Cream-gel from acne tsovite: instructions for use, composition, properties, advantages, description of the drug, principle of action, indications, contraindications, user reviews, video

Cream-gel from acne tsovite: instructions for use, composition, properties, advantages, description of the drug, principle of action, indications, contraindications, user reviews, video

In the article you will learn about how cream acts on skin tissue. Here information is given about the method of its application, contraindications.

Many adolescents suffer from such common skin diseases as acne, acne on their faces. These ailments can have older people. These manifestations cannot be ignored on the skin, especially since there are plenty of methods for the struggle to eliminate them. Dermatologists have established that acne is manifested due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands. When the pores on the skin is clogging txia, inflammation forms in the form of acne, acne, and black dots, etc. For therapy of these inflammations, there are many drugs, one of them is cream cream.

Cream cream: description of the drug, properties, advantages

The cream of the cream has a fairly dense, thick consistency of white color. In pharmacies they sell it in plastic tubes, a dosage - 35 ml. The dosage form is perfect for both skin tissues and the skin of the whole body. This is a distinctive characteristic of this drug from other ointments. The dosage form has no smell, so it is well tolerated by users. The drug has soothing, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti -inflammatory functions.

Cream codes. Instructions
Cream codes. Instructions

The ointment eliminates peeling, irritation. Thanks to it, you can free yourself from oily shine on the skin. If you use the cream daily, then after two weeks all inflammations on the skin will pass. During this period, you will notice improvements on the skin: black dots will disappear, acne will pass, redness will disappear.

Advantages of cream cream

  • It has a drying effect. Eliminates black dots, acne, acne.
  • Promotes the rapid treatment of all kinds of irritations, redness, inflammation on the epidermis.
  • Improves the structure of skin cells, gives a qualitative result in the treatment of cosmetic problems.
  • The cream has no aromas, one tube is enough for a long period of use.
  • The cream is convenient to use, is well absorbed into the skin. Ideal, both for dry and oily skin.
  • The drug has a low price, it is easy to buy in any pharmacy. Lower the ointment without recipes.
  • The drug effectively anesthesia, soothes the epidermis for any inflammation. Its composition contains alcohol, other substances that can irritate the skin.
Cream-gel from acne
Cream-gel from acne

Qinovitis-cream gel: composition

There are components that have a favorable effect on the epidermis cells in the cream of cream of cream.

The components of the drug Qinovitis

  • Glycyrisinate dical. Effective in relation to irritations, inflammations on the skin. Effectively eliminates redness. It has an antihistamine effect.
  • Zinc Pyrithion. It has an antibacterial effect, effective in the fight against dry skin of the skin.
  • Avocado oil, shi oil, hogly fat oils, olives - They serve to moisturize, calm the inflamed skin.
  • B vitamins, and - They have an immunomodulating effect, give antioxidant protection to skin tissues.
  • Urea - an effective component in the fight against tumors of various etiologies. Effective as a cleaner of skin tissues.
  • Panthenol substance - Promotes the healing of the epidermis after various inflammations and lesions.
The composition of the cream of Qinovite
The composition of the cream of Qinovite

These components not only improve the state of the epidermis, but also comprehensively allow you to cope with problems up to the treatment of Estru, seborrhea, etc.

Cream cream: the principle of action of the drug

The manifestation of acne, acne on the face can ruin the mood of any person. Therefore, I would like to get rid of them as soon as possible. However, for this in any case, you will need time. First, it is necessary to normalize the functionality of the sebaceous glands, get rid of the colonies of bacteria. Then conduct anti -inflammatory therapy and normalize the flow of subcutaneous fat.

Cream-gel affects hormones, which helps the production of subcutaneous fat, reduces bacterial activity. Thanks to the components of the cream, irritation will quickly pass, redness will be eliminated.

Qinovitis is an excellent preventive tool to maintain a good condition of the skin. It increases the immunity of epidermal cells, makes them resistant to allergenic reactions, and removes toxins.

Cream zinovitis: indications for use funds

Most often, cream cream is used for prevention in the fight against skin manifestations such as acne, acne, black dots, etc. Still, the tool is used:

  1. For therapy of such skin pathologies as psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea,dermatitis, lichen.
  2. To facilitate the condition of the epidermis cells with various allergenic reactions.
  3. To restore epidermal cells, calm irritation, it can also be used to treat burns, wounds.
  4. With insect bites, the cream eliminates swelling, itching.
Clean skin - qinovitis
Clean skin - qinovitis

Cream qinovitis: contraindications

Sometimes the components of cunning can cause allergies. That is why dermatologists recommend an allergenic test before using the dosage form. It is enough to apply a small amount of cream to bend in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow zone, follow the skin reaction within forty minutes. If there is no redness and irritation, itching, then the cream can be used without fears.

Cream-gel contains aromatic aromas, and they often cause allergenic reactions. With a tendency to irritate the skin, carefully study the composition of the cream. If there are substances there that are not suitable for you, then do not use cunning.

Do not recommend a cure for acne during pregnancy or feeding. Because there were no studies of this drug on the effect of pregnant women, young children.

IMPORTANT: In the event of skin problems, first consult your specialist doctor so that he prescribes the right drug to you, do not self-medicate.

Cream gel Qinovite: Instructions for use

As mentioned earlier, before using the ointment, conduct an allergy test. If within 40 minutes there are no manifestations of irritation (itching, rashes, etc.), then you can proceed to use.

How to use cream. Qinovite
How to use cream? Qinovite

The cream is used in the morning, after washing, in the evening. It is spread on the problem areas of the epidermis. If you notice improvements, do not stop using ointment. The course of treatment should be at least 3 weeks.

The cream cream is perfectly acting on the skin at night. Therefore, do not forget to use the cream before bedtime. There are no restrictions on using this drug. It can be used again in case of new skin problems, in addition, the ointment is used for preventive measures.

Cream cream: reviews users

Lydia, 20 years:

For about 2 years I have been using this cream gel. I had constant problems with the skin of the face before. Due to the oily skin, rashes in the form of acne often occurred. It terribly bothering me. Because of this, there were problems with the relationship-I did not meet with guys. When I began to use Qinovit, everything was working. Even my complexes have gone, I feel confident.

Darina, 19 years:

I saw an advertisement for Qinovita on the Internet and decided to try it, I have dry skin in my arms. And recently I was in the country, mosquitoes, midges bit. I used the drug according to the instructions, inflammation from bites has already gone, itching passed. The skin in the hands became moisturized, elastic.

Lilia, 37 years old:

The youngest son manifested a strong rash on his face. Pimples covered all the skin, large suppurations formed, large inflammations around them. I bought a cream cream in a pharmacy on the recommendation of a doctor. We started using, noticed improvements. It is written - use for a long time. We will apply, as it should, until a complete recovery.

Ksyusha, 34 years old:

In the beginning I used this tool to eliminate pimples on the skin of the face, oily shine. Now I use it as a skin cream. Great remedy, helps me, the skin has become healthy, elastic, soft. I also tried to smear them after insect bites. I have severe irritations after the bites of the midges. The cream quickly helped to cope with them. Qinovitis is a good remedy that copes with the problems of oily skin, with irritations and has a wound healing effect. I experienced these properties on myself.

Reviews - cream gel from acne
Reviews-cream gel from acne

Based on the above information, we can conclude that cream cream is an effective drug for problem skin, helps to cope with irritations well, improves the regeneration of epidermal cells, has a wide spectrum of exposure to skin tissues. With proper use, the cream will not harm. He has no, practically side effects. The only thing that dermatologists do not advise using it to pregnant and young children.

Video: Qinovite cream - how to apply?

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