Why do you need vitamin E - tocopherol? Vitamin E: benefits, daily norm, excess and deficiency, role in human health, instructions for adults, during pregnancy

Why do you need vitamin E - tocopherol? Vitamin E: benefits, daily norm, excess and deficiency, role in human health, instructions for adults, during pregnancy

Vitamin E is necessary for our body for a number of functions. Outwardly, the lack of this substance can affect the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin.

Interest in vitamin E, heated by the latest research, provoked a general increase in the products that it includes. In the market there were dietary supplements, cosmetics and various drugs where this substance is contained. Surprisingly, discovered in 1922, he only gained such popularity today. A few years ago, he was considered a “chronic unemployed”. So what is the role of this substance in the body?

Properties of fat -soluble vitamin E


The described substance has many functions:

  • It participates in the process of reproduction, positively affecting conception, and is an excellent antioxidant
  • Strengthens the vessels, dilutes blood, rejuvenating the body and strengthening the heart
  • Improves regeneration, respectively, and exfoliation of the skin, which allows you to actively use vitamin E in cosmetology
  • Positively affects the structure of the hair, nourishing and protecting its shell, which is widely used in hair masks, eyelashes and eyebrows
  • Tokoferol (the name of this fat -soluble vitamin) is perfectly fighting with various pathologies and prevents the effect of carcinogens
  • Enhances the effect of other antioxidants protecting the walls of blood vessels from the negative effects of free radicals
  • Allows you to absorb in the body to such useful substances as omega-z, selenium
  • Together with ascorbic acid, it has the most important actions, reducing the number of cancer cells in the blood
  • Together with the lyceum has a positive effect on the human brain, while enhancing the mental abilities
  • Protects pregnancy in the early stages from miscarriage

Important: Tokoferol in Greek means giving fertility. This substance was open during experiments on animals. In 1922, Herbert Evans and Katherine Scott Bishop found a compound, the absence of which in the diet made experimental infertile. This was our hero.

The benefits of the health of vitamins of group E


  • Tocopherol is able to strengthen immunity. This substance is indicated in the treatment of diabetes.
  • You can not do without it with a decrease in Alzheimer's syndrome in the early stages
  • This substance improves blood coagulation and helps the rapid healing of wounds. It is also able to strengthen the walls of the capillaries and reduce thrombosis in the vessels.
  • Tocopherol prevents the development of anemia
  • Preparations containing this substance are prescribed after surgery for rapid healing of the seams and tissue regeneration.
  • Various additives containing vitamin E are used by athletes to increase endurance
  • Tocopherol is very useful for premenstrual syndrome.
  • Women with menopause, this substance is necessary to increase estrogen levels
  • Preparations based on this substance in the treatment of skin ulcers, herpes and eczema are indicated
  • Tocopherol prevents aging. It increases the elasticity of the skin and prevents the development of wrinkles. Therefore, it is often used in cosmetology. Based on this substance, skin care products are produced
  • Vitamin E reduces the risk of senile dementia
  • Tocopherol increases the antibodies reaction to vaccines

Important: not so long ago, Austrian scientists, together with their Swiss colleagues, conducted an interesting experiment in which they found out the role of the described substance to reduce the risk of fractures in retirement people. It turns out that foods rich in tocopherol and additives regularly consumed with this substance reduce the risk of fractures.

What is the daily health rate of vitamin E?

How much tocopherol is needed

  • Babies up to 6 months - 3 mg
  • Babies 7-12 months -4 mg
  • Children 1-3 years old-6 mg
  • Children 4-10 years old-7 mg
  • Men - 10 mg
  • Women - 8 mg
  • Women during pregnancy - 10 mg
  • Women during breastfeeding - 12 mg

What products contain vitamin E Tocopherol?

Vitamin E contains

  • in nuts,
  • raw seeds,
  • cereals (especially sprouted),
  • sheet mustard,
  • spinata,
  • sheet cabbage,
  • avocado,
  • papaya,
  • broccoli
  • olives.

Important: one of the leaders in the content of vitamin E is the Swiss Mangold. This very useful vegetable in our country is not very popular. One portion of the Swiss manhold method to provide up to 20% of the daily vitamin E. But, in addition to tocopherol, this vegetable contains other beneficial vitamins and trace elements.

What oils contain vitamin E?

Soybean oil

A lot of vitamin E is contained in various oils. They are even called a “squeeze” tocopherol:

  • Wheat germ oil (250% of the daily norm in 100 grams of product)
  • Soy oil (54% of the daily norm in 100 grams of product)
  • Corn oil (124% of the daily norm in 100 grams of product)
  • Cotton oil (660% of the daily norm in 100 grams of product)
  • Sunflower oil (unrefined) (274% of the daily norm in 100 grams of product)
  • Olive oil (first selection) (100% of the daily norm)
  • In more vitamin E, in a fish oil is contained

How does the lack of vitamin E affect health?

The lack of tocopherol can lead to the following consequences:

Reduced red blood cells. The disadvantages in the blood of red blood cells can lead to the development of anemia. This is manifested by rapid fatigue, chronic fatigue, weakness and frequent depression. The skin with anemia becomes pale.

Violation of coordination of movement. The deficiency of vitamin E can affect the work of the central nervous system. Which in turn pours out in violation of the work of the vestibular apparatus.

Vision of vision. The retina of the eye needs this substance very much. With his shortage, its thinning occurs. What can lead to cloudings of silhouettes and poor night vision.

Deterioration of hair and skin. The hair with a lack of vitamin E becomes brittle, dull and loses their shine. The skin loses elasticity and small wrinkles appear on it.

Important: vitamin E is incompatible with iron. Therefore, the drugs that contain these substances are taken separately. It is desirable that between these tricks there are at least eight hours.

How does an excess of vitamin E affect health?


Some signs of deficiency and overdose of this substance can be the same. In particular: increased fatigue, weakness and fuzzy vision. In addition, symptoms of an overdose vitamin E can be:

  • Headache, nausea, pain in the abdomen and diarrhea
  • In the urine at hypervitaminosis E the number of estrogens and androgens is reduced
  • There is an increase in creatine, substances of the necessary energy metabolism in the body
  • The long -term state of an overdose of tocopherol leads to impaired sexual functions in women and men
  • An excess of this substance in the body can lead to blockage of blood vessels, renal failure and a decrease in immunity. With frequent use of drugs with a high content of tocopherol, internal bleeding can form
  • Taking synthetic drugs containing vitamin E in large quantities for a long time can lead to deficiency in the body of vitamins D, A and K
  • Hypervitaminosis E During pregnancy, the fetal pathology can lead. Up to the development of ugliness

Fortunately, it is possible to get an excess of this vitamin only if you deliberately take drugs containing tocopherol in large quantities ten times higher than the daily norm, for a long time. To obtain hypervitaminosis E, consuming products that contain this vitamin in large quantities, and also drugs in daily dosage are almost impossible.

What diseases are the use of vitamin E (tocopherol)?

There is evidence that Tocopherol is able to help:

  • In the treatment of insufficient absorption syndrome, fats
  • In addition, drugs containing this vitamin are indicated for cardiovascular diseases
  • Interspersing lameness and a decrease in immunity in adulthood
  • For prevention, vitamin E is shown to people with the risk of cancer and cataracts

How does vitamin E protect vessels from free radicals?

The main "pests" of any organism are free radicals and the molecules of the cell membrane damaged by them.
It is they who bring aging and increase the risk of developing various serious diseases.

To combat free radicals, the body resorts to the moming of antioxidants. These are substances (most often vitamins E, A, C, Selenium), which are able to successfully fight the influence of “aggressive” atoms.

Free radicals are terrible for each body of the body. They are destroyed primarily by blood vessels.
Antioxidant Vitamin E protects the membranes of blood vessels from destruction.

Important: in addition, Tocopherol is able to carry out a general strengthening of blood vessels.

Vitamin E - instructions for use

Vitamin E

Capsules with vitamin E are taken during meals. They do not need to be bought.

The dosage of tocopherol depends on many factors. Starting from body weight and ending with the characteristics of the body. Therefore, the exact dosage of the drug is best to find out from the doctor.

In capsules, vitamin E cannot be taken simultaneously with anticoagulants and vitamin K.
But with vitamin C, and this vitamin goes well as selenium. The effect of their joint administration is enhanced.

Vitamin E - how to accept: preventive and therapeutic dosages

If there is a lack of vitamin E, then it can be replenished with pharmacy drugs. But, you need to understand that most of the synthetic forms of this vitamin are inferior to its natural admission to the body through food.

"Aevit" (vitamin A and E together)

  • In capsules: take 1-2 capsule inward 2-3 times a day
  • In ampoules: 1 ml 1 time per day for 20-40 days. Before use, the ampoule must be heated in the hands

"Biovital Vitamin E"

In capsules: take one capsule during or immediately after eating for prevention. For medical purposes, it is accepted on the recommendation of a doctor.


  • In capsules: 1 capsule per day for 20-40 days
  • In ampoules: 1 ml daily for 20-40 days

"Doppelgerz Vitamin E Forte"

In capsules: one capsule per day during meals. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.


  • In capsules: one capsule daily for 20 days
  • In ampoules: 10 ml for 20 days

Vitamin E during pregnancy

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, vitamin E is considered one of the most important:

  • It is he who helps to reduce the risk of miscarriage and is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy
  • Surprisingly, in its action, Tocopherol is similar to the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for pregnancy in the body of a woman
  • Therefore, vitamin E is prescribed during pregnancy almost always
  • The best form in the first trimester of pregnancy is tocopherol in capsules. They are taken with food at 0.8 mg - 3 mg per day
  • In the second and third trimester, it is necessary to take vitamin E in the complexes of polyvitamins. Also, one should not forget about the food rich in this vitamin

Important: vitamin E is better absorbed if it is taken together with vitamin C. This will enhance the action of two substances. The reception scheme is simple. During meals, you need to take tocopherol capsules and ascorbic acid about 100 mg per day.

Vitamin E for Hair: Mask recipes

Tocopherol can be used on the outside. This vitamin for brittle and dry hair is especially useful. Everyone can do a simple oil mask with this vitamin.

RECIPE : For the base, you can take ordinary burdock or olive oil. Two tablespoons of such butter are heated in a water bath, and 1 teaspoon of liquid vitamin E is poured into it. Such a tool should be applied to the hair, rubbed into the skin and bulbs. Then you need to put on a plastic bag on the hair and wrap your head with a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask must be washed off using shampoo.

For severe damaged hair, you can use a restorative mask with vitamin E.

RECIPE : It is necessary to separate the yolk from the protein, mix it with two teaspoons of olive oil and add a teaspoon of vitamin E to such a mixture. Such a mask must be applied to the hair and rubbed into the roots. Rinse the product 30 minutes after application.

Vitamin E for the skin: recipes of masks and scrubs

Skin on the face

In order to extend the youth of the skin, you can also use exfoliating masks and body scrub using the described ingredient.

RECIPE : A simple body scrub can be made with a teaspoon of coffee grounds, 50 milirams of olive oil and three vitamin E capsules (take the contents). The ingredients need to be mixed with each other until a homogeneous mass and leave for 30 minutes for swelling. Such a tool is applied after a sauna or bath when the skin is steamed.

Recipe: For a exfoliating mask, you need to take egg protein and honey. 10 drops of vitamin E is added to the resulting mixture. The mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. After washing off with water.

Vitamin E for face: recipes of masks and scrubs

RECIPE . The easiest way is to make a face mask from a finished tool. A few drops of vitamin E is simply added to it. Such masks already contain all the ingredients in the right proportions. And vitamin E will enhance their action.

RECIPE. An excellent scrub can be made using brown sugar (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), almond oil (1 tbsp. Spoon) and vitamin E (1 teaspoon). The ingredients need to be mixed and gently rubbed into the skin. After use, you need to use a nutrient cream for the face.

Vitamin E for eyelashes: Mask recipes

RECIPE. Eyeous care products using vitamin E can be made on the basis of castor or burdock oil. To do this, a few drops of vitamin E is added to this. To apply such a tool using a soft brush and after removing makeup.

Is it possible to add vitamin E to the face, shampoos?


Vitamin E can add to the face cream. This is especially indicated for aging and wilting skin. For example, you can cook such a face mask.

Recipe: you need to take any nutrient or moisturizer for the face. Add to the amount that will be used once 1/2 of the ampoule of liquid vitamin E and a little aloe juice. The ingredients need to be mixed until smooth and applied to dry and clean skin. After 15 minutes, the cream can be washed off with warm water.

You can also add vitamin E to the night cream, preferably a fresh portion of vitamin E for each use.

In the same way, vitamin E is added to the shampoos. It is best for each wash of the head to a fresh portion of vitamin E. It is necessary to pour a single shampoo into a small container and add 1/2 of the ampoules of vitamin E. The shampoo is slightly held on the hair for the effects of vitamin and then rinse.

Vitamin E: Reviews

Irina. I always add a few drops of vitamin E and A to the skin cream. After this application, the skin becomes smooth and beautiful. But I didn’t try for eyelashes. Need to do.

Alya. Probably, from 17 years, I periodically take vitamin E inside. Of course, I do it courses. But, my cosmetologist said that vitamins from the pharmacy are absorbed only by 15%percent. Therefore, it is important to eat correctly and find good dietary supplements.

Video. Source of beauty and eternal youth

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