How to properly tire the white cabbage for pickling, salting, stewing, salad, borch? How to tire, cut and crumble cabbage with a special knife, meat grinder, a grater, in a kitchen combine, blender?

How to properly tire the white cabbage for pickling, salting, stewing, salad, borch? How to tire, cut and crumble cabbage with a special knife, meat grinder, a grater, in a kitchen combine, blender?

How can you cut the cabbage white and Beijing for different dishes? How to properly tire the cabbage on a grater, in a blender and in a combine? What are the hacking methods of cabbage?

It would seem that there is nothing easier than choking cabbage. However, we regularly note to ourselves that the cut cabbage in the salads of restaurants, canteens and other public catering establishments is significantly different from the busy cabbage of the house. In addition, it is advisable to use various techniques and methods of tumbling of this vegetable for the preparation of different dishes.

How to properly tire white cabbage for salting, pickling, on what days?

When do you need to ferment cabbage on the lunar calendar?
When do you need to ferment cabbage on the lunar calendar?
  • As for the time of salting and fermentation of cabbage, our grandmothers preferred to carry out this procedure after the “cabbage” in the garden was found in the garden the first night frosts (from the beginning of October to mid -November).
  • It was believed that in this way the vegetable completely gets rid of unpleasant bitterness.
  • Nowadays, many housewives adhere to the same deadlines, since it can be stored, fermented or salted in late autumn, is much easier and more convenient - it can be placed on a balcony, an unheated veranda or in another cool place.
  • Those who, for some reason, were not able to prepare pickles from cabbage for the winter, you can make them at any other convenient time.
  • The only moment is to salt and quarrel early varieties of cabbage that have not passed hardening, then the fermentation process itself will take much more time.
  • Some housewives are also practicing today in the salting of cabbage moon calendar.
  • It is believed that the most successful and tasty will turn out pickles made on the growing moon or 5-6 days after the full moon.
  • The waning moon and the full moon can cause the sourness and wilting of sauerkraut.
How to cut cabbage for pickling?
How to cut cabbage for pickling?

As for the technique of shining cabbage for salting or leaven, the algorithm for its execution is as follows:

  • We clean the vegetable from the upper leaves - we leave them in order to fix them the bottom of the jar and cover the upper cabbage.
  • In a purified head, we cut out a cabbage stump.
  • We process the cutting board with a salt solution for removing all unnecessary microorganisms from its surface.
  • We cut the forks in half - if necessary, you can cut into 4 or 8 parts.
  • We take a suitable knife - you can use a special knife for tackling cabbage (with a cut) or just take a large knife with a wide blade.
  • We pierce the cabbage across the chopped part of the head.
  • We do not smallly and not large (1-2cm), but not to the smallest stripes, otherwise the cabbage will lose its property to crunch.

How to cut white cabbage for stewing: methods

How to cut cabbage for stewing?
How to cut cabbage for stewing?
  • Classic methods of cutting cabbage for stewing are considered cubes (checkers) and slices.
  • For extinguishing, it is advisable to tire cabbage on cubes with dimensions from 1x1 to 5x5cm.
  • To chop the cabbage forks with slices, you must first cut it in half, and then cut each of the resulting halves into four more parts.
  • Thus, quite large pieces of cabbage will turn out that can be boiled, stew or fry.
  • It is also worth noting that our housewives, due to the habit or their personal preferences, more often extinguish cabbage cut by large straw.
  • This method of cutting seems more convenient and familiar to them.

How to cut cabbage for borscht: methods

How to tire the cabbage on borsch?
How to tire the cabbage on borsch?
  • Professionals for the preparation of borsch prefer to tire the cabbage with large or medium straws - at the discretion of the cook and the taste of its customers.
  • For borsch and other first dishes, you can use the technique of cutting cabbage fork on slices or cubes.
  • Not everyone prefers sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage in borsch, but few people will pay attention to this if the taste of the dishes do not suffer from this.

How to cut white cabbage for salad: methods

How to tire the cabbage on the salad?
How to tire the cabbage on the salad?
  • A straw is considered a classic way to cut cabbage into a salad.
  • If for borscht or quarrels or quenching is permissible the width of the straw up to 2cm, then the cook should try to make it as thin as possible - up to 7mm.
  • Today in our country, salads in Korean are gaining more and more popularity.
  • For Korean salads, you can use the cutting technique on checkers or slices - it all depends on the type of salad and the method of preparing it.

How to tire cabbage with a regular and special knife?

Cabbage tire technique with a special and ordinary knife
Cabbage tire technique with a special and ordinary knife

It is easiest to cut cabbage with a large knife with a long and sharp blade.
On sale today there are special knives for the cabbage tackling, but they need a certain practice and dexterity for owning.
To chop the right cabbage forks, you need to perform the following actions and learn some points:

  • We put the knife in our hand so that the whole palm participates in the wounding of them.
  • We have a thumb on the side along the handle of the device.
  • We put the index finger on top of the knife handle.
  • The remaining three fingers capture the knife from below.
  • We make sure that the fingers do not touch the blades.
  • In the process of shinkling, we pay attention to the fact that the tip of the knife does not leave the surface of the cutting board - its movements occur either forward or backward.
  • We choose one of two techniques - cut either on ourselves or from ourselves.
  • When cutting cabbage from ourselves, we make movements with a knife simultaneously forward and down - after returning it to the initial position.
  • When cutting cabbage, we carry out the movements with a knife on ourselves and down - after that we also return it to the initial position.

How to tire on a grater: which grater to choose?

How to choose a grater for cabbage tires?
How to choose a grater for cabbage tires?

Modern devices for overturning cabbage have dozens, or even hundreds of different teok models, because each housewife has the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for herself.
The differences between such devices are as follows:

  1. Working method - mechanical, electric or manual
  2. Device material - wood, metal, plastic
  3. The presence of a container for collecting a finished product
  4. Various types of nozzles for cutting (small, large, embossed)
  5. The presence of one or more knives

On the issue of choosing graters for cutting cabbage, the main role will play the individual preferences of the woman.

How to cut cabbage on a grater?
How to cut cabbage on a grater?

Included with each grater, as a rule, there is an instruction for its operation. If the grater is manual, then the hostess will have to perform a number of the following actions:

  • We wash the cabbage.
  • We clean it from the upper leaves.
  • We cut cabbage in half or a quarter.
  • We prepare a cutting board or other surface (if there is no container for collecting chopped cabbage).
  • We take a grater in the left hand.
  • Conveniently wean the grater against the surface of the board or simply press it to it.
  • In the right hand we take part of the cabbage.
  • We begin to gently rub the cabbage on the grater with smooth, but hard movements from top to bottom.

How to tire cabbage in a kitchen combine?

How to chop cabbage in a kitchen combine?
How to chop cabbage in a kitchen combine?

Each kitchen combine is attached to the instructions for its operation, which clearly and clearly describes, and sometimes it is shown how to use the device for the tires of vegetables.
As a rule, combines with a cutting function have special nozzles for various types of vegetables.
So, the algorithm of cutting cabbage on the kitchen combine:

  1. We fix the appropriate nozzle in the upper part of the bowl and cover with a lid with a hole on top.
  2. A special gutter is often located above the hole, in which we actually lay vegetables.
  3. Since the gutter has a fairly small size, we pre -cut the cabbage into suitable pieces.
  4. We put the desired mode in the combine and turn it on.
  5. When the nozzle begins to rotate under the lid, carefully lower a piece of cabbage into the cover of the lid.
  6. It presses the cabbage with a special press on top.
  7. Repeat the procedure with all cabbage.

How to cut cabbage with a blender?

How to grind cabbage in a blender?
How to grind cabbage in a blender?

It is worth saying right away that a blender is a device that allows you to crush the cabbage only to a chopped state - it is impossible to make a beautiful straw or checkers in such a device. It is easier to cut cabbage in a non -immersion blender.
Cabbage tire in a blender:

  • We install suitable knives in the blender.
  • We cut the cabbage into small pieces that can fit in the bowl of the blender.
  • We load pieces of cabbage into it.
  • Cover the blender bowl with a lid.
  • We set the desired mode on the device.
  • Turn on the blender.

How to crumble and tire the Beijing cabbage: Methods

How to chop the Beijing cabbage?
How to chop the Beijing cabbage?

Method number 1

  • Rinse the cabbage under running water, holding the head with leaves down.
  • We dry the "beer" with a paper or fabric kitchen towel.
  • We lay out a cutting board on the table.
  • We remove the upper leaves from the cabbage (usually 3-4 leaves are enough).
  • We spread cabbage on the board.
  • We cut off the lower part of the Beijing cabbage (about 5cm from the root) and throw it away.
  • Cut the cabbage in half.
  • We spread one half of the head on the board with a cut down.
  • We begin to make incisions in cabbage along a pair of centimeters from each other.
  • Then chop the heads across the strips of the required width.

Method number 2

  • Preparation of cabbage when using this method is identical to the same procedure in method No. 1.
  • The only difference is that along the cabbage we make only one incision.
  • With such cutting, the cabbage ribbon will be much longer than in the previous method.

Method number 3

  • The third method consists in cutting cabbage first in half, and then again in half.
  • Such a technique is often used to prepare the national Korean dishes of Kim-chi.

Method No. 4

  • It is difficult to call the fourth method of cutting Beijing cabbage in general, as it involves cringing the vegetable with hands.
  • In other words, cabbage leaves must simply be pulled with your hands into small pieces - the sizes of pieces directly depend on where this product will be used.

How to properly and beautifully rub the cabbage by strips, thinly?

How to tire cabbage stripes?
How to tire cabbage stripes?

To cut cabbage by strips, you need:

  • cut her head in half
  • cut the core
  • cut the forks along the strip 3-4cm wide
  • each of the strips chop across the strips of the desired width

Most often, graters are used to cut cabbage with very thin straws - only they allow you to make narrow and equal strips of cabbage leaf.

How to correctly and beautifully cut cabbage with cubes?

How to chop cabbage with cubes?
How to chop cabbage with cubes?

The algorithm of actions:

  1. We wash the cabbage
  2. We remove the core
  3. Cut the forks into two equal parts
  4. We share half the head of the head in layers into parts of 3-4 leaves
  5. We cut each part alternately first in parallel, and then perpendicular to cubes of the required size.

How to cut cabbage finely?

How can you chop the cabbage finely?
How can you chop the cabbage finely?
  • To cut cabbage finely, it is best to use a special grater.
  • Most experts prefer, of course, to tire cabbage with a knife. However, this requires good practice.
  • You can grind cabbage in the combine, but it cannot guarantee one hundred percent result - very often in the finished material there are large layers of cabbage that flew past the knife.
  • But for grinding cabbage to the state of chopped, it is advisable to use just the same combine or blender. Only in this case, you need to place knives in the combine and grind the cabbage inside the bowl.
  • It is also worth mentioning the favorite method of our grandmothers and mothers of grinding cabbage for cutlets or small filling - a meat grinder. This device allows you to get finely chopped pieces of vegetable at the output.

How to cut cabbage quickly?

How to quickly chop cabbage?
How to quickly chop cabbage?
  • The fastest way to grind cabbage is quickly using electrical devices. When using them, you can get a finely covered vegetable in a matter of seconds.
  • In second place is a professional cook in the speed of cabbage tackling - it is also able to give out the cabbage with a knife in a few seconds. However, only a few have this technique.
  • Longer processes are considered rubbing cabbage on a grater and grinding it in a meat grinder.

That's all the best and tested methods of cutting cabbage. Delicious dishes and easy cooking!

How to properly and quickly tire on cabbage: video

How to cut Beijing cabbage: video

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you, of course, very useful, only a technical moment:
    "On the issue of choosing graters for slicing cabbage, the main role will be played by individual preferences of a woman."
    And men do not fundamentally cut cabbage or what?

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