Chocolate jelly: without gelatin with dark chocolate, cocoa, sour cream - a cooking guide

Chocolate jelly: without gelatin with dark chocolate, cocoa, sour cream - a cooking guide

A delicious and delicate jelly can be done at home. In addition, it is easy to cook without gelatin.

Admirers of sweet dishes containing chocolate will surely appreciate various cooking options chocolate jelly. The beautiful delicate structure of goodies complements the unique taste. Simple preparation technique makes the dessert even more original. Those who are familiar with the Mediterranean cuisine will be able to note the similarity of our dish with the Italian pannah-Kotta.

Chocolate jelly made of dark chocolate without gelatin

The basis of the classic recipe is dark chocolate. It is better to give preference to real bitter chocolate without sugar. In this case, the dessert is also suitable for a diet menu. For diabetics, chocolate with Stevia will be the perfect option. It will fully fulfill the functions of the sweetener.

The usual use of gelatin for hardening in this recipe is replaced by agar-agar. The additive is of plant origin and helps to freeze the dessert, maintaining airiness. In terms of the number of agar-agar, you need 4 times less than gelatin.


  • 5 black chocolate tiles
  • 0.5 l of milk
  • 3 g agar-agar
  • 6 tsp. soy sauce

Preparation Guide:

  1. Pour the milk at room temperature into a deep pan.
  2. Fill the agar-agar. Mix and leave for 20 minutes for swelling.
  3. We put the pan on medium heat and knead the agar-agar until completely dissolved.
  4. Grind the chocolate into small pieces and add to hot milk.
  5. To give a piquant salty note, we add soy sauce to the milk-chocolate liquid.
  6. We knead until a homogeneous mass and distribute it according to silicone molds. Put the jelly in the refrigerator. After 60-80 minutes, the dessert is ready to use.
  7. Jelly placed on a plate can be decorated with cream or chopped nuts.

Multilayer chocolate jelly without gelatin

For cooking chocolate jelly without gelatin You can use several types of chocolate. This preparation option is suitable for both portioned jelly and a whole large cake.


  • 1 black chocolate tile
  • 1 tile of white chocolate
  • 1 tile of milk chocolate
  • 0.5 l of low -fat milk
  • 1 tsp. With a hill of Agar-agar
  • Vanillin

Preparation Guide:

  1. Pour 1/3 of milk in a container and put on fire.
  2. Add one of the types of chocolate, chopped into small pieces. Interfere with the chocolate-milk mixture until completely dissolved.
  3. Add vanilla on the tip of a knife and agar-agar. Bring the mixture to a boil and hold on fire for one minute. Do not forget to constantly stir.
  4. Strain the resulting mixture through a small sieve or gauze. Place on portioned molds or in one large container. Place in a cold place for solidification.
  5. As soon as the first layer froze, similarly prepare the second layer with another type of chocolate. Do the same with the third chocolate tiles.

The new layer is poured only on top of the frozen layer. In order not to damage the jelly when moving on a plate, it is recommended to place the form for a short time in hot water. Dessert, at will, decorate with mint leaves.

Chocolate jelly without gelatin with cocoa


  • 40 g cocoa powder
  • o.5 l of milk
  • 5 g agar-agar
  • 1 tsp. sugar sand
  • 1 sugar bag with vanilla
  • a strip of white chocolate

Preparation Guide:

  1. A pan with milk is placed on the fire. Pour the agar-agar into a warm liquid and knead well.
  2. After the dissolution of agar-agar, add sugar, vanilla and cocoa. Stir as heated.
  3. After dissolving sugar, give milk a little cool and pour into molds. Place in a cold place. When serving, the top layer of dessert is sprinkled with chip of chocolate.

Chocolate jelly without gelatin on a sour cream


  • 2 cups of fat sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder
  • 50 g of sweet powder
  • 5 g agar-agar

Preparation Guide:

  1. Agar-agar dilute with a glass of water and let stand. After 10 minutes, bring the water to a boil with constant stirring. Let the liquid cool.
  2. Place sour cream in deep dishes and pour water. Pour powder. Connect into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Divide the sour cream mass into two parts. Add cocoa into one portion and interfere with a homogeneous color.
  4. Pour a layer of white sour cream in dessert dishes and place in the refrigerator until hardened.
  5. To the frozen jelly add a layer of chocolate sour cream and send to solidify.

For solidification, you will need several hours. The dessert can be prepared in the form of a cake and served with portioned pieces. On top you can add another layer of sour cream.

Sour cream
Sour cream

Chocolate jelly without gelatin It is an excellent alternative to shopping cakes with high -calorie creams. For appetizing supply, dessert can be supplemented with fruit syrup or fresh berries.

Video: milk-chocolate jelly with agar-agar

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