Oatmeal mask for the face. How to cleanse your face, narrow the pores, make peeling, get rid of acne? Masks recipes for dry, oily and sensitive skin

Oatmeal mask for the face. How to cleanse your face, narrow the pores, make peeling, get rid of acne? Masks recipes for dry, oily and sensitive skin

Important: the women of the East have long followed the principle “if you cannot eat what you apply to the skin, this cannot be used! ".

That is why many cosmetic companies are increasingly trying to use natural components as part of their care products. But not a single cosmetic procedure or cream can be compared in effect with the magic of oat masks.

The therapeutic effect is simple in appearance of cereals for a very long time. And it is no secret that thanks to its magical properties, oatmeal began to be used in cosmetology. And this is not without reason, because it contains the largest number of vitamins E and K, almost all vitamins groups AT: IN 1, IN 2, AT 6, Pr, as well as a number of necessary for our skin minerals. That is, the whole complex of useful substances that our skin is so lacking in different periods of time.


Important: a mask from oatmeal cleanses and nourishes the skin, fills it with internal radiance and freshness, smoothes wrinkles and tones. Complex vitamin E. and To Protects the skin from any harmful effects of the weather and slows down wilting processes. Minerals help restore the elasticity of the subcutaneous muscles and maintain the oval of the face in impeccable form.

Therefore, those who underestimated or have not yet tried such masks, after reading this article will certainly change their opinion about ordinary oatmeal from childhood.

Important: in order to start filling the skin with beauty, it is enough to take an oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder as a basis and mix with one of the selected components. So you can achieve any desired effect for the skin. What oatmeal will we do today?

Oatmeal Mask: Face Peeling at home

RECIPE: Two tablespoons of previously crushed oatmeal, it is necessary to mix with a spoonful of ground coffee and brew all this with a small amount of boiling water. There should be so much water to get homogeneous gruel. When the mass has cooled to an acceptable temperature, add a teaspoon of lemon and honey.

We apply the mixture on the face with light stroking movements, thereby gently cleansing all the keratinized particles and getting incredibly smooth and delicate skin.

Oatmeal mask: face cleaning and pore narrowing

Important: if you have a party or date in a couple of hours and you want to look amazing - this recipe is for you!

RECIPE: Pour oatmeal with boiling water for just a couple of minutes and let cool a little. Mix the mass with two tablespoons of kefir, honey and starch. Let us brew the mixtures so that all components come into effect and apply the mask for 15 minutes.

Rinse it with contrasting water: first warm, and then cool, warm again and finish cool. All! You are irresistible!

Oatmeal: cleansing oily skin

Important: the skin subject to excessive sebaceous glands requires a special approach. Ovsyanka has a solution here.

RECIPE: Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with the same amount of boiling water and let us brew a little and enter into force all trace elements and vitamins. Next, it is necessary to pour 5 ml of lemon juice, a spoonful of honey and 20 ml of aloe juice. Mix all the components and apply on a previously cleaned face for 15-20 minutes.

You get an incredible effect of matte and clean skin. And if you do this procedure three times a week, this will help to establish the work of the glands and make the skin impeccable.

Oatmeal: getting rid of acne rash

Important: for the treatment of the problem, who has ripened in the pores, in addition to our beloved oatmeal, we will resort to the secret properties of the seaweed of kelp.

RECIPE: Mix chopped kelp and oatmeal, brew boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. After we add a teaspoon of aloe to remove inflammatory effects and a teaspoon of sugary honey. Next, we apply our mass to pre -steamed skin and let ourselves lie a little calmly. The greater the exposure time, the better.
The skin will be cleansed of toxins and gain incredible silkiness!

Oatmeal mask: reassuring sensitive skin

This unusual recipe carries a very good effect and does not require much effort.
RECIPE: In a couple of spoons of chopped oatmeal, we add freshly brewed hot, green tea, let it brew and apply light movements to sensitive areas of the skin. Next, you need to withstand the mask for at least 20 minutes and wash off with warm filtered water. The result will be noticeable immediately. These two components will relieve irritation and give the radiance of any, even the most sensitive skin.

Oatmeal mask: nutrition and moisture for dry skin

Important: salvation for dry skin especially in extremely hot or cold days will again become oatmeal. In combination with sour cream or cream, it nourishes the skin with the necessary vitamins and minerals, which are so lacking in dry skin.

RECIPE: It is necessary to brew chopped cereal with boiling water for several minutes and mix the ingredients, adding honey or fruits at will. Apply the entire mixture for 20 minutes on the face and then rinse with warm water. The skin will become moistened, delicate and velvety and will delight you throughout the day.

Oatmeal mask: freshness and rejuvenation

And in conclusion - a miraculous mask that will sooner or later be in the arsenal of every woman. Because I really want to extend the youth of the skin and help it maintain elasticity at any age. To do this, we will make a special mixture of seemingly banal products. But they will give you a very good effect.

RECIPE: Take three spoons of the prepared dry mixture of oatmeal, chamomile and dry green tea, gently chop in a coffee grinder and brew with boiling water. Let us cool to a comfortable temperature and add the yolk. Believe me, you will be amazed at a pleasant result.

Important: as we see oatmeal masks - a universal and indispensable tool in home cosmetology. They are suitable for all skin types - oily and dry, problematic or fading.

Oatmeal mask: recipe for the whole body

This mask will help out even at the most crucial moment if you suddenly woke up after a difficult day and you need to look great or you were invited to a restaurant, and there is simply no time for comprehensive care. Oatmeal masks will help to put in order not only the skin of the face, but the whole body is very simple.

RECIPE: Take more oatmeal, add any components to your taste and arrange a SPA-Salon at home. And what is important-this miracle mask is always at hand! Trust her and your skin will be grateful to you!

If you do not have enough time to independently prepare masks, then you can buy it.
COLLAMASK rejuvenating mask-cream mask You can see and buy here.

Video: Mask made of omo -aging effects

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Comments K. article

  1. And I really like the alginate mask from the Librider series, steep in general, I have not tried other brands, but this one conquered me.

  2. I love oatmeal myself. And also a cool effect from a mask with the addition of ointment Radevit. The skin is marked straight, small wrinkles are smoothed.

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