The first order for Aliexpress: tips. How to make an order for Aliexpress step by step?

The first order for Aliexpress: tips. How to make an order for Aliexpress step by step?

What you need to know for a successful placement of the order you will learn from the article with detailed recommendations.

The first order on Aliexpress It can cause some difficulties in a beginner. But I want any purchase to bring pleasure and satisfaction.

How to place an order for Aliexpress: registration on the site

Before you start ordering goods, you need to register on the site Aliexpress. The registration key is in the upper right corner of the main page of the site. Below is shown by a green arrow.

Registration for Aliexpress
Registration for Aliexpress

By clicking on registration, you will be invited to register through a phone number or email or social networks.

Registration for Aliexpress
Registration for Aliexpress
Instructions for registration for aliexpress through e -mail
Instructions for registration for aliexpress through e -mail

Tips for registration for Aliexpress

  • Email. Indicate the real mail you use. It will come to it on orders, new promotions and notifications.
  • What is your name. Here you can specify any name you like, or you can specify real data. The field is filled with Latin letters.
  • Password and password confirmation. Password is better to specify a difficult one to protect the hacking account. After all, after the payment made by card, for example, your data will be saved. And when hacking your profile, your money from the card can be spent on the site. For a complex password: use at least one capital letter, Latin letters of lowercase, numbers, only 6 to 20 characters. Read more about the password in the article How to make and put a reliable password on Aliexpress?
  • Verification code. Indicate the code that you see in the picture. If you cannot accurately disassemble the code, then click " update«.
  • Or there may be such a check as in the picture below. In this case, hold the red square with the mouse and move it to the right until it stops.
  • Put a checkmark in the right field.
  • Click " Create your profile"And fill out your data in English letters. For proper filling, use the translator Translite. Surname, name, patronymic write in the field of the translator and press the key " In translite«.
Translite translator
Translite translator
  • After pressing the button " Confirm»Your data will mean that you are registered.

Next, you will see your profile. You can go to My Aliexpress. Here you will find the opportunity to track your orders, change passwords, delivery addresses, reviews, coupons.

My Aliexpress
My Aliexpress
My Aliexpress
My Aliexpress

IMPORTANT: After successful registration, you have a procedure directly ordering the goods. How to do it correctly, read on.

In the next section, read detailed instructions on how to make the first order.

How to order on Aliexpress: step -by -step instructions, tips

Entrance to the profile

Click " To come in"And fill the fields. If you forgot the password, then click " Forgot your password?". And follow the instructions further.

The choice of goods

To make an order, you need to find a suitable product. How to do this, read the instructions for Official website on this link Or in the article How to find goods for Aliexpress?

Add to the basket  

If you liked the thing, but you still want to choose, put this thing in the basket by clicking Add to Basket". Next, you will go to Basket And you can either buy this thing, or remove it from the basket.

This item can be skipped if you definitely decide to make a purchase and want to make it right now. Read the next point about this option.

What should be checked before adding goods to the basket

The selection of goods for Aliexpress
The selection of goods for Aliexpress
  • Selected color. As a rule, if there are several colors on the panel, it is possible to choose the necessary. Then you celebrate the right one by pressing it, and go on. However, sometimes even with several colors on the panel there is only 1 color or inscription " tell Me Colors«.
Choosing color for aliexpress
Choosing color for aliexpress

In such a situation, you need to write a message to the seller when filling out the order form, that is, after pressing the button " Buy now". You can write to the seller in Russian, but it is better to write in English using if necessary translator.

Message to the seller on Aliexpress
Message to the seller on Aliexpress
  • Selected size.If you order clothes, then most likely there will be several sizes. Put a checkmark on the size you need.
  • Delivery conditions: cost and terms. Please note that the delivery is free if it is necessary for you. And be sure to pay attention to the delivery time. Some goods are delivered up to 30 days, and some up to 60. Look for yourself whether you are ready to wait so much. Although the likelihood that the goods will come earlier than the maximum term is very high. All these details look at the photo above.
  • Quantity of goods. If you need to order several units of the goods, do not forget to indicate it. How to order several goods, read below.
  • The final cost. This cost will depend on the value of the goods, its quantity and the cost of delivery. Sometimes the cost of goods is indicated from and to. And only by choosing the size and color, you will see the final cost. This situation concerns clothing.
Product price for Aliexpress
Product price for Aliexpress
The final cost of the goods for Aliexpress
The final cost of the goods for Aliexpress

Ordering of the order.

You can start placing an order either through the basket if you followed the scheme from the previous subparagraph, or by pressing the button " Buy now“If you are ready to make a purchase at this moment. The meaning of placing an order is the same.
Just, when placing an order from the basket, you take one extra step: you go to the basket, click on the selected product and click the button " Checkout". At the same time, you again check again the size, quantity, color, cost and conditions of delivery.

Checking an order before execution
Checking an order before execution

If you place an order through the button " Buy now“, Then you immediately see the order form and indicate the delivery address (how to fill out the address correctly in the next subtitle).

Placing an order for Aliexpress
Placing an order for Aliexpress


After you click " Checkout“, You will get to the payment page. How to pay for the product you can read in detail in the article How to pay for a purchase for Aliexpress: Methods. How to pay for Sberbank with a card?

After payment you will see the inscription " Payment received“After which you will be redirected to the main page of the site.

From this moment you can monitor the status of the order. Read about this below.

How to fill out the delivery address to Aliexpress?

It depends on how to fill out the address correctly, whether you will receive your parcel and in what time.

You will need to fill out the address when placing an order.
Or the delivery address you can immediately fill in, entering your office.

Where to fill out the delivery address to Aliexpress
Where to fill out the delivery address to Aliexpress

Address filling rules:

  • Receiver name. It is filled as indicated by Latin in your passport, be sure to indicate the middle name too, otherwise the parcel can be detained by customs, or there will be problems at the mail upon receipt.
  • Country. Choose from the list.
  • Street, house, flat. Street - write uL., house - dom, flat - kV. If there is a case, then write korp. 15/1. The name of the street should be indicated by the Latin. To correctly indicate the transfer to the Latin, you can use the transfer to translite to specialized site. To do this, write the name of the street in the frame in Russian and press below the frame " In translite". Read more about the translator to Latin in this article Translator into English for Aliexpress online to translate the address and letter to the seller
  • Land, region, region and city Choose from the drop -down list.
  • Postcode. Do not be too lazy to find out your exact index. This will help your package get to you faster. Most likely, with a properly indicated address and an absent index, the package will reach you, but the likelihood that it can even wander around your country or get lost for a month. If you do not know your index, use official website of the Russian Post To search for your index.
  • Phone and mobile phone. In both columns, you can specify your mobile phone indicating the code (about the code is described in more detail below).
  • By Read the instructions with this link By adding addresses on the official website of Aliexpress.
Correctly completed address to Aliexpress
Correctly completed address to Aliexpress

Order for Aliexpress: Country Code

When filling out the phone number from you, you will need to indicate the country's code. These are the first digits of the full phone number.

IMPORTANT: Russian code7. Ukraine code380. Belarusian code375

There are no strict requirements for this item, so fill out the phone number so that you can get through to you from any region, any country.

How to order several goods for Aliexpress?

To order several goods at once, you need to add all of them to the basket. Next, you open the basket and place a general order. Aliexpress He will consider you the total amount for all orders. You will make one payment, select one delivery address, and Aliexpress Then he will share the payment between the sellers.

How to arrange several goods for Aliexpress
How to arrange several goods for Aliexpress

See the instructions for placing a general order On the official website Aliexpress.

What gives you a general order: pros and cons.

  • Time saving, since there is no need to introduce a payment and place an order several times.
  • You will still receive the parcels yourself separately, since sellers are independent of each other and are not interconnected.
  • When ordering one seller, you can contact him to get all the parcels in one bag. So you can immediately track all your goods at the same time and go to the mail only once.
  • But there is a chance that the seller may not report something in the package. It will be difficult to dispute and prove your case. In addition, sometimes there are situations when the goods never reach the recipient. Therefore, when placing a general order, you risk not getting several goods at once. If you are just too lazy to go to the mail every time, you can wait until several packages come and take them at the same time.

Option No. 2.

If you need to order several identical goods, then you just put the required amount in the order form.

How to order Aliexpress from the phone?

In order to order goods on Aliexpress Using the phone, you need to install the appropriate application. For iPhone through AppStorefor Android through PlayMarket enter into the search for aliexpress. You can install an official application on your phone from the site Aliexpress is here.

The essence of the application Aliexpress The same as with the site. The difference is only in the interface.

You need to look for a product in the search, or in the category of goods.

How to look for a product through the AliExpress application for phone
How to look for a product through the AliExpress application for phone
How to sort the product through the aliExpress application for phone
How to sort the product through the aliExpress application for phone

Having found a product, you read its description, delivery conditions and reviews in the same way.

By choosing the product, add it to the basket. And make payment from the basket. You can go around the process without a basket by pressing " Buy now«.

This is what the payment window looks like.

Pressing " pay now"You will see gratitude for the purchase.

Order number for Aliexpress

As a beginner, you can confuse the concepts " order number" and " parcel number" (track number).

Order number

The order number is the number of any order formed on the website. Even if you did not pay, the order will have a number.

Order number on AliExpress
Order number on AliExpress

In fact, the buyer needs an order number only in the case of some problems with the package and contacting the support service. The number of the order is actively using the seller to identify your order.

Parcel number/track number

This number is very important for the buyer. It is formed by the postal service when sending you a product. Therefore, the seller Aliexpress will indicate this number only after sending the goods. It is this number that gives the buyer the opportunity to find out about the location of the parcel. To see the track number, you need " Read more»View the order.

Read more about the order on AliExpress
Read more about the order on AliExpress
Track-Nomer on AliExpress
Track-Nomer on AliExpress

How to track the order?

The issue of tracking the order is described in detail in the article How to track the order for Aliexpress?

The best sites for tracking parcels with Aliexpress:

Order status for Aliexpress

The statuses of the order are assigned by the site and talk about at what stage of processing or payment is the product.

The payment is expected

The product receives this status after pressing the button " Checkout"And before payment.

Status is expected to pay for AliExpress
The status of "payment" on AliExpress is expected

By clicking on order in more detail you will see how long you are given to pay before the automatic cancellation of the order.

When finding goods in this status, there are only two ways: either pay for the goods, or mark the order.

The payment is checked

This status will be from the moment of payment until the payment is verified by the site. This can last up to 24 hours.

The order is processed

This status appears after checking the payment by the order.

After paying the goods you, the order goes to the seller for processing. By clicking in more detail to order, you will see how much time the seller has to send the goods. If the goods are not sent during this time, then payment will automatically return to you, and the order will be canceled.
With this status, the order can either be canceled, or you can extend the termination of the order. Well, with successful processing, the order receives the status " The order has been sent«.

The order has been sent

The order receives this status when the seller has straightened the goods and gave you a tracking number. From this status, the delivery time begins to go.

Order status is sent to AliExpress
The status "Order Sent" on AliExpress

Dispute or dispute is closed

Read more about when such a status appears and what it means read in the article Opening a dispute on Aliexpress. How to dispose of Aliexpress? ALEEECPRESS.


The status appears either after you confirm the receipt of the goods, or after you cancel the order.

The status is completed on AliExpress
The status "completed" on AliExpress

The term of protection of the buyer for Aliexpress

IMPORTANT: Carefully follow the period of protection of the goods. Sometimes freezing leads to the fact that the term ends and automatically is considered to be received, and the money goes to the seller. If the deadline ends, then extend it by pressing the button " Request the extension of the protection of the buyer«.

Extension of protection on AliExpress
Extension of protection on AliExpress

How to pay for Aliexpress?

Read about payment by card in instructions on the official website by link here.

After pressing the button about payment, everything boils down to fill out the data of the card.

Payment on the card for Aliexpress
Payment on the card for Aliexpress

Read the detailed instructions for payment of goods in the article How to pay for a purchase for Aliexpress? How to pay for Sberbank with a card?

Orders for Aliexpress: reviews

Reviews about orders for Aliexpress you can meet very contradictory: some will say that they constantly order so always happy; Others will talk about poor quality, irregular sizes, and so on.

Tatyana, 26 years old: “I order Aliexpress for a long time for myself, my husband and child. All my orders were successful. Once only the size for a daughter’s sweater did not guess. I had to give. The main thing is to see the seller’s rating, carefully read the description of the product and all reviews. You will find a lot of interesting things there. ”

Olga, 31 years old: “I tried to order three times. Once a dress, the second time a swimsuit, the third time a bag. All purchases were terrible. In two cases, the quality was disgusting. In the third case, the size was far from my expectations. Perhaps my mistake was that I read the reviews only briefly. "

In order for your purchase to be successful, do not ignore tips on the study of reviews, a dimensional grid and a detailed description of the product. If you are not too lazy to study each item well, then you will probably be satisfied with your first purchase.

Video: Successful purchases with AliExpress products for home and beauty, hair, manicure, accessories

Video: The most successful purchases with AliExpress

Video: How to fill out the delivery address of the parcel to Aliexpress?

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