Yogurt cream for a cake with cream, sour cream, cottage cheese: recipes for cooking, tips, reviews

Yogurt cream for a cake with cream, sour cream, cottage cheese: recipes for cooking, tips, reviews

Recipe for making yogurt cream for a cake.

Yogurt is a favorite product of girls who follow their figure. With it, you can cook both desserts and main dishes. A light sour -milk product can be replaced with mayonnaise, sour cream, as well as fat sauces. In this article we will tell you how to cook a yogurt cream forcake. 

Creamy yogurt cream for cake

In most cases, this is a good addition to desserts that are created in the summer. Usually supplemented with fruits, berries. In combination with a slight taste of fruit, milk impregnation makes the dish airy, cooling, refreshing. Prepared using a small amount of ingredients. Often prepared not a pure yogurt product, but with the addition of cottage cheese and cream. The fact is that this fermented milk product is quite liquid, therefore, for stabilization, so that it does not drain from the surface of the dessert, gelatin is usually introduced, or thickeners. Below we present the simplest recipe.

List of components: 

  • 300 g of low -fat natural yogurt 
  • 200 ml 30% cream 
  • 150 g of small sugar 
  • Thickener 
  • Vanillin 

The recipe for the creamy-yogurt cream for the cake: 

  • It is worth using chilled blades for a mixer and a cold dish. Therefore, before starting the process, it is worth placing a mixer blades and a bowl in the freezer. 
  • Prepare the components. See you small sugar through a sieve so that it becomes airy. You can use classic granulated sugar, but the cooking time will increase. Sugar grains can spoil the delicate taste of the product. Therefore, we still recommend cooking using powder. Cream is selected home, with fat content of about 30-33%. 
  • Yogurt is taken without fillers. If you plan to prepare goodies with the addition of fruits or berries, take products that taste coincide with the filler. A good solution will be a calorie product with a percentage of fat 6-8. If this is not found in the store, do not be upset. You can always use the thickener. 
  • Pour cream, yogurt, powder and rotate the blades into a bowl for several minutes. It is necessary that the products become dense, lush. After these manipulations, soaked gelatin is introduced. 
  • It is better to pour it with a thin stream, carefully working with a mixer at medium speed. When the entire thickener is introduced into the substance, it must be brought to a temperature of +5 +10, design a dish. 
  • Of course, it is much easier to throw all the components into the container and work with a mixer, turning into a viscous substance. However, experts advise initially to prepare cream, and only then in small doses to introduce a dairy product with less fat content. The mass will turn out to be more air, and will be combined with any sweets.

It is worth paying attentionthat the dairy product is poorly lost if it is done in warm form, or in a not very clean vessel. Therefore, the correct solution is to pour boiling water on a bowl in which the mixer will be processed. So you get dense peaks, the paste will not flow out of the container, even if you turn it upside down. Of course, the main task of such impregnation is not at all to align the cakes, but to soak them, to give an unusual, easy taste.

A piece of happiness

A piece of happiness

Crute-yogurt cream for cake

The cottage cheese-yogurt product is very popular. It has a rich taste, pleasant sourness, and perfectly complement the biscuit cakes. Such a product can decorate ordinary fruit goodies without adding dough. The impregnation is also used in the preparation of sweets without baking.  In the product with cottage cheese, it is not necessary to pour gelatin and thickener. The substance turns out and so thick enough. It is not suitable for covering the surface, but only for the layer. It is better to choose fat homemade cheese with sourness. To make it more suppressed, it is rubbed in advance in a blender, or using a sieve. 

List of components:  

  • 400 g of cottage cheese 
  • 500 ml of home yogurt 
  • 150 g of small sugar 
  • Vanillin 

Recipe for cottage cheese-yogurt cream for the cake: 

  • Cottage cheese is wiped or turned into a blender into a soft mass. It is necessary that there are no grains left, as they will be felt in the finished product. 
  • Further, small sugar is added to it and is thoroughly averaged in a blender. It is necessary that the mass becomes sweet, homogeneous. Now pour yogurt in small doses. 
  • In this case, the product is used with the highest fat content that can be found in the store. Do not rush to pour the product completely, since the foam will settle, cottage cheese can become thicker and more viscous. 
  • Try to do this in small portions. Before lubricating the base, you should bring to a temperature of +5 +7. 
A piece of happiness
A piece of happiness

Yogurt cream for Cake "Dairy Girl"

The Dairy Girl cake has become quite popular. And this is not surprising, because it is not bold, lightweight, it is very simple. The main advantage is that you do not need to beat the yolks and proteins separately. The basis is prepared by mixing all products at one time. That is, it turns out very quickly, simple and easy. Topping is used yogurt. The delicacy of jam, as well as fresh fruits, is supplemented. It is preferable to cook in the summer when there are a lot of strawberries and raspberries. It is with these berries that the taste is interesting and unusual. 

List of components: 

  • 500 ml of cream 
  • 300 ml of fat yogurt 
  • 15 g of gelatin 
  • Small sugar
  • Vanillin 

The recipe for yogurt cream for the Milk Girl cake: 

  • In a separate bowl, turn cow cream with powder into a bubble substance. It is necessary that she holds on a whisk, does not fall. 
  • In a thin stream, enter the thickener dissolved in water. Do not stop the work of the blades, you need to continue to whip. 
  • Next, in small doses, enter yogurt with a silicone blade. Do this carefully so that the cream foam does not sat down, and the product does not become viscous and sugary. The substance can be used immediately after cooking. 
  • That is, you do not need to insist in the refrigerator. However, keep in mind that in the cold the pasta becomes thicker, therefore, if you need to decorate the top of the dessert, it is worth maintaining the product in the cold for about one hour. 
Dietary dessert
Dietary dessert

Biscuit cream for biscuit cake

Yogurt is combined with other products. But in this recipe it goes well with condensed milk and cream. Paste is greasy, with a rich taste. Such a mixture is used to impregnate delicate cakes, because the mass is characterized by a dense texture, and can be used for alignment. 

List of components: 

  • 550 ml of fat yogurt 
  • One can of condensed milk 
  • 210 ml of cream with fat content of 30% 
  • 100 g of small sugar 
  • One large lemon 

Biscuit cream of yogurt cream recipe: 

  • Remove the juice from the lemon, chop the zest in small pieces. You can use a coffee grinder, or blender for these purposes, so that the skin turns into a paste. 
  • It is also added to the mixture. Combine a dairy product with lemon juice, and pour the entire portion of condensed milk. The mass must be treated with a mixer so that the mixture becomes quite thick, lush. Further, the paste must be put in advance on the cold, how many hours. 
  • During this time, you need to get the cream from the refrigerator and beat them to persistent peaks, with the addition of small sugar. When the product becomes magnificent and thick, the resulting mass that stood in the refrigerator is poured into it. 
  • Introduce in small portions, mixing with a silicone glass in one direction so that the bubbles that are in butter, do not burst, and it does not settled. 
  • This option is suitable to decorate biscuit and chocolate cakes. Such desserts are complemented by fruits and nuts. 
Tender sweetness
Tender sweetness

Substarine-yogurt cream for cake

The sour cream option is distinguished by a pleasant taste, and its lightness. After all, usually the fat content of sour cream is much lower than cream. It is worth taking the maximum fat products that can be purchased in the store. 

List of components: 

  • 500 ml of yogurt 
  • 500 ml of sour cream 
  • Thickener 
  • 125 g of small sugar
  • Vanillin 

Recipe for a cream cream cream for a cake: 

  • Cool sour cream with yogurt separately in the refrigerator. Pour vanilla into yogurt, as well as thickeners. In a separate container, turn sour cream with powdered sugar into air paste. 
  • The cooling time is approximately 3 hours. The paste is airy with bubbles inside. Caution, in small portions, using silicone stack, enter the yogurt mass into a sweet sour cream. 
  • Turn into a homogeneous mixture, but do not mix too energetically so that the bubbles inside do not burst. Before use, the resulting product should be left in the refrigerator for several hours. This will make the mixture more plastic, thick. 
A piece of happiness
A piece of happiness

Jogurt cream with gelatin for cake

With the help of yogurt, you can cook cream sufle. This is a successful solution for cheesecake, as well as fruit cakes. Suffle can safely pour fruit fillings, and decorate with chocolate and nuts on top. Pasta differs in that it is preparing with the introductionzheling components, when in the refrigerator, they become solid. 

List of components: 

  • Yogurt 500 ml 
  • 150 ml of sour cream 
  • Half a banker of condensed milk 
  • Sange of gelatin 
  • 100 mlwater 

Recipe for yogurt cream with gelatin for the cake: 

  • Beat yogurt along with a sour -milk product, that is, sour cream. Pour in condensed milk and continue to work again with a mixer. All this time it is necessary that gelatin remains in cold water, swells. 
  • The container of gelatin is placed in the microwave for one minute, until the liquid mass is obtained. It should be poured with a thin stream into a finished dairy product. 
  • Enter vanillin and turn on the equipment again. Please note that the sweetener is not introduced into the substance due to the fact that the condensed milk is sweet. 
  • The impregnation is not thick enough, so it is used for biscuit cakes, or a dense dough, such as a honey, or a redhead. However, the taste is rich and unusual. After hardening, the product becomes quite thick. 
  • Therefore, it is best to use a detachable shape to prepare a dessert so that the edges are even.
Fruit pleasure
Fruit pleasure

Cream for cake yogurt with fruits

This is a great option for desserts without baking, which are prepared using cookies, or ready -made biscuits from the store. AT The quality of the filler can be used strawberries, peaches or raspberries. It is not recommended to use apples and pears, these fruits are hard. 

List of components: 

  • 400 ml of fat yogurt 
  • A glass of strawberries 
  • 150 g of small sugar 
  • 100 ml of water 
  • Packgelatin 

A recipe for a cream for a yogurt cake with fruits: 

  • Turn on the mixer at high speed and immerse in sweet yogurt until sugar crystals stop crunching on the teeth. Introduce gelatin in pre -dissolved in water. 
  • Pour a thin stream, carefully working with a mixer. It is necessary to put the mixture in the refrigerator so that the paste turns into a thick substance. 
  • Strawberries are added to the mixture, it can be cut with a knife from the very beginning, or grind in mashed potatoes. Beat again at high speeds. Before use, the product is cooled to a temperature of +5 +10. 
  • If you want to cook cake sufle, then the mass should be used immediately after cooking, you do not need to cool additionally. Thus, she will cover all the fruits and fill the voids in the cakes. 
Fruit madness
Fruit madness

Yogurt cream for cake: reviews

To find out how this impregnation is being prepared, you can familiarize yourself with reviews. The housewives will share their secrets, the intricacies of cooking.

Yogurt cream for cake, reviews:

Veronica: I love to cook, and light desserts are one of the most beloved. Often bee biscuit with yogurt filling. I am making from home yogurt, which I cook in a yogurts with the addition of bacterial leashes. The consistency is very thick at the same time, you will not find one in the store. I often pour fruits, as well as jelly. It turns out something like broken glass.

Svetlana: Cooked a cake with yogurt filling only a few times. I do not really like him, it is so problematic in my little city to find fat yogurt without additives. Usually everything with fruit fillers, very liquid. As a result, my product turned out to be very liquid, so I dragged from the surface of the dessert, I had to use the crumbs to decorate to close the guts.

Maria: I like to cook, often pleasing my loved ones with cakes with yogurt filling. I cook with the addition of cottage cheese. The classic recipe does not really like it, since the substance is liquid. With cottage cheese, the product turns out to be thick, and does not flow out, it impregnates puff cakes well.

Raspberry pleasure
Raspberry pleasure

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