Do I need to add vinegar to borsch: at what stage of cooking and is it necessary? Do apple, balsamic vinegar add to borscht?

Do I need to add vinegar to borsch: at what stage of cooking and is it necessary? Do apple, balsamic vinegar add to borscht?

Do I need to add vinegar to borsch and which one? Look for the answer to this question in the article.

Soup is the king of the dining table, and borsch - This is the pride of any mistress. This is a very mysterious and unusual dish. There are a great many recipes of borsch. And one cannot say unanimously which one is the most appetizing, because the tastes of all people diverge.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to cook summer soup, green borsch, skewed skewed with an egg?". You will find recipes, and also learn how to cook a plowman from sorrel according to a classic recipe.

Each family has its own secret recipe for cooking borsch, which is passed down from generation to generation, and try not to disclose it. Many housewives have a question: do I need to add vinegar to this dish and at what stage of cooking? Let's figure it out together. Read further.

Do you add 9% and sugar when cooking to borscht: is it necessary, how much, at what point?

Vinegar is added to the borscht
Vinegar is added to the borscht

Acetic acid is added not only to borscht, but for the preparation of many other dishes and snacks. The list of necessary ingredients of almost all types of borsch includes precisely this unique product. When adding it, it will be achieved that very bright and appetizing coloring and all the taste of your favorite dish will remain. So, whether they add to borscht vinegar 9% and sugar When cooking? Is it necessary, how much, at what point?

To achieve the best results, you should adhere to some rules:

  • The calculation of the amount of vinegar is measured from the size of the pan - 1 incomplete tablespoon 9% vinegar per 1 liter of finished broth.
  • It is necessary to add sugar - 1-2 teaspoons per 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Sugar emphasizes the taste of fresh vegetables and removes excessive acid.
  • Sugar is added simultaneously with vinegar.
  • It is worth considering that if you previously fry vegetables or beets, then vinegar should be added at this stage.

One of the most important reasons for adding vinegar to borsch is not at all tasteful quality, but by preserving the color of beets, since with prolonged cooking it loses its color, and the soup becomes not red at all.

Do apple cider vinegar add to borsh: is it possible?

When preparing borsch with the addition of vinegar, you can experiment depending on taste preferences and the desired result. Therefore, when preparing soups, add and apple vinegar - This is a natural product, unlike table vinegar. When using apple cider vinegar, your borsch will acquire not only delicate sourness, but also a chic aroma with the presence of apple notes.

Is it possible to add balsamic vinegar to borsch?

Balsamic vinegar -Sweet-sweet seasoning from sorted sorting in barrels. One of the most chic seasonings, but quite expensive. Also, one of the qualities of this particular vinegar is softening of fibers of meat, it becomes soft and delicate. Natural balsamic vinegar will enrich borsch with a sweet and sour taste with fruit and woody shades. It will not leave indifferent a single connoisseur of borsch. Therefore, feel free to add this product to the soup and enjoy a unique taste.

It is worth knowing: As a cheap option, there is balsamic vinegar of artificial production from synthetic products.

Is it necessary to add vinegar to borsch?

No, this is not necessarilyBut many housewives are indignant and upset that borsch does not always turn out so bright and tasty if this product is not added to it. Someone just scares the smell of vinegar, since it is quite sharp and unpleasant, but you should not be afraid, it needs very little. Also, if vinegar was not at hand, it can be safely replaced with a spoon of lemon juice, no one will notice the difference.

Do vinegar add to sorrel soup with egg and how much?

A vinegar is added to a sorrel soup with an egg
A vinegar is added to a sorrel soup with an egg

When preparing light and spring sorrel soup with an egg, white vinegar is really added with sugar and salt, but already at the final stage when the soup is ready. It is poured in small quantities - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of liquidTo get a slightly sweet and spicy taste, as well as to enhance the taste of sorrel.

Do vinegar add to sour cabbage soup from fresh cabbage and how much?

Usually, it is not customary to add acetic acid such as sour cabbage soup, even if they are cooked from fresh cabbage. Sour taste can be easily achieved by laying tomatoes. Some housewives add rhubarb or sorrel for acid. But if someone does not like these plants or simply do not like, then of course vinegar will never spoil your soup and you can add it. It will be needed only dessert spoon of 9%vinegar A unique taste will acquire a pan and cabbage soup.

Secrets of delicious borscht

There are many secrets and tricks for preparing the perfect and tasty borscht for each housewife:

  • You can focus on the broth, which should be fragrant and strong.
  • Also, many housewives achieve taste and aroma due to a variety of spices.
  • Someone has a “highlight” Bulgarian pepper.

But the most important secret will be that any dish should be prepared with love and care. A huge role is played by the mood when cooking dishes, it should always be on the rise, because during cooking you pass your energy to the dish. Borsch, cooked in a good mood and with love, will always be the most delicious!

The recipe for the most delicious borscht

The most delicious borsch
The most delicious borsch

Borsch is the pride of Russian cuisine. There are a lot of disputes about the correct preparation of this soup, like recipes, but no one has come to a consensus. Each recipe contains its pros and cons that are worth paying attention to. Let's try to prepare one of the options for the most delicious borsch of fresh cabbage with smoked ribs. Here is the prescription:

Necessary ingredients:

  • Pork smoked ribs - 0.5 kg (you can and more)
  • Fresh cabbage - 200 g
  • Beets - 1 large or 2 average size
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes-5-6 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. tablespoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Tomato sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Pigles with peas - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Preparation technology:

  1. First of all - prepare the ribs. Cut them and send them to the pan, put on a small fire so that they are a little brown. This is necessary so that the aroma of smoked meats in the soup is more revealed.
  2. Next, chop the cabbage by strips and send it to a pan with boiling water, cook until boiling, remove the foam.
  3. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes and cut it to the cabbage, also bring it to a boil, remove the foam and let it boil a little more.
  4. The next step is to pass vegetables - pass the carrots through a coarse grater, cut the onion with a small cube, add half the garlic norm and spell in a pan with a small amount of oil until golden. Add tomato to vegetables, fry for a couple more minutes.
  5. Send the browned ribs to the pan with vegetables, there is also a passage and cook over medium heat.
  6. Grate the prepared beets on a coarse grater and with a small amount of oil put on fire, shake vinegar, sugar and salt.
  7. Mix everything well, share 100 ml of water and simmer until moisture evaporates. Then send it to the pan and cook until cooked.
  8. At the end of the preparation, add bay leaf and pepper with peas, if necessary, salt and let the soup brew.
  9. While the borses is infused, chop the remaining garlic and send it to the pan, let the soup still brew 5-10 minutes.

One of the most delicious options for borsch with amazing aroma of smoked meats and fresh vegetables is ready. Any gourmet will appreciate the taste of natural products, since in this recipe there is nothing superfluous. Enjoy your meal!

How do you cook your branded borsch? Write the recipe in the comments. Perhaps it is he who will become a hit.

Video: Why add vinegar to borsch? Explained professional culinary specialists!

Video: Borsch. Recipes from Ivlev

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