Is it possible to eat persimmon with ulcer, gastritis, erosion of the stomach, duodenum, pancreatitis of the pancreas, colitis, cholecystitis, gout, liver disease, anemia, heartburn, constipation, cholelithiasis, increased cholesterol, thyrotoxicosis?

Is it possible to eat persimmon with ulcer, gastritis, erosion of the stomach, duodenum, pancreatitis of the pancreas, colitis, cholecystitis, gout, liver disease, anemia, heartburn, constipation, cholelithiasis, increased cholesterol, thyrotoxicosis?

In the article you will find recommendations for the use of persimmon during various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is a persimmon for the stomach, as it acts on the stomach, it increases or reduces the acidity of the stomach?

Of course, persimmon is one of the most useful and nutritious fruits on Earth. It saturates the body with those vitamins, which are not enough in the fall to strengthen immunity (it is this season that it matures). Few people know that persimmon is a good food product even for diseases such as pancreatitis or gastritis (gastrointestinal disorders), because there is little sugar in the persimmon, as well as acidity.

How is the persimmon (on the gastrointestinal tract):

  • A person suffering from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not eat a lot of persimmons, because in these fruits there is a tanner-the substance is too heavy for the digestive system and block the release of gastric juice. But here there is a way out - the maximum concentration of tannins is in the unripe and “bitter” persimmon, so just try to buy sweet and ripe fruits.
  • On the other hand, persimmon is able to influence the microflora that is in the intestines of each person, but only in cases where it was broken before.
  • If you eat a large amount of persimmon at a time (especially the one that “knits the mouth”), you risk getting constipation. Avoid unnecessary persimmon!
  • If you have a chronic pancreatitis, limit yourself and do not eat too much persimmon (this fruit is one of the most “indigestible”, because it remains in the stomach for a long time, almost up to 4 hours).

What is the useful persimmon for the digestive tract:

  • Eliminates diarrhea and strong diarrhea
  • Helps improve appetite
  • The fetus reduces bleeding of the mucosa in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Quickly quenches hunger

Features of the use of persimmon:

  • If you have gastritis, categorically abandon the tart persimmon.
  • A ripe, soft and sweet berry, on the contrary, will help stimulate digestion.
  • Those who have acute or chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, is best not to have a raw berry, but to give it to temperature treatment (for example, add to porridge).

Important: doctors recommend those who suffer from pancreatitis, or gastritis is the berry that previously succumbed to freezing for about 12 hours (and then defrosting). This “secret” will take the viscosity from the fetus and make persimmon “lighter” for the stomach. Dried persimmon is also useful.

If a person has an increased acidity of the stomach, doctors do not prohibit, but rather recommend it to eat persimmon. The fruit is not at all sour and has a unique “bactericidal” property, i.e. Killing pathogenic bacteria. However, if gastritis is erosive, the berry is not desirable.

Is the persimmon useful to those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases?
Is the persimmon useful to those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases?

Hurma can be eaten on an empty stomach, can a gastric stomach get sick?

Hurma is a tasty, but sometimes very dangerous food. People who regularly suffer from discords of the digestive system need to carefully and in limited quantities there is this fruit. In addition, persimmon in no case should be eaten on an empty stomach (on an empty stomach)!

The fact is that the berry is rich in pectins, as well as Tanins. They are capable of provoking the “sticking” of those pieces of food that did not digest. This contributes to not just constipation, but the formation of "Bezoars" - stones of feces, blocking the passage of the intestines and worsening peristalsis.

Important: that is why a person after eating a persimmon can feel pain in the stomach.

How long is the persimmons in the stomach?

Digging of persimmon is a long and long process that has its pros and cons. The persimmon is good in that it gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, and is dangerous in that the digestion of this product lasts 3-4 hours. That is why dietitian doctors recommend that the persimmon separately from other products (without combining with others is difficult to digest) and do not overeat the fruits.

How can it be and how can you eat a persimmon?
How can it be and how can you eat a persimmon?

Is it possible to eat persimmon with ulcer, gastritis, erosion of the stomach?

If you have an ulcer or other stomach diseases (gastritis or erosion), it is better to limit the use of persimmon. It is especially highly recommended to avoid this food during an exacerbation of the disease.

Important: however, in the stage of the "remission" of these diseases, you can afford a small amount of sweet and ripe persimmon.

Is it possible to eat a persimmon with a duodenal ulcer?

If a person has a peptic ulcer of the duodenum, he should be extremely careful about persimmon. You can use it in the form of jelly, compote or souffle. In any case, you can or you can’t eat persimmon, and also in what quantities this is allowed to do, only the attending physician can tell you, focusing on the nature and severity of the disease.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas?

Hurma likes many, but what about those who suffer from pancreatic inflammation? The assimilation of the fetus, or rather its sugars that it contains, requires the production of insulin by the body. Insulin produces precisely the pancreas.

This becomes an obstacle to the use of persimmon to those who suffer from pancreatitis (especially in acute forms). In addition, the tannin, which is so much in the persimmon, provokes the appearance of constipation and intestinal obstruction, which negatively affects the entire digestive process.

Important: there is a persimmon with pancreatitis, but in small portions and when you do not experience sharp shapes. Do not "overload" the pancreas so as not to aggravate your condition.

As a persimmon during the period of remission of the disease:

  • Carry out a kind of complementary foods, eating only 1 tsp. pulp per day.
  • Regularly increase the portion of persimmon
  • Eat persimmon separately from other products, but not on an empty stomach.
  • Choose only sweet persimmons, such as honey or chocolate korolek.

Important: in order not to harm yourself, do not eat the skin of the persimmon, eat only the pulp with a spoon. The skin of the fetus is quite rough and it is very difficult to split it.

Is it possible to persimmon those who suffer from pancreatitis?
Is it possible to persimmon those who suffer from pancreatitis?

Is it possible to eat persimmon with colitis, cholecystitis?

Hurma is unique in that it contains a huge number of useful vitamins and other trace elements. Pectin, which is a lot in the persimmon, makes the fetus a dietary product. That is why this berry is allowed to introduce into their diet to those who suffer from such a disease as colitis or cholecystitis.

In order not to harm your body, choose the fruits as ripe or maximum sweet (sugars in fruits, by the way, no more than 20%). You can use with colitis and cholecystitis both fresh and prepared persimmon (jelly, compotes, souffle, jam, marmalade).

Is it possible to eat a persimmon with gout?

Gout is an unpleasant and chronic disease, which, first of all, is a consequence of the impaired metabolism in the body. As a result, urinary salts and water are deposited on the joints and bones. The diet with gout should always be “diuretic” and very vitaminized.

What is good persimmon for patients with gout:

  • It has a strong diuretic effect on the body, exposing excess water from the body and helping it not stagnate in soft tissues.
  • Hurma returns a tone to the body, which is so lacking in the disease.
  • The performance of the body, which is fueled by persimmon, is always higher and more active.
  • Fiber, as part of a persimmon, improves digestion
  • A rich supply of trace elements improves the work of kidneys and genitourinary organs.
Hurma is a valuable and nutrient food for those who adhere to diets
Hurma is a valuable and nutrient food for those who adhere to diets

Is it possible to eat persimmon with liver disease, gallstone disease?

Such a vitaminized product as persimmon is very useful for liver diseases or gallstone problems. Try not to eat too much persimmon so as not to slow down the digestive process, and therefore metabolism.

Important: eat only sweet and mature fruits without a hint of tough for food.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with anemia?

Anemia is a disease that a person acquires due to the fact that blood receives his blood too little hemoglobin. Iron in food in food will help to increase hemoglobin. A lot of iron in persimmon and therefore this fruit is incredibly useful for anemia.

Important: it is recommended to eat one ripe and sweet berry per day to increase hemoglobin, both as a prevention and for the treatment of the disease.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with heartburn?

Heartburn is a burning sensation that arises in the stomach and is felt in the entire sternum. Heartburn is an excessive increase in acidity. You can “reassure” heartburn and facilitate its passage through “non -acidic” products. In the persimmon, for example, there are very few acids and a lot of fiber, which “blocks” the exacerbation of heartburn.

Important: nevertheless, too tart and sweet fruits should be avoided so as not to make heartburn unbearable.

What features have a persimmon?
What features have a persimmon?

Is it possible to eat a persimmon with an disorder of the stomach, diarrhea, constipation?

Hurma is a useful remedy for any intestinal disorders and severe diarrhea. In order for the fetus to have a “astringent” property, you should choose tart and bitter fruits. One berry will be quite enough.

Important: carefully eat persimmon if your diarrhea was provoked by food poisoning.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with increased cholesterol?

A rich supply of fiber in persimmon helps to effectively and quickly fight “poor” blood cholesterol. For these purposes, choose sweet and not astringent fruits of berries. There is a persimmon, both for preventive and medical purposes.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with thyroidxicosis of the thyroid gland?

Hurma is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. This is one of the few foods that favorably affects the thyroid gland, restoring its work and helping to produce vital hormones. Hurma strengthens immunity, protects from vitamin deficiency and enhances the protective functions of the body.

IMPORTANT: with thyreotoxicosis of the thyroid gland, persimmon helps to restore the functioning of this internal organ and normalize metabolism in the body.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with candidiasis?

In this case, in the presence of candidiasis, persimmon is useful in that this food product improves the work of the human immune system, namely, opposes pathogens. In addition, persimmon has a small bactericidal property (kill pathogenic bacteria), which affects the entire organism.

Video: “What can you eat with a persimmon, persimmon benefits of the property of the persimmon, how many vitamins in persimmons”


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Comments K. article

  1. As for the action of the persimmon with constipation, I can say that it depends on what the persimmon itself. Here is a firm did not help me, on the contrary, she only did it worse, and the soft she slammed perfectly)) thanks to her, she got rid of constipation) Of course, the additional phytolax took and did special massages of the abdomen ... but probably everything worked together)

  2. I have cholecystitis and I eat persimmon, never after it there were no consequences. I try to eat right, do not overeat, excluded fat and spicy. By the way, I want to recommend a plant drug gastrottal, helps in a matter of minutes. Which with this disease is very relevant! Many other drugs have a chemical composition. Like Noshpa, especially, I do not want to spoil the stomach.

  3. I don’t know anything about this, when I was tormented by the constipation, I didn’t eat persimmon, I tried a lot of different means and the result was only one -time and everything returned again, they advised me to drink phytomucil and move more, having tried such a therapy, I was able to restore regular stools and pah of pah of pah of constipation Do not return)

  4. They say a lot of persimmons is impossible, although I love her very much and I have problems with the biliary, I try not to eat it.

  5. When I have encountered biliary disease, since then I am consuming from oatmeal)) It is ridiculous, but this is true. I am very strictly monitored by meals, periodically I take the courses Odeston, as the doctor recommends and I feel great, nothing is bothering me now.

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