What can be prepared from overdue sour cream with an expired period: recipes of dishes

What can be prepared from overdue sour cream with an expired period: recipes of dishes

If you have overdue sour cream in your refrigerator, use it for baking. Look for recipes in the article.

Not a single, even the most experienced housewife, is safe from the appearance of spoiled products in the kitchen. In such situations, the question immediately arises about the possibility of their use. Dairy products that emit brightly exposed unpleasant odors, or mold raid appeared on the surface, must be thrown away without hesitation. However, if the expiration date has expired a few days ago, and the product was not covered with mold and does not have a bitter taste, then it can still be used, adding to different dishes.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The simplest and most delicious cakes for a cake in a pan". You will find a step -by -step recipe with condensed milk, without condensed milk, on sour cream, kefir, “honey”, “Napoleon”, and also find out which cream to cook for a cake in a pan.

The damaged sour cream is not suitable for refueling a salad or borsch. The product must be subjected to heat treatment. If the sour cream is overdue for no more than a couple of weeks, then very tasty home pastries can be made from it. Often sour sour cream is used in the preparation of dough for a cake, pies and cupcakes with cookies. In this article you will find many interesting and delicious recipes. Read further.

Is it possible to eat expired sour cream: what will happen if you eat?

Expensible sour cream
Expensible sour cream

Remember: Despite the fact that overdue sour cream can be put in the dough during baking, it is strictly prohibited (like other spoiled dairy products).

What will happen if you eat? The fact is that even high -quality sour cream contains a large number of microorganisms, and in the expired product their number increases so much that it becomes dangerous. Using overdue sour cream, you can earn a large number of diseases and infections, for example:

  • Acute toxic gastroduodenitis
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Salmonellosis
  • Exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases

Sour cream with obvious quality defects should not be used even for cooking. Signs that speak of unsuitability of sour cream are an uncharacteristic and unpleasant taste and smell, too sour taste and mold formation.

What to do if you ate overdue sour cream?

If through 2-6 hours After eating overdue sour cream, the temperature rose, weakness appeared, sweat performed or diarrhea began, several procedures need to be carried out. So what to do if you ate overdue sour cream? First of all, it is worth washing the stomach:

  1. AT 1.5–2 liters Pure water dilute several pondership granules so that the pale pink liquid forms as a result. In the event that there is no potassium permanganate in the house, it can be replaced with baking soda, magnesia or citric acid (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water is enough).
  2. Together with the cooked liquid, you need to go to the toilet.
  3. Drink a little solution, and then cause vomiting, with your fingers.
  4. Repeat the third point until the food stops going out. When one water begins to go, the gastric lavage can be considered successful.

It is worth knowing: If the body itself devastated the stomach (there was vomiting), then you can do without washing.

But remember: The gastric washing procedure is not suitable for everyone. It is contraindicated for people with symptoms of clouding of consciousness or in a fainting state - there is a danger of suffocation, children under 3 years old and people who had a heart attack or stroke.

To reduce the effect of poisoning, you can take a sorbent. The most affordable option is activated carbon. You need to drink one tablet for every 10 kg of your own weight. For example, with a weight of 50 kg, you need to take 5 tablets, and at 80 kg - 8 tablets. Instead of activated coal, other drugs, for example, Smecta and Polysorb are also suitable. You need to apply them following the instructions.

Next, it is necessary to restore the water balance. Vomiting and diarrhea greatly dehydrate the body, so you need to try to drink as much clean water as possible - a glass per hour, at least. If relief does not occur within 3-6 hours, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What will happen if you eat overdue sour cream to an adult, a child?". In it you will find much more useful information and tips.

Is it possible to use overdue sour cream in baking?

Baking is the first and most obvious way to use overdue sour cream. A fermented milk product that is part of the dough can turn into a secret ingredient that will predetermine the success of the dish. In situations with overdue sour cream, getting rid of possible problems, heat treatment will always help.

In the event that the shelf life of sour cream has expired more than two weeks ago, it is forbidden to use it categorically, even in baking. It is dangerous for health and even life.

Is it possible to use overdue sour cream for extinguishing?

Of course, if mold has formed on the expired sour cream, then it cannot be used in any way: it is completely spoiled and should be thrown out. However, in other situations, you should not rush, because the product can be used in extinguishing meat, mushrooms and vegetables, as well as for the preparation of delicious sauces.

Sour cream is overdue for 10, 20 days, month: can it use it?

Expensible sour cream
Expensible sour cream

Using spoiled sour cream, you need to know how long its expiration date has come out:

  • Less than a week ago, then you can use in the preparation of different dishes.
  • If a specific smell comes from it when opening a can, then you definitely don’t want to use such a product.

If sour cream is expired for 10, 20 days or monthIt is dangerous to use it. Such a product needs to be thrown without a doubt and not try to look for use for it. By using such products, you can get severe poisoning.

What can be prepared, make it out of overdue sour cream: where and how to use?

There are a huge number of diverse recipes in which one of the ingredients is a spoiled sour cream. Naturally, we are not talking about a finally spoiled product. Sometimes it happens that the bank of sour cream stood for some time in an open form, and is no longer suitable for adding to salads or borscht. But it is suitable for making pastries and other dishes.

The following is described what can be prepared, made from overdue sour cream, where and how to use it. Read further.

Cooking cottage cheese from overdue sour cream: Recipe

So, you have stood out products in the refrigerator. Today we cook cottage cheese from overdue sour cream. This will need - recipe:

  • Four liters of milk
  • Four large tablespoons of overdue sour cream

Do this:

  1. Mix the sour sour cream with a small amount of milk so that there are no lumps, then share the remaining milk.
  2. The resulting mixture must be covered with a lid and put to ferment in a warm place. This process can take from 10 hours to a day. As a result, a large, dense clot should form.
  3. Put a pan with the mixture received on the fire, under the closed cover.
  4. It is necessary to periodically look inside and make sure that the clot is compacted, and a transparent serum separates from the sides and bottom of the pan.
  5. Heat the mixture for 20 minutes (the mixture should not boil), then turn off and touch the contents until the mass cools completely.
  6. Then the mass is again put on the fire until the clot starts to break up into lumps.
  7. The contents of the pan must be heated slowly and evenly, avoiding boiling.
  8. When the entire mixture of the pan breaks down into small lumps, and the serum will become transparent and greenish, you can turn off the fire.
  9. It is necessary to let the mass cool, and then pour it into a colander lined with two layers of gauze.

After the whole serum is draining, tie the gauze with a knot and hang it above the container for 4-5 hours. Everything - cottage cheese is ready.

Olads from overdue sour cream: recipe

The sour sour cream is also suitable for preparing wonderful, delicious other lines. They will turn out lush and tender. Below you will find a recipe for pancakes from overdue sour cream. First you need to make the dough. This will need:

  • Half a glass of flour
  • 150-200 g of sour sour cream
  • A pinch of soda and a drop of vinegar to extinguish it
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2-3 eggs

Do this:

  1. First you need to mix the ingredients.
  2. Introduce the resulting mass before the appearance of bubbles.
  3. Fry pancakes in a pan, anointing it with butter, and spreading the dough with a tablespoon.

You may need more flour. After all, it all depends on the fat content of sour cream and flour. If a fermented milk product with slight fat content, then it is more liquid, then the flour will be required more than to prepare a dough of a 20 or 30%sour cream product.

Pancakes on overdue sour cream in a pan: recipe

Pancakes on expired sour cream in a pan
Pancakes on expired sour cream in a pan

On such a sour -milk product with an expired shelf life, excellent pancakes in a pan are made. Below you will find a delicious recipe. The following ingredients will be needed to prepare pancakes:

  • Half a liter of overdue sour cream
  • Half a liter of fresh milk
  • Three tablespoons of sugar
  • A little salt
  • Two glasses of flour
  • Two eggs

Do this:

  1. First you need to separate egg whites and yolks from each other.
  2. Next, it is necessary to whip the proteins until the time is formed.
  3. Then it is necessary to mix the resulting mixture with sour cream. Mix the whisk.
  4. Combine the yolks with the sour cream-white mixture and beat.
  5. Add warm milk.
  6. Salt and put a little sugar.
  7. Next, mix the mixture until the lumps dissolve, simultaneously filling the flour. If the dough is too thick, it can be diluted with milk.

Fry pancakes in a pan, lubricating with butter. They will turn out juicy and tasty thanks to the addition of sour cream.

What to bake from overdue sour cream quickly: Cupcake recipe

It often happens that you need to bake something to the table quickly, since guests will come soon or there is simply no time. Try to make cupcakes out of overdue sour cream. Below you will find a simple but delicious recipe. To cook them you need to:

  • Expensible sour cream - 200 gr.
  • Two eggs
  • Sugar-2-3 tbsp.
  • A teaspoon of soda
  • Fried almonds - a handful
  • Flour - 3 glasses

Do this:

  1. A damaged sour cream, stirred with sugar, must be beaten until smooth.
  2. Next, add eggs mixed with soda, and continue stirring.
  3. Grind the almonds with a blender. Pour walnut crumbs with flour into an already prepared mixture. Stir everything until a dough -shaped mixture is formed.
  4. Place the resulting dough into molds and put in the furnace for 30 minutes.

Bake until blurred, then take out and sprinkle sach muffins. powder. But you can do without it.

Baking of overdue sour cream and cottage cheese: cookie recipe

It is worth noting that baking of overdue sour cream, with the addition of cottage cheese, is especially tasty. The dough thanks to acid in the product rises well and makes the finished product lush and tasty. Below the cooking procedure is described. Here is the prescription:

  • 450 grams of spoiled sour cream
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese
  • A glass of fresh berries
  • A glass or two flour
  • One egg
  • Four to five tablespoons of sah. Sand
  • One teaspoon of sunflower oil and soda
  • A little salt

Do this:

  1. The sour sour cream must be beaten, previously connecting with soda. Let it brew for about ten minutes.
  2. Add the remaining components.
  3. Pour the flour.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Next, you will need to make blanks. Roll out of the dough and cut out a variety of figures.
  6. You can put the berries into the blanks and sprinkle them with sugar.

Bake until rosemen at 180 degrees. Serve to the table in a cooled form. The cookies will turn out to be crispy and tasty.

Expensible sour cream source cake: recipe

Outdated sour cream
Outdated sour cream

Pies are loved by absolutely all people. They are associated with us with home warmth and love of relatives - grandmothers, mothers. In childhood, the pies had their favorite dishes for many children. Let's prepare a cake from an overdue sour cream. It is tasty and fast. Here is the prescription.

For cooking you need:

  • 215 gr. expired sour cream
  • Baking powder
  • A glass of flour
  • Three eggs
  • 110 grams of sugar
  • Lemon zest

Do this:

  1. In sugar, groomed with eggs, you need to add overdue sour cream. Mix
  2. Next, pour the baking powder into well -sifted flour. Mix. Now combine the flour mixture and eggs with sugar and sour cream.
  3. Add lemon zest. Knead the dough.
  4. The dough should be thick.
  5. As a filling, you can use prunes, nuts or any fruits. Put the layer of dough in the shape, then lay out the filling, and cover again with a layer of dough.
  6. Put the prepared pie in the preheated oven and bake for 30-40 minutes, at 180 degrees.

When the pie has cooled after cooking, it can be cut into pieces and served to tea.

Pyshki on overdue sour cream: Recipe for dishes

Read in another article on our website an article on the topic: "How to make butter at home from store cream, homemade cow's milk, sour cream?". You will find a recipe in it, culinary tips.

Pyshki are perfect for morning coffee, cocoa or tea. Prepare them in the evening, and in the morning just serve with a hot drink. To cook, you need:

  • 205 gr. expired sour cream
  • 255 gr. butter
  • 24 gr. yeast
  • Use so much flour to knead the dough
  • Three yolks
  • 150 gr. cheese
  • A little salt

Do this:

  1. Take butter, melt and salt.
  2. Next, you need to combine melted oil with sour cream.
  3. Put raw yeast. They need to be kneaded with the resulting mass. If you use dry yeast, then they need to be mixed with sifted flour.
  4. After that, it is necessary to combine all other ingredients and add cheese. Pull the dough.
  5. Now put the dough on the table and roll it into a cake.
  6. Then fold the cake in half and roll out again. Repeat the whole process several times.
  7. After that, leave the dough for half an hour so that it can fit properly.
  8. Roll out and cut the mugs again with a glass or some mold.
  9. Each cut circle should be lubricated with yolk and water.
  10. Lay out all the blanks on a baking sheet lined with parchment, and bake in an oven for 20-30 minutes.

Before serving, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Fish pie from overdue sour cream: Recipe

Fish pie from overdue sour cream
Fish pie from overdue sour cream

Another delicious baking option is an ordinary, closed fish cake. If you have overdue sour cream, bake it for dinner. Here is the prescription:

For preparation, you will need:

  • A couple of eggs
  • 300 grams of flour
  • 175 grams of sour sour cream
  • Salt
  • Baking powder
  • Butter - a little
  • A couple of cans of fish canned food
  • Greens

Do this:

  1. Mix overdue sour cream with eggs and salt.
  2. Pour flour and baking powder into the resulting mass. Make the dough.
  3. Next, from the dough, you need to roll out a rectangle of medium thickness.
  4. Map the fish and mix it with butter and chopped herbs.
  5. Put the filling on one half of the rectangle, cover the other.
  6. Pin the edges of the pie, giving them the shape of a pigtail.
  7. Pierce the surface several times with a fork and put the future pie in the oven, heated to 200 ° C for half an hour.

Serve hot, cutting into pieces.

Mannik from overdue sour cream: baking recipe

Mannik is another favorite pastries from childhood with almost every adult. It is done simply and quickly - it is enough to have all the necessary products, mix and bake. Make it out of overdue sour cream. It will turn out tasty. Here is a baking recipe:

For this simple recipe you will need:

  • Expensible, sour sour cream - 400 grams
  • A teaspoon of soda
  • 110 gr. Sahara
  • 105 gr. butter
  • 100 gr. flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 415 gr. Sleeping

Do this:

  1. All ingredients need to be mixed with each other and whisk before turning into a homogeneous mass. The oil will have to be pulled out in advance from the refrigerator so that it is melted.
  2. Then pour the resulting mass into a mold and bake in the oven.

Serve hot or cold. You can pour any liquid jam.

Object tartlet from overdue sour cream: Recipe

An interesting and tasty dish, equally tasty both hot and cold. To prepare a zucchini tartlet from overdue sour cream, you must first buy puff pastry.

You can make it yourself according to the recipe described in this article.

We continue the recipe:

You will need:

  • A couple of small zucchini
  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Grated cheese - a little
  • Chopped mushrooms and onions
  • Chopped greens
  • Salt to taste

Next, do the following:

  1. It is necessary to roll out puff pastry in the pancake and put it on a baking sheet.
  2. Pierce the bottom of the pancake with a fork, and then put it in a preheated oven.
  3. Kubachki cut in the form of circles, lay out on the dough, sunbathe.
  4. Place the onion fried with mushrooms on top
  5. Avenue everything with sour cream and grated cheese with chopped greens.
  6. Put the dish in the furnace and cook for twenty minutes.

Remove and serve by cutting into portioned pieces. Great for fried chicken or as an independent dish for a snack or dinner.

Dietary buns from overdue sour cream: baking recipe

Dietary buns from expired sour cream
Dietary buns from expired sour cream

If you are on a diet, then such buns will become an excellent replacement of bread. You can, if desired, add to the dough baking of any sucriner and get a delicious dessert. To prepare buns from overdue sour cream, you need to - the recipe:

  • 220 gr. expired sour cream
  • A couple of eggs
  • A small spoon of soda
  • 400 gr. sifted flour
  • A pair of tablespoons of butter

Do this:

  1. First you need to melt the butter, then cool it and mix with chicken eggs. Add sour cream. Beat with a mixer.
  2. Mix flour sifted properly with soda. Combine the resulting mass with a mixture of sour cream and eggs.
  3. Next, cover the mixed dough and let it lie down properly.
  4. After the dough is resting, cut it in the form of pieces.
  5. From the dough blanks, make small balls, and bake in the oven until lightness.

You can grease the blanks with confused yolk. But you can do without it, then boil ready -made buns with water.

Square curls from overdue sour cream: Recipe

Another version of delicious baking is square curds. Make them also from overdue sour cream, but only with the addition of cottage cheese (you can also use an expired shelf life). Try to bake them, it will turn out tasty, gently and such a dish will perfectly complement any tea party. Here is the prescription:

To cook this dish is needed:

  • 220 grams of sour sour cream
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese
  • Two glasses of flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • 255 grams of margarine
  • Two egg yolks
  • 15 grams of yeast

Do this:

  1. To get started, melt the margarine.
  2. Then mix the damage with yeast, and let the resulting mixture brew for several minutes.
  3. Next, pour salt.
  4. Break the cottage cheese well or add a little milk and break through with a blender. There should be no lumps.
  5. The resulting mass formed, it is necessary to mix with margarine, and knead the dough from all this, adding flour.
  6. The mixed dough should be rolled out in the form of a thin cake and folded in half. Roll out again. Repeat the whole process several times.
  7. The folded dough needs to be covered with a lid and let it brew for half an hour. Roll up one more time. Cut in the form of squares.
  8. Next, all the blanks need to be anointed with yolks and frying in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 20-30 minutes until blurred.

Serve hot to the table.

Sanny cake from sour sour cream: Recipe

You have not tried such a cake yet. To taste, it resembles something between the biscuit and Mannik. It turns out lush and tasty. Here is the prescription:

To cook, you need:

  • A glass of decoy
  • 1/2 cup sah. Sand
  • A glass of sour sour cream
  • 2 drops of vanilla extract
  • A teaspoon of soda
  • 5 tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • 2 cups of flour

Do this:

  1. Add a well -mixed mixture of sugar and soda to a spoiled sour cream.
  2. Bubbles will appear. Give the resulting mass to brew for several minutes.
  3. Next, fill the flour with a manka in small portions. Put the vanilla extract.
  4. Shake everything with a whisk.
  5. Then pour into the resulting mass of sunflower oil and stir everything well.
  6. For taste, you can add raspberries or other berries to the dough.
  7. Pour the dough into the shape.
  8. The cake must be baked in a preheated oven for 25 minutes.

You can serve the baked cake in this form, or cut it in half and grease it with any cream or whipped cream. You can decorate with berries.

Expensible sour cream cheesecake: recipe

Cheesecake from overdue sour cream
Cheesecake from overdue sour cream

Chiskey is a fashionable dessert that is served in almost any cafe. If you have expired sour cream at home, try cooking it. Your guests and households will be surprised by a unique taste. Here is the prescription:

To prepare this dessert, you need:

  • 225 grams of sugar
  • Ground cinnamon - a little
  • Four fresh chicken eggs
  • Vanillin
  • Expensible sour cream - 200 grams
  • Cream cheese - 100 grams
  • 165 grams of butter or margarine
  • 255 grams of sand cookies
  • Lemon

Do this:

  1. First grate the butter on a grater in a special bowl or cup.
  2. Next, pour crushed cookies and cinnamon into the lost oil. The resulting mixture must be well stirred and distributed in shape.
  3. Then overdue sour cream, stir the cream cheese with egg proteins and sugar. The resulting mass will need to be beaten with a mixer before turning into a homogeneous mixture.
  4. After that, add the zest of the lemon and add vanillin.
  5. Put the cheese mass on the sand cake.
  6. The last stage of cooking is the pastries that will take in time 45 minutes. The prepared cheesecake must be held in the oven until it cools completely.

Having taken out the dessert from the oven, put it in the refrigerator, covering it with a plate or a saucer on top. Serve chilled, watering with jam and decorating with whipped cream.

Cottage cheese casserole from overdue sour cream: Recipe

Another simple baking recipe is a casserole of cottage cheese and expired sour cream. Great for breakfast or as a snack in the afternoon, for example, after a half. Here is the prescription:

To make this baking you need to have in the kitchen:

  • 510 gr. Cottage cheese
  • A couple of eggs
  • 185 gr. Sach. Sand
  • Four tablespoons of spoiled sour cream
  • Four tablespoons of flour
  • A little soda

Do this:

  1. First, pay off baking soda with a sour sour cream - mix and wait, the process will take a few minutes.
  2. Next, mix sour cream with egg proteins and sugar.
  3. Beat cottage cheese with a small amount of milk or sour cream or rub it through a sieve.
  4. Combine all products. The resulting mixture will need to be mixed with a spatula, phasedly filling the flour into it.
  5. Now pour the dough into a rectangular shape and place in a preheated oven.

Before serving, cut in portions.

What to cook from overdue sour cream in a pan: a pancake cake recipe

Such a dessert can be done if the sour cream is overdue no more than 1 day, and it does not have an unpleasant odor and taste. So what to cook from overdue sour cream in a pan? Here is a pancake cake recipe:

  • First fuck pancakes in a pan. You can make a recipe above. They should turn out at least 25 pieces.
  • Then make the cream. You can use any of your favorite or prepare a recipe below.

The cream will require the following components:

  • 200 gr. A little expired sour cream
  • One banana
  • Four tablespoons of condensed milk
  • 40 grams of chocolate

Do this:

  1. Mix sour cream with condensed milk and beat with a mixer until a thick mass is obtained.
  2. Now lubricate each pancake with cream, creating a cake.
  3. Put the bananas cut on the mugs on top.
  4. Garnish the sides of the cake with grated chocolate.

Let the cake soak well and serve to tea or coffee.

Expensible sour cream cheesecakes: recipe

Expensible sour cream cheesecakes
Expensible sour cream cheesecakes

In addition to pies, cakes and other pastries, overdue sour cream can also be used in the preparation of delicious cheesecakes. Here is the prescription:

This will need:

  • 210 grams of damable depressed
  • 210 grams of butter
  • A portion of dry yeast
  • 505 grams of flour
  • A little sah. Sand
  • 200 gr. Cottage cheese
  • Egg

Do this:

  1. First you need to take the sifted flour and mix it with yeast and chopped oil.
  2. Then add sour cream to a mixture of flour with yeast, salt, mix.
  3. Add sah. Sand, eggs - mix.
  4. Bright the cottage cheese so that there are no large grains.
  5. Put cottage cheese and mix to make a homogeneous dough.
  6. Let the test brew at least 10 minutes.
  7. Heat the pan, grease with butter or vegetable oil. Form a mug from the dough, roll in flour.
  8. Start frying cheesecakes on both sides.

Serve hot with fresh sour cream and jam to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Video: cupcake on old sour cream

Video: The most tender muffins on the old sour cream. The recipe should be tried!

Video: lush pancakes from sour sour cream

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