Vitamins for children: to increase immunity, for growth, development, appetite, for eyes, teeth, hair. The daily rate of vitamins and minerals for children by age: Table

Vitamins for children: to increase immunity, for growth, development, appetite, for eyes, teeth, hair. The daily rate of vitamins and minerals for children by age: Table

Taking vitamin preparations in order to eliminate a deficiency of nutrients is called vitamin prevention. If in the case of an adult, vitamin deficiency is manifested by some symptoms, then it can be very difficult to understand that your child does not have enough vitamins.

It is even more difficult that the child is constantly growing, and for this, he needs more vitamins than an adult. Therefore, in pediatrics it is customary to prevent a deficiency of vitamins. But, the child should take vitamins only after their appointment by the doctor in whom he is observed.

Do children need vitamins? The value of vitamins for the health and development of the child

Many useful compounds cannot be produced by the human body, so they should enter it with food. But, few parents can offer their child a really diverse diet, rich in useful products. The way out of the situation may be the reception of additional vitamin complexes.

Be sure to need additional intake of vitamins for children with poor appetite using various diets (for example, vegetarian), etc. Today, the pharmacological industry produces children's vitamins in the form of chewing sweets or delicious syrups. Their reception will not become a big problem for the child.

Children's vitamin complexes that can be bought at a pharmacy without recipes are usually safe

But, with an overdose or uncontrolled administration, such drugs can cause problems. For example, vitamin C, which is the most popular vitamin, when consumed in large quantities, can cause severe headaches and diarrhea.

Before starting to give the child pharmacy drugs on your own, you need to consult a doctor. And always keep packaging with them in an inaccessible place for children.

Do you need vitamins for children up to a year?

Special complexes for babies up to a year are necessary only if the child does not receive all the necessary substances with the breast milk of the mother or artificial nutrition. Particularly necessary are:

  • Vitamin D. Holekalciferol is important for the development of a child from 0 to 9 months. Its disadvantage is caused by rickets, disorders in the immune system and even tuberculosis. More than 90% of this compound is synthesized by the body when skin contacts with sunlight. But, the remaining 10% must be obtained with food. The main sources are mushrooms, fish and egg yolks. But, these products by age cannot yet be given to the child. Children in need of vitamin D should be given using specially designed vitamin complexes. Such complexes are especially necessary in winter when there is a lack of sunny days
  • Vitamin A. It is necessary for the correct formation of the immune system. Breastfeeding, children practically do not need retinoid. But, if the child has its deficiency, then the attending physician must prescribe special complexes containing this compound
  • Vitamin C. A very important compound for the child's body. Ascorbic acid is involved in most metabolic reactions and is necessary to strengthen the gums, absorption of iron and calcium
In addition to the above compounds, a child from 0 to 12 months needs such trace elements as iodine, iron, calcium and magnesium

Whether or not vitamins are needed for infants, the pediatrician should decide. Do not "prescribe" such drugs yourself.

Necessary vitamins for the health and development of children under 4 years of age

Children need to include pharmacy drugs taking into account their age. Children from 1-2 years old need vitamins of group B, C, PP, A and of course D. It is they who are responsible for the growth of the child and the correct formation of his body. Since at this age, babies still cannot swallow tablets, they should receive all drugs in liquid form.

But from additives containing vitamin K, it is necessary to refuse. It is contraindicated in children, as it negatively affects fragile immunity and can even cause bleeding.

It is best to combine vitamin additives with breastfeeding. In order for the child to be healthy, it needs to be fed with breast milk up to 2 years of age.

Children over 2 years of age need exactly the same vitamins as children who have not yet been two years old. But, since the baby can already master hard food, he can be given not only syrups, but also chewing tablets.

The best complexes for children aged 1 year to 3 years are:

Three years, this is the age when children begin to go to kindergarten and other preschool institutions. During the period of getting used to such institutions, a child may experience stress. Which, in turn, leads to a weakening of immunity. In order to avoid the negative consequences of such stress, it is necessary to include pharmacy complexes in the child’s diet that contain ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as vitamins A, B6 and PP.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to diversify baby food with products containing these vitamins. Therefore, for three -year -olds it is best to buy in a pharmacy one of the following vitamins:

At four years old, the child begins the phase of rapid muscle growth and the bone system. That is why, its nutritious diet should consist of products rich in vitamins as C, group B, D and A. The best vitamin complexes during this period are:

But, in addition to a balanced diet, a child, especially at this age, needs walks and active games in the fresh air.

Necessary vitamins for the health and development of children from 4 to 14 years old

As already written above, at the age of 4, the child begins rapid growth of muscle and bone mass. This phase lasts up to 7 years. As a rule, at this age, the child’s growth slows down. And the rapid formation of the brain and nervous system comes to the fore.

On the head
At the age of 4 to 7 years, the child must actively move

His diet should be diverse. In order to avoid vitamin deficiency, you can take complexes that were described above.

At the age of 7-10 years, an intellectual load is on the child. In order for the child to cope with her, he needs vitamins E, C, group B and A. most of them will help to properly develop the brain and prevent problems associated with school load.

The best balanced complexes for children of this age are:

At the age of 11 years, the need for certain vitamins in children is divided by gender. In order for the child not to lag behind his peers in physical terms he needs additional vitamins and minerals. The lack of the necessary elements will not only affect the work of the brain and the child’s immune system, but also on its activity. It will be more often tired and not to cope with the load.

At this age, the best complexes will be:

In addition to ready -made vitamin complexes for children of this age, additives based on:

  • Echinacea. This plant has immunostimulating actions and will help strengthen the child's health during intellectual and physical exertion
  • Zinc. This mineral has an indispensable help to the immune system. For preschool children, a dosage of 10-20 mg is shown, and schoolchildren-20-40 mg per day
  • Omega-3. If the child is early excommunicated from the chest and the red fish is not included in his diet, then most likely he experiences the lack of omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds are extremely necessary for the child, as they participate in many metabolic reactions in the body
  • Probiotics. For proper absorption of food, the intestines of the child must contain a useful Lacto and bifidobacteria microflora. They can be obtained using sour -milk products or from special additives. You can give such additives to a child from 6 months of age

Important: you can’t do self -medication. If you notice that your child has become less active, often gets tired and sick, then you need not to run to the pharmacy and buy a specialized vitamin complex, but to seek help from specialists. The doctor will not only be able to choose the right drug, but also correctly calculates its dosage.

Vitamins for children to increase immunity

Strengthening the immune system is especially important in childhood. When the baby is breastfeeding, with mother’s milk he receives all the necessary substances. But, after the baby begins to eat ordinary food, it is important for parents to make his diet balanced.

Medical examination
Unfortunately, the lack of some vitamins in the diet of a child can lead to a weakening of immunity

If the child began to catch up often, his health after illness is difficult to restore, allergic reactions appear to some products, the baby's nails become brittle, and the lymph nodes are often inflamed, then most likely your baby does not receive some beneficial substances.

Such children need to include sea fish, fruits, vegetables, egg yolks, liver and other products in the diet. But, today it is very difficult to diversify the diet in this way, therefore, to restore immunity and prevent its reduction, the child needs to drink a course of special drugs that are important to choose by his age and well -being.

Vitamin complexes for children are especially useful for:

  • Inferior and non -balanced diet
  • With high physical and intellectual loads
  • With frequent overwork
  • To restore after severe diseases
  • During the season of vitamin deficiency
  • During the rapid growth of muscles and skeleton of the child

Important: numerous studies show that even a variety of and good nutrition cannot 100% guarantee a lack of a lack of some vitamins. Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist S.G. Makarova believes that periodically consuming together with normal food of vitamin complexes is a mandatory rule for your children.

Particularly important vitamins for children's immunity are:

  • Vitamin A. This substance is involved in the formation of the visual system, skin cells, protects the body from viruses, tumors and reduces the consequences of negative allergic reactions
  • Vitamin E. Actively affects the development of the whole organism as a whole, and also reduces the actions of viruses and pathogenic bacteria
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid can strengthen the gums and blood vessels. It helps the body cope with colds
  • Vitamin D. Plays a great influence in the formation of bone tissue, improves the functioning of the heart and the immune system as a whole

The choice of drugs for the child’s immunity must be entrusted to a specialist. It must prescribe those in which the above substances are present in large numbers. They can have the shape of powder, tablets, syrup and chewing loafers.

For children under a year, children are given powdered forms of vitamins diluted in water. For children older, chewing sweets are the best form. The pleasant taste of such "vitamins" will definitely like your baby. Schoolchildren can already cope with a tablet form of vitamins.

Vitamins may contain one element, for example, ascorbic acid. Complex drugs may include several useful compounds and substances. Also in the pharmacy you can buy complexes that include not only vitamins and minerals, but also plant extracts.

Based on parents' reviews, several drugs can be distinguished that can strengthen your child's immune system:

In addition to a balanced diet, improved due to special additives to strengthen children's immunity, it is important for a child to monitor hygiene, observe the daily routine and, as far as possible, spend more time at a fresh age.

Vitamins for children for growth

Growth measurement
During rapid growth, the child needs more vitamins

As we already wrote above, vitamin complexes must be used as an additive to a balanced diet. Therefore, even before their intake, consider increasing the child’s diet with products with rich protein, fatty omga-3 acids and other compounds responsible for the height and weight of the child.

Important: but, still, you can’t do without vitamins. After all, the daily need of only one of them vitamin A is contained in 15 kilograms of meat. It is unlikely that your child is able to eat so many amounts of this product daily.

You also need to understand that the products fall on the child’s table after heat treatment. After which the amount of useful substances in them decreases sharply.

The growth of the child is influenced by the following compounds:

  • Vitamin A. The necessary compound for the synthesis of bone and muscle tissue. Its main sources are fish, dairy products and liver
  • Vitamin D3. Holekalciferol is responsible for the assimilation of other compounds useful for the body and activating metabolic processes. It is contained in large quantities in cottage cheese, eggs and seafood
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid helps the body learn calcium and iron. It is also necessary for the body to synthesize tissues and strengthen blood vessels. Which is very important during the growth period of the child. Ascorbic acid is contained in large quantities in citrus fruits, kiwi, greens and some vegetables
  • B vitamins (B1, B2 and B6). These compounds are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, mental development and growth of the child. B vitamins in large quantities are present in nuts, legumes, fish and cabbage

Also, in a period of rapid growth, the child needs minerals:

  • Calcium. This mineral is necessary for the body for the formation of bone tissue. Calcium prevents skeleton deformations and muscles. It is contained in cottage cheese, cabbage, spinach and seaweed
  • Zinc. With a shortage of zinc body, the child’s growth is necessarily slowed down. After all, it is this element that stimulates the growth of bone and muscle tissue, and the formation of the brain

In the pharmacy you can buy special drugs and dietary supplements for growth. These include mononitamins (ascorbic acid, ergocalciferol, etc.), multivitamins and preparations with minerals. Such popular complexes as the "Alphabet Kindergarten" and "Centerum" belong to dietary supplements.

Eye vitamins for children

Girl with glasses
The load on the eyes in childhood is huge

And in order to maintain vision, the child needs vitamins. They can be obtained from food and supplemented with special drugs.

Bright sunlight, a computer or TV screen, excessive use of mobile gadgets and other negative factors can affect the vision of the child. In addition, some viral infections and other problems can include factors that worsen the work of the eyes. You can avoid the negative consequences of the above factors using special complexes for children.

The main compound for the health of the eyes is vitamin A. It is it that helps the work of the retina. Its deficiency in the body will affect vision, especially with insufficient light. Retinol prevents the development of conjunctivitis and other diseases. Most of this compound in carrots, apricots, pumpkin, egg yolk and milk.

The lack of B vitamins can also negatively affect the work of the eyes. These compounds are primarily responsible for the blood supply to the eyes and parts of the brain responsible for vision. Their disadvantage can affect some metabolic processes in the children's body, which are responsible for vision. To make up for such compounds, you need to include grapes, blueberries, apricots, parsley, white cabbage and fish in the diet.

For the prevention of glaucoma and cataracts, it is necessary to include products rich in ascorbic acid in the diet. And to reduce the risk of detachment and dystrophy of the retina, you need to use products containing vitamin E.

For the prevention of the above vision problems, in addition to a diverse diet, which includes useful products, you need to use an additional portion of pharmacy drugs. To appoint it, you need to consult with a children's optometrist.

In our country, such complexes as:

  • "Vitrum Vizhn" - can be consumed from the age of 12
  • "Alphabet Optics" - can be consumed from the age of 14
  • "Blueberry Forte" - dietary supplies to children from 3 years old

Vitamins for appetite to children

Does not want to eat
The reasons for the deterioration of appetite in a child can have frequent stress, illness, lack of physical activity, etc.

Parents can also provoke the loss of appetite who forcing the child to have a child in excess of his norms. Thus causing an aversion to food.

The lack of appetite during a period of rapid growth of a child can adversely affect the development of the child. After all, it is from food that the child can get all the vitamins he needs. Moreover, their deficiency can affect not only growth, but also on the work of the immune system. Therefore, good appetite reduces the risk of developing many diseases.

Important: one of the reasons for the absence of appetite is a deficiency of iron in the body. The lack of iron can be detected using a blood test. Therefore, before buying vitamin complexes at the pharmacy, it is necessary to take tests.

Such vitamins as A, C and B12 will help to cope with a lack of appetite. Children's vitamin complexes containing such compounds are produced in the form of chewing sweets with a fruit taste. Not one child will refuse them.

Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system and helps the body to learn iron. Which is very important with poor appetite.

There is yogurt
Vitamins A and B12 also help improve appetite

Because of this, as well as due to other advantages, these compounds are often included in children's nutritional supplements.

In addition to these three vitamins, for children experiencing appetite problems, vitamins as:

  • Vitamin B1. Tiamine is one of the main compounds of the necessary for the growing body. Among other things, the protein is responsible for the assimilation
  • Vitamin B2. This compound has a beneficial effect on the cells of the nervous system and stimulates the functioning of the brain
  • Vitamin B6. This compound normalizes metabolic processes and helps a thin child gain normal weight

The modern pharmacological industry offers many vitamin complexes for children aimed at improving appetite. The most popular are the following drugs:

When taking them, it is important to follow the dosage specified in the instructions.

Vitamins for children for hair growth

You can achieve beautiful and lush hair in a child not only with shampoos and balms, but also thanks to the inclusion of products rich in vitamins in the diet. Lush hair and elastic pigtails are not only aesthetic beauty, but also one of the indicators that your child is all right with the health of your child.

For the normal state of the child's body, he needs all vitamins in one or another quantity. To form strong curls, you need to eat foods rich in vitamins C, A, E and group B.

Dry ends and oily hair roots indicate a lack of vitamin B2 in a child. Natural sources of such a compound include milk, eggs, herbs, black currants and other products.

Vitamins B3, B8 and B10 affect hair growth

You can help replenish the losses of these vitamins with the help of beef, fish, potatoes, almonds and peas. Using cottage cheese and cheese, you can make up for the lack of vitamin B9. Which is also important for hair health.

To strengthen the hair bulb, vitamin B5 is necessary. It can be obtained from chicken meat, egg yolks and bran. By using bananas, all and potatoes, you can make up for a lack of vitamin B6. It will help with dry scalp and prevent dandruff.

With the help of ascorbic acid, you can strengthen the capillaries feeding hair follicles. To improve hair elasticity, vitamin A. And to give them a healthy shine vitamin E.

If these vitamins are not enough in your child’s diet, then it is best to use special vitamin complexes. You can strengthen your hair and accelerate its growth with the help of the drug "Vitamshki".

With the help of this complex, the general condition of the child's body can also be supported. The loaf of the "vitamins" are made in the form of figures of bears. They can be given to children from three years old. Thanks to the fruit taste of children, it will not be necessary to force such vitamins. They will ask you to give loaves yourself.

Vitamins for children for bones and teeth

To strengthen teeth and bones, especially in children, the food diet should consist of products containing calcium and retinol. Thanks to retinol, the body synthesizes the protein used in the construction of bone and cartilage. In a period of rapid growth, vitamin A is especially important for the child, which allows you to accelerate the growth process of tissues necessary for the skeleton and teeth.

Children's dentistry
Retinol deficiency leads to a slowdown in the process of growth and development of problems with teeth

Also, children need vitamin D. It allows you to reduce the risk of rickets and helps to properly develop bone tissue. In addition, thanks to this vitamin, the children's body better absorb calcium.

For the normal development of bone tissue, vitamins of group B and calcium are needed.

In order to enrich the body with these vitamins, you need to include cereals, legumes, vegetable oil, cabbage, tomatoes, cottage cheese, broccoli and herbs in the child’s diet.

From vitamin complexes for the proper development of bone tissue, a child can be bought:

Vitamin D for the child, the value and norms by age

Vitamin D, in the first months of life, the child is especially necessary. The main problem is that in the mother’s milk it may not always contain this compound in the amount of the baby’s necessary for the body. With a lack of vitamin D, the pediatrician must prescribe it in the form of oil drops. But, the best source of this compound in the body is sunlight. Therefore, regular walks in the fresh air will reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin D in the children's body needs:

  • For the normal development of muscles and bones
  • For the formation of teeth, connective and cartilage tissues
  • To support the immune system
Immediately after birth, the child receives vitamin D from breast milk

But, due to the fact that the sunlight is contraindicated in large amounts, mothers need to think about increasing vitamin D in the diet due to special drops.

Due to the lack of this compound, metabolic processes in bone tissue may be disturbed in the child’s body and the formation of nerve cells will be braked. Symptoms of such vitamin defenses, increased excitability, impaired development in the musculoskeletal system and development stop.

The indirect symptoms of the lack of vitamin D is a disturbance of digestion, restless sleep, excessive tearfulness and strong sweating.

Oil drops containing vitamin D are used not only for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, but also to treat the disease associated with vitamin deficiency as rickets.

The dosage of vitamin D should only be prescribed by a pediatrician. The specialist will be able to correctly calculate the dosage of this compound based on many factors. Vitamin D is prescribed for children in artificial feeding and living in adverse environmental conditions in a greater dosage. In areas where the air temperature in winter drops below the average mark, children need to give an increased content of such vitamins.

Also, the pediatrician should take into account the age of the child. The younger the child, the more vitamin D he needs. The maximum dosage is 1500 me.

The child needs to give vitamin D in drops in the morning, necessarily after eating. This is done so that parents can follow the reaction of the child to the drug. To prevent the risk of overdose of the drop, it is advisable to pre -breed with boiled water. This is best done directly in a teaspoon.

Important: exceeding the permissible dosage of vitamin D is extremely dangerous for child health. A sharp increase in this compound in the body can lead to the fact that calcium will settle on the walls of blood vessels. Also an overdose of vitamin D causes kidney disease and other problems.

If the crumbs have problems with stools, vomiting, dehydration or noticeable swelling, you need to contact a pediatrician. The listed symptoms may indicate a possible overdose of vitamin D.

The best pharmacy preparations are vitamin D for::

  • Fish fat. Produced in the form of capsules or oil
  • "Aquadetam". The drug regulation drug of calcium and phosphorus
  • "Viantol". The drug for the prevention of vitamin D and the treatment of rickets
  • "Kolekalciferol". The drug improves the formation of bone skeleton and teeth in children
  • "D3 Devisol Drops" - Finnish drug, which is indicated for the prevention of rickets in the winter season

All the above additives can be taken to children up to a year.

In order to avoid vitamin deficiency, the child’s diet must contain products rich in vitamin D. Such as milk, dairy products, beef liver, fish, etc. To prevent rickets and the proper development of bone tissue, the child is useful for the porridge of oatmeal and buckwheat, butter and unrefined vegetable oil.

The harm of vitamin complexes

Not everyone believes that children's vitamin complexes are useful. According to experts of the American Academy of Pediatrics, an overdose of vitamins A, C and D can cause the appearance of headaches, nausea, rash and more serious consequences. That is why, before giving your child vitamins, you need to consult a doctor.

Daily standards of vitamins and minerals for children by age: Table

Table 1

Tips and reviews

Alexandra. During the period of respiratory diseases, I buy Multi-Tabs for my children. And in the early spring we usually pass these vitamins.

Victoria. And the pediatrician advised us for the appetite Vitrum Kids. I did not see expensive vitamins and differences. My daughter is 3 years old and my son is 5 years old. What is with vitamins that they eat very poorly without them.

Video. School of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. The pediatrician for strengthening immunity was also advised by the spray of Mornasal Immuno. It not only strengthens the immunity, but also protects from viruses. We began to hurt less often.

  2. From the age of two, I give a child Babisan D3 drops of such pharmacy, they can really be true before, but I did not know about them, before the advice of the pediatrician.

  3. By the way, we not only give the baby Bibisan (D3) and drink ourselves as a general strengthening

  4. We drink vitamins! They were selected for a long time, the child himself did not want to drink them, then I did not like the composition. And then they finally found what the Baby Formula Mishka multivitamins were looking for. I am satisfied with the purchase, completely natural composition, 12 vitamins and trace elements that help fill the balance of beneficial substances in the body of the child, of which iodine, choline and inosite. Vitamins are made in the form of marmalade, the child asks them himself, reminds them, if I forget to give))

  5. Interesting article! And on the advice of the left -handed pediatrician, I use the moranazal of Immuno to strengthen the child’s immunity. It helps and protects a cold from viruses. Now there is always just in case in a home medicine cabinet.

  6. I have a schoolboy child, of course, the visual loads there are simply huge, began to notice that my son squints, she looks closely before reading the inscription in the distance. They turned to the doctor and he said that yes, there was business in the loads on his eyes. To maintain vision, he advised the courses to drink Luthein-comprehensive complexes, it contains lutein, zeaxantin and lycopine in the right quantities, these substances are antioxidants in essence, but they also prevent the destruction of the retina.

  7. For example, I give my child Baby formula Evalar because these vitamins that are simply necessary for children so that they are attentive, focused and have a good memory. They also lie for sleep- make it stronger and calmer. At the cost they are completely not expensive, and the quality is good, so the child eats them with very great pleasure

  8. Everything is correctly higher about Luthein-comprehensive children's write. This complex consists of not only vitamins, but also antioxidants, are so chosen that by their action they can prevent the destruction of the retina and clouding of the lens. I give my child, we are schoolchildren, so it is better to maintain vision to the child, especially with the current loads.

  9. I generally did not think about vision support. Although the daughter really began to squint more often and rub her eyes, it can be connected with the school.

  10. I agree about Luthein-comprehensive children. I have a son at school to study and the optometrist advised this complex in order to maintain vision, in the composition of carotenoids and vitamins with minerals the necessary vision. The son drinks in courses, well, he monitors the fatigue of the eyes-nickely books in the dim light, and even more so the tablet is banned.

  11. Above Baby, the Mishka formula was advised. We also take them (multivitamins)-I like it ... And it is tasty and really getting much less often)) but in general, of course, we are also hardened, and we try to eat right ... I think everything together affects immunity so beneficial)

  12. In order to raise the child immunity, I give him chewing vitamins Baby formula Mishka Vitamin C, they really cope with this function, and at the same time that the price is not high at all, and the quality is good. Now these vitamins number one for our family, because thanks to them, our children practically do not get sick, and go to school calmly

  13. We had a child’s problem with growth, I didn’t want to grow at all, we even started to worry, we have contacted the doctor, he advised to give the child vitamins (for teeth, bones and growth) and hang on the horizontal bar every day, following these recommendations really managed to overcome the Brezh And the child began to grow)

  14. I give my children a Baby Formula Immunity, they just adore these vitamins, because they are in the form of bears, and tastes very pleasant. And I like my mother like that their composition is completely natural, without gluten and dyes, and they also cost inexpensively. And the immunity after them really improves, and the children are much less common.

  15. I believe that the child definitely needs to give vitamins, there are those that the body receives with food, and my far from eats all products. This time Biotoffi acquired in a pharmacy, they are in the form of chocolate bars and a child is with pleasure. The composition of vitamins, as well as probiotics that are needed for intestinal microflora. This allows you to maintain immunity and contribute to the healthy formation of teeth and bones.

  16. In early spring, a vitamin course is necessarily. Children's, rapidly growing body must be reinforced. Now the next bears of Evalar are burned by multivitamins. Like the composition. There are vitamins and trace elements. There is no dye in them. They do not stick together and you can calmly shake one from the jar one at a time, and not a whole football team;)

  17. Rita, now I bought Biotfiff's daughter now. I looked at the composition -all that should be eaten. At the same time they are adequately. The course of taking from ten days is one per day, it is convenient. To support immunity, the most in my opinion.

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