Vitamins during pregnancy in trimester. Tips and reviews

Vitamins during pregnancy in trimester. Tips and reviews

Every woman awaits the child heard about the benefits of vitamins for pregnant women. How to find out exactly what vitamins are required by the expectant mother and her baby? How to choose the right multivitamin complex with a lack of many elements? How to avoid an overdose of vitamins so dangerous for a child during intrauterine development? You will learn the answers to all these questions in the article.

Do I need to drink vitamins during pregnancy?

It seems to many that the question of the need for vitamins for pregnant women should not stand at all. The expectant mother and her baby need a complete complex. But if you take his choice negligently, there will be a risk to seriously harm the fetus. What are the pitfalls of vitamins during pregnancy?

Often the choice of women in a position falls on multivitamins. It would seem that this is the right decision, because the pharmacy complexes allow you to get all the elements necessary for the healthy development of the fetus. However, when taking polyvitamins, the future mother is unlikely to take into account the degree of lack of a particular component, the child’s growth stage, season, etc. The vitamin complex contains the volume of substances necessary adult man every day. It is designed for adult man.

Vitamins that the body of a pregnant woman will not process through the umbilical cord will enter the fetus. Such chaotic saturation of the child with elements is fraught with premature aging of the placenta, that is, its dysfunction. And at the same time, polyvitamins contain the necessary vitamin E, C, A, a complex of vitamins B, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine.

To find a middle ground, take or not take multivitamin complexes, because they contain trace elements necessary for the formation of the fetus, experts still recommend taking pregnant women natural (not to be confused with artificial) multivitamins for children.

Important: the body of the expectant mother should not experience a deficiency of any nutrients. Even on condition of a balanced and good nutrition, the expectant mother needs additional admission natural vitamins and trace elementsthat are made of plant food components and which are intended for children, not for adults.

Especially natural multivitamin complexes for children are needed:

  • women with a poor diet;
  • women who before pregnancy have experienced an acute shortage of one or another vitamin;
  • repeated women who had previously lost the child, or they found pathologies in the development of the fetus;
  • pregnant women whose age has exceeded 30 years.
    In winter, their presence in the list of mandatory drugs is explained by vitamin deficiency of the future mother, because lying vegetables and fruits are not at all as useful as in the season of their maturation. And in summer, it is better for a woman to take care of a sufficient number of fresh raw vegetables in the menu to provide the child with the required substances.

Taking pharmacological preparations should be reduced to specific vitamins, the deficiency of which will be revealed after examination in the clinic.

Important: Before using any complexes and individual vitamins, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Minerals and vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy

Vitamin B9, otherwise called folic acid, doctors are classified as the most important elements in planning and in the first phase of bearing. It is recommended to be taken even during pregnancy planning, so that the body during conception is saturated with folic acid.

The following phenomena in the body occur under the influence of vitamin:

  • the cells multiply more intensively, which has a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of the fetal egg;
  • the child is correctly transmitted to the child’s genetic code;
  • the placenta develops;
  • a woman receives protection against miscarriage and frozen pregnancy;
  • hemoglobin is synthesized, with the participation of which oxygen is delivered to the fetus;
  • the embryo nervous tube is formed - the bud of the baby's brain.

Important: a deficiency of folic acid can cause anemia of a pregnant woman, malformations of the child’s brain.

The amount of vitamin B9 in 100 g of the product and the approximate percentage of the daily needs of the pregnant woman.

Daily volume vitamin B9 The trimester is 400-800 μg. A specific dosage is determined by a gynecologist, an independent determination of the norm is unacceptable. Folic acid enters the body with food (liver, Brussels cabbage, spinach, lentils, large -grinding products).

Green tea does not contribute to absorption vitamin B9In view of what should be abandoned from the combinations of these products. Biseptol medicine acts in a similar way, gynecologists prohibit its intake during gestation.

Important: folic acid is poorly absorbed from food. It is impossible to get the necessary norm out of food, so doctors recommend making it up with pills.

Pharmacies offer drugs such as " 9 months folic acid«, «Mamifol«, «Folic acid"Etc. Each of them contains different dosage of vitamin B9Therefore, the doctor according to the results of the examination will be acquired by the woman to purchase.

Also, to form a healthy nervous, hormonal, digestive system of the fetus, a complex of vitamins is needed group B (B6, B1,)

Omega-3 during pregnancy

In second place in importance for the formation of the fetus is omega-3 Paul -saturated fatty acids. According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the RAMS omega -3 consumption deficiency In most of the child and adult population of Russia, it is about 80%.

Important: but Omega-3 is involved in the formation of the mummers and retina in the child, as well as healthy blood vessels.

The results of a 15-year study conducted in the UK showed that the mother who used Omega-3 Before and during pregnancy, they gave birth to children with higher mental intelligence.

Omega-3 Contained in fatty varieties of sea-sea fish, and linen oil, cold spin, in which omega-3 is destroyed from the effects of light and when heated. And after destruction, the oil becomes filled with carcinogens.

Important: to take omega-3 already before pregnancy, throughout pregnancy and with breastfeeding.

Products that contain omega-3

Vitamin E Valuable before conception. He controls the timely production of female sex hormones. At the initial stages of gestation, the daily norm of this element is 15 mg. This is an extremely important vitamin in the first trimester, because it is responsible for the development of the placenta and does not allow the female body to perceive the embryo as a foreign body and tear it off.

Get vitamin E You can with any vegetable oils, herbs, spinach, salad, tomatoes, peas. Less substance contain meat and dairy products, chicken eggs. Accept vitamin E Recommended with vitamin C. - ascorbic acid or in the diet, include a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits as a source vitamin C..

Vitamin A It is necessary for a woman before conception in a volume of 5000 IU per day. Its norm in the early stages of pregnancy is halved. Exceeding this digit is fraught with malformations of the heart and nervous system in the fetus. A woman with increased doses will feel sluggish, sleepily. Also, hunger or nausea is possible.

With the participation of vitamin A, the formation of bone tissue, visual apparatus and nervous system is formed. Therefore, his lack of fatal, like an overdose.

The element can be found in apricots, peaches, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, carrots, bell pepper, pumpkin, dairy products, liver.

Important: vitamin A is a fat -soluble element, therefore, fats are required for its absorption that can be obtained with food.

Vitamins in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

They remain the same as in the first trimester.

Iodine It is important during the entire period of bearing, but its presence acquires its special importance in the second trimester. Iodine controls the work of the thyroid gland for both the mother and the child. Hormones that synthesize the thyroid gland stimulate the metabolism of the fetus and the growth of the baby. With the participation of the trace element, the skeleton and the mental development of the child are strengthened.

The lack of iodine causes a failure in the metabolic processes of a woman, which is why she begins to gain weight. For the future mother, iodine deficiency is also a risk of breaking in the thyroid gland, which leads to the appearance of a goiter. For a child, a lack of a trace element is dangerous with a slowdown in development. The absence of iodine can cause termination of pregnancy.

The norm of the element is 250 mg per day. In Russia, iodine deficiency is a common phenomenon, therefore, in addition to using products with it, doctors recommend that you take iodine in tablets additionally. The trace element is contained in seafood, sea salt, as well as food, which contains that it is enriched with iodine.

Important: iodine is destroyed when heated, so products with its content should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

The danger of lack of calcium and iron during pregnancy

Calcium - The most important element for creating bone tissue and teeth of the child. In addition, it is necessary for the correct formation of the endocrine system of the fetus and its kidneys. Calcium is needed for the correct blood coagulation and the contraction of muscle tissue. The deficit of the trace element will slow down the development of the baby's skeleton, and will also make the porous and weak bones of the mother.

The daily rate of calcium is 1,500 mg. The element is found in low -fat sour -milk products, plant foods. It is quite difficult to get enough calcium from food calcium. Doctors advise you to consult drugs with its content, such as Calcemin, Calcemin Advance, Vitrum Osteomag.

IMPORTANT: Fat slows down the absorption of calcium, so you cannot combine fatty foods with this trace element. It prevents the assimilation and chocolate desserts, coffee, gas drinks. Promotes the absorption of the vitamin D element, which is why many manufacturers of synthetic trace elements combine these two substances in one drug.

Iron It is a constituent element of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transportation of oxygen through the tissues and organs of the mother and the child. With a lack of a trace element, the amount of hemoglobin decreases, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation. Under these conditions, anemia of pregnant women is possible.

For a full nutrition of the baby, the body of the future mother creates more blood for about a liter. For the formation of this liter, the presence of iron in sufficient volume is also important.

Iron is also necessary for the synthesis of protein, which is involved in the structure of the child’s muscles. The deficiency of the element increases the risk of uterine tone.

A lot of iron contains meat, in particular turkey, rabbit, young beef, pork. From plant foods, the element is absorbed extremely poorly, therefore, when calculating the volume of the resulting substance, it is not worth focusing on vegetables and fruits.

The daily iron rate for a pregnant woman is 30 mg, provided that the progress of pregnancy is correct. According to the examination, the doctor may prescribe to the expectant mother drugs with a high iron content. This is especially true for women who have experienced a serious drawback of the trace element before pregnancy.

Important: vitamin C promotes good assimilation of iron. But copper and zinc prevents this process, so you should refrain from using these elements together. Too many iron in the body can cause depletion of zinc stocks.

Vitamins in 3 trimester of pregnancy

They remain the same as in the first two trimesters, except for calcium.

Calcium in the 3rd trimester must be reduced and, after 32 weeks, do not take calcium, and do not lean on products with a high content. Otherwise, the bones of the child will be solid, not elastic and this will make it difficult to advance along the birth canal.

Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune mechanisms of the body. You should be careful when using it. Too more ascorbic acid The placenta will cause increased filtration of this element. Thus, an overdose is fraught with the fact that the child will not receive vitamin at all. The deficiency of vitamin will violate the structure of the shell of the fetal egg and the growth of the placenta. The daily volume, which is 100 mg, should be strictly observed.

Vitamin C is many in citrus fruits, which, however, are powerful allergens, so doctors do not advise using them before childbirth. It is worth paying attention to such sources of vitamin as potatoes, bell pepper, cabbage, carrots, greens, currant berries.

Vitamin D., important for the growth and development of bone tissue of the baby, is practically not part of food. You can get it from sunlight during a walk or sunbathing. In summer, this will be enough to make up for the lack of vitamin D in the body. In winter, doctors will prescribe drugs with the content of the element. The daily dose of vitamin D is 400 IU.

At the 3rd stage of bearing, except for the listed vitamins, it is important to continue to accept iron and vitamin A.

Vitamins during pregnancy: tips, reviews

Choosing vitamins, many expectant mothers decide to purchase multivitamin complexes for adults. If you take this process frivolously, you can get a lack or overdose of various elements, because each complex contains different amounts. In this matter, it is better to trust competent opinion and visit a doctor for individual selection of vitamins.

Important: the appointment of a complex of vitamins and microelements occurs according to the examination of a pregnant woman, during which a lack of specific substances and possible risks in the development of pregnancy are revealed.

Video: Vitamins and pregnancy

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Comments K. article

  1. The doctor recommended vitamin D to me, or rather, to drip Babisan D3, as soon as the child is 1.5, then I will definitely give him)

  2. The doctor said that the need does not double. As many people think, but half a time. And we eat, as if ten people should be born there) A good alternative - vitamins. I was written out by Mom Minisan, a very good complex and is fine. The manufacturer is Finland. I liked it very much, always the analysis was normal and the health was excellent. Well, there is no need to eat right in memory.

  3. By the way, about this you are right, you saw how pregnant women sweep away everything that they see. I don't want to!

  4. I always follow myself, and I drink vitamins somewhere from the age of 15 periodically. I do not think that this is bad. I get sick less, I look better, there are fewer problems. And when the vitamins drank also became pregnant. The first pregnancy is assembled, a few pieces per day. But the second is already alone. As they wrote above - minisan mother, it is very convenient that everything is in one tablet: I drank in the morning and forgot.

  5. I read on the internet, which can lead to a lack of vitamins in the body of a pregnant woman. Nightmare. Here is a miscarriage, and fading pregnancy, and the improper development of the fetus and anemia of a woman. Immediately to his doctor in a consultation. I asked to appoint everything that I needed for the proper development of the baby, I bought a folionorm dietary supplement. A complete set of the necessary elements (iodine, B12 and folic acid). Now calmed down))

  6. The first pregnancy read that vitamins were not needed, in the end it was forever tired, barely dragged her legs and there were problems with blood flow (not critical, but I had to drip droppers), in this pregnancy I decided that it was definitely not worse for the vitamins and my baby is not worse will be. The composition was very liked by the Finnish minisan mother and bought them. There is magnesium, which is important for blood flowing (and it is better to prevent the problem) and in general the composition is necessary and thought out. Nevertheless, in Finland they care very much about the health of expectant mothers, it’s good that these vitamins have appeared in our markets.

  7. Without vitamins, it’s definitely anywhere. And during pregnancy, it is so more important a hundred times! Thanks for the useful article. I, for example, drinking Pernoton Mom, my doctor recommended. In this complex there is everything that is necessary for both the expectant mother and the baby for the correct formation and its development. Girls of easy pregnancy to you!

  8. I agree about vitamins minisan mom, now you can buy in our pharmacies, but earlier only from Finland to order. The composition is cool, there is nothing superfluous in the case. I took it from the first trimester and even when I fed with breasts, I drank them -it is approved that vitamins are suitable for the entire period of pregnancy.

  9. I recently started drinking a folionorm. The doctor recommended as a good source of vitamins, so I drink every morning for 1 tablet with water.

  10. I drank minisan mom. This is the Finnish complex, which is developed taking into account the characteristics of the pregnant organism, it has folic acid, iron, iodine, vitamins. I drank all pregnancy, not a single bad analysis, everything is like a textbook)))

  11. Here I am, too, everything that was not pinned at, but began to drink vitamins, and began to eat faster, and Ginya went to swear that I would feed the child, then I would not give birth to myself. I am the budget vitamins of the Mom, for future and nursing mothers. Drink each vitamin - it comes out with handfuls, and in the complex - 1 piece. And for money - adequately. And imported, for some reason I trust the imported more.

  12. Drink or not is everyone’s business. I drank both pregnancy. The first - what was given by compulsory medical insurance. And she already chose the second, then she consulted with the doctor. The second time I drank Finnish minisan multivitamin mom. For some reason, he liked me more in composition, he is more balanced than everyone else in my opinion. And I drank it up to the birth, then I took a break and continued during feeding - in these cases it can be taken.

  13. After 3 weeks of PDR, I want to give birth to, of course.) Vitamins drank from the first trimester and to this day Futylar for pregnant women chewing loafs, and tasty and in composition, I do not drink anything additionally. Pregnancy proceeds well, in general I am very active all this time, I do not sit on the spot, and I am not stronger than usual.

  14. I relied on the experience of a doctor and in preparation for pregnancy and during, I took Miterevel. The composition of this complex is actually unique, in addition to Folic, reinforced omega-3, molybdenum, selenium and zinc, and this is the basis for the formation of the future clever. It is very important for me that everything is beneficial for the baby.

  15. From the first trimester, the complex was accepted by Mom Peregnon. It is at the beginning of pregnancy that it is important to take folic acid for the normal development of the nervous system of the child, especially since in these vitamins folic in a form that is well absorbed by all. Moreover, I had problems with the lack of hemoglobin before pregnancy, and in the first trimester the tests were not very good, the gynecologist said I need to take iron. Therefore, I chose these vitamins so as not to rush with pills, but to take one complex. By the way, iron in the transnoton mother does not upset the intestines due to a special formula. In general, a great complex, hemoglobin soon returned to normal and now the third trimester, I feel normal, I am preparing for an important point))

  16. I chose the Minisan Mom complex for myself, I liked the composition there. My doctor also approved him, praised that there was no vitamin A, which pregnant women did not need it. I drank this complex all three trimesters and felt great. He also drank it during breastfeeding.

  17. And for example, I myself did not choose anything. I trust the opinion of my doctor more than for myself. Therefore, on the advice of a doctor I accept Miterevel. And I do not regret that it was the doctor’s opinion that I listened to, because this vitamin-mineral complex contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals, for the development of my not yet born child)

  18. The main thing is that the complex is so selected that when it is used, there is no harm to either the child or mom)

  19. Lera, you say exactly exactly. I have just such a complex. I accept Miterevel about which they wrote above. And I can say that a woman also needs to receive during pregnancy not only a source of vitamin, but also a source of folic acid, iodine, selenium and other no less useful substances, as well as the baby. And as part of this complex, there are just all the necessary substances.

  20. I accept, on the advice of a gynecologist, also Miterevel plus. This complex suits me completely, as it contains a lot of useful substances for the baby, so that it develops both mentally and physically, there is all the vitamins and minerals necessary for this. The composition is very good, balanced and dosage everything is optimally calculated.

  21. thanks for the article, very relevant for me

  22. I am now taking BIO TOFFIA PRENALIA, I am very pleased. This complex in the form of chocolate bars (it turns out, it happens so)) My gynecologist advised. No need to drink anything with handfuls, do not choke and look for how to drink vitamins - with these vitamins there is nowhere easier due to their taste and form of release. With all this, they are also gorgeous in composition, because There are folic acid, and B vitamins, and vitamins A, C, D3, calcium, iron, iodine.

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