Is it possible to eat overdue store, homemade sour cream? What will happen if you eat overdue sour cream to an adult, a child?

Is it possible to eat overdue store, homemade sour cream? What will happen if you eat overdue sour cream to an adult, a child?

Expensible sour cream can be dangerous to health. Read more in the article.

Sour cream is a product beloved by many from early childhood. It is used both in its pure form and is part of many dishes. Nowadays, there is not only home, natural sour cream, but also sour cream made in production sold on supermarket shelves and having a variety of names and price category. Unfortunately, not every of them has good quality.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Cute sauce: the best recipes". You will learn how to prepare sour cream white mushroom sauce, sour cream, with garlic, horseradish, mustard, greenery, onions, cheese, mayonnaise, flour, salted cucumbers for meat, fish, chicken, pasta, buttles, manti.

As a rule, every housewife has certain preferences regarding the choice of this product. Someone is enough sour cream from the store, and someone can only have natural, homemade, rustic. In any case, it is important to be able to choose a quality product. Read more in the article below.

How much is a store, home sour cream?

A good store sour cream should be stored little
A good store sour cream should be stored little

Natural, home sour cream differs from the one that is produced in production and sold in stores, not only with composition and taste, but also for storage. How much is a store, home sour cream?

  • Sour cream from the store, on average, stored 10 days Provided that the packaging is not opened.
  • At a lower temperature inside the refrigerator, this period can be extended up to 30 days.

It is worth noting that the more preservatives are part of sour cream, the longer its shelf life will be. Accordingly, its composition will already be less natural. After opening the packaging, it is recommended to use sour cream within 3 days. To store the open packaging of the product, the temperature in the refrigerator should be maintained within the limits not higher than 6 degrees.

  • Home sour cream it does not have preservatives. Therefore, its shelf life is much lower.
  • Usually it does not exceed 3 days in the refrigerator. If it is made from fresh milk, the shelf life may last up to 6 days in the refrigerator.

But to check what freshness was milk, in the manufacture of homemade sour cream it is often impossible. Therefore, do not hope for this fact and use the product during 3 days.

Is it possible to eat shop sour cream if it has swollen?

From time to time, on the shelves of supermarkets, you can find sour cream banks, in which the shelf life has not yet expired, but the packaging has already swollen. The question arises, how safe it is to eat such store sour cream?

  • Usually a swollen bank says that the conditions of storage of the product were violated.
  • Perhaps the sour cream spent several hours without a refrigerator, or, even worse, under the open sun of the sun.
  • Most often, this happens during the shipment or loading of the goods, when it is in whole batches in the pallets in anticipation of her turn for acceptance. This is especially true for large stores, for example, hypermarkets. But this happens in smaller retail outlets.
  • Bloating of packaging can occur not only due to violation of storage conditions, but also due to violation of production technology.

Whatever the reasons for the bloating with sour cream, there is it in its pure form, no longer worth it. This can lead to health problems, in particular to food poisoning. In such a bank, the process of fermentation has already begun and it is not known how the body will perceive this product, which, in fact, has already begun to deteriorate. It is especially dangerous to use such a fermented milk product for children. The child’s body is most sensitive to non -stable products and this can lead to poisoning.

What happens to sour cream after the expiration date?

After the expiration date, the taste and color change after the expiration date
After the expiration date, the taste and color change after the expiration date

After the expiration of the expiration date, sour cream changes its taste. The fact is that it contains various microorganisms, thanks to which these processes occur. What else is happening?

  • The product contains changes in acidity, as well as some other indicators of the quality of sour cream.
  • Her taste is changing, it becomes more acidic.
  • The color also changes, an unpleasant odor appears.
  • A liquid protrudes on the surface of sour cream.
  • In addition, mold may appear in the container with the product.

It is worth noting that all these changes do not appear on the same day. At first it may seem that this is still a completely fresh product. However, irreversible processes in it have already begun.

How to check sour cream for suitability?

The quality of sour cream is very easy to check. Some unscrupulous manufacturers dilute the product with starch. To find out if this product is part of sour cream, you need to use the usual iodine:

  • Drop a few drops to a small amount of sour cream.
  • If starch in its composition is present, sour cream will acquire a blue color.
  • If this is a quality product, without starch, there will be no blue shade.

Another way to check sour cream for quality is to use the surface of the glass:

  • Dismate a small amount of the product on the glass.
  • High -quality sour cream will immediately fall in an even layer. The other will lie on the glass in the form of incomprehensible divorces, which will not be equal.

You can also find out good sour cream using ordinary water:

  • It is enough to dissolve one spoonful of sour cream in a glass with clean warm water.
  • Good sour cream will completely dissolve, the color of the liquid will be uniform, without impurities.
  • A poor -quality product will give a precipitate. To clearly see this, the glass must be transparent.

For suitability, sour cream can only be checked, based on organoleptic indicators: its color, smell, consistency. The color should be even, the amount of serum is at least, the smell is pleasant, fermented milk.

Is it possible to eat expired sour cream: what will happen if you eat an adult, a child?

Sour cream - fermented milk product. Is it possible to eat overdue sour cream? What will happen if you eat an adult or a child?

  • It is dangerous to eat in its purest form after expiration. This threatens the acquisition of intestinal infection, food poisoning, pancreatitis, as well as exacerbation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Some risk health, eat overdue sour cream for the sake of saving: why buy fresh when the old one has not ended? But such “savings” can turn into even greater expenses: the funds for treatment will need much more than the cost of a bank thrown out.
  • In addition, there is a great risk of being in a hospital bed and losing part of your salary because of this. Therefore, you need to think about saving last, the main thing is health.

The use of such sour cream for children is especially dangerous. Their body is most sensitive to poor -quality food, and this can cause more serious health problems than in adults.

By the way, it is also dangerous to give a damaged product to animals. They may also have health problems due to eating overdue sour cream. And their treatment is sometimes more expensive than treating a person.

What to do if you ate overdue sour cream?

I ate overdue sour cream, my stomach hurts
I ate overdue sour cream, my stomach hurts

It happens that the dish has already been eaten, and only then you understand that one of the components of the ingredients was spoiled. What to do if you ate overdue sour cream?

  • First of all, do not panic.
  • If its taste, color and smell did not cause disgust, not everything is so bad.
  • It is unlikely that anyone will intentionally eat sour cream covered with mold or having a very unpleasant odor.
  • However, if the expiration date has expired relatively recently - 1-3 days agoOutwardly, the product may not change any way.
  • But he will nevertheless bring harm to health, especially a childhood or weakened organism.

If, after you eat overdue sour cream, unpleasant symptoms are observed, such as heaviness in the stomach, nausea, then it is better to immediately drink a large amount of pure water and cause vomiting. After that, it usually becomes easier. Then drink activated charcoal and let the body rest, limiting physical activity. In the coming hours, heavy foods should be avoided. If the condition worsens, the temperature rises, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to receive medical care.

Is it possible to use overdue sour cream in baking: recipes

Overdue sour cream can be used in baking
Overdue sour cream can be used in baking

If with the use of sour cream in its pure form after the expiration of the expiration date is clear, then what if you want to add such a product to baking? How dangerous can this be? Is it possible to use overdue sour cream in baking?

  • If its expiration date has expired recently-2-3 days ago, then you can use such a product in baking. The main thing is that it does not have obvious signs of damage. A light boasting of the product is allowed.
  • Sour cream should not have an unpleasant odor, mold on the surface, its color should remain the same.
  • Such a product is recommended to add to the dough for pies, pancakes, pancakes. It is important that it undergoes heat treatment.

How to cook pancakes - recipe:

  • It is necessary to add flour, egg, a little sugar, as well as a pinch of salt and soda to a slightly acidic sour cream. The last product is allowed to be replaced by baking powder. Put so much flour so that it is not too liquid dough.
  • Mix, fry in a preheated pan with vegetable oil.

Such pancakes are lush and very tasty. They can be diversified by adding a little cottage cheese or sweet cottage cheese to the dough. This is done directly in the pan, when the pancakes are already grabbed - a little filling is laid out on the middle of the pancake and closes with another layer of dough.

Unusually tasty of acidified sour cream is homely cookies:

  • In the dough to sour cream, add flour, 100 grams of butter, eggs and sugar, as well as a little baking powder for the dough.
  • After kneading the mass, you need to let it cool in the refrigerator, then form, and then bake cookies in the oven.

From the acidified sour cream, a biscuit is very good and tasty:

  1. To this sour -milk product, add flour, butter, slightly sugar and semolina, as well as a pinch of soda or slightly baking powder.
  2. Mix everything well. The biscuit is prepared in the oven. Put the dough in the shape and bake at 180 degrees.
  3. This classic recipe can be diversified by almost anything: with any berries, fruits, jam, jam and so on.

A great option would be to prepare a cupcake:

  • Eggs, a little kefir, sugar and flour, as well as baking powder are added to the sour cream with the expired storage.
  • As an addition, you can use absolutely any nuts, dried fruits, centers, who likes more.
  • Knead the short dough, put the blanks on the molds or put in one shape.
  • Bake in the oven until cooked.

Bunnies or chips are very good:

  • Desin sour cream, flour, butter and grated cheese are mixed. Add a bag of dry yeast here.
  • Give the dough to brew a little, form pyshki in the form of buns.
  • Give the workpieces to rise a little, grease them with an egg and send them to the preheated oven.

One of the simplest and fastest enough options is to bake an apple pie. Something he resembles a charlotte, but there is still differences. For a pie, you need:

  • Mix sour cream, eggs and sugar.
  • Add the baking powder and apples cut into pieces.
  • Pour all this into the shape and send it to the preheated oven.
  • When the pie is prepared, sprinkle it with cinnamon.

In fact, baking based on such sour cream is quite diverse. Such a product can be added to manniks, sources, muffins, cheesecakes, buns, casseroles and so on.

Is it possible to use overdue sour cream for extinguishing?

You can use overdue sour cream for extinguishing
You can use overdue sour cream for extinguishing

During the extinguishing, as well as during baking, the products undergo heat treatment. Therefore, the principles of using overdue sour cream with an expired shelf life in these cases are the same. If its color and smell remained unchanged, there is no mold, and the number of past days after the expiration date does not exceed three, then its use during stew is safe. The main thing is that it, along with the rest of the products, undergo heat treatment. But using it as an addition to stewed dishes is already dangerous. This is the use of a product in raw form, which threatens with serious health problems. As for specific examples, tasty dishes can be made from such sour cream.

Vegetable sauce:

  • Garlic, grated cheese and salt are added to it.
  • The mixture is mixed well, pour vegetables with it and send a dish to the oven.

Universal sauce You can name the seasoning, made of sour cream, flour and water:

  • To improve taste, salt and butter are added to it.
  • Expire the future sauce over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Such a sauce is great for cooking their potatoes, chicken, pasta.

Tomato sauce - a great solution for meat minced meat Based on an acidic sour cream:

  • To prepare it, mix sour cream with water, tomato paste, onions and flour, add salt.
  • Tomato paste can replace puree from fresh or canned tomatoes.
  • In this case, the addition of water is not required, otherwise the sauce will turn out to be too liquid.

Sour cream and pickled cucumbers sauce - It turns out very tasty and unusual:

  • Add more garlic and dill to these products.
  • For uniform consistency, cucumbers and garlic must be rubbed on a fine grater.
  • Add a little water to the sauce and put out for 5 minutes over low heat.
  • It will be a good addition to meat and poultry dishes.

An acidified sour cream can be used to extinguish meat, in particular chicken:

  • It is diluted with water and added to the dish during cooking in the oven or in a pan.
  • The result is a fragrant chicken with a crisp.

It also turns out very tasty potato coated with such sour creamdiluted with spices and baked in the oven. By the way, by itself, raw potatoes are preparing in the oven for a very long time. To accelerate the process, it is better to boil it first almost until readiness, and only then season with sour cream, spices and placed in the oven.

You can still prepare mushrooms. They are tasty, with a creamy taste. The sour cream sauce makes the dish more tender.

Sour cream is overdue for 10 days, month: can it use it?

10 days or even a month After the expiration of the expiration date in fermented milk products is a fairly large period of time. It is strictly forbidden to use such expired sour cream. In order to save money, many people add such sour cream when cooking to various dishes.

It's important to know: If the sour cream is natural (home), during this time it will acquire an unpleasant color and smell. Its use even after heat treatment can cause health problems.

In the case when many preservatives have been added to the store product, it may seem unchanged to the appearance. And perhaps after heat treatment it will be safe for eating. However, the body is different for all people. After that, nothing will happen after that, but someone will have food poisoning. Therefore, it is best not to take risks, but to purchase a fresh product.

Before deciding how safe the use of such sour cream in the preparation of dishes needs to be understood how accurately it is overdue, whether the signs of damage are clearly visible. For example, a store sour cream, which contains a sufficient number of preservatives, and which has expired approximately 10 days agocan be safer than a natural product from a market that is overdue 5 days.

Is it possible to store home, store sour cream in the freezer?

You can store homemade, store sour cream in the freezer
You can store homemade, store sour cream in the freezer

Many housewives are trying to freeze some products for longer storage. Is it possible to store home, store sour cream in the freezer? Yes, you can.

  • After defrosting, it will be safe for eating.
  • But it is worth considering the fact that as a result of such storage, the product loses some of its taste. Its consistency changes, most likely, it will no longer be the same tasty.
  • However, it can be used without problems in baking or to prepare other dishes.
  • Storage in the freezer is one of the ways to maintain the freshness of the product longer.

It is very important to freeze sour cream correctly:

  • Before placing the product in the freezer, it should be well beat with a whisk. This is necessary for the uniform distribution of fat and moisture inside the sour cream.
  • Then it is placed in a clean glass jar and cleaned in the freezer.
  • In order to defrost it back, it is undesirable to use a microwave oven, although this is quickly.
  • The best option is to place a jar with sour cream in the refrigerator for about a day.

By the way, if the sour cream is completely natural, homely, it will not really lose its taste. Its consistency will simply be broken, it will become more liquid. Therefore, it can be added not only to dishes during their preparation, but also to use as a gas station for the first dishes.

Video: Experiment. Is it possible to freeze sour cream?

How to store sour cream longer?

There are some tricks on how to keep sour cream a little longer:

  • It must be placed in a clean dry glass jar, closed with a metal lid and put in the refrigerator, putting the container upside down.
  • Thus, a vacuum is formed in the bank, which will not allow the product to start to deteriorate as long as possible.
  • However, it will be extended, thus, the shelf life will turn out for a short time - from 3 to 8 days.

If you need to save sour cream for a long time, the only way out is to use the freezer, freezing the product. Thus, sour cream can be stored up to 6 months.

Video: 16 products that can be consumed after expiration date

Video: Can I eat expired products?

Video: lush pancakes from sour sour cream

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