What is alopecia in men, women, children: symptoms, signs, causes, treatment. Hair loss: how to stop?

What is alopecia in men, women, children: symptoms, signs, causes, treatment. Hair loss: how to stop?

The article reveals the causes and types of alopecia, describes the methods of treatment and prevention.

Dropping out hair worries many. Counts normal, if in day falls out before hundreds hair. U healthy man on the place fallen hair grow new and that's why them amount on the head always about the same.

BUT here if hair not resumedsuch phenomenon called alopecia.

Moreover hair fall out in one place, for example, in areas forehead or on the crown, also can fall out foci or on all surfaces hairy parts heads evenly.

Kinds alopecia: cicatricial and not cicatricial,focal, androgenetic, diffuse

Distinguish two groups alopecia:

  • Rubtsov alopeciacharacterized dying hair follicle, they atrophy and lost ability recovery

  • Not scarred alopeciacharacterized those, what hair follicles although and perform their functions, but are located in oppressed condition

Not scarred alopecia in my turn it has their varieties:

  • diffuse alopeciais happening uniform the loss hair on the all head, in mainly from diffuse alopecia suffer women

  • androgenetic  alopeciathe most often encountered variety not Rubtsova alopecia. Called genetic processes. At such alopecia exchange substances in hair follicles reduces, for growth tough hair not enough nourishing substances and that's why start grow pushkin

  • focalbaldness it begins with small hearth, which the gradually distributed by on the all head

U children rarely observed congenital absence hair. Such phenomenon always coarded with others complications in development child. However in flow first of the year life u baby growth hair normalizes.

U children older three years often diagnosed nest baldness. Such baldness maybe develop on differently: or arises one hearth baldness, or lots of. Second option development found much more often.

Causes of alopecia

The causes of diffuse alopecia are a variety of factors. Such an alopecia can occur due to age -related changes, since in old age the hair loss occurs more intensively, and may be associated with health problems: thyroid diseases, a change in the hormonal background, the presence staphylococcal and others skin diseases.
Androgenetic alopecia is caused by the causes that occur at the genetic level. With this type of alopecia on the cells of hair follicles, male sex hormones (dihydrotestosterone) are excessively affected. Also, androgenetic alopecia can provoke:

  • infection
  • stress condition
  • the failure of the hormonal background
  • injury
  • hereditary predisposition

Focal alopecia can develop due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, traumatic brain injuries, the presence of infections in the body, and weakening the immune system. Disorders of the nervous system are also a common cause.
In addition to the above reasons, the following can also be indicated:

  • deficiency of trace elements in the body (iron, zinc, calcium, etc.)
  • increased content of folic acid, vitamins A, C
  • anemia
  • syphilis
  • smoking
  • acid rains
  • chemotherapy
  • exposure to radiation
  • long intake of drugs
  • mechanical pressure
  • irradiation

In children, the causes of baldness are: mental and nervous injuries, as well as thyroid dysfunction.

Video: What is alopecia? Causes of appearance

Symptoms of alopecia

With androgenic alopecia, the hair will become thinner and subsequently fall out. Such a process leads to gradual baldness. In men, as a rule, the parietal and frontal areas suffer, in women, hair will be read to thin in the central parting area, gradually covering the areas of the side surfaces.

With focal alopecia, hair loss occurs in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe dermis of the head, and there can be several zones of baldness. The focal alopecia begins with a small spot (hearth) of baldness and reaches complete loss of hair on the head or body. Loss of hair on the face and body is less common. In the area of \u200b\u200bhair loss, you can sometimes find a small roughness and inflammation. Patients most often do not experience physical pain or itching.

With diffuse alopecia, the hair falls evenly throughout the head

Diagnosis of alopecia

Diagnosis of alopecia is not difficult: this is either the lack of hair in the patient or a decrease in the density of the hairline. Diagnosis will require a number of studies. Alopecia may be the result of a disease. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to exclude thyroid diseases, i.e. Explore its functions. Mandatory conduct a detailed blood test with the aim:

  • identify possible functional disorders in the operation of the immune system
  • determine the level of male hormones (testosterone) in the blood
  • determine the concentration of blood plasma ferritin
  • determine the number of T- and v-lymphocytes

It is necessary to examine the hair under a microscope, conduct a biopsy of the hair of the scalp, and conduct a sample with sipping of the hair (with alopecia of the hair, it is easy to remove).

Video: Symptoms and diagnosis of alopecia

Treatment of alopecia

The time of circulation is one of the most important factors for obtaining positive results in the treatment of alopecia.

The treatment process consists of a number of stages: it is necessary to stop further hair loss, then restore the full operation of the cells of the hair follicles, for which there are developed treatment for baldness.
For the treatment of alopecia, they use:

  • vitamins
  • corticosteroid ointments
  • fitin
  • corticosteroids inside
  • alcohol rubbing an irritating effect
  • photochemotherapy
  • sedatives
  • ultraviolet irradiation combined with photosensitizers

Unfortunately, reliable and universal tools and methods that allow curing alopecia is not developed. Among the latest achievements, treatment is distinguished with the help of surgical intervention, in particular, with cicatricial alopecia, skin transplant or excision of scarring areas are made.

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Treatment of alopecia with folk remedies at home

Tested folk remedies for the treatment of baldness include ingredients that activate hair follicles, stimulate hair growth and strengthen the hair from roots to tips. These include:

The greatest popularity in folk medicine is the treatment of alopecia with salt. With the help of salt (preferably sea) of large grinding with rich mineral content, scalp is massage. You cannot massage the head with salt in the presence of endocrine diseases, diseases thyroid gland, diabetes, skin diseases ( seborrhea, dandruff) in the acute stage.

In these diseases, it is best to use decoctionsand oils of medicinal plants.
At home, shampoos are used, which include nutrients.

How to stop the baldness in women?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of baldness, for which to visit a doctor, determine the form of alopecia and outline a plan for therapy. If alopecia is caused by a fungus, conduct therapy with antimycotic agents.
It is necessary to eliminate (if any) endocrine pathologies, skin diseases, solve neurological problems, get rid of iron deficiency anemia, apply iron and vitamins.

How to stop the baldness in men?

It is necessary to consult a doctor and clarify the state of all the functions of the male body, primarily the liver and the prostate gland. Studies of the scalp are carried out in order to clarify the condition of the hair follicles.
Recently, men are shown phytoestrogens, in which small doses contain estrogen -like substances. Additionally, massage, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, psychotherapy and hypnosis, carefully monitor the condition of the hair.

How to stop the baldness in children?

It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of alopecia in children. For this, you need a consultation of a trichologist, mycologist, a children's neurologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist.
Conduct treatment of chronic infections, organize proper and full nutrition, vitamins, wash your hair no more than 2 times a week, systematically cut boys, and in girls to avoid brake tight braids.
The purpose of general strengthening therapy is shown.

Prevention of baldness

Catching prevention is an important stage in the fight against alopecia. You should lead a healthy lifestyle, abandon bad habits, avoid stress, care for hair, especially for men.

It is worth reducing:

  • traumatic, thermal and chemical effects on the hair
  • avoid hypothermia to prevent a spasm of the vessels of the head (in cold weather, the head must be covered)
  • reduce caffeine use
  • apply vitamins

It should be borne in mind that the process of stopping hair loss is long -term, so you should not interrupt treatment ahead of time.

Video: Treatment of alopecia

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Comments K. article

  1. The photo is of course impressive ... I had a diffuse alopecia, everything did not look so sad, but I was treated for almost six months. Therefore, my advice is not pulled and go to the doctor. I saw Rinfoltil tablets for a month, and the rilecet siplon rubbed it for five months. What helped and alopecia retreated.

  2. For the time being, I did not even know the word of such an alopecia-poke myself with a terrible hair loss did not encounter. Here, I think, already in its own experience, that first of all, you need to contact the endocrinologist. Because most often problems with the thyroid gland. I have hormones slying-sprayed the endocrinol course, I began to eat right and thank God everything normalized. Masochki would not help here, alas ..

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