Rice vinegar: composition, beneficial properties, contraindications, how is it prepared at home?

Rice vinegar: composition, beneficial properties, contraindications, how is it prepared at home?

In this article, we will consider which composition of rice vinegar and how it can be prepared at home.

Rice vinegar is an original Chinese and Japanese seasoning, which perfectly retains fish. An interesting pattern has been noted that the Chinese product is a little more acidic analogue. But in comparison with Russian rice vinegar or what is made in European countries, Asian acid is much softer and sweeter. Therefore, we bring to your attention home recipes and substitutes for real rice vinegar, which with maximum accuracy will convey its taste and aroma.

Rice vinegar: What is needed for, and what is it eaten with?

The opening of rice vinegar belongs to the Japanese. Which is quite reasonable and logical, because they are real leaders in growing and using this cereal. Moreover, in ancient times, this seasoning was filed on the table to the emperor and members of his family. Today, vinegar does not belong to such important spices. But his popularity went beyond the limits of Asian countries recently, when land and rolls became so in demand.

Interesting: in Japan, rice vinegar is translated as “SU”.

The story "Su" takes its roots even before our era. Speaking briefly, the Japanese wrapped raw fish in rice so that the conservation process took place. After all, the fish over time began to distinguish its enzymes, which provoked the production of lactic acid in rice.

  • Real sushi are preparing with raw fish - this is a fact that every sushi lover already knows. In our country (and not only), salted fish fillet practices, and it is completely dangerous for home use to risk with a raw product.
  • With the advent of vinegar, the need for such a complex process disappeared, but the love of fish and draw remained. But the presence of acid prevented the rapid damage to the fish. Therefore, rice vinegar is an indispensable assistant for the preparation of land and rolls.
  • And that is not all. In addition to saturated aroma and bright taste, acid improves the assimilation of raw fish with stomach and protects against poisoning! In the heat, this topic is more than relevant, since fish products spoil much faster. The more acetic acid is added to the dish, the more saturated its taste will be released.
  • But only around the sushi “Su” does not spin. It is also indispensable for pickling fish and for various cooking seafood. Again, recall that climatic conditions contribute to the rapid damage to the products, so rice vinegar slows down this process. Moreover, it allows you to safely store fish for about a year.
  • And do not forget about vegetables, rice vinegar is also used to pickle them, preventing the formation of harmful microorganisms. It also helps to eliminate various smells, including the fish aroma. After all, it is not so easy to get rid of its smell.
Rice vinegar protects fish from quick damage
Rice vinegar protects fish from quick damage
  • But the areas of use also depend on the variety of rice acid:
    • the most sour of possible Asian options is white rice vinegar. It has a transparent or slightly yellowish tint and contains the most acidic essence. But this option is the most popular in any countries, and in Japan and China it is valued at the highest level and is combined with any products;
    • red rice vinegar It is made from a special type of yeast red rice, and a certain mold gives him a specific aroma, which is used in the process of fermentation. It has a medium color and the same sweet and sour taste that it is remarkably complemented by seafood and rice noodles. It also perfectly reveals the taste of the soup;
    • is there some more brown rice vinegarWhat is made of unprocessed rice. It is considered the most useful and stands out by a rich composition. It is also suitable for any products, but most often (like white vinegar) is used for land and salad refueling;
    • the most thick and rich acts black vinegar. It is made of black sticky rice, most appreciated in southern China. But the Japanese also love to add it when frying or extinguishing meat. And they also resort to his help in the process of preparing land, noodles and seafood.
Brown and black rice vinegar
Brown and black rice vinegar

Rice vinegar: composition and beneficial properties

Such acid is more calorie than our traditional and domestic counterpart. For comparison, the Chinese product contains 54 kcal per 100 g, but table vinegar has only 11 kcal, apple 6% vinegar is slightly larger - 14 kcal. That is, in this aspect, rice vinegar costs other relatives. But that's not all. Typically, the composition of vinegar eliminates the content of fats and proteins. The rice product has a small percentage of protein - approximately 0.3 g, which is 1 kcal.

  • The most important component that selects rice vinegar from other acids is amino acids. For example, such a well -known Arginine, which is famous for the development of growth hormone and rejuvenation of the body, is part of it. The list is complemented by the list of phenylanin, lysine, histidine, leucin, isolacin and vanilla. This is only the main list, scientists have more than 20 types.
    • Recall that amino acids play an important role in metabolism and metabolism in the body. And they also take part in the production of hemoglobin and the main antibodies against viruses and various ailments. Amino acids are indispensable for human growth and development, and most importantly, for slowing down the aging process.
  • Our teeth and bone tissue need proper norm calcium. And then rice vinegar is ready to share a small share of it, and even in an easily digestible form.
  • Rice acid contains a share phosphoruswhich also introduces significant protection for the health and integrity of teeth and bones. And it also plays a crucial role in normalizing protein and carbohydrate balance, triggers the formation of active forms of vitamins and is necessary for metabolic processes in the body.
  • Also, vinegar from rice will give the body and such an important potassium. Recall that it regulates the balance of liquid and water-salt balance. And this element is necessary for the normal functioning of our brain and the development of memory.
Rice vinegar is not only tasty, but also healthy
Rice vinegar is not only tasty, but also healthy

It is worth highlighting such useful properties of rice acid:

  • improvement of the digestive system and its work, so it is recommended to include it with various diets;
  • and most importantly - it does not have a negative effect on the walls of the intestine. Therefore, rice vinegar is not contraindicated even with gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • in addition to rejuvenation of the body, this acid still breaks down toxins and prevents their formation;
  • it helps to deal with such an acute problem today as blockage of blood vessels. And thus, it normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • chinese scientists have also noted a wonderful effect on weight loss. Therefore, it is prescribed for diets. The effect will not force yourself should wait if you take 1 tbsp before meals. l. any rice essence;
  • well, the main benefit of vinegar is an increase in the protective forces of the body. After all, the composition makes a real antibacterial drug out of the usual refueling.

Important: the only minus of such a seasoning can be called fakes. It is this type of vinegar that is most often trying to fake unscrupulous entrepreneurs using synthetic additives. Natural vinegar eliminates any content, therefore it does not pose danger to the body and even benefits it. Chemical fluid can negatively affect your health. Therefore, carefully check the manufacturer and the country of the manufacturer.

But even in natural rice vinegar there are contraindications

  • renal failure or any diseases of this system make you carefully relate not only to rice vinegar, but also to any acid;
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer also act not so much by contraindications as they require careful use;
  • the same applies to diabetes and hypertension;
  • the most significant contraindication is individual intolerance.
The most valuable rice vinegar made in his native country
The most valuable is the rice vinegar made in the native country

How to cook rice vinegar yourself: recipe

There is nothing complicated in its preparation, and the products will certainly be on your shelf. The only ingredient to find is sorghum or wheat grains. But they cannot be called obligatory components, but rather a small Chinese cunning. By the way, thanks to one of these components, you will receive a more saturated brown tint.

  • Prepare the following components:
    • rice groats are preferably round variety - 200 g;
    • wheat grains or sorghum - optional;
    • pressed yeast - ¼ part;
    • egg protein - 1 pc.;
    • water - 4 glasses;
    • sugar-200-400 g.
  • We will immediately touch on a variety of cereals. There is no particular difference, what shape the grains themselves will be. Crouping rice contains more starch, so take this into account with high sugar. But in Asian countries they prefer him, so it is worth trusting in thousand -year knowledge.
    • Whole grain rice will give a rich brown color and is considered more useful. Lenzer rice will give just a less bright taste and aroma of acid itself. But for home cooking, you can use any cereal. The only thing that is undesirable to use is a rice section.
  • Now let's reservation the yeast aspect. Pressed yeast is best suited - it will really be according to Chinese technology. But the cooking has stepped far ahead, so they can also be replaced with a dry product. They are no less active and even require a lower consumption - at the tip of a teaspoon.
  • And relative to sugar - Add this product at your discretion. Rice vinegar itself comes out a little sweet. Therefore, this component is more included for fermentation of yeast. If you want to get a saturated consistency and a sweet product, then throw the maximum amount.
Choose only high -quality rice for the preparation of vinegar
Choose only high -quality rice for the preparation of vinegar

Preparation of rice vinegar

  • Sort the rice groats from garbage and rinse well under cold running water. If you have cooked land at least once, you should have heard the gold of the Asian rule. Rinse cereals 7 times so that the water at the output turns out to be transparent, and no unsuitable grains pop up in it.
    • But practice shows that cereal of good quality pure already becomes 4-5 washing. Therefore, follow the purity of water. Pour the grains with the desired amount of liquid, cover with gauze or thin tissue and leave at room temperature.
  • After 4-6 hours, send the contents to the refrigerator. Consider your weather conditions, in the heat you should not keep the product for too long in the room, in winter you can withstand longer. In the refrigerator, the rice should brew for about 12 hours.
  • Now you need to separate the rice infusion from the cereal itself. To do this, cover the colander with gauze (in several layers). Do not forget what you are filtering. Therefore, immediately substitute the pan under the liquid.
  • You can only arouse gauze, but under the weight of cereals it will fall again into the water. In no case do not push the grains! Do not throw the cereal itself either, you can make delicious pilaf or even land from it. By the way, the Chinese recommend always insisting rice before cooking at least half an hour. But the next day it cannot be left. He will lose moisture, become hard and tasteless.
  • Without heating the liquid, pour sugar or even sugar powder (the product will dissolve faster). Mix until the crystals are completely dissolved. And now put the syrup in a water bath, and increase no more than 20 minutes over low heat.
  • Do not forget that sweet water can stick to the bottom, so continuously stir the contents. By the way, give preference to stainless steel dishes, and interfere only with a wooden spatula.
Fermentation and precipitation during the preparation of rice vinegar
Fermentation and precipitation during the preparation of rice vinegar
  • Cool the liquid to a temperature of 35-38 ° C. See so that you can easily lower your hand into the contents. At a too high temperature, the yeast will simply die, and with a low indicator - they will not be able to begin activity. Therefore, be careful to this aspect.
  • Do not forget to pour the fluid into a three -liter scoundrel can, add yeast and close everything with a gauze segment. Do not close the lid! Accumulated carbon dioxide will be able to lead to her breakdown.
  • Forget about the solution for a week. These seven days you do not touch the dishes, do not turn and do not check the fermentation process to taste. By the way, choose a light place, but closed from direct sunlight.
  • During this time, sediment should form. Pour carefully into another sterile jar. And in order to completely eliminate the precipitate, use the tube method and different levels of liquids. Just do not reach the sediment with a pipe by 1-2 cm.
  • Brill again with a gauze bandage and leave for a month. The place should be warm and fairly bright, but without bright sunlight. After the allotted time, repeat a similar situation with a drain.
  • Now almost ready vinegar needs to be boiled. When the water is seething, pour the whipped protein and continuously mix it for 2-3 minutes. In conclusion, leave the liquid at rest until completely cooled, and then strain with gauze and pour into prepared bottles.

IMPORTANT: Egg protein helps to eliminate the turbidity of seasoning. If you wish, you can exclude it, but be prepared not for such a beautiful and transparent color.

It is the egg protein that will make the color of vinegar transparent
It is the egg protein that will make the color of vinegar transparent

Video: rice vinegar - health benefits

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