Honey from cough and with colds. Treatment of coughing honey. Recipes

Honey from cough and with colds. Treatment of coughing honey. Recipes

An article about the benefits of honey with cough and other symptoms of colds and influenza. All recipes with honey from cough.

Disputes have long been about the effectiveness of coughing honey from coughing. Without a doubt, this beekeeping product softens the respiratory tract and is indispensable in acute night bouts. In combination with other expectorant, anti -inflammatory, antiseptic ingredients, honey turns into a real medicine.

There are practically no contraindications to its use, excluding the rare intolerance of this product. Many people with colds and influenza choose honey as therapy.

Can you honey with coughing?

Honey is an effective, and most importantly, natural coughing product
Honey is an effective, and most importantly, natural coughing product
  • Various institutions conducted many studies on the action of honey on an acute and chronic cough. It was proved that in groups that took honey of various origin, the cough intensity has halved compared to the groups taking placebo. This speaks of low, but still the effectiveness of honey from coughing
  • In favor of the use of this product, it also says that it is shown even to young children. Of the contraindications to its use, only an allergy to beekeeping products is known, which is extremely infrequent
  • This is a delicious and completely natural treatment method. In an acute cough, which passes in itself in a week or a little more, honey is the best remedy, it is recommended for use and doctors

How to take honey from coughing?

Bee honey is a delicious and healthy product that is used not only for coughing. In combination with other food products, it acts as a method of therapy for colds and influenza.

They began to use honey from cough and other symptoms of respiratory tract diseases in antiquity, even when this valuable product was first taken out of bee hollow.

Cans with natural honey
Cans with natural honey

With a cold, take a spoonful of honey with hot ugly tea, better than linden or herbal, or a glass of warm milk. A good combination will be honey with lemon juice, raspberries, coltsfoot, black elderberry and other giving and expectorants.

Important: honey acts as a product that causes plentiful sweating, so it is best taken before bedtime.

With influenza, the best combination is honey and chopped garlic in a ratio of 1: 1.

By connecting honey with beets, you can also get a cure for a runny nose, which is allowed to use to children. Mix beetroot juice with honey in equal proportions and instill 6 drops in each nasal passage.

Black radish with honey, from cough

Black radish with honey
Black radish with honey
  • Black radish is a very effective remedy for cough and other manifestations of colds. Combining it with honey, you can get a real medicine, which will also taste, despite the fact that the root crop itself is in its pure form is rather bitter
  • Gently cut the top from the root crop. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe resulting cut, make a fossa, removing a little pulp. Liquid honey should be put in this fossa so that it does not fully cover the recess: in the future, free space will be filled with radish juice
  • Put the cut “lid” in place and leave the root crop for 12 hours so that it let the juice. It is most convenient to do it at night. In the morning, mix honey with radish juice - now you have a rather pleasant taste, and most importantly with a healing remedy for the symptoms of a cold
  • Take bitter-sour syrup for 1 tsp. Three times a day before meals. Even children love a delicious medicine, they do not have to persuade them to drink honey juice. When the syrup will end, just put a little more honey in the recess and let him brew with radish juice
Natural cough medicine
Natural cough medicine

Every 3 days, be sure to replace the old root crop with a new one.

Important: strictly observe the dosage of black radish, because when it is exceeded, a hepatotoxic effect is possible.

Rosehip with honey from cough

  • You will need young branches of rosehips and sea buckthorn, which should be finely chopped and 1 tbsp. Boil plants in boiling water for 20 minutes. Then leave the crushed branches to cool, during this time the liquid will infuse
  • Grind a couple of onions and 4 slices of garlic and boil in a glass of milk for 12 minutes, also leave them to cool and insist
  • When both one and the second infusion will be completely cooled in a natural way, pass them through a small sieve or gauze, connect 1 tbsp. each liquid and the same amount of liquid honey
Rosehip decoction with honey
Rosehip decoction with honey

Take one portion every few hours with an acute cough.

The benefits of viburnum with honey with cough

Useful properties of honey in combination with viburnum:

  • treats headache by removing vascular spasm
  • relieves inflammation
  • strengthens the protective mechanisms of the body
  • causes abundant sweating
  • the composition contains phosphorus, copper, iron, tannins, vitamin C
  • it has a sedative effect due to the content of valerian acid in viburnum
  • kalina with honey is an excellent remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sore throat, hoarse of voice

Important: in the recipe you can use both fresh and frozen viburnum berries.

Tea cooked on viburnum berries helps at the first colds, reduces temperature, and also regulates increased blood pressure.

Kalina decoction with honey
Kalina decoction with honey

In order to get this healing drink, 1 tbsp is enough. Grind fresh or frozen berries with a spoon or in a mortar along with sugar, then pour boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink tea with warm with honey or dissolve honey directly in the viburnum infusion.

If you like viburnum, then you can eat berries after you drank tea, but it is better to spit out the seeds from them.

Aloe with honey from cough

Aloe is an antiseptic and a means, can cope with inflammation.

Important: in the recipe, use only the lowest, large and elastic aloe twigs.

Since on indoor plants, as well as on other objects in the room, dust accumulates over time, be sure to rinse the leaves and only after that squeeze the pulling juice from them. To get the most healing fluid, pre -chop the aloe with a knife, and pass the juice through gauze.

Aloe with honey
Aloe with honey

In the resulting thick liquid, add honey at the rate of 5: 1. Take the composition three times a day for 1 tsp. Without binding to meals.

The product is stored no more than 12 hours, so you will have to prepare a new portion every day. Keep the finished aloe juice with honey in a cool place.

Glycerin and honey from cough

Glycerin is used, as a rule, with a prolonged and old cough - one that lasts more than 3 weeks. This tool is suitable for a child up to a year, but before its use it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Glycerin mixture is extremely useful for colds. Glycerin softens irritation in the throat from cough, honey fights with bacteria and causes sweating, and lemon is an excellent vitamin C supplier that strengthens immunity.

The recipe uses 1 large lemon, 2 tbsp. glycerol and slightly liquid natural honey.

Natural honey in a jar
Natural honey in a jar
  • To get more useful lemon juice, wash it with hot water first, carefully pierce it in 6-7 places with a knife or fork and boil the fruit in boiling water to 15 minutes
  • Cool the lemon at room temperature, divide it in two and easily squeeze the juice into a glass container
  • Add 2 tbsp to lemon liquid. glycerol

Important: Buy well -purified glycerin, on the package of which is listed "for internal use." Otherwise, you risk causing disorders in the liver.

  • Add honey, mix and send the mixture to the refrigerator for several hours. When the infusion is ready, take it out of the refrigerator and store it at room temperature
  • In acute cough bouts, take 1 tsp. up to 10 times a day, that is, every 1.5-2 hours. In case of relief of symptoms, reduce the dose to 3-5 receptions per day

Cabbage with honey from cough

Coughing compress
Cabbage compresses

From white cabbage with honey, compresses are made, which when applying to the chest soften dry cough, make it more productive, and stimulate the separation of sputum.

It is optimal to make such compresses at night so that you no longer get up after them. You can carry out the procedure in the afternoon, however, you will have to lie down after it for several hours. With very strong coughing attacks, it is allowed to bring the number of sessions to 7 per day.

Important: only fresh cabbage with juicy, elastic leaves is suitable for the compress. It is better not to use sluggish and damaged leaves.

Remove the leaves from the head of the head very carefully so as not to damage them. So you will maintain more healing properties of cabbage. To soften the leaves and make them more malleable for use in the compress, lower them for 2-3 minutes into water brought to a boil.

Wait until the cabbage cools down. Then, lubricate each leaf on the inside with honey heated in a water bath, and attach the leaves to the bare back and chest.

Honey comb
Honey comb

Important: do not use the compress in the heart.

To fix the compress, wrap the chest with a baking film, wrap yourself with a towel or a clean scarf on top and put on a sweater. You can’t walk with the compress, make sure in bed and relax: soon the action of honey with cabbage will begin and it will become much easier for you.

Cough compress with honey

  • This compress is so effective that it is able to cough in only one night, as well as remove other symptoms of colds and bronchitis. Do the procedure before evening with a bed or during a daytime sleep
  • You will need honey, aloe and vodka in proportions 2: 1: 1. Use only fresh and large aloe twigs, which pre -rinse under running water. To get more juice from the plant, grind the leaves with a knife before its spin, then pass the resulting gruel through gauze fabric
  • Heat all the ingredients in a water bath to 40 degrees, mix and apply to the chest and back, then fix the mixture with plastic film. Put on a warm sweater on top and relax
The compress of cough can also be done to children
The compress of cough can also be done to children

Coughing cough with honey

Although honey for coughing is often consumed inward, a cake is a way of its use as an external agent. Such cakes are shown to children from 6 months. Make sure that you or your child do not have damage to the skin, such as wounds, cuts, eczema, allergic rashes, etc.

Important: the use of cakes is prohibited at a temperature above 37 degrees.

For a classic tortilla, connect 1 tbsp. natural liquid honey, wheat flour and vegetable oil. Build the cake from the test. Cover the chest with a soft clean cloth, on which attach honey pancake, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart. Wrap the chest with another fabric strip on top. Hold the compress for at least 3 hours, you can keep it all night.

Important: before applying a compress, apply a nutrient cream or a thin layer of vegetable oil to the chest area.

Honey cough
Honey cough

Onion with honey from cough

Honey is known as an anti -inflammatory and bactericidal agent, and onions are a natural anti -opy and also fights pathogenic bacteria. It is not surprising that in combination, these 2 ingredients give a powerful medicine not only from coughing, but also the rest of the symptoms of colds - sore throat, runny nose, and fever.

Recipe No. 1. To prepare the medicine, you will need 1 part of onion juice and honey that must be mixed with each other. To squeeze the juice from onions, cut it finely with a knife and squeeze the liquid through gauze.

Recipe No. 2. For prolonged treatment, a product based on onions and honey with the addition of sugar is suitable. Pass the half -kilogram of onions through a meat grinder, put 2 tbsp into this gruel. sugar sand and the same amount of natural honey. Pour the composition with boiling water and leave to infuse for 60 minutes. Take 1 tbsp three times a day.

Onions - an effective antitussive product
Onions - an effective antitussive product

Important: take any remedy based on onion strictly after eating.

The benefits of garlic with honey with cough

Like honey, garlic is actively fighting pathogenic bacteria. To prepare the medicine, you will need juice from a pair of whole heads of garlic, juice of one lemon and 500 g of natural liquid honey. Take 1 tbsp. composition a day after eating.

A means based on garlic can be given to children since 3-4 years old if they do not have an allergy to this product.

Important: any medicine that contains garlic is contraindicated in violation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Garlic with honey from cough
Garlic with honey from cough

Coughing honey and mustard

  • Excellent compresses are obtained from honey and mustard, similar to honey cakes.
  • To all the ingredients of the classic cake, and this is 1 tbsp. honey, flour and vegetable oil, add 1 tsp. mustard powder. Build a pancake from the resulting mass and, on a baking sheet without oil, heat it in the oven for 5 minutes. The finished product will have a brown color
  • Wrap the cake and put on the chest, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart. Fix on top with another piece of fabric or scarf
  • Mustard pancake creates more heat than traditional, which means that it is more effective in the fight against a cough. However, it is impossible to keep it for more than 2 hours on the chest
Mustard cake - an effective remedy for coughing
Mustard cake - an effective remedy for coughing

Honey and ginger from cough

  • Ginger is known for its anti -inflammatory and antibacterial effect, which is why it is so effective for respiratory diseases. However, he not only relieves inflammation and fights bacteria, but also gives the weakened body to cope with the disease, increases immunity, enhances blood flow, and regulates metabolism processes
  • A ginger drink with honey and milk is one of the best products from acute coughing attacks. To cook it, warm up the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Dissolve a half spoon of ginger powder and one teaspoon of natural flower honey in it. Add a pinch of turmeric if desired
  • After drinking the resulting drink, dress warmer, lie in bed and relax for about 40 minutes, you can even take a nap a little. The daily rate of ginger milk with honey is 3 glasses that can be drunk regardless of meals
Ginger drink with honey
Ginger drink with honey

Honey with lemon from cough

Lemon is a rich source of vitamins C and P, organic acids, alkaline elements, phytoncides. It strengthens the immunity and stimulates the body's defenses in the struggle against pathogenic bacteria. In combination with honey, lemon acts as a potent coughing tool, as well as a preventive agent for colds and influenza.

Important: before preparing the medicine, remove all the seeds from the lemon so that the finished product does not work out bitter.

The easiest recipe is to combine these two ingredients. Grate the lemon or grind in a blender without removing the skin from the fruit. Add 150 g of natural honey to it. As a result, you will receive a real treat, which, moreover, is able to soften the respiratory tract, relieve swelling and reduce cough intensity.

It is best to take the product from morning to meals, while drinking a glass of warm water. However, the composition can be eaten with tea throughout the day.

Honey with lemon from cough
Honey with lemon from cough

Honey and soda from coughing

In this recipe, honey and soda will need to dissolve in hot milk. The tool enhances the body's protection from bacteria, dilutes sputum, envelops the respiratory tract, translates dry cough into wet. The medicine is effective even with a very protracted cough.

On a glass of hot, but not brought to a boil of milk, put half a teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of honey. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Important: strictly observe the dosage of soda, since in large volumes it can give a laxative effect.

Milk with honey from coughing

A glass of warm milk with a spoonful of natural honey in itself represents an effective remedy for coughing. If you add other products to this composition, you can get a real medicine both from cough and from acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Boil 200 ml of milk and let it cool, but so that it remains warm. Honey can be dissolved in milk, or you can eat it in a bite. The volume of honey can vary from 1 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. on a glass of liquid depending on your personal preferences.

Milk with honey from coughing
Milk with honey from coughing
  • If you are tormented by pain or sore throat when you cough, add a half spoon of cocoa to milk with honey. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Cocoa oil softens and envelops the throat and respiratory tract
  • The usual butter will have the same effect, if you haven't had cocoa at hand
  • A similar composition can be given to children, since it is completely natural and therefore safe. Take care only that the baby does not have an allergy to the components of the product

Radish with honey from cough

It is the black radish that helps most effectively from cough. The next remedy will be useful not only with coughing, but also in diseases of the throat.

Recipe No. 1. Clean the root crop, grind it with cubes about 1 cm wide, load the pieces into the container and pour it with liquid honey so that it covers the radish. Tighten the container with gauze so that air comes to radish with honey, and leave on the table for two days. After this time, the product is ready. Eat 1 tsp. Every day before meals.

Black radish from cough
Black radish from cough

Recipe No. 2. This tool is suitable for those whom the cough torments with especially strong attacks and there is no time to wait a day or two while the medicine is prepared.

Rub the peeled root crop on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice from it and mix with liquid honey. Take 1 tsp. Twice a day before meals.

Radish with honey from cough for children

Many mothers are afraid to give children a lot of medications. This is understandable, because it is difficult to talk about the complete naturalness of pharmacological agents, and which mother is not afraid to harm her baby. Effective syrup from radish and honey comes to the rescue of caring parents.

In its purest form, a burning black radish cannot be given to children. Prepare it with any of the methods described in the article, and you will receive not only an effective composition from cough and other manifestations of colds or influenza, but also an amazingly tasty treat. As practice shows, children eat radish with honey with great pleasure and still ask for additives.

Sweet syrup should give children up to 4 times a day, depending on the intensity of cough.

Important: make sure that before taking the fund, the child must eat.

Cough recipes with honey

Liquid honey
Liquid honey

Any remedy based on honey will be effective only if you use only a natural and fresh product in the recipe. Here are some tips for choosing natural honey in the store:

  • If the honey is too light, there is a chance that it is from sugar
  • A too dark product with weak aroma and caramel notes in taste suggests that it was melted
  • Honey should be thick, but at the same time freely wound on a spoon. Too liquid the product speaks of its immaturity and water. Such honey is not wound with a ribbon, but immediately drains from a spoon. If you acquire this option, wait for its sour in a very nearby
  • The fermentation of honey is talking about the foam from above, the sour aroma and the taste of alcohol

Use only a fresh product that was stored up to a year. After this period of time, a slow, but inevitable weakening of the activity of useful components of honey occurs.

Video: a recipe for cough and sore throat from honey, ground pepper and ginger.

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Comments K. article

  1. Honey is very useful provided that there is no allergy. When I get sick, I still take a shock dose of vitamin C which is contained in lemon and orange. Of the pharmacy, Esberitox tablets really like. They must be taken at the first signs of colds. Then the disease is easier and passes faster. Checked.

  2. great article !! Honestly, we all use this in practice, but sometimes the stages are different), and organisms in people too, so do not joke, this can all give complications to different organs, go to doctors

  3. milk with honey sometimes helps no worse than drugs :) Only in extreme cases I switch to Gedelix, I see no reason to give medicines right away

  4. Thanks for the recipes, I will definitely save them, the main thing is that the effect is. I myself try to start the treatment right away, as I'm afraid of complications. With a cold, I drink tea with honey, from cough I took a bronchobos for myself, with it on the second day I felt an improvement, as I coughed less. I drink warm milk with honey before going to bed, my mother still taught.

  5. I love milk with honey. But in the first -aid kit there is also a favorite apicide from cough. There is also honey and thyme. The cough problem is solved in a few days.

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