Is it possible to lift weights with hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, uterine fibroids, after cauterization of erosion, myopia, diseases of the spine and joints? Diseases in which severity cannot be lifted: List

Is it possible to lift weights with hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, uterine fibroids, after cauterization of erosion, myopia, diseases of the spine and joints? Diseases in which severity cannot be lifted: List

In the article you will learn about how to raise weights correctly and with what diseases this should not be done.

Why is it harmful to lift great severity?

To wear weights and large cargoes in their hands is contraindicated to any person. The fact is that a heavy burden can directly affect the human health, every system of the body. Up to 25 years (medical point of view), the spine is formed, which means that frequent lifting and wearing weights can ruin and bend it.

IMPORTANT: The loads will be especially negatively negative to the formation of the skeleton of children and adolescents. That is why health problems such as scoliosis and even intervertebral and umbilical hernias appear.

Even the male body, which is more than female adapted to physical work and raising heavy things, can be vulnerable to unbearable burdens. Frequent raising of heavy cargo and bags (with improper distribution of their weight) can contribute to the formation of chondrosis, damage to the vertebrae and their displacement, as well as infringement, bone fracture, radiculitis.

Women need to be more careful with lifting weights because their bones and skeletons are much more tender than male and they are more fragile. In addition, there may be a displacement of all internal organs, as well as omission of the uterus, which is fraught with infertility.

What is fraught with severity
What is fraught with severity

Is it possible to lift weights with hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, uterine fibroids, after cauterization of erosion, myopia, diseases of the spine and joints?


  • With hemorrhoidsit is rarely impossible to lift weights. This disease is characterized by varicose veins in anal passage. Exercises (weight lifting affects the abdominal cavity) contribute to muscle contraction and increased blood flow. This provokes improper blood circulation, which exacerbates the disease.
  • With pancreatitis(the inflammatory process of the pancreas) It is also undesirable to lift weights of more than 5-6 kg. This warning is mandatory, because the static load on the internal organs can contribute to impaired blood circulation in the internal organs.
  • With a stomach ulcerit is undesirable to wear weights and make heavy physical activity, especially if you have a “acidic” belching or you feel heaviness.
  • With uterine fibroidsthe loads and lifting any weights are strictly prohibited, since such actions can lead to undesirable omission of the uterus and complications.
  • After cauterization of erosion You should protect yourself from loads and lifting weights for some time (about a month) to facilitate healing and not achieve complications.
  • With myopiait is undesirable to lift the severity of more than 5-6 kg so as not to provoke the exfoliation of the retina and not to disturb the blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • With a spinal diseasethe lifting of weights is fraught with the fact that this can only aggravate your condition and lead to inflammation, intervertebral hernias, curvature, pain.
  • In diseases of the jointsthe lifting of weights will not help reduce inflammatory processes, as well as “give” you pain.
How to lift weights correctly and safely?
How to lift weights correctly and safely?

How much severity cannot be lifted after cauterization of erosion?

After cauterization of erosion, it is important not to lift anything heavier than 1-2 kg for 30 days. This can contribute to a violation of blood circulation, muscle contraction and bleeding. As a result, cauterization will be in vain and it will need to be carried out again.

Raised severity - the lower abdomen hurts: why?

If a woman lifts weights, a load on the pelvic organs will invariably will be carried out. The uterus (muscle organ) will begin to contract and this can lead to such unpleasant consequences as a painful sensation and even bleeding.

What weight can be lifted with hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, uterine fibroids, after cauterization of erosion, myopia, diseases of the spine and joints?


  • With hemorrhoids -no more than 5 kg.
  • With pancreatitis -no more than 7-8 kg.
  • With a stomach ulcer -no more than 10 kg.
  • With uterine fibroids -no more than 1-2 kg.
  • After cauterization of erosion -no more than 1-2 kg (first month).
  • With myopia -no more than 6-7 kg.
  • In diseases of the spine -no more than 5-6 kg.
  • In diseases of the joints -no more than 5-7 kg.
What weights can be lifted with various diseases?
What weights can be lifted with various diseases?

How to lift weights without harm to the spine?


  • Always place your legs so that they shoulder shoulder width. This will help you correctly distribute the weight throughout the body and not harm the spine.
  • Always try to lift the load so that the main heaviness is carried out, not the back.
  • Keep the load close to the body, and not on outstretched hands
  • Never bend your back when you raise or carry severity

Important: do not hesitate to ask for help if you need to raise something difficult and always think in advance how you will lift a heavy object before the action itself.

Height lifting recommendations
Height lifting recommendations
How to lift weights and carry out physical work?
How to lift weights and carry out physical work?

Video: "How to lift weights correctly?"

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Comments K. article

  1. In general, there is nothing good in lifting weights. This is all a newfangled trend, which leads to the omission of organs, and the heart ruins, and joints with the spine too. I damaged my knee joint .. I treated for a long time, injections. And now, in order to prevent, I accept Evlavarovsky’s sea collagen (I order an Evalar and order, it’s very convenient), and in general I try to move more, I arrange for myself sparing hiking. Ugh ugh, there was no relapse.

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