Onion for hair. Masks from hair loss and dandruff with onion juice and honey, lemon, egg, garlic, burdock, castor oil, kefir

Onion for hair. Masks from hair loss and dandruff with onion juice and honey, lemon, egg, garlic, burdock, castor oil, kefir

The onion helps to make hair thick and lush. Choose a suitable mask for yourself, and in a month your hair will be irresistible.

Every girl dreams of luxurious long hair. But not everyone gave nature a beautiful hair. Many ladies cannot grow their hair all their lives - the ended ends are cut off, hair is thinning and becoming lifeless.

Hair bow is an excellent tool against damage and baldness. Many girls worry that after the course, the hair will have a specific smell.

Important: the smell is easily washed off with a conventional hair detergent, so use onion masks - a powerful stimulant of good hair growth.

How does onions stimulate hair growth?

Onions stimulates hair growth
Onions stimulates hair growth

Dryness of the skin, the appearance of fungus, the loss of hair tissues - all this is a consequence of the lack of sulfur. It is this substance that is in onion juice. Few people only know about a balanced diet and adhere to it.

Important: if a person does not eat since nutritionists advise, then he is in a lack of nutrients in his body, including sulfur.

How does onions stimulate hair growth? Sure is a healing substance that has the ability to stimulate blood movement through the vessels and capillaries of reducing inflammation of the skin epidermis.

Sure also supports not only the hairline in excellent condition, but also the nails. This “beauty mineral” is important in the formation of collagen particles - a protein that gives perfect smoothness to the skin.

Important: sulfur is not produced in our body, it should come from the outside. Therefore, you need to make "cocktails" for the hairline and epidermis at least once every 7-10 days.

Onion juice is rubbed into the roots from hair loss

Onion juice is rubbed into the roots from hair loss
Onion juice is rubbed into the roots from hair loss

The onion "cocktail" helps even with local baldness - focal alopecia. In 2003, experience with several dozen people was conducted. Once every 7 days they rubbed into the upper layer of the epiderma onion extract.

Almost 73% of people who rubbed the onion juice into the roots from hair loss, the bulb restored. After a while, a fluff appeared and good hair began to grow.

Mask for strengthening hair with onions and honey

Mask for strengthening hair with onions and honey
Mask for strengthening hair with onions and honey

Honey is another of the best stimulants of growth of hairline. Therefore, it is actively used to prepare the mixture.

Mask for strengthening hair with onions and honey:

  • Take two onions, clean and chop it to a puree state
  • Add the same amount of honey, stirring until a homogeneous cocktail is obtained
  • Rub it thoroughly into the scalp. Cover your head with a shower hat and leave it for 15 minutes
  • After time, rinse the mask with ordinary hair shampoo

Onions and honey for hair from falling out

Onions and honey for hair from falling out
Onions and honey for hair from falling out

Another effective “cocktail” for creating a beautiful hair is made with the addition of olive oil. This product contains a huge number of trace elements and minerals useful for our body.

Onions and honey for hair loss with olive oil:

  • Make onion gruel and mix it thoroughly with honey 1: 1
  • Warm up one tablespoon of olive oil and mix it with onions and honey
  • Apply the Mikstur to the epiderma of the head, hold for 10 minutes and rinse your favorite washing tool

Mask for strengthening hair with onions and kefir

Mask for strengthening hair with onions and kefir
Mask for strengthening hair with onions and kefir

Kefir is used by cosmetologists to treat the epidermis on the head. This eliminates seborrhea, itching and hair loss. He “feeds” the hair due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins, protein and calcium.

Mask for strengthening hair with onions and kefir:

  • Squeeze the juice of one middle onion
  • Mix it with one glass of kefir
  • Distribute the resulting mixture on your head, wrap it with polyethylene and a towel. Wait for 1 hour
  • Wash off with warm water. Due to kefir, the smell of onions will not be felt, but if it seems to you that it is present, then rinse your head with shampoo

Onions with an egg for the growth and density of hair

Onions with an egg for the growth and density of hair
Onions with an egg for the growth and density of hair

There is a nutritious base in the egg, which enriches the hair, saturates with moisture and oxygen, making lush and lungs. The components of the egg particles help remove the skin and even seborrhea.

Onions with an egg for growth and density of hair:

  • Turn onions with a blender into a half -liquid mass
  • Add two yolks to it (proteins can not be applied to the hair, since from the warmth of the head, they will curl up and will remain on the hair for a long time)
  • Mix all components and apply to the roots and hair along the entire length
  • Hold the "mixed" on the head for 15 minutes and rinse with running water

Onion with garlic from hair loss

Onion with garlic from hair loss
Onion with garlic from hair loss

The skin when contacting burning substances blushes, irritated and burning occurs. Thanks to this, the movement of blood through the capillaries to the hair follicles improves, the growth process is stimulated.

Onions with garlic from hair loss:

  • Grate the garlic to get 2 tablespoons with half -fat mass
  • Grind one small onion. Mix onions and garlic
  • Apply to hair 1 hour before washing your head. After that, rinse with a detergent for hair and rinse the herbal decoction

Onions with burdock and castor oil for the growth and density of hair

Onions with burdock and castor oil for the growth and density of hair
Onions with burdock and castor oil for the growth and density of hair

To make their hair beautiful, lush, without dandruff and itching, trichologists advise everyone to use vegetable oils in care. With their help, you can do essence - the effect will be excellent, and the result is immediate.

Onions with burdock and castor oil for the growth and density of hair:

  • Make a half -liquid mass of two bulbs
  • Mix castor and burdock oil along one tablespoon
  • Mix all the components of the “cocktail” well and apply it to the hair and skin

Tip: make such a composition 2-3 times in 7-10 days, and after 30-50 days you will feel the first initial treatment effect. Hair will shine and radiate beauty.

Remand with dandruff hair

Remand with dandruff hair
Remand with dandruff hair

Dandruff occurs in every third person. The fight against her takes a lot of time and money. But there is the easiest and most affordable way to combat dandruff.

Recipe with onions from dandruff:

  • Grind the onion into the semi -liquid mass with a grater or meat grinder. You need 2 tablespoons of this mass
  • Mix it with 1 teaspoon of alcohol
  • Rub the resulting "mixed" in the hair and skin cover thoroughly. Wrap your head with polyethylene and towel for 1 hour
  • Washing the composition with warm water, and then rinse your head with a detergent with hair

Cognac on onions recipe

Cognac on onions recipe
Cognac on onions recipe

Such a “beauty cocktail” helps to add vitality to the hair and to stop their loss forever. This is facilitated by a natural keratin base contained in a bow.

Cognac on onions recipe:

  • Squeeze the burning liquid from one onion
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of juice in a glass plate, 1 tablespoon of cognac and a little honey
  • Apply the mass only to the scalp. No need to distribute it on her hair, as she will dry them. If you have too dry and brittle hair, add 1 tablespoon of castor oil to the mask
  • Put on a shower hat and wrap your head with a hiller with a towel
  • Wash the mask with warm water in an hour, and the next day wash your head with shampoo. Repeat the treatment after 3 days

Onion with hair lemon

Onion with hair lemon
Onion with hair lemon

The fruit of lemon tree is almost on the first line in the list of food products valuable to humans. It has many useful elements and vitamin C. The essential oils of this fetus in combination with burning vegetable will perfectly fuel the skin and improve the structure of the hair thread.

Onions with hair lemon:

  • In a glass plate, mix the juice of one onion and 1 tablespoon of lemon
  • Add 1 tablespoon of burdock or other vegetable oil to this mixture, 2 tablespoons of honey and a little shampoo
  • Mix all the ingredients for obtaining foam, and apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length
  • Warm your head with polyethylene and towel, and wait 2 hours
  • After 1-1.5 hours, rinse the mask with water with shampoo

How to cook tincture with hair onions?

How to cook tincture with hair onions?
How to cook tincture with hair onions?

Onions are the best medicine against baldness. But many people cannot make him compounds for treatment. With his smell, it greatly corrodes the mucous membrane of the eye and its smell can be earned for a long time that it is difficult to get it out.

Therefore, instead of onions, on the preparation of a “mixed” for the skin of the head, onion husks can be used. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from it. It is tinctures that are very popular, since they can be stored for a long time due to the content of alcohol.

So, how to cook tincture with hair onions? Full the following stages:

  • Prepare a glass floor liter jar with a reliable lid
  • Put 3-4 clove buds on the bottom of the jar
  • Follow this vessel on onion husk to the top
  • Pour vodka to the brim and close it loosely with a plastic lid
  • Put in a dark place for 10 days. During this time, the jar must be shaken every day - for this you will need a dense lid
  • After that, strain the tincture, and squeeze the husk. Everything - tincture is ready

Tip: Store tincture in the refrigerator, on the lower shelves. Before applying to the skin - warm the "cocktail". Keep masks for no more than 1 hour. Do this 2 times a week for 2 months-this will help restore hair and consolidate a good outcome of treatment.

Coloring and strengthening hair on onion husk

Coloring and strengthening hair on onion husk
Coloring and strengthening hair on onion husk

In home cosmetology, onion husks is used to dye hair. This method is suitable for everyone except blondes. If you add a tablespoon of glycerol to a decoction of onion husks, then you get a beautiful copper shine of hair.

Coloring and strengthening hair with onion husks is carried out as follows:

  • Prepare a decoction of onion husks to get a dark brown liquid (a handful of husk per 100 ml of water)
  • Cool it to body temperature
  • Pour your head with a decoction, squeeze your hair a little
  • Pour a shower hat and shut your hair with a towel
  • Keep this natural paint on your head for an hour. Then rinse your hair with water. To achieve a persistent effect, it is necessary to perform staining every day for 2 weeks

Hair mask with mustard and onions

Hair mask with mustard and onions
Hair mask with mustard and onions

Mustard warms and improves blood on the capillaries. The power of the hair follicle improves, it is strengthened, rapid growth and restoration of the structural part of the hair occurs.

Hair mask with mustard and onions:

  • Dilute mustard powder with warm water until the gruel is obtained
  • Add 2 tablespoons of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of aloe and the same amount of honey
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture to the head. So that the ends of the hair do not dry out, apply burdock oil on them
  • Wrap your head for 1 hour and then rinse the mask with warm water. The effect will be noticeable after one month of use (1 time per week)

Aloe on hair: recipe

Aloe on hair: recipe
Aloe on hair: recipe

Aloe should be in every house, as it treats and helps to get rid of dandruff and baldness. This plant has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It is part of many detergents and rinses.

Aloe on hair: recipe:

  • Collect the lower leaves of aloe, they are the most fleshy and juicy
  • Put them in a refrigerator for a week
  • After time, squeeze the juice to get 2 tablespoons. Take the remaining leaves again in the refrigerator
  • Add one onion to the aloe juice and 1 tablespoon of honey to the aloe juice. You can use onion gruel, but then aloe must be chopped in a blender
  • Rub the mixture into the scalp. Leave the mask for an hour, rinse with water and shampoo. After 3 days, repeat the procedure with aloe leaves that remained in the refrigerator

How to get rid of the smell of onions from the hair?

How to get rid of the smell of onions from the hair?
How to get rid of the smell of onions from the hair?

Almost all women who use this vegetable as the main ingredient for masks are faced with the problem of the smell of onions on their hair. If the hair is dry, then the smell may not disappear even after washing the head with shampoo.

How to get rid of the smell of onions from the hair? Colorless henna can help in this:

  • Dilute one tablespoon of a spin in hot water to make a gruel
  • Apply the mixture to the head and keep for 15 minutes
  • After that, rinse the mask with water and shampoo

The mask of kefir and mustard with the addition of any fragrant essential oil is excellently coping with the removal of the smell from onions on the hair:

  • Dilute the hen in a small amount of water
  • Add a little kefir and 5 drops of essential oil
  • Mix the mask and apply to the hair
  • After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo

Another effective mask:

  • Take two egg yolks and mix them with a spoonful of honey
  • Add 5 drops of tangerine oil to the mixture
  • Mix all the ingredients and apply to your head
  • Keep for 20-30 minutes, rinse your hair with water and wash with shampoo. Honey is eaten into the hair structure and removes the smell well

The smell after applying onion medicine will not be too strong if you use not a half -liquid mass, but only a liquid - juice. You can do the compositions for weekends when you do not need to go to work or during vacation. Hair will surely thank you for your volume and beauty!

Video: Tested on yourself: onion mask or how to grow hair?

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