Badger fat: composition, therapeutic properties, contraindications and recipes use for colds, bronchitis, stomach ulcer, tuberculosis, asthma, anemia, rheumatism, ear diseases, to strengthen immunity

Badger fat: composition, therapeutic properties, contraindications and recipes use for colds, bronchitis, stomach ulcer, tuberculosis, asthma, anemia, rheumatism, ear diseases, to strengthen immunity

In this article, we will consider the use of badger fat for various diseases. And also consider its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Badger fat is very popular. It is used both in medicine and in cosmetology. But is it really so effective? Further, it will be about the properties of this tool and about the methods of its application.

Badger fat: composition

Probably, each of us at least once heard information that badger fat is an incredibly effective tool from many ailments. And this is true, but all because in its composition it has a huge number of substances that are most important for our body.

  • The largest quantity in this tool contains vitamin A. This substance is responsible for metabolic processes in the body, slows down the aging process, has a favorable effect on the skin, curls. Also, retinol, so they also call this vitamin, improves visual function.
  • Not much less in badger fat vitamin e. This vitamin is very important for the normal operation of the human reproductive system. Also, this substance has a favorable effect on the human immune system.
  • B vitamins have a favorable effect on the growth of nails, curls. At the same time, these substances take an active part in the metabolic processes that occur in the body.
  • Unsaturated fats, which are in large quantities in the composition of the product, are also extremely important and necessary for our body. It is they who ensure the normal functioning of most systems in the body. Here we can note the cardiovascular and nervous system, etc.
  • Organic acids, who also has a place in the composition of the badger fat, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and also enhance the effect of all other components that are part of this tool.
Badger fat
Badger fat

Badger fat: medicinal properties

As you can see, this product really contains the most important substances, which, in fact, due to its action. Due to the presence in its composition of many beneficial substances, badger fat is effective in the fight against many diseases. Based on this, such it can be highlighted therapeutic properties:

  • It has a favorable effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the digestion process. In addition, the product is able to heal internal wounds, for example, ulcers, by activating tissue regeneration processes.
  • Regular intake of badger fat makes the body less vulnerable to various infectious ailments. So, for example, this tool is considered effective in the fight against a serious disease-tuberculosis, which develops due to the Koch stick.
  • A fairly large number of people suffer due to the low level of hemoglobin in the blood. So, regular intake of badger fat will eliminate this problem and will bring this indicator to normal.
  • In addition, this tool provides invaluable benefit of our cardiovascular system. Experts argue that the correct use of fat reduces the risks of the occurrence of ailments as thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
  • Also, badger fat favorably affects the human reproductive system. This tool helps men return and improve potency, women - makes it possible to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy and viable baby. In addition, the product restores hormonal balance in the body.
  • This tool can also be used to prevent the occurrence of various tumors.
  • Well, and, of course, badger fat favorably affects the condition of our skin, curls and nails.
  • In the end, it must be said that this fat favorably affects the whole organism as a whole, since it strengthens the immune system.
Has many useful properties
Has many useful properties

It is also worth noting that the healing properties of badger fat are used not only to treat some ailments, but also for their prevention:

  • Correctly taking badger fat, you can save yourself from such unpleasant ailments as gastritis, colitis etc.
  • No less useful fat for the respiratory system of the body. Thus, you can reduce your chances of getting through various ARI, SARS etc.
  • Also, using this tool, you can significantly improve female and male healthIncluding increase the chances of normal pregnancy without any pathologies.
  • This fat is very useful for various ailments and damage to the skin. In this case, in addition to oral administration, it is recommended to use the product externally. Thus it is possible reduce stretch marks, heal ulcers and deep wounds.

How to choose bad bars: tips

This fat is not a cheap tool, which is why unscrupulous manufacturers often want to save in its production. To choose high -quality badger fat, pay attention to the following points:

  • Color Suitable for use of the product is white and not very bright yellow. If the color of the fat is brown, orange or bright yellow, this indicates its damage.
  • Smell The product should be moderately sharp, but it should not stink of rot, bitter fat. The taste of the product is not too pleasant, but it should not be bitter.
  • Concerning consistency: Like any other fat, badger must melt while at room temperature. At the same time, putting the product in the refrigerator, you should notice that it froze again. If even in the refrigerator the product remains liquid or it does not melt at room temperature, then this is clearly not real badger fat.

Important: the product should be stored exclusively in glass containers. It is forbidden to store it in plastic.

  • Also carefully look at the price of the goods. Remember, badger fat is a very valuable product and it cannot be cheap. If you want to get a quality product, be sure to adequately estimate its cost.

How to properly use badger fat to adults and children to treat cough and colds: Recipe

Often the cough does not go as fast as we would like. Moreover, dry cough causes huge discomfort and pain: head, in the throat, chest, etc. Badger fat thanks to the substances that are part of it, quickly copes with a similar ailment.

So, with a strong cough It is recommended to use the product in this way:


  • Adults It will be enough to take 1.5 tsp. Means 2-3 times a day. In this case, the product must be consumed at least 1 hour before eating. The duration of use depends on the severity of the disease, on average, the course lasts 10-14 days.
  • Children It is necessary to limit ourselves to 3 tsp. Fat per day, which must be drunk in 3 doses: in the morning, at lunch and before bedtime. Children need to eat fat in the same way 1 hour before eating.

It should be noted that this tool is not distinguished by a pleasant smell and taste and therefore children do not drink it very willingly or refuse to take fat at all. In order for the treatment to take place easier and easier, allow the baby to drink it with warm milk or tea. You can add honey, jams to milk, you can also smear fat for bread and eat it with tea. Thus, the taste of the product will be invisible and the child will calmly drink it.

Badger fat for coughing
Badger fat for coughing

It should also be noted that badger fat is used not only as an independent agent. Often on its basis make useful folk medicines:

  • Badger fat - 50 g
  • Natural honey - 50 g
  • Aloe juice - 25 ml
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Alcohol - 1 tsp

All ingredients must be connected in clean containers and mixed. The resulting mixture must be consumed at 1.5 tsp. Three times a day. In this case, you can drink it with warm milk or just add it to milk and drink it in this way.

How to properly use badger fat to treat pneumonia and bronchitis: recipe

I must say right away that pneumonia and bronchitis are the most serious diseases that should not be tried to cure only badger fat. This tool can be used in combination with other strong drugs and only after consulting a doctor.

Recipes for application.

  • If you use fat in its pure form, then adults need to take 1 tsp. Three times a day. Such treatment needs to be carried out at least 1 month. Next, it is recommended to take a break for the same period and continue treatment again.
  • For children, with such ailments, it is recommended to use 1 incomplete tsp. Funds three times a day. However, you can take badger fat for children who have reached 3-5 years old, and only after consulting with a pediatrician or a pulmonologist.

As for fat -based products, it is appropriate to do the following for the treatment of bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs:

  • Take 50 g of natural honey
  • Mix it from 50 g of fat
Used in bronchitis
Used in bronchitis

Next, take the rosehip berries and wash them. Pour boiling water and let it brew for a day. We filter a decoction.

  • Add 1 tbsp to a glass of warm decoction. the resulting agent and drink the liquid
  • It is recommended to drink 2 cups of such a remedy per day - in the morning and before bedtime

It is also worth saying that for such diseases, fat is used externally. To do this, take a little money and place it in a container. In this state, at room temperature, fat should stand at least half an hour. Next, take a little means and gently rub it in the chest area with light massive movements, while avoiding the heart area. In addition to the chest, you can rub your legs, back. After the procedure, it is worth wrapping the processed areas with a warm scarf and lie down under the blanket.

How to use badger fat to treat stomach ulcers?

Many do not fully understand what an ulcer is and mistakenly think that such an ailment is not extremely serious. Unfortunately, it is not. The ulcer is nothing more than a wound that can fester and bleed. In this case, the ulcers are often formed inside our body, therefore, their treatment is quite complex.

  • It is important to understand that the ulcer, like pneumonia, cannot be cured using only badger fat. This ailment is treated comprehensively, while not only potent drugs, but also diets are used.
  • In this case, this fat can be used as an additional source of nutrients.
  • Adults are recommended to take 1.5 tsp. Means per day. It is advisable to take badger fat in the morning before eating, you can eat and drink a couple of hours after eating.
The product is additional in the treatment complex
The product is additional in the treatment complex
  • As for children, in this case, the dosage of the product is determined exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the age of the crumbs and the general state of his health.
  • In order to take fat more pleasant, you can drink it with warm milk, however, again, during an ulcer, these points should be clarified by the doctor.
  • The tool, getting into the stomach, has a beneficial effect on its work, contributes to the speedy healing of the wounds, preventing the propagation of bacteria.

How to use badger fat for tuberculosis: recipes for use

Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease that is caused by Koch's wand and affects not only the human respiratory system, but also his bones, joints. As mentioned earlier, badger fat is able to destroy some types of harmful microorganisms and this stick among them.

However, again, it is worth noting your attention that this tool can’t do such a serious ailment alone, so it should be used only as an auxiliary substance.

Recipe for application.

  • Adults and children over 14 years of age should take 1 tsp daily. funds. At the same time, you need to take fat on an empty stomach in the morning, it is permissible to drink it with warm water, milk.
  • The treatment lasts at least 1 month, after which you need to take a break for about 1 month and continue treatment again.

I must say that taking fat, drinking water and even milk is extremely difficult due to its taste and smell, therefore, more often based on the product, mixes that are used easier.

Tuberculosis agent
Tuberculosis agent

You will need to prepare one of these drugs:

  • Badger fat - 100 g
  • Nuts to taste - 80 g
  • Dried fruits to taste - 80 g
  • Natural liquid honey - 100 g

Take the specified amount of fat and leave it for half an hour at room temperature. Next, chop all these ingredients except honey. Pour fat, honey into the container and add the rest of the ingredients to them. This tool is very tasty. Adults need to take it for 2 tsp. Three times a day, children are enough for children. Three times a day.

Badger fat: how to use it correctly for the treatment of asthma?

We will immediately say that it is possible to use this fat for asthma not only for its treatment, but also for its prevention. Often, badger fat for this ailment is used for external use.

  • In order to make rubbing with this tool, take about 1 tbsp. fat and heat it at room temperature.
  • Next, apply a little money to your hand and rub it with neat massage movements throughout the chest, with the exception of the heart area - it must be “bypassed” by the side.
  • After that, it is recommended to dress warmly immediately, and lie down under the blanket.
  • If desired, you can resort to rubbing the back, everything is done similarly to the chest.
  • Such procedures must be carried out regularly within 1 month.
Used for asthma
Used for asthma

Despite the fact that with asthma, the tool is most often used for external manipulations, some people still prefer to take it inside:

  • It will be enough for adults to drink 1.5 tsp. funds 1 time per day
  • Children need to use 1 tsp. in a day
  • Since children do not like the taste of this medicine, they can be given it by dissolving it in warm milk or a broth from rosehips

It is important to understand that people suffering from asthma are often allergies, so this fact must be taken into account. Honey, various jams, nuts, etc. can be consumed exclusively if there were no allergies for these products.

Badger fat: How to use the treatment of anemia and strengthen the body's immune system?

To begin with, let's talk about such an ailment as anemia. This disease is also known as “anemia” and it is manifested by a reduced concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. It is important to understand that most often anemia is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of some underlying disease, therefore, in this case, we can talk about problems in the work of the immune system.

Badger fat is able to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood. To do this, take the product as follows:

  • Adults should use 1 tsp. funds three times a day
  • It is enough for children to use the product in 2 doses, 1 tsp. for everyone
  • If fat cannot be taken in its pure form, you can add it to the drink: milk, currant jam, or tea with honey
Need to be consumed with anemia
Need to be consumed with anemia

It is also worth trying the following tool:

  • Badger fat - 80 g
  • Natural liquid honey - 80 g
  • Cocoa powder-80 g
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Aloe - 40 g
  • Propolis - 2 g
  • Mummy - 2 g

All ingredients must be mixed in one container, fat, honey and oil must first be melted, and chopped aloe. Next, let the product stand a little and you can take it. For adults, 1 tbsp. l. Means, children need to limit themselves to 1 incomplete h. l. funds.

Badger fat: how to apply for the treatment of joints, rheumatism?

The pain in the joints, muscles causes us a lot of discomfort, while the motor function of a person worsens significantly. This tool is quite effectively fighting such ailments.

To relieve acute pain in the joints, muscles must be done as follows:

  • Take a little melted badger fat and massage it with massaging movements in sore spots
  • After that, wrap the processed places and wait for at least 1 hour. It is best to lie down under the covers at this time
With rheumatism
With rheumatism

You can also prepare various ointments:

  • Badger fat - 100 g
  • Ginger oil - 5 drops
  • Mint oil - 5 drops
  • Lavender oil - 5 drops

These components must be mixed in one container, fat must first be melted. Such a tool should be rubbed into sore spots at least 1 time per day for 2-3 weeks. A mixture of such oils and badger fat will relieve muscle and articular pain.

Badger fat: how to use ear pain to treat ear pain?

Badger fat is an almost universal remedy, since it is able to eliminate even ear pain. However, it must be understood that the nature of the ear pain can be completely different, so this tool can be used only after its approval by the doctor.

So, to prepare such a folk medicine, you will need:

  • Badger fat - 30 g
  • Chicken fat - 30 g
  • Bulb juice - 30 g

Mix all the above components, having previously melted off the fats a little. Next, take a pipette and dial a little money into it. In each ear, drip 2 drops of the resulting medicine. This treatment must be continued until the pain disappears. It is recommended to use such a tool for inflammatory processes in the ears.

Badger fat: contraindications for use

Despite the enormous benefit that this tool brings to our body, it can also harm it. The negative consequences of the use of badger fat can be obtained in case of consumption in irregular doses, as well as when there are any contraindications for its use.

  • It is strictly forbidden to use this tool to women who are waiting for a child. This period is extremely important for every woman, since at that time she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her not yet born baby.
Fat is strictly prohibited during pregnancy
Fat is strictly prohibited during pregnancy
  • Also, you can’t use such fat to girls who feed their babies breasts. With Mom’s milk, the baby receives almost everything that is in her body, and therefore, the young ladies need to refuse to use such a tool at this stage.
  • Do not take risks and use badger fat if you have intolerance to this product or any substance from its composition.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give badger fat to children under 3 years old. At the same time, I must say that this applies to the intake of the product inside, externally fat can be used.
  • The ailments of the biliary tract are also a contraindication to the use of this tool.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this tool is not compatible with some other drugs and therefore its intake should be controlled and adjusted by a specialist.

Without a doubt, badger fat is a storehouse of useful substances, using which wisely, you can significantly improve your health. Consult a doctor regarding the appropriateness of treatment with such a product and, in case of approval, feel free to start the process.

Video: How to use badger fat?

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  1. Good thing, albeit nasty. I wiped my chest with badger fat when I was sick with bronchitis. But I think, if only it had done, I would not be cured ... too much this. Therefore, I also accepted the Ambroxol Bronkhkhkhcho (ordered a, it is more convenient and cheaper). So all together helped to get rid of this nasty things ... finally recovered)

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