened!
Let life expect bright, active
And all the peaks obey!
For sports achievements
From the school a letter is awarded!


They are awarded in the nomination "Young Picasso"
For creative successes
For labor and determination,
Love of love,
To art, skill, skill,
Your creations are magic
The flight of fantasy brilliant
And for your real talent,
Which you please everyone!
You are a reward for success!


They are awarded in the nomination "Friendship Strong will not break"
For the ability to be friends
For sensitivity and kindness,
Responsiveness and humanity,
The ability to live in the team,
Really friends,
Help friends when it is difficult for them,
And to be a comrade reliable,
For devotion, authority
And fidelity to friendship from an early age!


They are awarded in the nomination "Exemplary children"
For approximate behavior
More fun, more wonderful to live
If everyone is an example:
If you do not be mischievous,
Discipline observe!
Let him please now
This letter is from us!
Wishes of inspiration,
Happiness, joy, luck!


They are awarded in the nomination "Exemplary children"
All sciences are obedient to you
You are in every business - all hands:
And your diary was an example:
In all subjects, the highest score!
It is not easy to achieve this!
We wish for further growth
And congratulations from the heart
With success important and big!


They are awarded in the nomination "Exemplary children"
To the one who studied without being lazy,
Mastered a mountain of smart books,
Who worked titanically
And he achieved a lot
We hand this letter
And congratulations from the heart,
And we wish new feats,
Success of new and peaks!


They are awarded in the nomination "Exemplary children"
To the one who worked hard,
Sought to achieve the peaks
I sat behind the book, not lazy,
We want to give this letter!
Let the world reveal secrets
Bright discoveries are waiting
And knowledge for new successes
And they lead to new victories!


They are awarded in the nomination "Exemplary children"
You have time for any subject
You want to study everything with interest.
And the letter of honor for this
We must hand you today!
Congratulations with successes achieved -
He, undoubtedly, needs to be respected!
Proud of you, we wish you all my heart
And then continue in the same spirit!


They are awarded in the nomination "Exemplary children"
You have a lot of talents
You have time to teach everything
Pull your hand in the lessons -
How not to praise you?
You are engaged in successfully
And you try in everything!
And now you, of course,
We give this letter!
You grow, dream of bolder
Open the world beautiful,
All smarter, everyone is kinder
Grow it happier!


They are awarded in the nomination "Exemplary children"
With inspiration, diligence
You strive for new knowledge!
You can study well
Distinguish in the classroom.
You always have
All books and toys.
Let good luck, success a lot
Gives a school road!

Nominations for a beauty contest for girls

Nominations for a beauty contest for girls
Nominations for a beauty contest for girls

Nominations for the beauty contest for girls:

Miss "Popularity"

She is like Barbie, as if
Chrysanthemum, forget -me -not.


Miss "Charm"

So beautiful and sweet
So gentle and cheerful
Charming, attractive,
Unusually diligent.


Miss "Sympathy"

To the eyebrows slanting
Very cool girl.

We always want to star
On the covers of all magazines.


Miss "resourcefulness"

Never lose heart
Infects us with fun.

But she is ready to laugh
Often even at a glance.


Miss "Artistic"

We will become fun
We have fun with her.

The world will become kinder and more beautiful
With our glorious glorious.

Comic nominations for girls

Comic nominations for girls
Comic nominations for girls

Comic nominations for girls:

The most active
You are like an eternal engine
You sing, dance and always full of ideas,
And you cannot say about you definitely
What talent in you will appear stronger.


The most independent
You are independent practical
You know how to make the right decision,
And in our life you understand perfectly -
I can quickly change everything.


The most purposeful
You have a hard character,
Proudly in moderation, and always
You go forward decisively and proudly
Having invested a lot in this strength and labor.


The most fun
Laughs there, laughs here
Make fun friends, girlfriends.
It always sounds funny laughter
To charge everyone with a mixing!


The most flirty
Cute face, beautiful eyes
And he says, like a princess from a fairy tale.
Her dress is like a conflict wrapper
You can call it simply - a coquette!


The best sweet tooth
Neither cookies nor sweets
They do not give us for lunch ...
You would be from a creamy pull
I thought much better
And from a strawberry waffle
You would study "excellent"!


Best artist
I love to draw very much
And do not count the paintings!
You have a lot of talents
May your road be bright!


The smartest
You don't have time to eat
Do not go on the Internet,
You are reading day and night
There is no time for a walk.
You read a lot
Interesting smart books
To complex questions
You answer quickly, in a moment!


The kindest
As if you are shining the sun,
You help everyone to study,
You never lose heart.
If the pie is in your pocket,
You will certainly treat.
Those who themselves do not have time
You will solve all the tasks!


The best Pevunier
You are a soloist in our choir.
After all, you can barely open your mouth.
It is heard even in the corridor
Everyone understands who sings.


The most confident
You confidently go ahead
And you always believe your strength
Good luck appreciates such, you know!
Dare, fight and win!


The most approximate
You behave approximately
You are always attention itself.
And therefore, probably
You are an example to follow!


Most versatile
Talented very, smart
The soul of the company and started
Responsive, good, honest
Such a beautiful picture!


The most sociable
Communication with people is easy for you,
It is as if it turned out by itself
As a diplomat you can achieve a lot,
We advise you to act in MGIMO.


The most modest
The modest and pretty is very,
I am restrained with everyone, calm and even,
Not verbose, but her smile - for sure
Suddenly, because of the clouds in the night, the flashing moon.


The strongest spirit
Thin like a string, but it is steel string,
I’m used to always solving everything myself
She perfectly performs music,
God gave everything to her - both talent and mind!

Original nominations on March 8 girls

Original nominations on March 8 girls
Original nominations on March 8 girls

Original nominations on March 8 to girls:

Awarded in the nomination "The brightest"
You are divine, beautiful
Delightful, chic,
Like the sun is clear,
Like a television star!


Awarded in the nomination "The most energetic"
And in your eyes-items
Classmates drown with their heads,
And there is so much enthusiasm in the soul
Take it up to all friends!


Awarded in the nomination "The most ingenious"
You are good like a nymph,
Enterprising, wise.
After all, there is a flash of charm in you,
The genius of the spark.


Awarded in the nomination "The most elegant"
Beautiful, elegant,
Magic, alluring,
Flirty, kind,
Well, just excellent!


Awarded in the nomination "The most beautiful"
Luxurious, attracting,
And like a blooming spring,
Divinely beautiful,
So be always happy!


The best singer
You love to sing from birth,
In Karaoke you are a star.
You dream in Eurovision
Go out, grow up when.


Miss curiosity
You are inquisitive, apparently born!
You are in a hurry to be very much on the road!
The world is limitless, everything is in it!
And of course, tell us!


Miss shyness
Smart and educated, in life - a hero,
Only you are shy sometimes.
Try to be bold to be in life always
Then there will be no trace of shyness.


Miss accuracy
Always and in everything she is neat,
All things are in order, nice to watch.
Dirt, mess and untidiness -
This girl will not endure.


Miss Fashionista
In our class a fashionista,
How difficult she has to!
Loves fashionable glasses
And high heels!


The most responsive
Will always respond to the request
And invite guests to him;
From the joke will immediately turn out
He will tell you a lot of news.


Miss artist
The girl loves to draw
Adults loves to help.
She has a lot of talents.
Let there be a bright road!


Miss obedience
You behave approximately
You are always attention itself
And therefore, probably.
You are an example to follow.


Miss Sushfulness
You are capable of fast
Well understand and judge
That two plus two are always four,
And differently, it cannot be!


For activity and initiative
You are in the case of any activity,
you are fascinating everyone with ideas,
You help friends, lead yourself!
Always good, interesting with you!


Miss Caprice
Like our nominee
Somewhere there is a big pocket!
And there are not pictures there,
No handkerchiefs, no boots,
Neither sweets nor books
And the capcades live there!


The kindest
Like the sun, you radiate
You are warm and kindness.
You help everyone to get out,
Observe cleanliness ...

Diplomas for girls by nominations - for studying, craving for knowledge, sports achievements

Diplomas for girls by nominations - for studying, craving for knowledge, sports achievements
Diplomas for girls by nominations - for studying, craving for knowledge, sports achievements

Diplomas for girls by nominations - for studying, craving for knowledge, sports achievements:


For excellent study
You read a lot of books
And you become smarter
And "excellent" you get
You are all teachers!
You show an old man
In the lessons day after day!
The craving for knowledge is boasted,
We give you a letter!
Find out everything, learn everything -
An exciting process!
Let him expect a lot of discoveries
Adventures and miracles!


For success in study
You have a lot of talents
You have time to teach everything
Pull your hand in the lessons -
How not to praise you?
You are engaged in successfully
And you try in everything!
And now you, of course,
We give this letter!
You grow, dream of bolder
Open the world beautiful,
All smarter, everyone is kinder
Grow it happier!


For the desire for knowledge
You receive an honorary diploma as a reward
For the fact that you know how to achieve the goal,
You dream a lot to learn interestingly,
Find the answers to each question!
Who will you become in the future is still unknown,
But you can now say for sure:
The desire for knowledge is wonderful,
And in life you will be
Always win!


For the desire for knowledge
You strive for knowledge with all your soul,
You rather want to figure out everything,
And the success will be waiting for you,
If you study, you try!


For success in study
You are your success
You are very pleasing to all of us!
Among the best your name
And you are proud of the class!
And you have a hand for this
I really want to shake
Further study science!
Well done! Keep it up!


For good performance
You study diligently and actively
Fours and fives get.
We want to congratulate you on this
And we hand you a memorable diploma!


For a craving for reading
You have read a lot already
You love books and magazines.
This craving for reading
It will help in teaching.


For outstanding abilities
You have a special gift, talent,
The abilities are large.
We wish you to keep it always
We are handing a diploma from the bottom of the heart!


For success in music
We believe in you, in your talents,
Any business on you.
And already a serious musician
We can safely call you!


For sports achievements
For dexterity, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training,
For comprehensive, steel nerves,
And for the desire to be the first,
For courage and patience,
Talent, pressure and inspiration
And for a great result,
Which is the best of all awards!


For success in sports
Confidently go ahead
And always believe your strength!
And let luck wait for you!
Dare, fight and win!


For the will to win
Victory does not always get
Although stubbornly you need to strive for it.
Go ahead, fight and win,
And you can achieve a lot!

Approximate behavior

For approximate behavior
This diploma is very honorable and important,
And not everyone gets it in the class,
The only one will deserve the reward
Who is the same as you behave at school:
Diligently, diligently and with attention
You are preparing lessons, you are all and tasks
An example in behavior, in study - in everything!
We are proud of you and hand over a diploma!


For approximate behavior
You behave approximately
You are always attention itself
And therefore, probably
You are an example to follow!
Let the victories wait big,
And good luck and success,
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
To be smarter than everyone!


For approximate behavior
You behave perfectly!
How nice to praise
Wish good and happiness
And award a gift!
We are for your diligence
For diligence in everything,
For zeal, attention
We give this letter!
Let the school be proud of you
Let the class friends be friends with you
The mood is funny
It will be every day and an hour!

For the ability to be friends
More fun with you together -
Reliable faithful friend.
That the world becomes brighter -
Your merit is!
You are a friend whom to look,
With you - everything is affordable:
Play, study, relax.

Thank you, our dear friend!
For the ability to be friends

There is nothing more important
Abilities to be friends,
And make the world kinder
And cherish friendship!
You will support, if necessary,
You will help you in everything!
And here you have a reward - our beautiful diploma!
Let all the dreams come true,
And a great success awaits!
Learn, dream and rejoice!
And be happier than everyone!


For hard work
Both school and class are proud of you,
You like to learn
And you like to work.
Successful with new ones, please you,
And in life you can achieve a lot!
With the end of the school year
You already know so much, and always success with you,
Only "excellent" you get
In the lessons - the best!
Let it be for the diligence
They praise you all now!
You will relax perfectly in the summer
Well, after that - to the high school!
Let it be lucky again in school
And with friends, and in everything!
And as a gift - our cheerful,
Wonderful diploma!


All praise you, of course - -
Teachers and family!
Let them continue to wait for good luck
You study "excellent"!
In life of knowledge, they mean a lot,
So try, do not be lazy!
And the diploma is to you as a reward,
Take it soon!
May there be joy with you
A lot of happiness and friends!

Video: nominations for girls

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