The incredible effect of a gelatin face mask. The best recipes of gelatin masks

The incredible effect of a gelatin face mask. The best recipes of gelatin masks

This article on the use of gelatin in cosmetology. You will find here many recipes of gelatin masks, tips for their preparation and use, as well as reviews and photos.

Each housewife in the kitchen probably has gelatin, but not everyone knows his miraculous properties in cosmetology. Gelatin is an inexpensive alternative to beauty salons. It consists of pure collagen, about the miraculous properties of which you certainly heard. It easily penetrates the skin removes sagging, pulls it up and makes it more elastic. The gelatin mask is also effective in the fight against black dots and other skin pollution.

Indications for the use of gelatin mask

The gelatin mask must be done in the following cases:

  • if the skin has lost elasticity
  • drub leather
  • there is no clear contour of the oval of the face
  • if there is a second chin
  • unhealthy complexion
  • if your pores are expanded and there are black dots
  • if you have oily skin
  • if there are wrinkles

Gelatin face mask from black dots

Most women know what black dots are firsthand, and actively fights them. This problem can be solved not only in beauty salons, but also at home, using simple ingredients that are in almost every house.

Gelatin is perfect for this. It creates a film, thanks to which black dots are removed. In addition, it also has excellent moisturizing and nutritional properties.

One or two masks per week, and you will have clean, moisturized, elastic skin.

Preparation of the skin in front of a gelatin mask for the face

To begin with, of course, remove cosmetics, wash and cleanse your face with your washing tool. You can make a face scrub to cleanse your face even better. Then you need to steam the skin, for this, brew a chamomile or nettles and hold your face over the decoction so that the skin is well warmed up.

Gelatin mask with milk

Most women choose this mask, because It perfectly cleanses all pollution in the skin and moisturizes it.

  • take 1 part of gelatin and 5 parts of milk, mix until smooth and let stand a little so that the gelatin is swollen
  • heat the mixture by putting the container with it in a water bath or microwave, this is done so that the gelatin dissolves
  • let it cool and distribute the mask on the face, this can be done with a special brush, a cotton pad or, if it is so convenient for you, distribute it with your fingers
  • wait for 15-20 minutes until the mask on your face turns into a film, it is advisable not to talk and not strain facial muscles at this time
  • gently pry the formed film with your nails and remove it, you need to start with the chin and end on the forehead
  • avenue your face with a low -fat moisturizing cream

If you did everything and you did everything right, your black dots will remain on the film, and you will feel how your skin breathes.

Gelatin mask with fruit

The fruit mask is also good from black dots, but besides this, it is also nutritious.

Remember: fruits are strong allergens, be sure to check if your skin has a reaction to them before applying a mask to your face. To do this, apply crushed fruits that you want to use on the inner bend of the elbow or wrist. If after half an hour there is no reaction, you can put the mask on the face.

Everything is done as well as already described in the previous section, with the only difference being that instead of milk, juice of duffed on a blender or through a strainer of fruits or berries is used. Do not forget about the moisturizer after the mask.

For a prone to peeling, fruits such as apricot, melon, avocado are perfect. For a combined and normal type, take grapes or peach. Red currants, cherries or pear will help oily skin.

Gelatin mask and egg squirrel

In addition to the fight against black dots, this mask helps with advanced pores. The mask with protein is good for all women with any type of skin, but the result is best noticeable on a combined or prone to excessive oily skin.

  • connect the gelatin with milk in the plate, follow the ratio of 1: 5, wait a little while the gelatin swells
  • heat the mixture by putting a plate with it in a water bath, wait until everything dissolves and the mixture will become homogeneous
  • while gelatin with milk cools, beat the protein and intervene in our mixture
  • put the mask on your face, do not forget to clean it in advance
  • wait until it dries and remove the film, moving from the bottom up
  • moisten your face with cream

Gelatin mask with flour

For this mask, combine gelatin with milk, as already described above. After the mixture becomes a comfortable temperature, add sour milk and wheat flour to a teaspoon to it. Put it all on your face, do not move until it dries. Remove the film from the bottom up, and you will see that all the dirt has remained on it from you. Moisten your face with cream.

Gelatin face masks with a tightening effect

Do not believe in a miracle, the gelatin mask will not remove all wrinkles, this can only be done by plastic surgery. But such a mask can slightly correct the oval of the face, level shallow wrinkles, and give the skin elasticity.

Masks, based on gelatin, leads among others thanks to collagen, it, in turn, is responsible for the youth of the skin. And also, because such a mask, drying, forms a film that noticeably pulls the skin.

Your actions:

  • connect 1 part of gelatin and 2 parts of water, for prone to dry skin, take milk
  • when gelatin swells, put our mixture in a water bath and wait until it dissolves
  • cool the mixture and anoint it on the neck and face
  • wait when the mask forms the film and completely dries
  • wash with warm water

Glycerin and gelatin for face

The gelatin mask, which contains glycerin, is remarkably moisturized, which is especially good for women with skin prone to peeling. Such a mask will also tighten the skin. It also provides intensive moisture.

You need to do the following:

  • mix gelatin with water, wait until it swells and dissolve in a water bath
  • cool and add a spoon of glycerol and pre -whipped protein
  • put the mask on the face and neck, wait 30 minutes to wash off with warm water

Gelatin and honey for the face

If you add honey to the gelatin mask, it will only enhance its effect. Honey has perfectly nourishes the skin, saturates it with vitamins and the necessary trace elements. If you add lemon juice to this mask, the mask will tone and strengthen your skin.

For this mask you will need:

  • connect 1 part of gelatin and 5 parts of water, wait until the gelatin swells and dissolve it in a water bath
  • add one spoon of liquid honey and lemon juice, mix well
  • anoint your face and neck with this mixture, wait 20 minutes and then wash yourself with warm water

Cleaning mask from gelatin for face

In order to get clean breathing skin, prepare such a mask:

  • combine gelatin with water in a proportion of 1: 5
  • melt the mixture in a water bath
  • for oily skin, add flour and kefir on a spoon, for dry skin - oatmeal (you can replace oatmeal ground flakes) and milk) and milk
  • lubricate the peeled face with cream and apply the mixture
  • when everything dries on the face, remove the mask with a damp sponge, and then wash

C-kefirIt is advisable to do a cleansing mask no more than twice a week, you will already notice the result in a couple of weeks of use.

Gelatin mask and activated coal

Gelatin copes with cleaning the skin from black dots, and if you add an activated charcoal to it, which is able to pull out all the dirt out of the pores, a very good cleansing mask is obtained:

  • press the cleansed face to achieve the maximum effect
  • if you have combined or oily skin, dilute gelatin in fruit juice 1: 5, apple or orange, if your skin is prone to peeling - in milk
  • after swelling, dissolve gelatin with heating the mixture in a water bath
  • add two activated coal tablets to the mask, well before that crushed
  • stir everything thoroughly and apply to the face
  • after the mixture on the face dries well, rinse it with warm water

Facial gelatin masks from wrinkles with banana

Greatly rejuvenates gelatin mask with the addition of a banana pulp:

  • dilute gelatin with water in a proportion of 1: 5
  • after swelling, heat in a water bath until dissolved
  • add a gourmet banana to a hot mixture
  • mix well, cool and apply for 25 minutes on the face
  • rinse with warm water

BananaAnd another mask with egg protein. The recipe is the same, only instead of a banana add protein. Apply a mask not only on the face, but also on the neck. In addition to the lifting effect, the mask also removes subcutaneous fat.

For wilting skin, you can make a gelatin -based mask, which is added just a product as butter. The technology of preparation and use is the same. Keep the mask for 20 minutes and it is advisable to wash off with a cotton swab with soaked milk.

Mask with gelatin and avocado to moisturize dry skin

The gelatin mask is simply designed for dry skin, and if you add avocados to it, the result will definitely please you!

For this you need:

  • dissolve gelatin in water in a ratio of 1: 5
  • dissolve it in a water bath
  • cool and add a dick -shaped avocado pulp, mix everything well
  • lubricate the peeled face with a mixture
  • rinse with cool water after 25 minutes

Tips for the use of gelatin mask

When making a gelatin mask, you need to follow some recommendations to avoid some unpleasant moments:

  1. Make sure that the mask does not get on the hair. The gelatin will be unpleasant and very difficult to wash off the hair. To do this, hide them under the bandage and carefully apply the mixture on the face so that the mask does not get on the eyebrows
  2. If the mask all the same fell on the hair or eyebrows, wait for it when it dries, remove it from the face and wash it with water, wash the gelatin
  3. Apply a cleansing mask in several layers and remove it only after completely dry, otherwise the film will be removed by pieces and you are transported much longer
  4. Moisturizing, anti -aging, tightening and nutrient masks with gelatin should be washed off with warm water, and not remove with a film

Quite a little effort and your skin will be clean and delicate, there will be no trace of black dots, and facial wrinkles will become almost invisible.

Contraindications to the use of gelatin mask

There are several contraindications that you need to know:

  • if there are problems with skin, for example, a rash, acne, gelatin mask is better not to use
  • do not apply the mask to the area of \u200b\u200bsensitive skin around the eyes
  • if there is damage to the skin, the mask can cause irritation even deeper

Mask-Sovetin-Fel-Litsa-S-MorshchinFace cream with gelatin and glycerin

In addition to masks, with gelatin you can also make a home -made cream, without any chemistry and preservatives. For such a cream you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin
  • half a glass of water
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of honey
  • half of a glass of glycerin
  • 1 g of salicylic acid

Mix all of the above in the plate, put it in a water bath or in the microwave, do not forget to stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cool the cooked mixture.

The cream is used daily in a couple of hours before bedtime, keep it on your face for 20 minutes. All that has not been absorbed, wipe with a napkin moistened in water. Repeat the procedure for two weeks, store the cream in the refrigerator. To achieve the maximum effect, before each use, the mixture should be heated.

This cream fights well with wrinkles, removes small, not deep and prevents the appearance of new ones, in addition, it still moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Gelatin face mask: reviews and photos

Liana, 26 years old.
I often make gelatin masks. Before that, I bought smellars in stores, and then I wailed on the Internet about gelatin and decided to try. The result is almost the same, and the mask of it from natural ingredients and without any chemistry. Now I do it when once, when twice a week. I got rid of completely black dots, and some small wrinkles also disappeared.

Anna, 22 years old.
Wonderful mask. I do the first week, I have done only 2 times a mask, and the result is already, as they say, on the face, more precisely on my face. The skin is tightened and look fresh than before. The main thing is not to stop doing.

Julia, 30 years old.
I have long been making gelatin -based masks, the main thing in front of the mask is good to cleanse my face, otherwise the result is not so visible. I make a white clay mask, I just have time to clean the skin while the gelatin swells. Just do not make a mask with gelatin and clay at the same time - it does not work, only in turn.

Inga, 34 years old.
I didn’t even know that the gelatin contains collagen. I already made a mask several times and the results are already visible. And creams and masks from stores are so expensive! I chose myself recently, until I came across gelatin, now I will not buy them.

VIDEO: Gelatin face mask. Facial mask recipe with gelatin

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Comments K. article

  1. The gelatin mask really works miracles))) I have many wrinkles thanks to it ... But you know, it is very important to comprehensively approach ... and try to prevent the aging of the whole organism, therefore, I take Carninz Evalarovsky and try to the active lifestyle of the Vesti-so, you don’t only look younger but you also feel the same))

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