What is zinc for? The role of zinc and its and the daily norm in the human body. Lack and excess zinc in the body: symptoms, signs, causes. Vitamins and foods with zinc

What is zinc for? The role of zinc and its and the daily norm in the human body. Lack and excess zinc in the body: symptoms, signs, causes. Vitamins and foods with zinc

Zinc is a very important mineral for the body. We get it with food. And if there is little zinc food, then the work of the thyroid gland, stomach, intestines, liver is disturbed.

How is zinc useful?

Here are the same circus has properties:

  • Helps the normal work of our eyes
  • Participates in the production of sex hormones
  • Does not allow nervous overload
  • Participates in the connection of proteins
  • Thanks to zinc, our taste and sense of smell improve
  • Participates in the production of serotonin, by thereby improving the mood
  • Helps the metabolism
  • Our brain nourishes, with a lack of zinc, memory worsens


  • Zinc accepts participation in the transformation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into calories. It helps to absorb vitamin A.
  • Zinc is needed for raising immunity, physical, sexual and intellectual development of a person.
  • Zinc is involved in bone formation. Bones are formed not only in children - adults also need to restore the skeleton.
  • Zinc is necessary for people aged to prevent heart attack and stroke. He protects the brain, does not allow damage to blood capillaries.
  • Senile insanity and forgetfulness is treated by zinc, after treatment, memory returns to such people.
  • Many doctors have already come to the conclusion that schizophrenia is a disease due to a lack of zinc, manganese and vitamin B6.
  • If a woman in a sufficient amount of zinc has a sufficient amount, she tolerates easily the onset of menstruation.
  • Zinc is useful for people with diabetes, as it regulates blood sugar and is a participant in the production of insulin.

Harvest zinc

Excess zinc in the body harms health
  • Zinc in the form of metal is not harmful to humans. Harmful zinc compounds with other elements, especially zinc phosphidewhich is used to destroy mice and rats.
  • For human health galled dishes are harmful (bowls, buckets).
  • An excess of zinc in the body is harmful as well as its lack. If zinc is in abundance, it interferes with the absorption of iron and copper. This diagnosis is confirmed if the pancreas and the liver work worse than before, immunity has decreased, nausea has appeared.
  • From food products, the body cannot take more zinc than it needs. An excess is possible Only with incorrect use of zinc drugs.
  • Also zinc poisoning can happen if drink water standing in a galvanized bucket for a long time, or cook food in such a bowl.

Zinc poisoning occurs when its amount in the body is more than 150 mg.

The role of zinc in the body

Using food rich in zinc, you help the body:

  • Fight harmful bacteria and viruses
  • Increase the body's immunity
  1. Zinc is necessary athletes for building muscle mass
  2. Zinc is needed pregnant women, especially if a boy should be born. In the first 3 months, the placenta develops and the genitals are formed in the fetus
  3. Zinc is needed boys during puberty. He is responsible for the development of testosterone in the body - male hormone. The body of a young man contains more than 2g zinc, and mainly in testicles. The lack of zinc affects sexual potency. In adulthood lack of zinc leads to diseases such as impotence and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland)
  4. A woman's sex drive depends on zinc - with its help, lubrication is produced, so necessary during intercourse
Zinc needs both men and women to renew the genus

Daily zinc norm for women, men and children

The norm of zinc per day for an adult is contained in 200 g of beef -bended

The daily norm of zinc Depends on the age of the person and some characteristics of the body. It makes up such an amount:

  • Children from birth to 13 years are required 2-8 mg zinc
  • P odronstens-9-11 mg
  • AT tight men and women 15 mg per day, but if the body has any disease or a person is intensively involved in sports, then the norm increases up to 25 mg per day
  • D. a pregnant woman 18 mg per day, a nursing mother - 19 mg per day

Important. 200 g of beef steak contains the daily norm of zinc.

Zinc needs to be replenished every day, since it leaves our body daily: through the intestines - about 90% and with urine and then. A significant part of zinc in men leaves for ejaculation.

It is important for women. Taking birth control pills, you reduce the amount of zinc in the body.

Symptoms and signs of a lack of zinc in men, women and children

The lack of zinc in the body of a man can lead to impotence

Lack of zinc in the body in children:

  • Slow general development of the child
  • Later puberty

Symptoms of a deficiency of zinc in the body in adults and children The following:

  • Frequent colds
  • Dry skin and body skin
  • Acne
  • The mood often changes
  • Hair loss
  • The wounds are poorly healing
  • Reduction of appetite
  • Vision of vision
  • Impotence in men
  • Dizziness and ears
  • Memory loss
  • Increased cholesterol in the blood

If a for a long time there is not enough zinc in the body, then such diseases can develop in the future:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Crayfish
  • Cirrhosis of the liver

If white spots appear on your nails, they have become fragile and break - this is a lack of zinc in the body.

  • The lack of zinc leads to eye diseases such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), cataracts (clouding of the lens).
  • The lack of zinc in children is most often the cause of late puberty, insufficient development of testicles and penis.
  • The lack of zinc in men can cause impotence.
  • The lack of zinc in women is sometimes the cause of infertility.
  • The lack of zinc in pregnant women threatens them with bleeding and miscarriage.

The reasons for the lack of zinc in men, women, children

The reason for the lack of zinc in the body is poor digestibility due to the use of cigarettes and alcohol

With age, zinc from natural products is absorbed less. Besides zinc interferes To absorb:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Smoking
  • Coffee and tea
  • Medicines
  • Infectious diseases
  1. Lack of zinc in the body can occur due to use diuretic drugs, food and carbohydrate foods.
  2. Zinc is not enough during and after a disease of the stomach or intestines.
  3. The woman faces zinc deficiency during pregnancy and feeding the baby.

Important. If there are wounds or ulcers on the body, you need to introduce more products containing zinc into your daily diet, and the wounds will heal faster.

Zinc excess: symptoms, signs of cause

With an excess of zinc, as well as with a shortage, hair may fall out

Abuse of vitamins with zinc leads to an excess of zinc in the body. It can be such symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Problems with digestion
  • Hair fall out
  • Nails are laying
  • Deterioration of the liver
  • The immunity is weakened

Important. If you consume natural products, there will be no zinc overturring, only zinc and a fermented zinc, in the form of additives and vitamins, bring the harm.

Face zinc

The deficiency of zinc in the body negatively affects the skin of the face - it becomes inflamed, acne appears

Zinc in the body is necessary in order to renew the dead skin cells in time. If your body is enough in your body:

  • Skin allergies are reduced
  • Dry skin of the face decreases
  • Car rash passes
  • Early wrinkles are leaving on the face
  • Small wounds and cracks heal faster

Zinc is added to various creamswhich help:

  • Regulate the oily skin towards reduction
  • Lips
  • Reduce the inflammation of the skin of the face

Hair zinc

Shiny and silky hair with a sufficient amount of zinc in the body

Hair also needs zinc. With a lack of its hair, the hair ceases to grow normally, lose its shine, become dull, hard, brittle and fall out.

So that the hair again acquires its former shine and silkiness, you need to take vitamins A, C, F, E, B5, B6 and Zinc trace elements, selenium.

In order not to take each vitamin separately, at pharmaceutical enterprises they produce combined tools Vitamin:

  • Centerum
  • Alphabet biorhythm
  • Multfort
  • Vitrum Beuti

Vitamins with zinc for women and men

In the pharmacies of our cities, many drugs with zinc are sold, but before taking them, you need consult a doctor, take testsAnd to find out if you really do not have enough zinc in the body or it is false symptoms.

Drugs with zinc are sold in this form:

  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Drops
  • Chewing pastries
  • Spying tablets

Vitamins with the addition of zinc and selenium. They are used to prevent oncological diseases, raising immunity, the best work of the heart, and are prescribed to former smokers and alcoholics.

Men are prescribed for these means for male infertility for the motor ability of sperm.

These are such drugs:

  • Complete the selenium
  • Vitrum Foraise
  • Polyvitamins of Vitrum Beauty
  • Bioactive zinc+selenium
  • Selmevit
  • Polyvitamins are perfection

Vitamins with calcium and zinc They act generally on the body, normalize blood, metabolism, blood pressure, soothe nerves and establish a dream.

Also, with the help of vitamins, the condition of the skin of the face, hair and nails improves, the pain in the joints and muscles decreases:

  • Supradin
  • Polyvitamins alphabet
  • Polyvitamins of Vitrum Beauty
  • Sea calcium with zinc

Vitamins with zinc, calcium and magnesium. Each of the trace elements has its own characteristics: zinc increases immunity, calcium - makes strong bones and teeth, magnesium - strengthens the nervous system, muscles.

The following drugs are sold with these microelements in pharmacies:

  • Supercalcium with zinc, vitamins and magnesium
  • Gravinova
  • Vitrum Osteomag
  • Complite magnesium
  • Vitrum Beuti

Vitamin E+zinc. The drug is used for infertility, liver diseases, allergies and worsening of the condition of the skin and hair. Vitamins are also prescribed for disease with diabetes and for faster wound healing.

These are drugs:

  • Stone oil with zinc and vitamin E
  • Centerum
  • Paulite
  • Duotov
  • Alphabet
Vitamin agent Centerum with zinc

Vitamins with iron and zinc Improve blood condition, eliminate anemia, normalize metabolism.

These are such drugs:

  • Fittal
  • Centerum
  • Vitakap
  • Theravite

Vitamins with zinc for women and men

Vitamins with magnesium and zinc Improve cell division and protein exchange, water balance, muscles and nerves. Also, vitamins strengthen immunity, regulate blood pressure.

These include:

  • Multi-Tabs
  • Magnezi B6
  • Oligovit
  • Vitakap

Vitamins with copper and zinc bring the body fat to the normal level:

  • Altimite
  • Maevit
  • Multi-Tabs Act
  • Supradin

Vitamin C and zinc - Very common vitamin. It is often prescribed by doctors to increase immunity, in autumn and winter, during frequent phenomena of colds and influenza viruses:

  • Evalar zinc and vitamin C
  • Blueberries Forte with vitamins and zinc
  • Doppelgerz Act
  • Zinc Lozenge loaf
  • Dubis
Vitamin C + zinc

Vitamin B6 and zinc - a complex of vitamins for the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as for the treatment of diabetes and obesity.

Vitamin B6 acts soothingly on the nervous system.

These are the following funds:

  • Doppelgerz Act
  • Strestabs
  • Magnezi B6
  • Centerum

Vitamin D and zinc. The tool reduces the release of the sebaceous glands, protects the liver from toxins, strengthens immunity, heals wounds:

  • Supradin
  • Mother
  • Perenakea
  • Jungle

Vitamins with gray and zinc For women after childbirth. The tool helps healing tissues, putting the hormonal background, body and hair in order, better metabolism.

This is the drug Nutricap.

Vitamins with zinc especially for men. The lack of zinc in the male body can result in sexual disorders. The intake of vitamins with zinc for boys and men further prevents a disease such as prostatitis, and then prostate cancer.

In the body of a man, zinc maintains testosterone normally, provides high -quality sperm.

Preparations for men:

  • Zincite
  • Duotov
  • Cycket thelel
  • Alphabet
  • Centerum
Vitamin remedy with zinc for men "zincite"

Vitamins with zinc especially for women They help maintain youth: improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails, increase immunity, remove toxins. And the property of zinc increase the metabolism, if you observe dietary nutrition, will help to lose weight.

Vitamins for women:

  • Alphabet cosmetics
  • Complete the radiance
  • Multi-Tabs
  • Vitrum Beuti
  • Duotov
To look like a beautiful and healthy woman needs to take vitamins with zinc for women

Vitamins with zinc can be bought at a pharmacy and order on the site iherb at this link. Multivitamins with zinc by this link.


  • You can not take vitamins with zinc, if you used to have an allergy to zinc.
  • Important. You can not take vitamins with zinc along with antibiotics, the gap should be 2 hours or more.
  • Important. Vitamins with zinc can not be taken with dairy products.
  • Important. Self -medication with zinc means is dangerous to health. Take only as prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamins with zinc for children

To develop a child from 4 years of age, it is allowed to take vitamins with zinc

To grow and develop normally, children from the age of 4 Pediatricians are allowed to be appointed vitamins with zinc. Except raising immunity, improving vision, skin and hair, regulating the exchange process, zinc increases mental abilities and physical development in children.

Preparations for children:

  • Vitrum
  • Vitajuyki
  • Multi-Tabs for children
  • Vitamins

Vitamin E+zinc. These drugs are prescribed for children who are slowly growing and lagging behind their peers::

  • Stone oil with zinc and vitamin E
  • Paulite
  • Centerum
  • Alphabet
  • Duotov

Zinc in food products

Most zinc in oysters and yeast for baking, and very few in vegetables (green onions, cauliflower and broccoli, radishes, carrots), as well as in fruits (cherries, pears, apples).

Table of zinc content in products, in mg per 100 g of product

Zinc is useful for our body, especially during illness and after it, but it cannot be taken uncontrollably. If you notice symptoms of zinc lack at yourself, you need to consult a doctor, and he will attribute vitamins with zinc and other minerals.

Video: What is the useful zinc?

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Comments K. article

  1. Of the listed vitamin, the Evalarovsky zinc + vitamin C was drank a month ago that the hair and nails strengthened visually. The skin has become cleaner. Visible rashes passed. I think that immunity was also strengthened. I really hope for it. I took it for this purpose. They are not expensive and the reception is convenient once a day, during eating. The tablets themselves are not large, it is convenient to swallow.

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