Fixed cream for a biscuit cake: 7 best recipes, cooking secrets, reviews

Fixed cream for a biscuit cake: 7 best recipes, cooking secrets, reviews

Recipes for making sour cream for a biscuit cake.

Creamy cream is one of the most common and affordable options for decorating and impregnating various cakes. In this article we will tell you how to cook sour cream for a biscuit cake.

Simple sour cream for a biscuit cake with powdered sugar

Now in stores you can find a huge variety of ready -made sweets, but still many women try and bake cakes on their own. One of the most common options for cream for cake is whipped cream. However, this cream is very fat, air, in most cases the finished dessert is quite dry. That is why biscuit cakes, which are lubricated with cream cream, are often impregnated with liquid components such as liquor, cognac or tea.

There is no need to do this with sour cream, since it is significantly different in consistency from the creamy, and makes the dessert wet, juicy and very satisfying. The simplest option of sour cream is mixing the main product with powdered sugar and vanilla. Below you can find out the simplest recipe.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 0.5 kg of home sour cream
  • A glass of powdered sugar
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar

A recipe for a simple sour cream for a biscuit cake:

  • It is necessary to whip sour cream in a blender for 5 minutes.
  • After that, pour sugar in small portions until the air consistency is obtained.
  • Lastly, sugar, vanilla are introduced. The main task is that grains of sugar creak on the teeth.
Creamy cream
Creamy cream

What is the best sour cream for sour cream?

If you prepare a cream for decoration, we recommend that in order to obtain a thicker consistency, enter gelatin, starch or other ingredients that allow you to make the cream less fluid. In this case, the product is not suitable for impregnation, since it will be strong enough, dry and will not be able to fill the bubbles that are inside the biscuit cake.

What the best sour cream for sour cream:

  • Cream sour cream can be used, both with the highest fat content and low -fat. However, it is worthwhile to understand that the less oily sour cream, the cream gets.
  • However, the task of the sour cream does not at all keep the form, but to impregnate the cakes.
  • Therefore, if you use not a thick, and low -fat sour cream for impregnating cakes, then for these purposes it is quite suitable. As decoration, you can use cream cream, or whipped cream.

Cottage cheese cream for a biscuit cake

The most delicious, popular and interesting cream for a biscuit cake is to use a peculiar mixture of sour cream with cottage cheese. The fact is that cottage cheese gives a dessert of density, saturated taste, can be used as a cream for decoration and jewelry. Below is the simplest recipe for making cottage cheese and sour cream.


  • 350 g of cottage cheese 9 %
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 220 ml of sour cream
  • Vanilla sugar

Recipe for cooking cottage cheese-mixed cream for a biscuit cake:

  • It is necessary to initially prepare the product. If you purchased granular homemade cottage cheese, it must be killed several times in a blender or mixer.
  • This is necessary to get rid of grains and make a mass of homogeneous. You can also wipe the product through a sieve. It is best to use powder instead of sugar.
  • If this is not possible, load sugar into a blender, turn it into a small fraction. Choose the maximum fat sour cream. Next, it is necessary to mix a minute in a blender with a cottage with sour cream, then pour sugar.

Please note that it turns out not very air, but thick enough and dense. This is an ideal recipe for lubricating biscuit or honey cakes.


Cute cream with condensed milk for a biscuit cake

The simplest option for a biscuit cake is the use of sour cream with condensed milk. To prepare this dessert, there is no need to use sugar, because it is enough in milk.

For preparation, you need:

  • 250 ml of sour cream
  • 250 ml of condensed milk
  • Vanilin's bag

Recipe for sour cream with condensed milk for a biscuit cake:

  • To prepare a cream, beat out of a blender or mixer sour cream for 2 minutes. It is necessary that it becomes a little thick. After that, pour the condensed milk with a thin stream.
  • For these purposes, it is better to take do not dairy products from vegetable fats, but a natural condensed milk with a high percentage of fat content. It is necessary to pour vanilla and beat for another 2 minutes. There is no need to achieve density, splendor of the cream, since its texture does not allow to turn into foam.
  • That is why the cream is mainly used to impregnate dry cookies, and biscuit cakes. To decorate the cake, it is better to use thicker options, such as whipped cream.
Creamy cream
Creamy cream

Custard crooked cream for biscuit cake

One of the most successful recipes of sour cream is with the addition of an egg and brewing. The fact is that such a cream turns out to be very elastic, lush and airy, holds its shape well. With this cream, you can level the cake, fill the eclairs, or serve with fruits, as a dessert.

Please note that to prepare this cream, it is necessary to take fatty sour cream, as well as good butter. In no case for these purposes you can not use a spread, as well as margarine. No plant additives in the composition of butter should be.


  • 400 ml of fat sour cream
  • One egg
  • 200 g of butter
  • Vanilla sugar
  • 120 g of sugar
  • 20 g of corn starch

Recipe for sour coded cream for a biscuit cake:

  • For cooking, you need to mix sour cream with sugar and yolk egg in the vessel. Next, it is necessary to introduce vanilla sugar and corn starch.
  • All this mixture is thoroughly mixed with a fork, until smooth. Further, the container is placed in a pan with boiling water, which stands on low heat.
  • With constant mixing, it is necessary that the mass becomes very thick. As soon as the mass thicken, it is necessary to turn off the heating and leave to cool.
  • As soon as the mass has cooled, it will become room temperature, you need to do butter. To do this, the entire portion of oil is beaten with a mixer for 5-7 minutes.
  • It is necessary that everything becomes white, and holds on a whisk, and also differed in an air consistency. In small portions, a sour cream is introduced into the oil one spoon, which has already cooled down. Beating to obtain an elastic, homogeneous, air mass that does not fall out of the plate and does not flow.

Cream for a biscuit cake with gelatin

A sour cream, due to its consistency, can rarely be used for leveling. However, if you need to prepare a low -calorie cream that is suitable for leveling, it will be perfectly kept in shape, we recommend using a gelatin cream for these purposes.

For these purposes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 ml of sour cream
  • 15 g of gelatin
  • 70 g of sugar
  • Vanillin
  • Some water

Recipe for sour cream for a biscuit cake with gelatin:

  • To prepare the cream, it is necessary to soak gelatin in cold water so that it completely dissolves in it and swell. The mixture is placed on a very small fire or water bath, constantly mixed.
  • It is necessary that the gelatin is completely dissolved and become liquid. As soon as this happens, the mixture is not worth it to a boil.
  • It is necessary to remove from heat and left until cool. It is necessary to achieve a temperature of 30-35 degrees. After that, it is necessary to beat the sour cream with sugar in a separate bowl and add vanillin.
  • As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is necessary to pour the liquid with gelatin with a thin stream until an elastic mass is obtained. Initially, the mixture will be very liquid, and is definitely not suitable for aligning the cake.
  • In order for the cream to become thick and suitable for leveling, it must be put in the refrigerator for about 40-60 minutes. Further, with the help of a spatula or spatula, you can easily level the surface of a biscuit cake.

Please note that this cream is great if you need to decorate the dessert with fruits. Juice does not flow through the cream and does not make it less thick. That is, pieces of fruit in it will not fail, but will lie on the surface.


Sweet-oil cream for a biscuit cake

The sour cream itself is quite fat, however, thanks to the features of the main product, it is not able to align the cake. Therefore, if your task is to use a cream for aligning the cake, or its decoration, an ideal option will be a sour cream-oil cream. It adds density of products, making the cream less mobile, and more plastic.

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of fat sour cream
  • 200 g of butter
  • 100 g of sugar powder
  • Vanilla

The recipe for making an oil cream of a biscuit cake:

  • It is necessary to get the oil from the refrigerator, and leave it at room temperature for 1 hour. It is necessary that it becomes soft enough, but does not flow.
  • A softened oil must be beaten with a mixer for 3 minutes, then pour a small amount of sugar. Mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Add sour cream in small portions with a thin stream and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Such a mass must be put in the refrigerator for about 1 hour, and only after that to align the cake. In the refrigerator, the cream will acquire a final thick consistency, and will become more plastic.
Banana cake
Banana cake

Sour cream-chocolate cream for a biscuit cake

One of the most delicious and unusual creams based on sour cream is chocolate. It is distinguished by a bitter taste due to the presence of black chocolate. Lovers of chocolate will appreciate the cream, and homemade pastries.


  • 150 g of black chocolate
  • 70 g butter
  • 150 ml of sour cream
  • Vanilla
  • A pinch of salt
  • 100 g of sugar powder

Recipe for a biscuit cream of a biscuit cake:

  • First you need to grind the chocolate, breaking it into pieces. It must be folded into a pan, add the entire portion of butter. The mixture is placed on a small fire and is thoroughly stirred.
  • It is necessary that the mass becomes homogeneous. Next, the mixture must be left until cool, and let stand for 1 hour. After that, the mixer turns on in full power.
  • As soon as the mass becomes enough air, it is necessary to introduce sour cream, salt, vanilla and powdered sugar. Continue to work as a mixer until you get a thick and homogeneous mass.
  • Please note that the cream in the end turns out to be quite dense, not fluid. It has a rich chocolate taste and a pleasant consistency.
  • It will be a great addition to creamy, biscuit desserts. This cream is rarely used to align the cake, since it does not have a dense consistency.

Cream for cream: reviews

Many housewives prepare desserts differently. Below in the reviews you can find out how delicious the sour cream of various housewives turns out.

City cream for cake, reviews:

Sveta:  I cook homemade pastries infrequently, I do not have certain skills, so I choose the simplest, straightforward recipes. I cook a biscuit with the addition of soda, and grind with sour cream. To prepare the cream, I do not use a blender or mixer, but mix products with a corolla. I never achieve a thick consistency, I love it very much when the cream is liquid and impregnates almost the entire texture of the cakes.

Olga: I like to cook, every week I pamper my household with homemade pastries. Often I cook a biscuit that I lubricate with sour cream. My favorite recipe with gelatin. I really like to decorate such fruit cakes. Often I put fruits into the cakes. Bananas, as well as strawberries, give a rich, fruit taste, making dessert more light.

Albina:  I cook sour cream exclusively from home sour cream, since I believe that the products in the store are of low quality and low fat content. With poor quality of such products, it is very difficult to get a good and air cream. Therefore, I get home sour cream in the market. I cook not a classic sour cream, but with the addition of condensed milk. This cream is universal, since it can be lubricated with waffle cakes, or the simplest rugs. I prefer to use a cream for lubricating biscuit cakes. It turns out a light, straightforward dessert with an exquisite taste. If you try and decorate the cake beautifully, all guests will be delighted.


Recipes of delicious cakes can be found in articles on our website:

This cream will never turn out by density as cooked from cream. This is due to the fat content of sour cream and cooking features. The fact is that after adding sugar, sour cream can become quite liquid, but you should not be upset.

Video: sour cream for a biscuit cake

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