Zhirovik, Sussyanka, Milium or white acne on the face, in the scene: Causes, folk remedies, prevention measures

Zhirovik, Sussyanka, Milium or white acne on the face, in the scene: Causes, folk remedies, prevention measures

In this article, we will study the nature of white pimples by the type of wen, asking for or miliums that occur on the face or at the place of injury, scars.

Zhirovik, Sussyanka or the greasy cyst sounds strange, unpleasant and even scary, especially if it was formed on the face or in the scene. But calm down, since the wen is not what you should worry about. In general, this is a fat cone that can form under your skin. Some people call this keratin or epidermoid cyst. Let's study the reason for their appearance and methods of struggle.

Fucice, xanthelasm, or white pimple: what is it, how to distinguish them among themselves?

In most cases, Zhirovik, Susvanka has nothing dangerous - this is only a visual problem. Such a sebaceous cyst may appear suddenly, and can also disappear in itself without any help. It is believed that wen are usually formed due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous cyst can form in different parts of your body, as a rule, it never appears on the legs and palms. But it can be found throughout the body. A very common problem is the appearance of wen on the face or in the place of injury.

There are several types of wen:

  • Milium, Lipoma or the same Soksyanka They look more like white-yellow acne. Miliums or small wen are widely known as semolina or skin semolina. They look very annoying, especially if they are on the face. Good news is that small white acne is not a skin disease, but simply a cosmetic problem.
    • Usually these little white acne sits around the eye, but they can appear anywhere on the body. And although they are often considered small acne, they have little in common with them.
They are often taken for white acne
They are often taken for white acne

Unlike acne, the milium is not filled with pus, but consists of an old, dead mouth material made of leather. In fact, these are small, mainly solid granules, benign cysts. Although they are harmless, but often do not disappear on their own. And therefore, they are a cosmetic nuisance for many.

  • Xantlasm - A soft rash of yellow, most often on the eyelids, sometimes interconnected and significantly large. Yellowish xanthalism has an average flat structure, more similar to plaque. The formations of this type are mainly identified with age. Favorite place of Xantlasm - corners of the eyelids.
    • Single or multiple xanthalism can merge with neighboring pathological islands, forming a large tumor zone.
Xanthalism more often appears in adulthood

Zhirovik, Sussyanka: the causes of such white points on the face

Zhirovik, Sussyanka has several reasons for the appearance:

  • frequent use of spicy, smoked and salted food, as well as carbonated water and fast food
  • high cholesterol
  • avitaminosis
  • use of low -quality cosmetics
  • oily skin and wrong care for it
  • hereditary predisposition to the appearance of wen
  • violation of metabolism in the body
  • the presence of bad habits, like alcohol or smoking
  • other health problems of the type of chronic diseases or problems with the digestive tract
  • endocrine system
  • hormonal disorders
  • abundance of ultraviolet radiation
  • pregnancy
  • stressful atmosphere or violation of the nervous system
  • also, one of the reasons is the injury of soft tissues or the presence of a scar. Moreover, in their place they can appear even years after surgery or injury.

In this state, the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively and the ducts are clogged. Thus, the secret does not go outside, but accumulates under the upper layer of the skin in the form of white tubercles and increases in its size eventually. At the same time, such benign formations are not painful and do not affect the body as a whole.

The reasons
The reasons

Zhirovik, Suschanka: What can be dangerous?

  • Milium, Zhirovik, Suschanka can appear as On the body of an adult, and in a child. With the appearance of education, your health will not change in any way. But still, do not postpone a visit to a dermatologist. Unlike black dots, white wen is impossible and You can not squeeze yourself at home. And if you have such a thought, then immediately put it aside. Since this can be dangerous by infection and inflammation!
  • And since the cause may not be a cosmetic problem, but a metabolic disorder, It is worth sorting out the malfunctions of the body, To prevent further repetition of the occurrence of wen on the body.
  • Lipoma more often affects the outer layers of the skin. But There are times when the wen appears on the internal organs, which also have a fat layer. If the body is not one lipoma, but several formations at once, this condition is called lipomatosis.
  • Very rarely, but still there are cases of rebirth of this benign education into malignant - Liposarcoma. It is impossible to establish this diagnosis of a house! The main signalprotrude Dimensions and speed of increasing size. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor at once when they found a wen. In case of suspicion, the doctor will prescribe a puncture, and based on the results of the analysis - treatment.
This is already a pathological degeneration of lipoma
This is already a pathological degeneration of lipoma

Zhirovik, Suschanka: how to remove on the face?

To date, there are several ways to remove the lip. Wen, a question and the procedure existing for their removal:

  • Laser removal. This method is considered the most sparing and painless. The skin is completely restored after the procedure in 2 weeks;
  • Kuretage - Removing with a special tool that resembles a spoon. The curette mechanically removes the asking, but can leave scars behind. The chances of infection of the wound are high, if there was no proper care;
  • Classical surgery. Usually carried out under local anesthesia. But if the whole face is affected, they can also use general anesthesia. The disadvantage of this method is the shrygs that remain after the cuts. Also, it is after this method that a relapse often appears;
  • Electrocoagulation - This method is based on a high -frequency alternating current. The wen are covered with a crust, which goes in a few days. This is the most budgetary way that will affect the formation of scars;
  • Cryotherapy- This is freezing with liquid nitrogen with the subsequent dying of the affected area. It makes sense to resort to this method only if the wen is single and small. Does not leave behind scars and scars;
  • Cooking with a special needle with the introduction of the solution inside. After processing the puncture zone, the doctor uses a very thin sterile needle to introduce a special medicine into the wen. The procedure is effective, but you will have to wait for the result for about two months.

Important: if the lipoma is small, does not increase and does not cause moral (from a cosmetic point of view) or physical discomfort, you can not get rid of it!

If it grows rapidly, it is better to remove it until the dimensions allow you to make a small incision and less traumatic surgical interventions. After removing the lipoma, the scars will remain. Since most wen do not harm your health, the doctor will allow you to choose a treatment option that is right for you.

After removing the wen, the doctor can give an ointment with an antibiotic to prevent infection. It should be used until the healing process is completed. They can also prescribe a cream from scars to reduce the appearance of any surgical or mechanical scars.

You can delete them only after consulting a doctor!
You can delete them only after consulting a doctor!

Zhirovik, Sussyanka: Folk ways to combat them

Zhirovik, Sussyanka or the so -called white eel is not removed at home! But there are some methods that they are able to gradually remove the milium.

  1. Helps well Scrubing from sour cream and sea salt small grinding
  2. It is also recommended to wipe the place with a cotton swab moistened in the mixture Soda and soda(for the convenience of application, you can slightly dilute with water)
  3. It is very useful to do Hercules mask. To do this, you need to grind the flakes in a coffee grinder and mix with an egg, sour cream, berry juice or any fruit
  4. We do Cucumbers mask or homemade tonic based on it. To do this, pour 50 g of grated vegetable 150 ml of boiled water. After 4 hours of insisting, you can make a mask for everything, moistening the fabric in this tincture.
  5. Similarly, you can make a fabric mask From chamomile or series. They are crushed by inflammation and cleanse the skin. Only 150 ml you need to take a large dosage - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Helps very well viburnum! Its juice can be used simply in the form of a mask or make a hercups
  7. Pumpkin - Another effective folk remedy. The grated product is superimposed directly on the problem areas
Make scrubs
Make scrubs

Wen, a question or white dots at the site of scars: causes of appearance, treatment

It happens that a person does not have such problems, while after a burn, blow or operation there remains a scar on which the wen appears over time. Such a wen, a question of a question or a milium is closely associated with a skin disease or possible inflammation, abrasion, burn and scar. This happens only in those parts of the body where the skin was previously damaged as a result of illness or injury. If the dead skin cells fall under its upper layer during this damage, they can encapsulate there and leave one wen.

That is, this is again the abundant work of the sebaceous glands. Such miliums are considered secondary - arise precisely in places of damage. Primary flashings are formed spontaneously and just as unexpectedly pass. For example, on the skin of the baby as a result of contact with the new environment, or in an adult after contact with ultraviolet light.

The causes of the milium in the place of scars after surgery are still possible:

  • due to the severe tension of the skin of the skin
  • or As a result of their incorrect connection/fusion
  • tissue regeneration and individual predisposition
  • possible inflammation, which is often accompanied by itching and pain

In this case, you do not need to panic, in most cases - it itself is absorbed. But consultation with a dermatologist will not hurt. If the milium bothers you or causes discomfort, then you should visit a surgeon for timely removal. Most often, such a wen is removed mechanically.

They can also prescribe ointments for resorption of scars and the same miliums:

  • Contractubex
  • Dermatics
  • Heparin ointment
  • Hydrocortisone
  • vishnevsky ointment
And even more so, it is forbidden to open them with a needle of the house!
And even more so, it is forbidden to open them with a needle of the house!

Zhirovik, Suschanka: Is it possible to prevent the appearance of white acne on the face?

  • Basically, if you have a wen, a question of a question on your face, then you need Carefully cleanse your skin daily. However, when using funds, you should make sure that the cleaning does not stimulate the production of sebum. It is best to use a delicate cleansing gel and light low -fat face care.
  • In addition, it should be regularly do peeling, So that dead skin cells are removed and could not form small cysts. It is also important to protect the skin from the sun, because too much ultraviolet can aggravate the situation. Heavy creams and thick makeup are also absolutely useless for the skin, prone to the appearance of wen, because they additionally clog pores.
  • Also Follow your nutrition - You should have fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. But the consumption of smoked and fried foods, as well as foods that increase cholesterol, should be minimized. By the way, you can not only get rid of a question or prevent its appearance, but you will also keep the figure in shape.
  • Walk in the fresh air And do at least short physical exercises.
  • Choose carefully cosmetics and never go to bed without removing makeup!

In the modern world, there are many different ways to remove wen or flashes. Having done a small procedure, you will forget about your problem. And the correct treatment of police on the face will help not only restore beauty and youth, but also save you from negative consequences in the form of scars or infection.

Video: Zhirovik, Suschanka, Milium - how to get rid of without a laser and needles?

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Comments K. article

  1. I have white acne on my face from time to time (

  2. Irina, it happens to me too. Only I do not wait for them to pass, but use my hands, that is, squeeze out. I understand that this is bad, but for the wounds to be delayed, I process them, for this I use the Argosufan cream.

  3. Damn, but I thought to squeeze my wen, but they reported me that I could bring the infection. They advised me Lipomix, they say someone helped someone there, but in pharmacies I did not find this ointment

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