How to treat the first signs of colds in pregnant women? How to cure a cold during pregnancy with folk remedies and medicines at home?

How to treat the first signs of colds in pregnant women? How to cure a cold during pregnancy with folk remedies and medicines at home?

Cook during pregnancy? Read our article to find out which medications are safe for you and the baby, and you will also find out what kind of medical remedies you can alleviate the symptoms.

When you are pregnant, your immune system works worse than usual What is really good, because the child is technically, is a foreign object. The disadvantage of this immunosuppression is that your body cannot fight a cold, as is usually the case. Everything makes you more vulnerable to ordinary viruses and hypothermia.

Cold during pregnancy It is unpleasant, but, unfortunately, this is quite common in the cold season. In addition, you have a little more chance of catching a cold. But this should not upset you more than usual only because you are pregnant. After all, medicines are not the only way you can fight the disease. There are more gentle methods.

What are the symptoms of colds during pregnancy?

A cold usually begins with a sore throat or sore throat, which lasts for several days, and then other symptoms of colds gradually appear:

  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • increased fatigue
  • dry cough, especially closer to the end of the cold
  • low temperature or its absence (usually less than 37.7 ° C)

What is the danger of a cold during pregnancy?

More than three a cold during pregnancy, increase the risk of asthma in the baby. Many experts come to this conclusion, but they do not give even more accurate data on this subject, because the genetic factor is also involved. You just should take this into account.

The fever in any period of your pregnancy, and especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, can affect the child and a higher risk of congenital defects.

High temperature should be shot down promptly, because this can be a danger to a developing child.

See below than knocking down the temperature in pregnant women.

In general, a cold during pregnancy is not a cause for concern, but you should be attentive to your condition.

How and how can you treat a cold during pregnancy in 1 trimester?

Of course, it is better not to expose the effect of drugs, especially in the first trimester, when its organs are formed. However, sometimes drugs must be taken for medical reasons or to relieve symptoms of the disease.

If you are sick with a cold during pregnancy, treatment will differ from the usual, because pregnant women cannot take certain medications. This is most dangerous during the first trimester of pregnancy (up to the 12th week), because the organs and tissues of the child are formed during this period. Thus, the good health of the future mother is very important.

Pregnant women should treat the first symptoms of colds: a small temperature and general weakness.

Various varieties of tea with herbs will help best this. It is very important to drink a lot of liquids, rest more, ventilate and moisturize the room.

  • If the symptoms develop, nasal congestion and runny nose are manifested, then they very effectively help washing the nasal cavity with sea water and saline.
  • If the runny nose is not eliminated, use sprays and drops in the nose, but these drugs should not be used for more than 3-5 days.
  • Sore throat, dry cough can be facilitated by herbal pastilles; Sputum is eliminated by various syrup.
  • All symptoms of colds during pregnancy are quite effectively treated with homeopathic drugs, but they should be under the control of doctors.

How and how can you treat a cold during pregnancy in 2 trimester?

Some of the ingredients of drugs for colds are not suitable during pregnancy. For example, warming creams for the skin: many of them contain substances that can be absorbed through the skin and affect the child.

What is required to avoid:

  • coffee dehydrate you
  • it should be avoided dairy products. They can block the body and influence the speed of digestion, will be spent more energy
  • avoid excessive loads. Your body works hard to get rid of the disease and supporting the baby
  • flights. Changes in air pressure will give excess stress of the respiratory system

What is recommended to use to alleviate the symptoms:

  • Blueberry - Great source vitamin C.. Use it and other products that contain this vitamin
  • Dark chocolate Great for elimination cough
  • Onion and garlic. They can absorb microbes. At least just cut and leave next to the nightstand
  • Green tea. Supports fluid balance and relieves symptoms. But tea contains tannin, which can reduce iron absorption
  • Honey Helps reassure sore throat.

And there are also a number of other means that should not be neglected during your pregnancy:

  • Salty water - A great way to relieve sore throat. Bath salt will not only help you relax, but also accelerate the healing process and help you remove toxins from the body. A salt nasal spray will help relieve congestion.
  • Cream for the skin Calm and soften, especially around your nose, if you regularly get a lot. Also use a calendula or cream with vitamin E at the base to prevent irritation.
  • Socks They will give you a lot of heat, which is lost through the legs.
  • Try speak less, scream or even communicate in a whisper. This can all irritate the respiratory system even more.
  • Support in your hands are clean And the body, because it helps to prevent the accumulation and spread of microbes.
  • Otherwise, you need more sleep and rest. The faster you will recover, and your body will have more resources to combat the disease.

How and how can you treat a cold during pregnancy in 3 trimester?

It is difficult to endure a cold during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester of pregnancy. Most drugs, as a rule, are taken until 38 weeks. After all, then you take these drugs too close to the birth of the baby, and this can affect the safety of the child. It is equally important that you see a doctor before taking any medicine, including those that are sold without a prescription.

Expecting drugs They can help reduce the amount of sputum secreted and clean the passages. The cough at night then will not bother you like that. A calm dream is important to you and your child.

Nasal congestion can be treated using a number of home solutions that are very effective. Here are some of the best and most popular home remedies:

Water s lemon and honey. One of the safest and probably the most famous method.
RECIPE: It is worth drinking a glass of warm water from lemon and honey. This not only cleanses the nose, but also soothes and throat. Add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and honey to the mug of warm water. Mix until the honey does not dissolve well and breathe steam to cleanse the nose of the congestion. After that, the mixture can be drunk. Repeat it as often as possible during the day.

  • Chicken soup. Another popular home recipe against nasal congestion. This helps in the dilution of sputum. Also helps in preventing dehydration.
  • Ginger root. Nasal treatment is also possible with the help of ginger root. Provides a rush of blood to the chest and is recommended to combat nasal congestion. If you want to sweeten tea, then combine it with a recipe for honey with lemon and drink it until it becomes easier for you.
  • Hot shower. When you go into a hot shower, breathe steam through your nose and mouth, this will help in treatment.
  • Fuck root. You can also grate the root of the horseradish and eat it to treat the state of the nose. Cleans the nasal sinuses, and also improves circulation. However, it should not be consumed on an empty stomach.
  • Liquids. You definitely need to increase fluid intake. This will help in the removal of mucus and in the process of breathing. Liquids may include warm water, herbal tea and diluted juice.

RECIPE: Cayenne pepper. The reduction in nasal congestion can be effectively eliminated if you use Kayen pepper. It reduces inflammation of the nasal passes due to a high level of anti-inflammatory components. You can add it to food or drink it in a glass of tea from Kayen pepper. In order to make this tea, you need to add chopped pepper to a cup of boiling water. Mix well and drink tea in a cup to facilitate the congestion of the nose.

How to treat a cold with a cold during pregnancy?

  • When you get pregnant, your immune system will change and you, with a high degree of probability, grab a cold.
  • In addition, your disease can last longer.
  • The good news is that the symptoms of colds are usually not dangerous for your baby.
  • Nevertheless, it is important to take the necessary measures to try to avoid infection and, if you are ill, for optimal treatment.
  • In order to avoid the disease, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Make sure you eat nutritious and proper food,
  • get the required amount of sleep and physical activity.
  • In addition to this, it is important to receive all the necessary vitamins And probiotics.
  • Wash your hands regularly. Try to contact people less who are now sick of a cold. If this cannot be avoided, then even more often handle your arms, surfaces and do not use the common dishes and objects.
  • If you are still sick, then try to fulfill the following: give yourself additional time for sleep and try to relax. This will give the body such necessary energy and time to overcome the disease.

Medicines for colds during pregnancy

Drugs for the treatment of colds in pregnant women can be as follows:

  • antihistamines to relieve symptoms;
  • antitussive to suppress cough;
  • sputum explosive for liquefaction;
  • anti -reducing facilities;
  • analgesics to relieve pain.

Important: Remember that medicines are not 100 percent safe for you with the baby, it is better to discuss this with your doctor before taking it.

Important: you should not take more than the recommended dose and, if possible, you should avoid taking during the first trimester of pregnancy, when your child develops and is most vulnerable.

Necessary avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, drings, salicilate sodium and other non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs.

  • When reception in the first month pregnancy they can cause a miscarriage,and in the second and third, the risk of congenital defects, especially those associated with the heart, can increase.
  • When used in the last The trimester of pregnancy, they are very toxic for a child that has not yet been born.

Important: another warning: some liquid medicines for colds contain alcohol in concentrations reaching 4.75%. Look for products that are marked as "non -alcoholic."

Vaccinations are an important part of normal health care, and help prevent a number of diseases, including flu. The flu vaccine is recommended during the flu season (October-May). It is important to get an inactive form of the virus (through vaccination), and not a living form (nasal spray).

There are studies that pregnant women have a higher chance of developing complications, if they get the flu, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.

One of the most common influenza complications: bronchitis and breast infections, which can develop into pneumonia.

Attention! Cough in pregnant women

Whooping cough It is an infectious infection. It is characterized by excessive, strong coughing, which follows a spasmodic inhale. It is important to distinguish it in time from a cold. To do this, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Is it possible to take paracetamol during pregnancy?

When you are pregnant, paracetamol It is a preferred choice for treatment:

  • mild or moderate pain
  • high temperature (fever)

Paracetamol It can be used regularly at all stages of pregnancy. There is no clear evidence that he has any harmful effects on the not born child. However, like any medicine during pregnancy, use paracetamol in the lowest dosage, for the shortest time.

Important: ideally, you should avoid taking medication when you are pregnant. Especially during the first three months. A cold or minor pain does not need treatment with medicines. But if you feel that you still need to take medicines when you are pregnant, then talk to your doctor.

How to treat colds without temperature during pregnancy?

Although many of the drugs that you usually use to alleviate the symptoms of colds are usually inaccessible during pregnancy, you still will not have to suffer with a runny nose and dry cough. You will not find some of the most effective protective equipment on a pharmacy shelf.

These tips will help you to feel better faster:

  1. Relaxation. You must listen to your body and give him a full sleep and time to restore.
  2. Stay active. If you do various exercises moderately, then this will help you feel better faster.
  3. Eat correctly. Of course, during illness, appetite is reduced, but you must have a little eat a little so that the body has the strength to fight the disease and to grow the baby.
  4. Focus on vitamin C. and zinc. They will help improve your immune system naturally. Try all types of citrus fruits and other vitamin -containing products. Zincthe same meat and eggs are rich.
  5. Drink. With all the symptoms of the disease, your body loses the fluid that you and your child need. Warm drinks will reassure, so keep a thermos with tea or hot soup next to your bed and try to drink enough. The steam from them will also moisturize the air and it will be useful for you to breathe it.
  6. Turn on the air humidifier. It supports the air moist, helps to weaken the congestion.
  7. Calm sleep. It will be easier to breathe if you lie down by raising your head with a pair of pillows.

How to treat colds with temperature during pregnancy?

Call your doctor if:

  • you have 38 ° C
  • colds interferes to eat or sleep
  • yellow or green mucus is released when coughing
  • pain in the chest or wheezing when coughing
  1. if the symptoms last more than a couple of weeks. It is possible that your cold has passed into a secondary infection, and a doctor’s prescription will be necessary to ensure the safety of your child and you.
  2. Before you go to the pharmacy, call your doctor and ask what means are considered safe during pregnancy, which will work better in your case.
  3. There are many antibiotics that can be taken without fear during pregnancy, but not all.
  4. Your doctor needs to know about your pregnancy, then he will choose the right drugs. Do not take antibiotics that have remained the previous time.
  5. Penicillins Safe for you, but tetracyclines They can cause minor deviations of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy, cause discoloration of the first and constant teeth of your child.

How to treat a runny nose and cough during pregnancy home?

  • Drink a lot of liquids including chicken soup. This will help you feel better.
  • Try it spray the salt solution in the nose. And to alleviate the sore throat, rinse it with warm salty water.
  • Use a humidifier And keep him next to your head at night. Change the water in it daily, as this can become a nutrient medium for bacteria.
  • Physical activeb sometimes helps to facilitate the congestion of the nose. Avoid exercises where there is a lot of air pollution, which can irritate the nasal passages and make your runny nose even more unbearable.
  • Do what you can do as comfortable as possible. RestWhile your body is fighting a cold virus.

How to treat a cold on the lips during pregnancy?

Periodic flashes herpes They begin with tingling, redness and edema around the lips. There are blisters with a liquid inside, which are soon covered with a yellow crust. It usually disappears in a week.

Important: there is a risk that you can convey an infection to your baby during pregnancy, childbirth or immediately after. This applies more to those who have genital herpes.

But if you have symptoms of primary infection, when you are pregnant, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, you must ask for advice from your doctor.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes virus. After you are infected, it will remain in your body, even if there are never any symptoms.

You can prevent the pain and spread of infection in the following ways:

  1. Anchigating and antivirus drugs will help you, but consult a doctor so that you will be picked up by those that will not affect your baby.
  2. Apply moisturizers.
  3. Try not to touch the sore or at least thoroughly wash your hands so that the infection does not spread.
  4. Use sunscreen or lip balm with the corresponding factor of sun protection on the lips to stop the excessive effects of sunlight.
  5. Do not use general objects if they can come into contact with the infected area in another person.
  6. Stress can cause repeated episodes of herpes.

Folk remedies for colds during pregnancy

You can try homeopathic methods for treating a cold:

  • Eat fresh garlic. Enough only one or two pieces of fresh or you can even add to the soup, hot.
  • Washing with salt water. They help to moisturize your nose and they are completely safe, they can be used as often as you need.
  • Sea rinses. They can help relieve pain or sore throat. Use one quarter teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water.
  • Honey. Use several teaspoons a day just like that or mix in hot water with lemon. This will help to suppress dry cough.

Tips and reviews for a cold in pregnant women

Some of the drugs that could help with the symptoms of colds are prohibited for pregnant women, because they can harm a child who has not yet been born. These include:

  1. Some painkillers and antipyretic. Aspirin, ibuprofen or drings They may impede the development of the child in the first months and cause problems during childbirth.
  2. Majority anti -reducing. Most experts say that they are harmful to your pregnancy. Even those experts who say that this is normal warns that they are safe for use after the first trimester, and only in limited quantities.
  3. Homeopathic remedies. Do not take echinacea, additional vitamins or other plant drugs without medical detention.

Video: a cold in pregnant women

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Comments K. article

  1. During pregnancy, the people's recipe helped me a lot during pregnancy. It was brewed, cut into several parts, onions with boiling water and drank during the day. In fact, according to the recipe, boiling milk should be brewed, but it is so nasty that it was flooded with boiling water. More during pregnancy was not sick. I was advised for prevention so as not to get sick, instill in my nose a toui oil Edas 801, since it has an antimicrobial effect. I did so, leaving the house to visit the antenatal clinic or other crowded place, I instilled in TUI 801 Edas oil.

  2. Not all tablets are possible, and with the people you need to be careful. I read viburnum can cause tone. I have white a cold in a mild form, but I immediately called a gynecologist. I tried to sit at home, drank tea with lemon, nose with a saline spray of a jamster of the millet, it can be pregnant and nursing.

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