Black dots on the nose are comedones and acne: the causes of the appearance and methods of elimination. How to get rid of black dots on the nose and face at home?

Black dots on the nose are comedones and acne: the causes of the appearance and methods of elimination. How to get rid of black dots on the nose and face at home?

Everyone can encounter the problem of black dots on the nose. They are less noticeable than other skin defects, but also indicate obvious problems, so it is important to take care of the right disposal of them in time.

Before starting the procedure for getting rid of black dots, it is necessary to understand how such a nuisance generally appears. This will help you choose the right care, thereby preventing the possibility of the appearance of this misfortune later.

The causes of black dots on the nose

The causes of black dots on the nose

So, black dots, in a scientific comedone, are the result of clogging of the sebaceous glands.

Excess sebum, the smallest fractions of dust or exfolved particles of the epidermis can lead to this. They score pores, giving them a dark color. Most often, comedones are affected by the T-zone area (nose, forehead, chin).

After analyzing the mechanism of education, you can identify A number of factors leading to the appearance of black dots.

• improper cosmetic care. P rID insufficient purification occursrapid pollution of the sebaceous glands. In addition, pay attention to your cosmetics. Perhaps it is not suitable for you or is poor -quality.

• unbalanced nutrition.The reason for blockage of the pores may be the use of alcohol, coffee, sweets, fatty foods. Enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits, seafood, various nuts. They are rich in vitamins A and E, and also normalize the work of the intestine.

• violation of the hormonal background: Excess weight, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy, improper work of endocrine organs or age -related changes. If at the same time there is a deterioration in the condition of the skin, then the problem is solved only together with the endocrinologist, gynecologist or dermatologist.

• Ecological situation.The combination of contaminated air with a wet climate leads to more active clogging of the sweat glands with mud.

Manual facial cleaning from comedones

Manual facial cleaning from comedones

Steam bath before cleaning the face from black dots on the nose

Such cleaning consists of steaming (vaporization) with subsequent squeezing of the comedons with his hands. Inaccurate execution of this process can lead to an infection that provoke acne or even blood poisoning. Steam is not recommended for people with dry skin, dilated vessels, as well as suffering from skin diseases. Taking into account these points, you can proceed. Consider the whole process in stages.

1. Clean your face. Remove cosmetics using the milk suitable for you. Wash.

2. Prepare a special steam bath. Put a teaspoon of salt in boiling water, adding a little tincture of herbal decoction. For example, a decoction of linden or chamomile will be useful.

3. Lean over the steam. You should not sink very low, otherwise you can burn yourself. Squeezing for about 10-12 minutes.

4. Clean the pores, just squeezing all the dirt out of them with your fingers. Be sure to wash before that, disinfect your hands. Do not crush much, after steaming the glands expanded enough for the comedons to come out of them at the slightest press.

5. After cleansing, a narrowing of the sweat glands is performed, using a mask with a tightening effect. If desired, you can do with ordinary ice cubes.

6. In the end, apply a moisturizer.

Manual cleaning can be carried out every 7-10 days, no more often.

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Vacuum facial cleaning at home

Vacuum facial cleaning at home

One of the most common salon cleansing procedures is the vacuum facial cleaning using a special device that, under the reverse pressure, is sucks from pollution.

Few people know that such a cosmetic apparatus can be bought for home use, so you can save on visiting beauty salons.

In order to correctly perform vacuum cleaning, it is first necessary to clean the face with vaporization in order to open the sweat glands, providing better cleansing. Processing is performed in circular movements in problem areas with a special nozzle of the vacuum apparatus. It takes about 7-10 minutes in time.

You can buy a vacuum apparatus inexpensively on Aliexpress, following the link.

Chemical facial cleaning (peeling) at home

Chemical cleaning will help get rid of skin defects. The active tool is selected for the type of your skin. If you have it dry, then peeling is done on the basis salicylic acid, if oily, then it is better glycolic acid. The effect persists for up to 10 days, since such a procedure removes only surface pollution. That is why peeling is recommended for approximately every 7-10 days.

Apply a layer of the active gel to the cleaned face for about 5-7 minutes. If the tool used has the peeling effect, then its application is performed by constant massaging movements. After removing the acid, be sure to use the nutrient mask.

You can also buy peeling products on Aliexpress here.

Chemical facial cleaning (peeling) at home

Cosmetics with zinc, retinol, thirdionin, diplinity reducing the appearance of comedones and acne

Ideal cosmetics from comedones, which could be effectively used at home, practically does not exist, and the presented on the market cost a lot of money.

If you decide on such an expensive purchase, it is better to purchase products containing tretinoin, diferin or azelain acid. These ingredients normalize the sebaceous glands, which helps to prevent the re -appearance of skin defects. Also useful will be drugs with zinc, retinol, salicylic acidwhich help relieve inflammation.

Proper use professional cosmetic products It will help to reliably get rid of comedones, as well as gradually smooth out the scars that remained after acne.

Folk remedies that normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and prevent the appearance of comedones

Thinking through the ways of getting rid of comedones, do not forget about traditional medicine.

Mixtures prepared from natural components have many advantages.

Firstly, They can easily be prepared independently without unnecessary costs.
Secondly, They perfectly nourish the skin, without harming her. Thirdly, there are a lot of folk recipes, among which you can easily find a suitable one.

Conventionally, all folk methods of getting rid of black dots can be divided into scrubs and masks.

Ingredients for the preparation of scrubs for cleaning the face and getting rid of comedones:

• honey. It has nutritional properties. Due to its structure, it penetrates the pores, cleansing them. Honey contains many useful elements that have an anti -inflammatory effect.

• Sea salt. It is an excellent abrasive tool, which is rich in various trace elements. It nourishes the skin, gives it elasticity.

• Cinnamon. It is rich in vitamins, active substances. Eliminates excessive pallor, restores a healthy complexion.

Cereals. The dead particles of the epidermis are perfectly exfolved, they absorb dirt, clean the pores, and also have a moisturizing effect.

• Orange or lemon crust. It saturates the skin with vitamin C, which contributes to the synthesis of new collagen and elastic fibers.

• Baking soda. A strong abrasive, perfectly cleansing the sweat glands, as well as a whitening effect. Read the recipes of masks and peeling here.

As a basis, you can use gel, cream, yogurt, milk, simple water. The resulting mixture should be thick enough so that it is convenient to apply with massaging movements.

Black dot narrowing mask

Ingredients for the preparation of masks for cleaning the face and getting rid of comedones

Milk or kefir. Contains milk fat, which is perfectly absorbed by the skin, enriching it with various vitamins, ergosterin, globulin. It has an anti -aging effect.

Gelatin. It is a natural collagen. It helps to eliminate age -related changes, tighten your face, smooth wrinkles, clean pores. Perfectly whitens pigment spots.

Egg white. Eliminates oily sheen, pulls the skin, saturates it with useful components. To eliminate black dots, it is used in conjunction with sugar.

Yeast. They have a tonic effect, clean pores, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Rich in vitamins, nutrients.

White clay. Tones, heals, cleanses. It is a natural kaolin that absorbs toxins, poisons, gases.

Cucumber. It refreshes the skin, narrows pores, has a slight bleaching effect.

In the preparation of masks, it is important to get a creamy viscous mass, which will be easily applied in layers, drying with a crust or film. Their action to eliminate comedones is to glue all the dirt from the open sweat glands, which will be removed with the mask.

Cleaning strips for the nose from comedones

Cleaning strips from black dots on the nose.
Application: On a peeled gel or foam for washing, still wet skin, glue a strip of a patch from black dots, carefully pressing it to the wings of the nose. Let us work with a strip from 10 to 20 minutes. After the procedure, carefully remove it and complete the facial care actions.
Before using strips for the nose, carefully study the instructions

You can buy cleaning strips for the nose and mineral masks from black dots on Aliexpress on this link.

How to remove black dots on the nose: face after cleaning

Tips for removing black dots on the nose

Regardless of which of the proposed funds you have chosen, all of them are united by a number of mandatory events.

Before removing black dots, it is necessarily necessary:
Clean your face, removing cosmetics, street dust and other surface pollution. Further, it is important to perform vaporization, thereby opening the pores, providing better cleansing. Otherwise, the pollution will be removed only superficially, which can only aggravate the problem.

After completing the cleansing procedure, it is important to perform measures to narrow the sweat glands.

To do this, you can use either ice cubes or any mask with a tightening effect. At the end, a moisturizer is applied.

Selecting one or another remedy for removing comedones, you need to take into account the type of your skin, as well as its condition. Otherwise, you either do not achieve any result, or only acquire new problems.

As you can see, black dots are perfectly removed even at home. For this, there are many diverse ways, both professional and related to traditional medicine. It is enough to choose the right one, and

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Read more about the fight against acne, acne in articles:

Video: Black dots. Malyshev about the treatment of acne and acne

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Comments K. article

  1. In the fight against black dots, Glyco Peeling Cream helps me with 12% glycolic acid. Very safe for use at home. I used it in the evenings a day. It does not cause discomfort and carefully cleanses the skin. As a result, in a couple of weeks you will have the highest skin without black dots, irregularities and small wrinkles.

  2. Egg protein perfectly matters, dries, whitens, cleanses and narrows the pores, and also actively pulls the skin surface. Its effect can be compared with peeling, since after such a mask the skin becomes clean and fresh. Before using it, it is necessary to beat it with a fork until light foam appears. Mix raw, prepared egg protein with a tablespoon of sugar and divide the mass into 2 parts. Apply the first to the face on the main lines (massage) when avoiding the area near the eyes and lips, withstand 5 minutes until the masses dry on the skin, and then apply the second part of the mixture, easily and carefully massaging in places with comedones. Leave the mask for another 10 minutes, after which wash first with warm and then chilled soft water.

  3. I really liked the egg -based mask, it helps with the egg best.

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