Pubic acne: causes of occurrence, symptoms of diseases, treatment

Pubic acne: causes of occurrence, symptoms of diseases, treatment

Acne on the pubis is not just a rash. This can be a serious disease that should be treated.

Acne in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intimate zone can be provoked by various factors. These include both harmless causes, for example, improper depilation or poor hygiene, and more serious problems. In any case, you should think about the cause of their occurrence, because this symptoms can signal diseases in the body.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "Acne on the head, nape, in the hair of men and women". You will learn about the causes, treatment, prevention. We will also tell you about the treatment of acne on the head with folk methods, medications and shampoos.

In this article below, we will tell you why acne on the pubis appears and how to get rid of them. Read further.

Why do acne on the pubis appear: Reasons

Acne on the pubis
Acne on the pubis

The pubic skin in women is especially prone to sensitivity and irritations, most often inflammation occurs precisely because of this. Here are the reasons why acne on the pubis appears:

  • Such a rash may appear as a result allergic reaction (for synthetics, razor blades and gaskets) or colds. Such inflammation usually passes quickly and does not bring strong pain.
  • Hormonal background violation - Another frequent factor in the occurrence of pimples in intimate places. It includes puberty, the process of bearing a child or menopause.

Also, pimples can jump up because of:

  • Inflammatory processes in hair follicles
  • Improper adherence to personal hygiene (rare trips to shower or random sexual intercourse)
  • Long stress
  • Incorrectly composed diet
  • Excess weight
  • Frequent hypothermia
  • Sach. Diabetes
  • Impaired functioning of internal organs
  • Endocrine failures
  • Infectious and viral pathologies

There may be many reasons. But often such rashes have an infectious or viral nature. Read further.

Long acne - reason: infectious and viral diseases

Red rashes in the form of pubic pimples and in the groin of men and women, most often occur at chlamydiahonor and HPV.

  • Chlamydia - an infectious disease that is transmitted through sexual contact. It is caused by a bacterium chlamydia trachomatis. The infection affects the skin and causes problems of the urinary and reproductive system.
  • Gonorrhea - sexually transmitted infection. It is caused by a bacterium gonococcus. The infection causes pain during urination and sexual intercourse, rash, discharge and itchy condition.
  • HPV - The virus, which infected most of the population of the planet. Causes various formations on the body (papules, papillomas, spots, condylomas).

Here are what viral and infectious diseases are about the following symptoms:

  • Syphilis: In men, inflammation most often characteristic of this disease appear on the genitals, and in women - on the pubis, sometimes on the labia. The formation has a smooth surface and clear boundaries, it also does not bring pain.
  • Genital herpes: The spread of small ulcerative formations in women is subjected to pubis, in men the genital organ.
  • Pubic pediculosis: small acne, arise at a particular stage of pathology.
  • Human papilloma virus: Most often, warts appear on the pubis, pimples can provoke their suppuration.
  • Contagious mollusk: acne also arises on the pubis and have curdled contents.
  • Mycosis: fungus, acne appear between the legs, on the buttocks, the genitals, the abdomen.

Details about these reasons and methods of their elimination described below. Read further.

Syphilis - the cause of acne on the pubis: symptoms, treatment

Syphilis - the cause of acne on the pubis
Syphilis - the cause of acne on the pubis

The chance to become infected with this ailment is both in sexual intercourse and in everyday life. In the last stages, a significant part of the body is affected, therefore it is necessary to identify the problem in an early state. The difficulty of identifying is that the first symptoms can be seen only a month after infection.

Primary symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Genital edema
  • Soreness in the throat, bones, joints
  • Increased lymph nodes
  • The appearance of ulcers and purulent pimples on the pubis and genitals

Purulent rashes are the main symptom not only on the genitals, but also in the anus.


  • It is carried out mainly by antibiotics and other drugs.
  • The prescribed cure depends on the stage of the disease.


  • You need to use individual cutlery and dishes
  • Try to avoid sexual contacts with unfamiliar people
  • Use a condom
  • Use personal hygiene products
  • Avoid kisses and sexual intercourse with syphilis patients

People who have an active sex life need to undergo an examination once every six months for the presence of STDs.

Genital herpes - the cause of acne on the pubis: symptoms, treatment

Genital herpes - the cause of acne on the pubis
Genital herpes - the cause of acne on the pubis

Genital herpes can also be picked up both in sexual intercourse and in everyday life. Herpes is one of the most common causes of rashes in intimate places (genitals, buttocks, anus, pubis).


  • Itching and tingling in inguinal areas, genitals, anus
  • Lights in the lower back
  • Swelling and redness of intimate areas
  • Increased inguinal nodes
  • Enhanced secret from the vagina


  • To cure genital herpes, antiviral drugs (acyclovir and Zovirax), immunomodulators and ointments during rashes are used.


  • Hardening of the body
  • Polyvitamin preparations
  • Using condoms and antiseptics
  • Getting rid of bad habits
  • Proper observance of hygiene
  • Getting rid of stress factors

Remember: Treatment from any disease should be prescribed only by doctors. Self -medication is dangerous for life and health!

Pubic pediculosis - the cause of acne on the pubis: symptoms, treatment

Pubic pediculosis - the cause of acne on the pubis
Pubic pediculosis - the cause of acne on the pubis

Fronticulosis is transmitted during sexual and skin contacts with patients, as well as when using common clothes, beds, baths and shower. This disease can also cause pubic acne.


  • Itching in intimate places
  • Enlarge of itching at night
  • The appearance of bluish spots in the chest and abdomen
  • Hyperemia of the skin


  • Specially designed sprays, ointments and shampoos are used.
  • Antiallergic drugs may include a cure plan.
  • In the recovery period, it is necessary to properly observe sanitary and hygienic norms, more often tolerate clothes and sheets with the duvetes that the patient uses.


  • Avoiding sexual contact with infected
  • Using personal clothing, clean bedding
  • Avoiding unverified baths or shower
  • Compliance with hygienic norms

A visit to common baths and saunas, sexual contact with an infected person is the main reasons why pubic pediculosis may appear. You should also monitor personal hygiene.

Human papilloma virus - the cause of acne on the pubis: symptoms, treatment

Human papilloma virus is the cause of acne on the pubis
Human papilloma virus is the cause of acne on the pubis

The main path of transferring the human papilloma virus is sexual contact. The virus also penetrates the human body through the mucous membrane, microcracks and through the use of household appliances. This is one of the causes of acne on the pubis.


  • Bugorks on the epidermis of the body and genitals (papules, papillomas, spots)
  • Itching on the affected parts of the body
  • Soreness during sexual intercourse
  • Cracks and bleeding on the skin and mucous membrane


  • At the moment, it is impossible to completely recover from HPV, since it is introduced into the cell membrane.
  • You can get rid of formations on the body with a hardware method conducted by a doctor.
  • Immunological and special antiviral drugs can also be used as a treatment.


  • The best way to prevent HPV is vaccination from 11 years.
  • Women can be vaccinated up to 45 years, even if they are already sick with HPV.

It is also necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet consisting of vitamins A, C, beta-carotene and folic acid.

Contagioine mollusk - cause of acne on the pubis: symptoms, treatment

Mollusk contagious - the cause of acne on the pubis
Mollusk contagious - the cause of acne on the pubis

The disease "contagious mollusk" can be transmitted through the floor tracks, infected water, general objects of hygiene, infected blood. It is also one of the main reasons for the appearance of pubic acne.


  • Painlessness
  • The appearance of nodules on the buttocks, hips, genitals, below the abdomen
  • The allocation of white mass from tubercles when pressed
  • Growths


The cure of contagious mollusk is carried out on an outpatient basis:

  1. Haging (using tweezers)
  2. Laser therapy (using laser)
  3. Cryotherapy (exposure to liquid nitrogen)
  4. Electrocoagulation (cauterization with electric shock)


  • To prevent the disease, it is necessary to observe hygiene (use a personal towel, treat a bath) and attentive to sexual partners.
  • In the presence of the disease itself, it is better not to use a washcloth so as not to spread the infection to other parts of the body.

When the first symptoms of this disease appear, you need to immediately go to the doctors for advice. Otherwise, the condition will worsen, and will become painful, and well -being will worsen.

Micosis - Acne on the pubis: symptoms, treatment

Micosis - Acne on the pubis
Micosis - Acne on the pubis

Mycosis can be infected with close contact with a sick person, the use of common manicure objects, shoes, combs. Microbes can penetrate through microcracks or wounds on the body.


  • Peeling of the skin
  • Itching
  • The formation of rash and red spots, pubic acne
  • Pulling from the surface of the skin of the dermis
  • Relaxing the nail plate, the appearance of stains
  • Irritation in skin folds


  • Basically, drug treatment of mycosis is carried out using antifungal agents of systemic and local exposure.
  • Antimicotic drugs are used in severe damage and advanced cases of illness.
  • You can use folk methods of treatment, but they should not completely replace special drugs.
  • Tighting with treatment can lead to the spread of the fungus to healthy areas and complications.


  • Do not use someone else's clothes and shoes.
  • Do not allow contacts of unprotected skin with surfaces of rooms and objects in public places with a large number of people.
  • Go to manicure in proven salons with processed tools.
  • Carefully observe sanitary standards.

General advice for the prevention of the appearance of pubic acne

Treatment of pimples in intimate areas begins with the establishment of the causes of their appearance. Sometimes, in order to prevent the appearance of such problems, it is enough to observe the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary norms. Below you will find general tips to prevent the appearance of acne on the pubis.

To avoid irritation, you should:

  • In sexual contacts, use contraception, do not lead a random sex life.
  • Use personal towels, pastel linen, clothes, shoes, razors, washcloths. Do not use common cutlery and dishes.
  • It is better to use liquid instead of aiper soap.
  • Wash regularly and change underwear.
  • Wear the linen from the x/b material.
  • Go to proven beauty salons with processed tools.
  • Maintain your immunity, observe the correct diet, daily routine and regularly engage in physical exertion.

Do not frivolously treat acne in intimate areas, they can be not only harmless irritation, but also a symptom of a serious disease. Do not put off a trip to the doctor and examination, because this helps to detect and eliminate the problems at an early stage.

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