Does heparin ointment help from bruises and bags under the eyes: use for cosmetic purposes, reviews

Does heparin ointment help from bruises and bags under the eyes: use for cosmetic purposes, reviews

Heparin - This is a medicinal component. Belongs to the category of glycosaminoglycans. In medicine, the substance is used as an anticoagulant. Heparin It does not allow blood, therefore is indispensable in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What ointment to smear herpes on the lips: the best ointments and remedies for herpes on the lips".

From this article you will learn what heparin is and what is its mechanism of action. We will also tell you what it helps heparin ointment. Read further.

Heparin: What is it, the mechanism of action


Heparin - a substance of animal origin. It was first received from the liver. Now it is distinguished from lungs of cattle or from the mucous membranes of the small intestine of pigs.

Heparin ointment - This is a drug containing sodium heparin or heparinoid. Sodium heparin is a gray-brown powder without smell. It is insoluble in acetone, chloroform and gasoline. It dissolves well in water and physiological solution. Additional components are sometimes introduced into the ointment: benzocaine, peach oil. It is a direct anticoagulant of local action.

The main properties of heparin:

  • Analgesic - weakens or eliminates painful sensations
  • Anti -inflammatory - capable of reducing pain, fever and inflammation
  • Antiferosclerotic - prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
  • Antihistamine - blocks histamine receptors
  • Incavistrofic - improves blood circulation and adjusts the tone of blood vessels

The pharmacological action is explained by the components included in the composition. The instructions of the drug are given recommendations for states in which the drug is effective. Heparin ointment is used and has an effect in the following conditions:

  1. Prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis - Slets the formation of blood clots.
  2. External hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids in the postpartum period - The most affordable tool, especially during the period of exacerbation.
  3. Subcutaneous hematomas - Removes swelling and reduces inflammation.
  4. Trophic ulcers.
  5. Bruises and injuries of muscles, tendons and joints - Additional anesthesia.

An extensive spectrum of action and low cost are the causes of the popularity of the drug. The ointment has a small list of contraindications. It is not recommended to use the medicine for hypersensitivity, ulcerative and necrotic processes and a violation of the integrity of the skin. With thrombocytopenia and a tendency to bleeding, the ointment is used with caution.

Does heparin ointment help from bruises and bruises?

With bruises and bruises of a traumatic nature, the ointment helps to absorb the resulting hematoma. The substance eliminates post -traumatic edema and works as analgesic. Due to the expansion of blood vessels, absorption improves heparin ointment And in a sore spot, blood flow improves, which contributes to rapid recovery. In addition to the main substance, added to the ointment a nicotinic acid and benzocaine. Acid supports heparin absorption, and benzocaine reduces pain.

  • Heparin ointment Really helps with bruises and bruises.

For hematomas treatment, it is advisable not to apply the product on the first day of injury. Heparin has the ability to expand the vessels, and if you apply the ointment to damage immediately after the problem, you can disrupt the integrity of the vessels or cause bleeding. How to do it correctly:

  • Apply the ointment to the bruise or bruise directly to the location, after checking in what condition the skin is.
  • If the skin is not broken and there is no open wound, you can apply the ointment with a thin layer.
  • In the place of the bruise with light movements, rub the drug without pressing to a sore spot.
  • It is recommended to carry out treatment 2-3 times during the day.

You can use ointment as a compress. Pierce the cotton pad or bandage and leave it on the bruise for the night. If there are areas with extensive hematomas, add treatment with clay and body -body to this tool - also in the form of lotions or compresses.

Heparin ointment: Does acne helps, post -acne?

Heparin ointment
Heparin ointment

Acne and post -acne are a signal of endocrine disorders and inflammatory processes. Eliminate external manifestations of skin deficiencies can be eliminated using heparin ointment. It is a working tool and helps relieve inflammation and edema of the skin. For cosmetic purposes, heparin should be used as soon as inflammation has begun. At the initial stage of acne formation, you can quickly stop the problem.

The composition of the drug includes components that favorably affect the condition of the skin:

  1. Petrolatum - protects the skin and locks moisture, helps moisturize
  2. Glycerol - reduces irritation and reduces skin rashes
  3. Persian oil - fights with dryness, nourishes the skin, improves its color and eliminates peeling
  4. Stearic acid - moisturizing properties

At home, it is recommended to apply a small amount of ointment to the affected areas three times a day. The drug must be used until the symptoms disappear.

The second option of use from the post -acne - at night:

  • Apply the product with a thin film on a cleaned face and go to bed.
  • It is not necessary to smear all the skin, just cover the affected areas.
  • If the ointment is suitable, the result will be visible after 2-3 days.
  • The full effect will become noticeable through a two -week course of procedures.

During action, there may be a slight redness and burning of the skin. These effects provide a rush of blood and start the regeneration of the skin. The advantage of the ointment from acne is that the effect lasts for a long time and does not need to be constantly applied.

Apply ointment for therapeutic purposes is necessary under the supervision of a dermatologist. The doctor will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, track undesirable reactions and, if necessary, cancel the drug.

Remember: Vaseline often causes allergic reactions.

Does heparin ointment help from wrinkles?

Rich composition heparin ointment Allows you to use it in the fight against age -related changes. Moisturizing and nutritional components act directly on the causes of wrinkles - lack of nutrition and moisture.

IMPORTANT: Before using the ointment on the face, a test for tolerance is carried out. A small amount of the drug is applied to the elbow bend and left for 15 minutes. If there are no negative reactions, you can carefully use on the face.

How to use wrinkles ointment?Here are the tips:

  • The face is thoroughly cleaned with milk or washing. It is necessary to remove the residues of makeup. Wipe your face with a tonic.
  • Prepare a small amount of heparin ointment, for the first use of no more than a pea.
  • Apply to clean areas of the skin with light pathetic movements. It is important not to increase the dose of the drug. If he falls into the pores, he will not be able to absorb correctly.
  • Leave the ointment for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off the mask thoroughly. If a burning sensation of earlier than 15 minutes occurred during application, remove the drug immediately and next time reduce the exposure time.

The drug is able to cope with the first, small wrinkles. A very thin strip of the drug is applied to the skin. Under the eyes is used with caution.

Does heparin ointment help from scars, scars?

Heparin ointment
Heparin ointment

Scars and scars appear during life in each person. A scar is a neoplasm of connective tissue at the site of a deep skin defect after damage: wounds, burns, cracks and inflammatory processes. Such problems appear after operations, diseases and due to stretching of the skin (striae).

To heal scars, a set of factors is required:

  • Features of blood circulation in the wound
  • Direction and pollution of the wound
  • Tissue injury that needs to be minimized
  • Hematomas
  • The number of seams if the frontier is postoperative

But not everyone knows, if you use ointments, you can significantly reduce the external manifestations of the problem. From the totality of factors affecting healing, heparin affects blood circulation and hematoma. An ointment, which contains such a substance, has regenerating and improving skin elasticity properties. In the therapy of scars, a drug from one to three months must be used.

  • With a fresh postoperative scar Ointment is applied to damaged tissues 2-3 times a day for 3-7 days. Contraindication to use are open bleeding wounds and intolerance to the active substance.
  • If the scar is old, in addition to heparin ointment, you need to add massages and mechanical effects on the skin. With long -standing damage, heparin will help minimally.

Add scrubs, cautious plucking of the scar, softening tissues and massage with a dry brush to treatment. Complex therapy can significantly reduce the scar.

Does heparin ointment help with burns?

With burns, heparin ointment restores blood circulation on the affected area and promotes the regeneration of the upper layer of the epithelium. Heparin sodium heparin is gradually released from the product, which reduces inflammation. The ointment protects the focus from the hit of pathogenic microorganisms.

Application for burns heparin ointment At home, it is not recommended. Only a doctor should assess the degree of burns and prescribe therapy.

Remember: Heparin is used in the treatment of burns, especially in children, only in stationary conditions.

Does heparin ointment help from herpes?

Herpes is a viral disease. Painful balls are formed on the lips, which pass for a long time and are difficult to treat. It occurs with immune disorders. In the treatment of herpes, products aimed at suppressing the pathogen should be used. U heparin ointment Another purpose, therefore, it is ineffective with herpetic lesions.

Heparin ointment: use for cosmetic purposes

Heparin ointment It is able to help in solving cosmetic problems. It is often used not only for home rejuvenation, but also in professional salons.

Office of ointment for beauty:

  • The elimination of edema and bags under the eyes - with proper use, the effect appears after 4 days.
  • Reducing acne and elimination of signs of post -acne - need therapy from two weeks.
  • Smoothing small wrinkles - long -term therapy with courses.
  • Elimination of rosacea - works in combination with other means.

Heparin ointment It is a drug, so consultation with a cosmetologist is desirable. Before home use, you need to conduct a test to an allergic reaction.

It is worth noting that in the instructions of the ointment are the spheres of exposure clearly, and among them there are no indications for use in the cosmetological sphere. Heparine ointment, first of all, is a medicine. Using unconfirmed clinically tips, all responsibility for use and side effects falls on the tester.

IMPORTANT: Apply ointment to the face with caution. Do not ignore the allergy test. Use the drug in short courses, it is forbidden to do this on an ongoing basis.

Does heparin ointment helps with wrinkles, bruises, bags under the eyes: reviews

Heparin ointment
Heparin ointment

How to use heparin for the purpose of rejuvenation was described above. The rich composition of the ointment in theory should affect age -related shortcomings. Bruises and bags are swelling and poor blood circulation. Wrinkles - a decrease in the density and elasticity of the skin. Reviews on the use of heparin ointment from aesthetic defects are contradictory. Here are a few of them:

Alina, 30 years old

I decided to try heparin ointment as a mask from wrinkles. I applied and began to wait. At first I felt my face warm. I was glad that the ointment began to act. After a while, I felt a strong burning sensation. The face began to blush like a tomato. Frightened and washed off the mask. All day the skin did not leave crimson spots. But gradually everything went. I will not risk experimenting anymore.

Irina, 45 years old

I decided to try heparin ointment from bruises under my eyes. She applied a thin layer on the patch, held a little and washed away. There was no effect. How cosmetics did not help me. But one night she unsuccessfully got into the bathroom, and fit into the door jamb. The next morning I was expected by an impressive bruise under the eye. She smeared heparin ointment. The next day, the bruise did not happen, only a barely noticeable darkening on the skin, as from lack of sleep. It helps from real bruises.

Valentina, 34 years old

I read forums about the benefits of heparin ointment for rejuvenation. She began to make masks with the course. Apply and kept 10 minutes every other day. I did the procedure for a month. Combined with massage. What was my surprise when my husband noticed that the interbranial wrinkles became barely noticeable. The friend had the opposite effect, it did not help her. But my skin is thick and dense, I would not use it for thin skin.


Heparin ointment is a simple and affordable drug. It works effectively for medical purposes. A wide range of action allows you to successfully use heparin in cosmetic purposes.

Video: Heparin ointment for face rejuvenation

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