Does the toothpaste help with acne on the face? How to remove, dry acne and redness using toothpaste: tips, contraindications, effect, reviews. Soda and paste from acne - a mask recipe: how to apply properly, how much to keep?

Does the toothpaste help with acne on the face? How to remove, dry acne and redness using toothpaste: tips, contraindications, effect, reviews. Soda and paste from acne - a mask recipe: how to apply properly, how much to keep?

An article about whether toothpaste from acne on the face will help.

Some people, especially in young people, in adolescence, have acne on their face. You really do not need to worry very much, because cosmetology now offers many acne products. These are all kinds of creams, lotions, infusions of herbs, and even toothpaste. Is it so? Will toothpaste help in such an important thing for a teenager as pickery? Let's try to find out.

How does toothpaste help from acne?

Toothpaste will help remove single acne on the face
Toothpaste will help remove single acne on the face

The reasons for the appearance of acne:

  • Hormonal imbalance that occurred in the body
  • Transferred stress
  • Improper nutrition
  • The introduction of infection with dirty hands in the pores of the skin (especially for oily skin)
  • Incorrect facial skin care

Drawing acne toothpaste - the method is unusual, but effective, it is only important to know how to use it. Otherwise, in addition to acne, you can “get” with red spots on the face.

Choosing toothpaste important to remember:

  • You need to choose a white toothpaste without colored strips.
  • Toothpaste is designed to brush tooths, and you need to choose it, in extreme cases, if creams do not help.
  • To avoid even greater skin irritation than already, you first need to apply the paste on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, it can be a elbow, hold for 20 minutes, and wash it off, and then, if there is no irritation on the pasta, use it on the face.
  • Toothpaste can be used if acne appears on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the face, the whole face cannot be smeared.
  • Also, you can not smear with dental paste of the opening pustules, the skin around the eyes.

Toothpaste consists of components with the following properties:

  • Menthol, alcohol Reduce swelling and redness, dry the skin, prevent bacteria from multiplying.
  • Aluminum lactate narrows the pores of the skin, and relieves inflammation.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and triclosan They pull the dirt from the pores, do not allow bacteria to multiply and kill them.
  • Silica Reduces inflammation and treats skin damage.
  • Baking soda It has an exfoliating effect, maintains normal skin pH, relieves inflammation, narrows pores, gives the skin silkiness.
  • Chlorhexidine Desters harmful microflora.
  • Allantoin Removes pain.
  • Bisabolol (a substance from chamomile) has an anti -inflammatory and wound healing effect.
  • In toothpaste may be present healing herbs (Aloe, Mirra, Sage, Chamomile, Tea tree oil and eucalyptus, oak bark extract). These components dry well and disinfect acne.
  • If in toothpaste in its composition badyan, it will reduce the production of fat in the sebaceous gland, well suited for oily skin.

Attention. If the composition of the toothpaste contains bromelein, made of pineapple pulp, it cannot be smeared with her face, since this component thins out and destroys the skin of the face.

How to remove, dry acne and redness with a toothpaste: tips

White toothpaste removes redness from his face, and dries acne. For this you need:

  1. Clean the skin of the face from makeup with a cleansing agent, and then wash with warm water.
  2. Collect moisture from the skin with a soft cloth.
  3. Apply a small amount of pasta to a cotton swab, and grease the reddened tubercles for them.
  4. Leave for several hours, you can wash off white spots with warm water with a decoction of chamomile, sage or other soothing herbs.
  5. If you have sensitive skin, then you can’t leave the paste on your face for more than 15-30 minutes.
  6. If after the procedure there is dryness on the face, you need to lubricate the skin of the face with a soothing moisturizing cream.
  7. After a few days, the procedure with toothpaste can be repeated, but not more than 3-4 times a week.

How to remove, dry acne and redness with a toothpaste: effect

Skin after removing acne toothpaste
Skin after removing acne toothpaste

After the treatment of toothpaste, acne is observed such positive effect:

  • Extended pores of the skin on the face are cleaned and narrowed
  • Inflammation of the skin of the face is removed

Comprehensive methods of acne treatment will bring even greater effect:

  • There are only healthy foods (more raw vegetables and fruits)
  • Walk a lot in the fresh air
  • Throw all bad habits (smoking, alcohol)
  • In the morning, and throughout the day, engage in feasible physical exercises

How to remove, dry acne and redness with a toothpaste: contraindications

Not everyone can use toothpaste to remove acne, it has many contraindications
Not everyone can use toothpaste to remove acne, it has many contraindications

For excretion of acne unsuitable The following toothpastes:

  • With whitening particles and fluorine (in white paste, green, blue or red strips) causes severe skin irritation, or even burns.
  • After using a toothpaste with a fluorine, inflammation of the skin may increase, up to dermatitis.
  • A gel transparent paste is also not suitable for removing acne, it is not enough anti -inflammatory components.

Attention. If there is a peroxide of carbamide in the composition of the toothpaste, such a paste can cause a chemical burn.

Contraindications To use:

  • People with normal and dry skin
  • People with allergies to components of toothpaste
  • Children are less than 12 years old, since their skin is thin and delicate
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers
  • People with diseases of the kidneys, stomach and intestines
  • People with poor blood coagulation, anemia

Soda and paste from acne - a mask recipe: how to apply properly, how much to keep?

A solid mask of toothpaste on the face cannot be done, you can only apply point
A solid mask of toothpaste on the face cannot be done, you can only apply point

Inflamed reddened areas on the face can be reassured with a mask.

Ingredients for masks from redness on the face:

  • 1 tablet "Aspirin"
  • half a teaspoon of white toothpaste

Cooking the mask:

  1. Cross the pill in powder.
  2. We add toothpaste to it, and mix thoroughly.
  3. We apply powder to the reddened places on the face, after 10 minutes we wash off.

Acne on the face can be treated mask of baking soda.

For the mask you need:

  • 1 tea. spoon of baking soda
  • 0.5-1 tea. spoon of purified water

Cooking the mask:

  1. Carefully mix soda and water until the pasta is obtained.
  2. We apply the resulting paste to a separate section of the face where there is acne, or the whole face.
  3. After half an hour, wash off the mask, dry the skin and apply a soothing cream.

Antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect on the skin will be if applied to acne toothpaste mask with baking soda.

For the mask you need:

  • 1 tea. spoon of baking soda
  • half a teaspoon of white toothpaste
  • 2 tea. tablespoons of clean water

Cooking the mask:

  1. Mix all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass.
  2. Apply to acne, leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rinse the mask with warm water.
  4. Dry the skin.
  5. We do the procedure 1 time per day, repeat several days until the skin condition improves.

Can pregnant women smear acne toothpaste?

Pregnant women should not remove acne toothpaste
Pregnant women should not remove acne toothpaste

If a woman has a tendency to appearance on her face, then during pregnancy they can appear in large numbers on her face and body. There are several reasons for this:

  • During pregnancy, the hormone level of testosterone and progesterone increases, and therefore the sebaceous glands work intensively.
  • Strengthening the work of the sebaceous glands due to stressful situations during pregnancy.
  • If a woman drinks little fluid during pregnancy, the release of skin fat may also intensify.

How to treat acne pregnant women?

With the help of a toothpaste, pregnant women can not remove acnesince the skin is very sensitive to everything, but you can try the following folk methods:

  • Masks from vegetables and fruits
  • Herbal infusions of calendula, chamomile, and ice from them
  • Sensitive skin

Recipe 1. Mask from cinnamon and honey acne

For the mask you need:

  • 1 tea. spoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1 tea. spoon of liquid flower honey

Cooking the mask:

  1. Mix the cinnamon powder with honey.
  2. In the evening we apply to acne.
  3. In the morning we wash off with warm water.

Recipe 2. Wipe the reddened skin of the face of a pumpkin

Redness on the face can be reduced if you wipe your face with a piece of pumpkin. The pumpkin is well stored in the refrigerator, and she can stock up on for a long time. It is only important that each time you wipe your face with a new piece of pumpkin.

Is it possible to get rid of acne toothpaste?

You can get rid of acne with a toothpaste if this is not the result of internal diseases
You can get rid of acne with a toothpaste if this is not the result of internal diseases

If the whole face is in acne, then you should not hope that with the help of a toothpaste you can completely remove them. The paste will slightly dry oily skin, and relieve inflammation.

But if there is little acne on the face, and they are caused by superficial contamination, and not internal causes (impaired hormonal background, disease of the stomach, intestines or liver), then a white toothpaste may well cope with acne.

How to remove, dry acne and redness with a toothpaste: reviews

Reviews of people with acne problems, about the treatment of toothpaste
Reviews of people with acne problems, about the treatment of toothpaste

About whether the toothpaste helped to remove acne on their faces, people who are faced with this problem are divided:

Anita, 28 years old. After childbirth, acne on my face often began to appear. Once, an employee recommended lubricating inflamed pimples with toothpaste. I tried it - and it helped. Only I keep the paste on my face for 15-20 minutes, and not for the whole night.

Nadia, 15 years old. My friends and I use to remove acne toothpaste. Everything is very simple: in the evening we apply a paste - there is no acne in the morning.

Vika, 25 years old. I have problematic skin on my face, and I struggle with it comprehensively, but sometimes it happens that a pimple appears in a prominent place, then I use toothpaste. And it helps.

So, we studied the method of removing acne toothpaste.

Video: True or lies? Paste toothpaste

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Comments K. article

  1. I have heard about toothpaste for a long time, but I personally never used it with acne. Better proven remedy from a pharmacy.

  2. In general, I do not really recognize folk remedies, only with a cold I can accept something. As for the skin of the face, she certainly would not use them. It happens that the wounds can appear after squeezing, and I am afraid of all kinds of infections and dirt, so I process them with Argosufan cream, it goes as an antiseptic and there are no scars left. But I use it less and less, so I beat myself and forbid myself to do anything with the skin of my face.

  3. “Logging” did not help me with various means, the skin became inflamed. I bought an Italian natural sponge with a cotton sponge. It is like a washcloth for the face: cleans each cell, fills the skin with water, softens. After washing, the skin lasts clean for a long time.
    The sponge also does peeling, the best skin cleaning does not happen: it removes old cells clogged with mud, toxins, excess sebum, and eels. The pores are cleaned and narrowed, there is no greasy shine, acne disappears, the skin becomes smooth, even, is well rejuvenated due to the renewal of cells.

  4. I like the acne lotion for deep cleansing seracin from the Libridermovskaya series, helps well in this matter.

  5. Regarding the toothpaste, I doubt very much. But Retasol is very effective from acne. This is a special remedy for acne, and it really helps to get rid of acne and acne.

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