Celandine - therapeutic properties, chemical composition, vitamins and contraindications, recipes for use, reviews. How to drink a decoction and celandine juice for cleansing the body, from intestinal polyps, ovarian cysts, fibroids, mastopathy, stomach ulcers, for the prevention of oncology?

Celandine - therapeutic properties, chemical composition, vitamins and contraindications, recipes for use, reviews. How to drink a decoction and celandine juice for cleansing the body, from intestinal polyps, ovarian cysts, fibroids, mastopathy, stomach ulcers, for the prevention of oncology?

Our article will introduce you to the most useful plant - celandine. You can get acquainted with information about how and under what pathologies you can use celandine.

Most often, people living in private houses try to get rid of celandine as thoroughly as possible. As a rule, out of ignorance, they attribute celandine to weed plants that do not have any benefit. But in fact, with proper use, he is able to help a person get rid of many pathologies. About how to correctly use celandine for the good of your health and our article will tell.

Celandine - therapeutic properties, chemical composition, vitamins

Celandine is an unpretentious plant capable of growing in almost any area with a temperate climate and enough moisture. The first delicate stalks of the plants appear during the period when the temperature indicators on the street cease to fall below +10 degrees at night, and delight the herbalists and knowledgeable people, until the frosts.

For therapeutic purposes, you can use all parts of the plant - flowers, leaves, stems and root. The chemical composition of raw materials is very rich in vitamins and useful elements that positively affect most organs and systems of the human body.

The chemical composition of celandine

The celandine has the following healing properties:

  • Bactericidal - This inconspicuous plant can easily cope with pathogenic pathogens. Substances contained in celandine juice do not allow bacteria cells to multiply, and this prevents the aggravation of health.
  • Antiseptic. Celandine juice and broth can quite calmly be used as an antiseptic for open wounds. The plant will also not allow putrence for putrefactive bacteria, so that the inflamed place will remain dry and will be less painful.
  • Antitumor. In this case, the plant also blocks the disease. Initially, it inhibits the growth of the neoplasm, and then gradually begins to stimulate the body's defenses, and they begin to work to suppress the cancer.
  • Choleretic. In this case, it means that when oral administration, the celandine activates the current of bile, so that the liver and spleen begin to work correctly.
  • Diuretic. The ability to save the body from excess fluid is not so strongly expressed, but still it is. True, in order for the effect to be preserved, celandine will have to be taken in courses.
  • Antifungal. The celandine copes with the fungus of different localization. In contact with mycelium, it intensively destroys it, which gradually leads to the normalization of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
  • Antispasmodic. Funds prepared from celandine have a positive effect on the vessels. They remove the spasm that has arisen, normalize the functioning of the vascular system, and thanks to this, the pain syndrome is reduced, which very often appears against the background of the inflammatory process.
  • Anti -inflammatory. The celandine has the ability to influence the immune links of the inflammatory process. Thanks to this, the pathological process is interrupted, and the disease comes to naught.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice for cleaning the body?

How to drink a broth from celandine?

IMPORTANT: Before starting cleaning the body with a decoction and celandine juice, you must definitely undergo a medical examination, and make sure that you have no problems with blood pressure and vascular system. If there are the slightest deviations, this way will have to be abandoned in this way. Funds prepared from celandine are too biologically active, and even in small doses can increase blood flow, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

As you probably already understood, the celandine for cleansing the body can be taken in two ways - in the form of a decoction, and pure juice. So that you do not make mistakes that can harm your body, we will understand in more detail each of the methods

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice for cleansing the body:

  • A decoction of celandine. Pour 250 ml of water into a clean container and bring to a boil. Add 2 tbsp to boiling water to dry raw materials. Boil for at least 10 minutes and let it brew for an hour. If desired, the finished decoction can be filtered. The product is accepted 2 times a day for 100 ml, for 10 weeks. Next, a break of 2 weeks is made, and the course is repeated.
  • Juice. Nearge celandine, rinse under running water and let it drain a little. Next, chop the plant into the gruel and squeeze the juice. You need to use juice as fresh as possible, so you do not need to cook it much. Juice is used according to a certain scheme. Reception begins with 3 drops to 150 ml of water. On the second day, 5 drops are already added to the same amount of water, 7 drops on the third. And so, up to the tenth day, we increase the dose. That is, on the tenth day of 150 ml of water, you can use 15-20 drops. Starting from 11 days and 21 to 150 ml of water, you can add 1 tsp juice. Next, you must take a week break.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice from intestinal polyps?

Symptoms of polyps in the intestine

IMPORTANT: The celandine is considered a poisonous plant, so it must be taken inward as neatly as possible. In the case of polyps in the intestine, the course should not exceed more than 3 months. If a longer period is treated in this way, then in addition to polyps in the intestine you will also have dysbiosis.

Drink broth and celandine juice from intestinal polyps as follows:

  • Decoction. A decoction is brewed at the rate of 2 tbsp of dry raw materials for every 250 ml of liquid. It is necessary to take 200 ml at a time, 3 times a day an hour before eating.
  • Juice. In the first week, take 1 part of the juice and 6 parts of water. The next 2 weeks - for 1 part of the juice of 5 parts of water. Starting from 4 weeks to 6, take 4 part of the water for 1 part of the juice. Starting from 7 weeks to 12 to 1 part of the juice, you can take 2 parts of water.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice from the ovarian cyst?

Therapeutic properties of celandine

The ovarian cyst is a disease that has recently begun to become rapidly young. If earlier it developed in women during menopause, now gynecologists diagnose this ailment in young women of childbearing age. Therefore, it is very important to identify and cure the pathology in time so that it does not lead to pernicious consequences. An ordinary celandine can help get rid of ovarian cysts.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to make sure that the cyst is not lit up,  and it does not have the so -called leg. If the latter is available, it is better to treat with specific drugs. Because the presence of a leg is an aggravating factor that can lead to necrosis, hemorrhage in the tissue, and as a result, increased the inflammatory process and even greater growth of the neoplasm.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice from the ovarian cyst:

  • Decoction. Brew 1 dessert spoon of raw materials in 150 ml of boiling water. This will be a single dose. The decoction will need to be taken 2 times a day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, this tool can also be used for douching.
  • Juice. Juice is used 15 drops 3 times a day. If you do not want to dilute it in water, you can drip on a small amount of sugar and drink 50 ml of water.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice from myoma?

Effective treatment of fibroids

Another gynecological disease that greatly complicates the life of the fair sex. Its insidiousness is that a woman does not even suspect for a long time that pathological processes are taking place in her body.

Therefore, if you have regular pains in the pelvic area, you began to appear intermenstrual bleeding, then this is an occasion to visit your gynecologist.

Drink a decoction and celandine juice from myoma as follows:

  • Decoction. The tool for myoma is taken on an empty stomach, so try to drink it warm so as not to shock the digestive system. Take 1 tsp of celandine and 1 tsp of the Borovoy uterus, pour 300 ml of boiling water and proton for 10 minutes at the minimum temperature. After 15 minutes, the decoction will need to be filtered. The product is accepted 3 times a day for 100 ml.
  • Juice. Mix 10 drops of celandine juice and 5 drops of St. John's wort juice, dissolve everything in 100 ml of warm water and drink it right away. You need to take juice 3 times a day.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice from mastopathy?

Types and signs of mastopathy

Above, we have already mentioned that the celandine has a pronounced antitumor effect. That is why it is often used in the treatment of another female disease - mastopathy. Regular intake of celandine helps to reduce pain.

Also, juice and broth from celandine have a beneficial effect on the vessels of the chest, which leads to the normalization of processes in the tissues of the gland. In addition, a gradual blocking of the growth of the neoplasm occurs. After a certain time, the process of splitting tissues of the neoplasm is launched and recovery occurs.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to prepare raw materials for the future, then remember that its healing properties will remain no more than 3 years. Of course, under the correct storage conditions.

Drink a decoction and celandine juice with mastopathy as follows:

  • Decoction: 2 tbsp leaves of celandine and 1 tbsp roots, pour 800 ml of boiling water and put for 20 minutes in a water bath. Let it brew for about 15 minutes and immediately strain. Divide the resulting broth into 3 parts. They will have to be drunk before eating. The course of treatment is 4-5 weeks, no more.
  • Juice. Take a bunch of celandine and several stems of calendula. Grind into the gruel and squeeze the juice. Dilute 1 tsp juice in a glass of water and drink. You need to use juice in the morning and evening for 1 month. Next, you need to take a break.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice from a stomach ulcer?

Diet with ulcers

IMPORTANT: With strong exacerbation or chronic pathology, it is recommended to mix celandine with other herbs useful for the digestive system. The improved composition of the therapeutic agent will help strengthen the therapeutic effect, and recovery will come faster. You can use mint, lemon balm, plantain, St. John's wort and even scarlet.

Drink a decoction and celandine juice with a stomach ulcer is necessary as follows:

  • Decoction. Take 1 tablespoon of celandine and plantain, pour 500 ml of water and boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes and strain. The medicine is ready for use.
  • Juice. Prepare fresh juice from celandine, or purchase it in a pharmacy. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 8. Take juice 2 times a day half an hour before eating.

How to drink a decoction and celandine juice for the prevention of oncology: traditional medicine recipes

Prevention - key to good health

Oncology is a pathology that is difficult to correct, therefore it is important to do everything so that the cells of the body do not block. For the prevention of oncology, you can use celandine. If you periodically drink the decoction or juice of the plant, then you can establish the correct functioning of the body and, as a result, avoid the formation of malignant formations in the body.

The body will become healthier due to the gradual restoration of the acid-base balance, increase immunity, improve all metabolic processes at the cellular level and suppress pathogenic microflora.

IMPORTANT: The celandine contains not only useful, but also toxic substances. With not quite proper use, they can accumulate in the body and aggravate the condition even more. So that this does not happen, in no case exceed the recommended dosages, and be sure to take at least two -week breaks between the prevention courses.

Decoction and celandine juice for the prevention of oncology - 3 popular recipe:

  • Recipe No. 1. Take 2 tbsp of celandine, 1 tbsp chamomile, and 1 tbsp leaves and stems of strawberries. Pour all 500 ml of water and boil. Let me brew. Strain and put in a dark place. The resulting drink must be taken during the day in a warm form. During the year, you need to make three courses at 21 days.
  • Recipe No. 2. For the preparation of the therapeutic drug you will need 1 tbsp celandine and 1 tsp of the boro uterus, cinquefoil and 5 pcs. rosehip fruits. All this plant raw materials are folded into an enameled container, poured with a liter of water and boils until a rich color appears. You need to drink a decoction 4 times a day for 200 ml. The course of 2 weeks.
  • Recipe No. 3. Mix celandine, cinquefoil and tansy in equal parts. From the resulting mass, take 1 tbsp raw materials and brew as the usual tea brews - 250 ml of water. Drink warm on an empty stomach. The course of prevention is 4 weeks.

Tincture of celandine on vodka - for what you can take: recipe

Tincture of celandine

Immediately make a reservation that tincture of celandine on vodka is the most popular folk remedy. Its main advantage is that it does not need to be prepared every day. You can prepare a portion for a whole course of treatment and calmly take. The main thing is to store correctly - in a dark container, and in a dark place. Another advantage is that the celandine added to vodka retains more beneficial substances than, for example, during heat treatment.

IMPORTANT: Tincture of celandine on vodka can be used not only inward. With its help, you can fight with skin problems, most importantly, do not apply the product to open wounds. Alcohol infusion will help to cope with eels, papillomas, warts, eczema and psoriasis.

In addition, the infusion is taken at:

  • Gastritis
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cholecystitis
  • Gynecological diseases associated with the formation of tumors
  • Renal ailments
  • Chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Osteochondrosis

Recipe for alcohol infusion of celandine:

  • Take so much raw materials so that they can fill half a glass container
  • Put the celandine in a jar or bottle, and slightly compact
  • Share everything to the top with vodka and clog as tightly as possible
  • Send a container to a dark place for 2-4 weeks
  • Shake the bottle periodically so that the beneficial substances are distributed in vodka as evenly as possible
  • After the specified time, the medicine will be ready to use

Celandine is the benefit for men and women

Useful properties of celandine

As you probably already understood, celandine has a huge number of positive properties. Above, we have already dealt with the therapeutic capabilities of this plant a little. But all this is far from all. So, celandine has pronounced general strengthening and antiviral properties.

Therefore, with its help you can prepare the body for the cold season. It can be combined with rose hips and mint, and consumed courses like ordinary tea. In addition, the celandine has another positive quality - a laxative. Therefore, if you have problems with the digestive tract, and you are tormented by constant constipation, then celandine is exactly what you need.

In addition, the benefits of celandine are:

  • With proper use, it will help to get rid of stagnation of bile and establish the liver work
  • With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it suppresses the pathogenic microflora, eliminates the so-called intestinal lethargy, the so-called.
  • Blocks inflammatory processes on all mucous membranes, so that a person is cured even from chronic diseases
  • Although weak, but still affects the nerve endings, which helps to adjust neurosis and depressive conditions

Celandine - contraindications, harm to human health

Celandine is harmful to children

Despite the fact that the celandine has a lot of positive qualities, it is able to cause harm to human health. In addition to useful substances, it contains toxic. So they are able to damage the body. If you exceed the dosage of therapeutic agents, then the toxic substances will accumulate in the body, and aggravate the patient's condition even more. Moreover, if there is a lot of poison in the body, then intoxication will begin, and as a result, oncology can develop.

A contraindication for taking celandine is:

  • Allergy
  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy
  • Excessive seizure
  • Infant age
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation period
  • Hypotension
  • Hypertension
  • Thrombosis

Celandine - reviews of real people

Reviews about the cheatotheler

Reviews about the treatment of celandine:

  • Maryana: Initially, I treated with celandine only skin problems - warts and papillomas. But it so happened that I, it would seem, an adult, became infected with worms. The helminthic invasion was treated regularly, but nothing helped. After some time, I passed the analysis and had to start all over again. Grandmother-family advised me to drink a broth of celandine. From hopelessness, I decided to try a miracle! After 6 weeks, my tests were clean. I got rid of the problem without drugs, and most importantly, completely.
  • Vladlen: Problems with the stomach began when I received an increase at work. A lot of responsibility and a lot of work made their own, and against the background of nervous tension, pain in the stomach began to appear. The examination showed an ulcer. I had to sit on a diet and start treatment. The condition improved, but very slowly, and I decided to enhance the treatment with the use of celandine juice. He drank it, breeding in the water. Health began to improve very quickly and now I am a completely healthy person.

Video: celandine treats almost everything - recipes of traditional medicine

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