Acne on the face. How to treat acne with problematic skin?

Acne on the face. How to treat acne with problematic skin?

Acne is a disease of the skin. Both home procedures and drug treatment will help get rid of acne.

How to find out what degrees of acne exist?

A problem like acne is faced with many people in the modern world. This is a common skin disease that can occur for various reasons: a violation of metabolic processes in the body, hormonal malfunctions, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, adverse environmental conditions.

Acne disease
acne disease

Important: acne has several degrees of severity, so it is important to know how the disease is treated in different forms. The more serious and heavier the disease of acne, the more difficult it is to eliminate it and the more the body suffers.

Professionals divide this disease into four degrees:

  • weak form
  • the middle form
  • heavy shape
  • very heavy shape

The degree can be made based on the external signs of the disease, the number of rashes, their localization, peeling of the skin and redness. Doctors recommend monitoring the dynamics of the spread of the disease, so if the rash does not decrease, but rather increases, treatment is necessary.


Depending on the degree of acne disease, several types of acne can be distinguished:

  • comedons are the so -called “black dots”, which can often be observed in problem areas: nose, forehead, chin
  • papules - acne of a reddish or cyanotic shade, they do not cause any pain on their face and their value does not exceed five millimeters
  • pustules are acne similar to papules, but possessing an abscess. A pimple can be filled with white or yellowish pus. Often acne causes pain and redness around you
  • Nodes are the worst species of acne. Their value exceeds five millimeters, they can cause pain. They differ in a fairly dense consistency, and the color acquire pink, red, cyanotic and even purple. It is not rare that such nodes leave scars on the skin

Mild degree of acne disease

As a rule, everyone can have red acne on the face. The reason for this is not acne at all. A pimple is an inflammation on the skin provoked by bacteria or the reaction of a conventional hormonal failure.

A mild degree can only be diagnosed if you regularly notice about ten acne or comedones on your face.

Easy degree of acne
easy degree of acne

It is comedones that provoke the appearance of the papule. It is time from which the hair bulb grows, clogs with skin fat, then, dust and dirt from the environment.

On top of the comedon is covered with a crust (the very black dot). Mud provokes inflammation of the skin tissue and the appearance of acne. Pimples of mild degree are not characteristic of turning into pustules and nodes.

The average degree of acne disease

The average degree of acne disease can be diagnosed if it is regularly on the face from ten to thirty comedones and papules filled with pus. As a rule, suffering from an average degree experience discomfort and complexes in relation to their appearance.

The average degree of acne
the average degree of acne

The skin around the daddy blushes and does not rarely gain a bluish tint. Treatment at this stage should be carried out not only external, but also internal with the help of medicines.

Severe degree of acne disease

A severe degree is a state when the skin is full of a large number of comedones, several dozen papules and a certain number of pustules. In some severe cases, up to five heavy nodes can be observed among all acne.

Severe acne
severe acne

The skin is inflamed and has a lot of redness. As a rule, the largest inflamed areas respond with painful sensations. When healing such pustules, scars remain. Treatment of such a disease should be sought only inside.

Very severe degree of acne disease

This disease at a very severe stage causes not only aesthetic torment, but also physical ones. The face is affected by many paples and pustules.

More than five knots can be counted on the skin. You can get rid of this degree only with the help of comprehensive treatment using hormonal, antibacterial agents and antibiotics.

Very severe acne degree
very severe acne degree

How to get rid of acne? Methods of effective treatment

Pure, ideal and flat skin is a dream of any person. The doctor should already contact the symptoms such as:

  • strong linen of the face
  • excessive number of comedones
  • permanent acne on the face
  • skin inflammation
  • acne
  • the presence of extended pores

The presence of all these symptoms already hints that at least you have the first mild degree of disease. If regular facial cleansing with cosmetic and folk remedies is not effective, only drug treatment will help.

Acne requires external and internal treatment
acne requires external and internal treatment

Of all types of treatment, one can distinguish:

  • acne treatment with laser
  • acne treatment with masks and peeling
  • acne treatment with medications
  • acne treatment with folk remedies
  • treatment of acne hyaluronic acid

Modern laser treatment of acne, acne and acne

Those who have already had time to spend time on external procedures resort to laser treatment of acne. The advantage of the laser is also that he is able to smooth out the scars on his face.

Laser energy is capable of:

  • eliminate acne and post -acne (consequences of improper treatment of acne)
  • “Kill” the very microbes that contribute to the appearance of acne on the skin
  • heal with cauterization inflamed foci, which contributes to their favorable healing
  • laser beam, penetrating the skin contributes to the production of natural collagen - a substance aligning the skin and making it elastic
  • elate complexion
  • reduce the sebaceous secretions
  • "Lease" the physiological processes of tissues
Acne laser treatment
acne laser treatment

Important: before treating the problem of acne a laser, you should consult a dermatologist. It is possible that you will need a comprehensive solution to the disease.

Professional peeling from acne, acne and acne

There are several types of peeling that are able to exert a cleansing property on inflamed skin. The most common species:

  • chemical peeling
  • ultrasonic peeling

Chemical peeling against acne

Chemical peeling is the cleansing of the skin by removing the surface layer of the skin with acids of chemical origin. Such a peeling is capable of:

  • eliminate any skin rashes
  • make a deep purification of pores
  • make the tone of the face even
  • eliminate skin pigmentation
  • smoothing scars and scars
Chemical peeling procedure
chemical peeling procedure

Chemical peeling is performed in beauty salons and even at home. The only condition is that a person performing the procedure must necessarily know the contraindications of acids and possible consequences.

Important: depending on the problem, it can be used: salicylic acid, glycolic acid, almond and trichloroxus.

Ultrasonic peeling against acne

Pilling with ultrasound allows you to pre -expand the pores in order to clean them of skin fat, dust and dirt using ultrasound waves.

This procedure leaves no negative consequences and has no unpleasant sensations. It is safe for people of any age.

Ultrasonic peeling
ultrasonic peeling

Important: ultrasonic cleansing makes the skin matte, elastic and fresh. The first peeling can please a good result.

What are the antibiotics of external use from acne, acne and acne?

Antibiotics are needed when a person has severe degrees of acne disease. In such cases, external treatment becomes not effective and the cause must be sought inside the body.

Acne antibiotics are prescribed by a dermatologist. They are effective in that they are able to have a skin: a bactericidal effect, that is, antibiotics completely remove and slow down the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation on the skin.

Acne treatment antibiotics
acne treatment antibiotics

All antibiotics can be divided into two main groups:

  • those that are used externally
  • those used systematic

External antibiotics It is enough to apply to the affected place to achieve the effect. They are absorbed into the upper layers of the skin and carry out the therapeutic effect. Systemic antibiotics - Such drugs are used inward and they have an effect entirely on the entire body.

Acne with acne and acne "Delex Acne"

The certified product of the Russian production "Delex Acne" has many positive reviews in the fight against skin rashes and inflammations. This gel is recommended for those who are fighting excessive secretions of the sebaceous glands and mediating problems.

The tool of Delex Acne
means "Delex Acne"
  • Delex Acne is effective in eliminating black dots and acne. The components of the drug are able to relieve inflammation and level redness in normal tone
  • Doctors recommend using the gel even to those patients who suffer from ordinary oily linen for prevention
  • The components of the drug are perfectly absorbed into the skin. And when using the gel and lotion "Delex Acne", a comprehensive effect of the effect is guaranteed in double degree

Effective drug "Zinerit" from acne and acne

Advertising to everyone managed to report that there is an effective tool that can cure a rash of any degree. "Zinerit." The success of the drug is provided by the two most important components:

  • zinc acetate - has a healing property
  • erythromecin is an antibiotic that has a bactericidal property

“Zinerite” treats the skin by eliminating excessive sebum, purification of pores and regenerates the production of new cells that are not affected by inflammation.

The uniqueness of such a drug is that "Zinerit" Once on the skin, it is nevertheless absorbed into the body and has an internal effect of a small part.

Hyaluronic acid against acne acne and acne

Hyaluronic acid is not an ordinary approach to solving the problem of acne. It is able to effectively deal with oily skin, post -acne problems and have a healing effect.

Hyaluronic acid restores the stingy of the skin, evens out its color and texture. That is why scars and scars from heavy degrees of acne become less noticeable.

Hyaluronic acid
hyaluronic acid

After the hyaluronic acid procedure, the skin becomes elastic, clean and healthy. The procedure has no age contraindications and requires a course of treatment.

What ointments can be used from acne, acne and acne?

There are several effective ointments tested by many people who can get rid of inflammation and rashes. Before use, it is recommended to get a doctor’s consultation:

  • Baziron AS - ointment helping to relieve inflammation and eliminate microbes that have become their causes
  • Isotrexin - Antibacterial ointment
  • Kuriyazin - ointment helping to fight pigmentations and consequences from the post -acne
  • Klenzit s - a very powerful ointment that has an antimicrobial effect
  • Differin - the antibacterial agent can also heal and smoothing scars
  • Dalacin t - cleansing ointment that can get rid of purulent inflammations
  • Eplata - Ointment based on natural components. Smoothes scars and treats inflammation
  • Clindivot - fights with any skin defects and treats any scars
  • Cleravil - fights sebaceous discharge
Acne remedy
acne remedy

Treatment of acne, acne and acne at a dermatologist

  • People with skin rashes on their faces must necessarily seek a consultation with an experienced dermatologist
  • Only a specialist is able to find the cause of the problem and prescribe effective treatment. In the competence of a doctor to tell you about all possible types of treatment and modern technologies
  • A dermatologist must prescribe a blood test for hormones, since in most cases it is the unstable hormonal background that is the cause of poor metabolism in the body
  • The specialist will tell you about the consequences of different types of procedures and will help to carry out really effective treatment with a long -term effect

Treatment of acne, acne and acne folk remedies Acne mask

In the struggle for clean skin, folk remedies are effective. They can be used comprehensively with medical drugs when you have heavy degrees of acne and for prevention. Acne is actively fighting:

  • Bath of chamomile and celandine -the grass is brewed in the pelvis and hold the face over the pairs. After such steaming, the face is thoroughly washed out and a moisturizer is applied
  • Gelatin mask with activated coal -a house mask-film that allows you to remove keratinized cells of the skin and acne. Activated carbon cleans the pores of pollution
  • Bodyagi mask -he penetrates deeply into the pores, has an anti -inflammatory and healing effect. Bodyaga cleans the skin, removing the old layer of keratinized cells
  • Ginger mask -actively fighting microbes that have become causes of inflammation
  • Coffee scrub -removes a layer of keratinized cells and cleans pores from sebaceous discharge
  • Aloe juice -a great way to moisturize the skin and get rid of bacteria

Vitamins and dietary supplements with acne, acne and eels

  • In the struggle for clean and healthy skin, vitamins A and B. It is precisely the lack of these vitamins in the body that can lead to the presence of acne. Bad is a biologically active supplement, it also has a positive effect on the body if it is consumed regularly
  • Vitamin A is a real antioxidant. A sufficient amount of vitamin will save not only acne, but also smooth wrinkles. Vitamin can be taken both externally and internally. The ampoule of vitamin can be crushed and applied to the inflamed area
  • The integrated use of vitamins B will help the skin gain an even tone and tone. It is not unimportant and the presence of vitamins, since both are the strongest antioxidants, having a bactericidal effect on the body
  • The dietary supplements added to the diet are able to be absorbed by the intestines and spread throughout the body, having a complex effect. Useful dietary supplements include: zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, probiotics, selenium and coenzyme

Video: problem skin. How to get rid of acne?

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Comments K. article

  1. My face skin is prone to blockage of pores. From this I began to suffer from acne. At first there were few of them, but I did not treat them properly. But then a real nightmare appeared on his face. I realized that I could not do without the help of a dermatologist and contacted the JD Plasma clinic on Krasnoselskaya. From the cold plasma procedure, my skin became Goraaaaazdo better

  2. In winter, I was very ill, and I was prescribed antibiotics. Because of them, good bacteria in my body became less, and the disease also influenced. Against the background of a deficiency of immunity, redness went on my face. I did not even understand what was the matter until I turned to a cosmetologist. In the JD Plasma studio on Krasnoselskaya, I was told that it was a subcutaneous tick and offered to undergo a course of treatment with cold plasma. The procedure is painless. She helped me return my normal skin condition.

  3. Diana, my girlfriend, when cleansing, brought the subcutaneous tick, so she treated him and cured him for two years. And now he constantly wipes his face with a Lodion Clearfine and smears Clearvin cream, helps a lot. Veronica

  4. If there are not many rashes, then Elon helps to remove them. This ointment is always in my first -aid kit, because Heals purulent inflammatory skin diseases. I always use it if acne begins to attack.

  5. The tablets of acetylsalicylic acid purchased in a pharmacy are crushed to a powder state in a mortar and add to them a drop of lemon juice to turn the mass into a porridge state. The action of this mask is no more than 7 minutes, since the composition has high aggressiveness. Wash off with warm water with a teaspoon of soda on a glass of water. Attention! If there are wounds on the skin, cuts, abrasions and other damage, this mask is not recommended!

  6. I have acne usually from the fact that the skin is oily. Now I wipe my face with a decoction of a series and smear ilon ointment. Already much better and acne has become less for a lot.

  7. Larisa, if you add some kind of enterosorbent to remove harmful substances and toxins from the body, acne will disappear altogether. Thanks to Enterosgel, I got rid of acne and acne on my face. Council from personal experience))

  8. It’s good that you wipe, and some crush and remain wounds. I got it at the very hand, I did it a couple of times and no more. It’s good that Argosufan was at home, it has a bactericidal effect and I haven’t earned any inflammation. But it could be easily (((

  9. Good afternoon!
    To properly treat acne, you need to understand very well - why and how this disease develops. Then the methods of treatment will not be selected “with a finger into the sky” and “what on TV/on the blog” said, but with the understanding of what will work and what not.

  10. I also started acne. I only eat right. What is the reason I can’t understand.

  11. Lera, one diet is not enough. I learned from a specialist that toxins, slags, that in our body they accumulate can affect the appearance of acne. Therefore, Enterosgel began to use the body. Now the skin is clean, acne does not bother.

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