The reasons for the appearance of acne and acne on the face are how to get rid of acne with masks and ointments: Dermatologist's advice

The reasons for the appearance of acne and acne on the face are how to get rid of acne with masks and ointments: Dermatologist's advice

How to get rid of acne on your face: Dermatologist's advice.

Acne and acne often amaze people regardless of their age. Many believe that this is a teenage ailment that takes place with puberty. However, information received from doctors indicates that acne is growing up every year. They can be characteristic even for people of 40 years. In this article we will talk about what acne is and how to deal with them.  

Why do acne appear, acne on the face?

Undoubtedly, the peak of rashes falls at adolescence. This is due to hormonal restructuring within the body. Girls become similar to women, their hips expand, secondary sexual characteristics appear, that is, breasts. All this is due to the release of a huge amount of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. But the negative point of such a restructuring is the condition of the skin.

The reasons for the appearance of acne on the face:

  • Undoubtedly, after puberty, the amount of acne decreases and completely disappears. Many practically do not face this problem, even during puberty there is no huge amount of acne. Of course, undoubtedly, there are minor damage, there may be single rashes. Most often they are “deployed” just in the area where the most skin fat is most. That is, on the forehead or chin can be on the cheeks and nose. However, many of the adolescents are subject to serious problems in the form of acne and acne on the face.
  • Another reason for the appearance of acne is malnutrition. Due to the fact that a person abuses fast food, fatty, as well as sweet food, and violations, problems in metabolic processes in the body appear. Thus, all this spills onto the condition of the skin. In this case, it is enough to get rid of bad habits and normalize your nutrition, and the condition of the skin will improve significantly.  
  • Pimples are manifested by hormonal imbalance in pregnant women. Indeed, women may have rashes in women. This is due to the increase in the blood of such a hormone as progesterone. It is produced by the placenta, because of this there is a leap in the blood. It contributes to the appearance of a huge amount of acne. After pregnancy, such acne passes quickly.  
Causes of rashes
Causes of rashes

Types of acne and acne on the face

Depending on severity, several degrees of defeat are distinguished:  

  • Lightest or first. At this stage, acne appears only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead, chin or nose. The rashes are single in nature, and is characterized by redness, also the occurrence of a small number of papules, that is, red acne.  
  • The rashes go to the back, neck, as well as shoulders and chest. Moreover, they also have a single character, often meet with papules and pustules. That is, white points and channels filled with pus.  
  • A huge number of papules and pustules on the face appear Make mixing with red areas of inflammation.  
  • The confluence of several papules and pustules. Thus, red, hard areas are obtained, and can have a bluish tint. During the delay of wounds, serious scars of large size appear. This can then be seen according to the terrible condition of the skin, which is, as it were, pierced and all covered with recesses, dents.  
Acne on the chin
Acne on the chin

It should be understood that in any pimple begins with comedones. That is, from ordinary black dots, which are a blockage of pores and follicles with hair. This is a sebaceous cork, which, due to interaction with air, is covered with dark contents. Thus, these points look black. Although in fact it is not dirt, but the oxidation products of skin fat with air.

If this contents from the dispute are not removed in time, then pathogens can multiply inside the follicles and pores, and justify the occurrence of serious inflammation, as well as purulent formations. They are acne. With extensive lesions, several acne merge into one, forming whole nodules with a bluish tint. They are the most dangerous, because they cause a huge number of scars on the skin.  


How to treat acne, acne on the face: Dermatologist's advice

Treatment must begin in the earliest stages, also prevent the reproduction of a huge number of bacteria on the face. The fact is that inside each acne contains an infection, which, when squeezed, can apply to a healthy area. Thus, pathogens can affect a huge number of pores, which causes focal rashes.

To do this, use a variety of skin cleaning methods. It is recommended for oily, problematic, as well as adolescence to use lotions with a slight alcohol content. This is necessary in order to disinfect the skin, make it clean. In addition, the lotion may contain tinctures of healing herbs, which, due to their properties, contribute to the healing of acne and their disappearance.  

Single acne
Single acne

Acne ointments and acne on the face

Regarding the treatment of acne, the pharmacy has a considerable amount of fairly effective means. All of them are based on cleaning, as well as the destruction of microorganisms that provoke the occurrence of acne.

Among them, you can highlight the tincture of calendula, as well as green tea. These plant components can be used independently, or as face masks. The easiest way is to moisten in the resulting solution and point on acne.  

Overview of acne ointments on the face:

  • Zinc ointment. The composition contains some compounds of zinc salts that regulate the operation of the sebaceous glands. In addition, it dries, and has an antibacterial effect, thanks to this the skin becomes clean and radiant.  
  • Levomekol. Contains erythromycin, and several more antibiotics. This is a combined drug that effectively works against gram -positive and gram -negative microorganisms. It is applied to the foci of the lesion, effective in relation to even severe forms of acne, which are internal.  
  • Zinerite. Contains zinc and erythromycin. Thanks to the combination of antibiotics, as well as zinc combination, the ointment works quite efficiently. It is a drug. It is a combined antimicrobial agent. It is applied several times a day on acne after cleaning them.  
  • Erythromycin ointment Contains an antibiotic of the same name. Helps to cope with neglected acne options. It is defeated in the morning in the morning. An effective and cheap way to get rid of acne.  
  • Klenzit S. This is a combined drug, which also contains an antibiotic, vitamin A, that is, retinol. Thanks to such a combination, not only an active antimicrobial effect is observed, but also the nutrition of the skin. Vitamin A contributes to the rapid tightening of scars and the appearance of smooth, thin skin. Thus, a double effect is achieved. The skin, in addition to being treated, gets rid of bacterial lesion, but is also restored with vitamin A.  
  • Shinnomicin - This is a combined drug that contains erythromycin and castor oil. Thanks to the combined composition, the antibiotic effectively acts on inflammation. Castor oil, in turn, softens the epidermis, and reduces the harmful, harmful effects of the antibiotic on the epidermis.  
Strong rashes
Strong rashes

Acne and acne prevention on the face

It is worth noting that on sale also has a huge number of preventive agents, these are lotions, foam for washing for problem skin. Tea wood oil, or even antibiotics, are usually added to the composition. This is necessary in order to treat rashes, and minimize them. However, all these means that can be found on the shelves of household chemical stores are preventive. That is, they only interfere with the appearance of acne, and do not treat them. Effectively cope with a large number of rashes with the help of a doctor.

Only he will prescribe adequate treatment. The fact is that for the treatment of acne it is sometimes not enough just to smear them with ointment or use masks. Sometimes a combined and integrated approach is required, which includes not only external, but also internal treatment, that is, they can prescribe antibacterial drugs inward, as well as drugs that contribute to the purification of the body of dirt.  


Masks for the treatment of acne and acne on the face at home

Quite often, not only drugs, but also masks are used to treat acne on the face. They are mainly aimed at removing the contents of the pores and cleaning them. At the same time, antibacterial drugs that prevent the reproduction of pathogens of microorganisms are often included in home masks. Mostly to clean the face and removal of acne, they use masks-films.

The action is due to the fact that the upper layer with a mask glues with the surface of the pores, after the mixture dries along with the mask, the dirt breaks away from the skin. Quite often, film masks based on honey, gelatin, as well as egg protein are used.  To carry out manipulation of the preparation of acne masks, you will need a medicinal decoction, healing herbs and oils, as well as the products that everyone has in the refrigerator.  

Acne on the chin
Acne on the chin

Recipes for masks from acne on the face:

  • Mask with an egg. In this case, not the yolk, but the protein will be used. This is due to the fact that the yolk is usually used to nutrition of the skin, and the protein for cleaning. It is necessary to separate the protein from the yolk, pour a pinch of salt and beat until lush foam is obtained. After that, five drops of lemon juice are introduced into the resulting composition, and once again closed. The mixture is applied to steamed skin for about 10 minutes. After that, thorough skin cleansing is carried out with warm and then cold water.
  • You can also get rid of acne with honey. To do this, it is necessary to mix 30 ml of bee nectar with one tablespoon of onion juice. The resulting mass must be impregnated with gauze, and attach to problem areas. Leave a similar application on the skin for a quarter of an hour. After that, everything is washed off with warm water.  
  • Aloe mask and green tea. To prepare this healing agent, you will need two aloe leaves. It is best if you first withstand them for 2 days on a shelf in the refrigerator. After that, the skin is removed and the mass turns into a homogeneous jelly. Further, three drops of tea tree essential oil are introduced into this mixture. After that, a small piece of crumb of black bread is added. After that, everything is rubbed to the state of gruel and applied to the skin. It is necessary to withstand the application for a third of the hour. After that, everything is washed off with cold water.  
  • Mask with white clay. Kaolin is known to all his miraculous properties. It was used back in the time of the Roman Empire. To carry out manipulation, you will need one tablespoon of kaolin. A small amount of warm milk is added to it, as well as the pulp of one cucumber. The resulting mass is applied to the prepared skin and held for 15 minutes.  
  • It copes very well with inflammation and acne ordinary baking soda. It must be mixed in equal amounts with salt. It is best to take an extra -grinding product. Further, in the resulting mass it is necessary to introduce foam from the baby soap. To do this, you need to moisten a piece of soap with water and rub with a sponge. The resulting foam is squeezed into a mixture of salt and soda. Next, the paste is applied to clean, dry skin for 3-5 minutes. Please note that the product can burn. To prevent strong burns, do not overeat the mixture. Before washing it off with warm water, you need to rub with a little pressure. Thus, the mask acts not only as a cleansing agent, but also as a way to get rid of dead cells. That is, as a scrub.  
Acne masks
Acne masks

You can cure acne on the face with the help of folk remedies, masks, as well as pharmacy drugs. In order to lose inflammation on the skin as quickly as possible, be sure to follow the advice of dermatologists.

Video: how to treat acne: dermatologist tips

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Comments K. article

  1. She herself was convinced of the effectiveness of retino peels)) help from acne and post -acne. You can do it at home if you take Retasol at the pharmacy))

  2. pay attention primarily to nutrition, qualitatively cleanse the skin. I use seraphs, they have a point antiseptic effect, reduce comedones and acne without leathering skin

  3. I also liked Patchi Seratsin. They help to quickly get rid of acne, contain hyaluronic acid and the skin does not dry due to this

  4. I use Argosufan cream, if I have to squeeze something on my face. Sometimes it happens, there is nothing to go anywhere)) But with this cream everything heals and is restored well in a matter of days. The skin remains healthy and clean.

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