How to make sauerkraut in banks for the winter at home: the best recipes. A recipe for sauerkraut in Georgian with beets, with honey, buckwheat, horseradish, without sugar: description, photo

How to make sauerkraut in banks for the winter at home: the best recipes. A recipe for sauerkraut in Georgian with beets, with honey, buckwheat, horseradish, without sugar: description, photo

Recipes for making sauerkraut with honey, cranberry and horseradish.

Cooped cabbage is an original Russian dish. This is a great appetizer for strong alcoholic drinks. But besides this, sauerkraut is a storehouse of vitamins, which are so lacking in winter.

How to make sauerkraut at home: simple recipe

The ingredients for preparing this pickle are in every refrigerator. To do this, use cabbage, carrots, spices, salt and sugar. If desired, Bulgarian pepper and onions can be added to cabbage. Some housewives make a mix of cabbage, cucumbers and green tomatoes.

The most wait for the recipe for sauerkraut:

  • Chop the vegetable and grate carrots. Fold alternately in a pan or jar. Boil water and cool it. Add 25 g of salt and sugar.
  • Tentatively, by a tablespoon for 1,500 ml of water
  • When salt with sugar dissolves, pour cabbage. Take a rolling pin and put pressure on the vegetables. It is necessary that the liquid completely covers the vegetables
  • Now leave the seat for three days in a warm place. The dish can be prepared earlier or later, it all depends on the temperature in the room
  • Light a spoon or spoon into the container every day and move it. This will fully suck in vegetables
  • Close the jar with a lid and put on the cold

How to prepare sauerkraut for the winter in banks?

This preparation method includes aspirin. Banks with pickles need to be rolled up.


  • Cut the head of the head with thin stripes. You can use a shinkle or combine
  • Grate the carrots on the grater and mix with cabbage. Fill a three -liter bottle to half a vegetable mixture and sprinkle with a spoon of salt and sugar
  • Press the aspirin tablet and sprinkle the vegetables. Put bay leaf and pepper with peas
  • Fill the container to the end and lay out 50 g of salt and sugar. Crush 2 aspirin tablets and sprinkle the mixture
  • Boil water and still pour a mixture of vegetables. Roll up and turn the bottle upside down
  • When the cabbage has cooled, transfer it to the cellar
  • In this recipe, aspirin acts as a preservative and does not allow the lid to swell

Fast sauerkraut with vinegar: recipe

This recipe can be considered universal, since a delicious appetizer will be ready in a day. Vinegar is used for cooking, it pickles cabbage.

Step -by -step recipe:

  • Cut the head of the head on the shinkle or an ordinary knife
  • Mix with grated carrots. 2 kg of cabbage and 2 pieces of carrots are needed on the bottle
  • If desired, you can lay out a bay leaf, pepper with peas to the bottom of the container.
  • Fold the vegetable mixture in a jar and compact well
  • Boil 1200 ml of water and pour 35 g of salt and sugar. Add 150 ml of vinegar with a concentration of 9%
  • Pour vegetables with cold marinade and leave for a day on the table
  • After that, you can transfer the snack to the cold
Sauerkraut with vinegar
Sauerkraut with vinegar

A recipe for sauerkraut in Georgian with beets

This is a recipe for a spicy snack with garlic and a storm. If desired, the root of horseradish and red pepper are added for severity.

Recipe for Georgian cabbage with beets:

  • For a two -kilogram head of cabbage, 1 piece of vinaigrette beetroot, carrots, onion, garlic and spicy pepper is needed
  • Chop the main ingredient. If desired, the vegetable can be cut with petals
  • Grate carrots and beets on grater
  • Press the garlic or turn the blender into mashed potatoes.
  • Cut the pepper into strips, do not throw the seeds, they are also added to vegetables
  • Cut the onion with rings
  • Mix all the vegetables and put in a container
  • Boil 1000 ml of water for the marinade and add 180 ml of vinegar, 100 g of sugar and 30 g of salt to it
  • Boisting with boiling marinade, pour vegetables. Close the jar with a lid and leave for 12-15 hours
Cooped cabbage in Georgian
Cooped cabbage in Georgian

Sauerkraut with honey: recipe

This is a recipe for our grandmothers. In it, sugar was replaced with honey, because this beekeeping product was then in every house.


  • Cut the main ingredient into thin strips. Mix with grated carrots
  • Boil 1200 ml of water and pour 100 g of salt. When the liquid cools, add 40 g of honey
  • Pour the vegetables with a solution and close the kapron lid
  • Leave for a day in the warmth. Then transfer to the refrigerator
Sauerkraut with honey
Sauerkraut with honey

Cooped -sauerkraut recipe with cranberries

Recipe for a spicy snack with cranberries. Instead of sugar, honey is used.

Preparation instructions:

  • Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Pour 30 g of salt and mix
  • Leave for 2 hours
  • Remember the vegetables with your hands, you should turn out a lot of juice
  • Add honey, pepper and vegetable oil. Honey and oils need 50 g.
  • Mix everything again and add a glass of cranberries
  • Transfer the contents of the bowl to the banks and cover with a lid with holes. Time tightly the contents
  • Water in this recipe is not used, there is enough juice from vegetables.
  • Place the cans on the cold for 7 days

Every 2 days, move the contents of the cans or a wooden stick.

Sauerkraut with cranberry
Sauerkraut with cranberry

How to cook sauerkraut without sugar: step -by -step recipe

If you follow the figure or do not eat sugar, prepare the cabbage without it.


  • Chop a two -kilogram head. Grate 2 pcs. carrots and mix with cabbage
  • Sprinkle vegetables 30 g of salt. Remember with your hands and put the load on top
  • After 24 hours, perfume the layers of the pickles with a fork or knife and put the oppression again on top
  • Leave for another 48 hours warm
  • After that, transfer to the cold
Sauerkraut without sugar
Sauerkraut without sugar

Sauerkraut with horseradish: recipe

This is an acute appetizer for lovers of piquant dishes.

Cooking order:

  • Chop the head and mix with crushed carrots
  • Boil a brine of 1200 ml of water, 30 g of sugar and 25 g of salt. Cool the liquid
  • Wash the horseradish root and chop. Add to vegetables
  • Put the bay leaf, pepper with peas to the bottom of the jars. Following the vegetables
  • When the bank is filled, pour it with a brine
  • Leave for 3 days warm. Do not forget to pierce with a knife sometimes
Sauerkraut with horseradish
Sauerkraut with horseradish

How to quickly and tasty cook sauerkraut: tips

Our grandmothers very responsibly approached the sourdough of cabbage. Here are a few secrets:

  • It is better to cook a snack when the moon grows
  • It is recommended to hold salting on men's day (Monday, Thursday or Tuesday)
  • Do not cook the dish during menstruation
  • Banks or pots for salting must first rinse with boiling water
  • Use only clean dishes for mixing. It can also be poured with boiling water
Zakovask of cabbage
Zakovask of cabbage

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing this pickles. The main thing is to be patient and approach the matter in a good mood.

Video: How to cook sauerkraut without salt?

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