Apple vinegar: with yeast, on a vinegar uterus, from apple juice - simple home -made recipes

Apple vinegar: with yeast, on a vinegar uterus, from apple juice - simple home -made recipes

You can cook apple cider vinegar even at home. And how, you will learn from the article.

Apple vinegar is often used in cooking, however, it is used not only for cooking. Also, apple cider vinegar is used in cosmetology.

It should be noted that this product is rich in various vitamins, amino acids and other equally useful substances that our body needs. Using our recipes, you can cook delicious and healthy homemade apple cider vinegar.

Home apple cider vinegar: simple recipe

Apple vinegar is easy to prepare, however, the process itself takes a lot of time. According to this recipe, you can cook vinegar faster and easiest. Such a recipe is perfect for those who independently make this product for the first time.

  • Sweet-sour apples-1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 110 g
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Before proceeding with the preparation of vinegar, a few words must be said about the choice of the main ingredient - apples. Apples need to choose ripe, juicy, sweet and not spoiled. Do not use rotten, dumped and crumpled fruits for the preparation of vinegar. Sweet fruits are best suited, from which vinegar is tastier and cooks faster.
  • So, take the indicated amount of fruits, rinse them with water. Next, without cleaning the apples, chop in small pieces, or even better chop into a coarse grater. Place chopped fruits in a glass container.
  • Pour sugar sand into the container. The recipe indicates an approximate amount of sweet ingredient. If your apples are very sweet, the amount of sugar can be slightly reduced if sour, increased.
  • Bring the indicated amount of water to a boil, after cool. Water should be hot, but not boiling. Pour the liquid to fruits.
  • Now send a container with ingredients for 14 days to a warm place in which direct sunlight will not fall. Every few days mix the contents of the container.
  • After 14 days, strain the resulting liquid, return it to a glass container. Choose a container that the liquid is placed in it, and another 5-10 cm remains not occupied by it.
  • Cover the neck of the container with pure gauze folded in several layers.
  • Now it remains to wait another 14 days. At this time, the container should also be warm and dark.
  • After this time, gently pour the finished product into clean bottles, try not to pour the sediment in the bottles.

Home apple cider vinegar with yeast

You can also cook homemade vinegar using yeast. Such a product is fragrant and useful.

  • Sweet apples - 1 kg
  • Water - 1.2 l
  • Sugar - 170 g
  • Yeast - 15 g
With yeast
With yeast
  • Wash the apples with water, you do not need to clean them. With the help of grater, grate fruits and place in clean glass containers. The volume of the container should be such that grated fruits, the indicated amount of liquid are placed in it and there is still a little space.
  • Boil water, cool, it should not be boiling.
  • Dissolve sugar sand in water, add yeast here.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into the container with fruits.
  • As already mentioned earlier, there should be free space in Tara, since the mass will begin to wander and rise.
  • Send the container with the contents for 12 days to a warm place. Mix the mass every few days.
  • After this time, you can add a little more sugar sand to vinegar, and after the container hole must be tied with gauze and put it for another 1-2 months in a dark, warm room.
  • At this time, fermentation of the ingredients will occur.
  • As soon as you notice that bubbles are no longer formed in the container, vinegar will be ready.

It should be noted that in the process of fermentation on the surface of the mass, a dense foam, a film that looks like a tea mushroom can form on the surface of the mass. It is not necessary to remove and throw it away, it is a vinegar uterus. It can be used to prepare vinegar. Such a product will be much more useful.

Homemade apple cider vinegar on vinegar uterus

If in the process of preparing vinegar you have formed a vinegar uterus in your container, do not rush to throw it away. Using this formation, you can cook very tasty and healthy vinegar.

  • Vinegar uterus
  • Sweet apples - 900 g
  • Sugar - 90 g
  • Water
  • Wash the apples, rub on a fine grater to form more juice or pass through the juicer if you have it. You will get apple juice and squeeze.
  • Add warm boiled water to the squeeze. The amount of water is taken from the following calculation - per 1 volume part of the squeezes of 2 parts of water. Stir the resulting mass, then squeeze it through a dense tissue to separate the liquid from the peaks.
  • Combine the liquid with the previously obtained apple juice, add sugar sand to the resulting mass.
  • Pour the liquid into a clean dry container, preferably glass
  • Gently put the vinegar uterus in it. Do it extremely carefully, because it is very easy to break.
  • Now cover the container with a dense layer of gauze, but the air should fall into the container.
  • Report vinegar in a warm and dark place for 1 month.
  • As a result, 3 layers are formed in the container: sediment, vinegar and uterus. Gently remove the uterus, can be used again or divided into pieces and grow new uterus from them. Pour vinegar into a bottle for permanent storage, and dispose of the sediment - it is not needed.

Home apple cider vinegar from apple juice

Another recipe for delicious, aromatic home vinegar. When making such vinegar, it is important to use only home high -quality apple juice, otherwise the product will not work.

You will need sweet apples-2-3 kg

  • As mentioned earlier, the juice should be homemade and fresh. Therefore, take sweet, juicy, ripe and not spoiled fruits, wash them and pass them through a juicer. If you do not have such a device, you can rub apples or pass through a meat grinder, however, in this case you will have to manually squeeze the juice from fruit residues. So, squeeze the juice in an accessible way.
  • Pour it into a clean glass container. In this case, there should be free space in the container.
  • On the throat of the container, put on the usual medical glove. Perhaps she will burst, then without fail replace her new.
  • In this state, send the container for a month to a warm room.
  • After this time, pour the liquid into an enameled vessel, cover it with a dense layer of gauze and in this state put in a warm but dark room for another 1-2 months.
  • As soon as you feel that vinegar had a caustic unpleasant odor, it is ready.
  • Pour the product into bottles for permanent storage.
From juice
From juice

You can get home apple cider vinegar quite simple. To do this, you do not need to have special devices, and the ingredients need the most affordable and simple. Therefore, be patient and try to make a delicious, and most importantly healthy home product.

Adding such vinegar to food, you enrich your body with useful substances, amino acids. Such a product can also be used to treat various ailments, for example, tonsillitis, headache, etc.

Video: Simple recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar

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