Bulg with burdock oil for hair. How to use burdock oil for hair?

Bulg with burdock oil for hair. How to use burdock oil for hair?

Each girl sooner or later faces the problem of damage or hair loss and begins to look for means to care for them. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive balms and lotions, because you can turn to folk remedies. I suggest you get acquainted with burdock oil that will help you restore your hair and give it a healthy and well -groomed look.

Burdock oil, obtained from burdock roots (burdock), has long been familiar with both medicine and cosmetology. With the advent of the abundance of factories, it is again popular and remains an integral part of the contents of cosmetic bags and first -aid kits.

Burdock oil

The benefits and harm of burdock oil for hair. Does burdock oil for hair make it up?

The benefits of burdock oil are difficult to overestimate. This is due to the abundance of vitamins in its composition. In addition, it is enriched with proteins, amino acids and other useful compounds.

Distinguish between food and non -eating burdock oil.

  • Burdock oil is drunk for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, viral infections. You can use it in cooking, without undergoing heat treatment, for example, adding to the salad
  • In cosmetology, it is recommended to strengthen nails, rejuvenate the skin, moisturize it, to activate hair growth and regeneration of bulbs

The most widespread burdock oil is in hair care. It acts as an assistant to eliminate a number of problems:

  • Seborrhea
  • Hair loss
  • Avitaminosis
  • Weakened hair
  • Itching
  • Increased brittleness
  • Damage from staining, curling or hair extension

With regular exposure, burdock oil creates softness and silkiness to the hair, makes them more thick. It normalizes the work of the glands, stimulates the awakening of the bulbs, prevents the reproduction of fungi.

However, burdock oil can cause tangible harm. The main reason is the method of its production. If other types of vegetable oils (for example, castor) are obtained by squeezing any parts of the plant, then the roots of burdock insist in oil (olive or peanuts, for example).

If the basic oil by cleansing is close to the technical, then the final product will bring only harm. Such oil can clog the pores of the scalp or cause irritation.

If you use a quality product purchased in a pharmacy or done yourself, then you can cause harm only with excessively frequent use. After all, more - does not always mean better.

The benefits of burdock oil for hair

Hair burdock oil: instructions. How to apply burdock oil to hair?

Burdock oil is recommended to be applied to wet and dry hair. When applying to wet hair, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Heat the oil to a temperature of 40-45 ° C in a water bath
  • Wash your hair and get a break with a towel. You can wash your hair with or without shampoo - the effect of the mask does not depend on the cleanliness of the hair
  • Move the oil into the roots, massaging the scalp, and with the help of a comb, distribute the oil through the hair, dividing them into strands. Pay attention to the tips
  • Cover your head with a film or use a cellophane hat
  • Wrap a towel on top
  • An hour later, you can wash off the oil. After the procedure, use balm or rinser

Important: burdock oil in rare cases can cause allergies. Apply it to the bend of the elbow or on the wrist and watch the reaction. If after 30-40 minutes there was no redness, you can safely use this miracle product.

The procedure for applying oil to dry hair is similar, the difference is that you do not need to wash your hair in advance. When applying oil, pay attention to the roots, do the head massage - this contributes to a blood flow.

Application of burdock oil

How to wash off burdock oil from your hair?

  • Rinse the oil with hot water. Use shampoo, soap your head if necessary.
  • To facilitate the washing of burdock oil, it is recommended to mix it with other products. For example, you can add egg yolk. This will bring additional benefits to the hair, moreover, you will not have problems with washing off an oily film.
  • It is not recommended to wash off the oil with soap - it can overdose, so that the effect of the mask will be reduced to zero.


  • Try to use a mixture with rye flour instead of shampoo:
  • 4 tbsp. Dilute the flour with warm water to the state of liquid dough,
  • apply the mixture to the oil, hold a little and
  • wash off, having previously whipped like a shampoo
  • After washing the oil, use the balm or air conditioning so that the hair does not get confused and you can comb it.


You can make a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula) or a weak solution of apple cider vinegar for rinsing (1 tbsp for 1l of water) - this will add the benefits of your procedure, and the hair will acquire the desired shine and softness

It is not necessary to apply burdock oil in its pure form, you can make a mask based on it, adding various ingredients. This will not only simplify the task of washing out burdock oil, but also provide your hair with comprehensive care.

Important: when using oil for the preparation of masks, it is necessary to pre -heat it.

Rinse the burdock oil
Rinse the burdock oil

Cognac and burdock hair mask

Cognac masks are recommended for hair growth, reduction of fat content and increasing density. Since alcohol can dry the skin and hair strongly, these masks are not recommended to owners of dry or brittle hair. In this case, the proportion of cognac in the mask should be less than the rest of the components.


  • Take the burdock oil and cognac in equal amounts, mix thoroughly with yolk. You can replace cognac with vodka or diluted alcohol. Keep the mask for about an hour, wrapping your head with plastic film and towel

Important: for a hair of a light shade, you can add to a mixture of 1 h. lemon juice

  • You will need:
    2st.L. burdock oil;
    1st.L. castor oil;
    2st.L. honey;
    2 egg yolks;
    1ch.L. cognac;
    1 t.L. kefir and bakery yeast.
    Heat the oils, add the rest of the components, mix thoroughly and apply the mixture for 30 minutes
Mask with cognac
Mask with cognac

Hair mask made of castor and burdock oils


  • This mask serves to activate growth. Take 2st.L. burdock and 1st.L. castor oils, add 1 hour. yeast, apply the mask for 1.5-2 hours, then rinse
  • Mix 2st.L. burdock and castor oils, half a teaspoon of vitamins A and E, apply a mask for 50-60 minutes

Hair mask made of pepper tincture and burdock oil


  • You can buy pepper tincture in the nearest pharmacy or do it yourself. You can purchase burdock oil in a pharmacy with the addition of pepper or use 1 h. L. instead of tincture. pepper powder
  • A burdock mask with pepper is used to strengthen hair, in the fight against dandruff
  • Mask is very effective: take pepper tincture and burdock oil in equal shares and add the yolk (by 2 centuries, the mixture is 1 yolk). Keep the mask no more than half an hour

Important: due to the presence of pepper tincture in the composition of the masks of pepper tincture, you can feel a slight burning sensation, but be careful-if the burning is enhanced, then immediately wash off the mask to prevent a burn.

Mask with pepper
Mask with pepper

Hair mask made of onion juice and burdock oil

Use the mask from hair loss and to stimulate sleeping bulbs. Mix honey, yolk and onion juice in equal amounts. You can get onion juice by squeezing the bulb of the desired size. You can also use onion gruel. Keep the mask for 1-1.5 hours, then wash your head.

The benefits of mask and burdock oil and egg yolk

  • When hair loss, make a mask: take half a glass of a nettles of nettles, 3 tbsp. burdock oil and 1 yolk. Use the mask 30-40 minutes once a week
  • With dryness, take 2. Oils and mix with two yolks and 1 h. calendulas. Keep the mask for about an hour, then wash off my shampoo
  • The following mask is suitable for hair nutrition: 1 tbsp. Dissolve cocoa in warm water (to the cream -shaped state), add 3 tbsp.l. Oils and yolk. Apply for 40-50 minutes, then rinse
  • For shine of hair and smoothing them: 3 tbsp. Mix the burdock of the burdock from 1 tbsp. honey and egg yolk. Heat in a water bath, stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed, then apply a mask for 1 hour
Egg masks
Egg masks

Busse with burdock oil and hair vitamins

To prepare a mask with vitamins, use 5ml capsules. Take vitamins A and E and mix with 1st.L. burdock oil. The duration of the procedure is 30-50 minutes. For a greater effect, you can add 1 hour. (or by capsule) vitamins B6 and B12.

Mask with burdock oil and mustard powder, benefit

  • For oily hair: 2st.L. burdock oils, 2 hours. mustard powder, yolk and avocado oil (a few drops). Apply the mixture for 30 minutes no more than once a week
  • To stimulate growth, take 1 tbsp. mustard powder and mix it with warm water (until uniform gruel is formed), add 1 tbsp. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. low -fat sour cream (for oily hair) or 2st.L. mayonnaise (for dry hair). Make a mask for 30-40 minutes twice a week

IMPORTANT: Owners of oily hair are careful about burdock oil. Do not abuse the amount of product used, otherwise you can aggravate the situation.

Burdock mask and mustard powder
Burdock mask and mustard powder

How to make hair masks with burdock oil: tips and reviews

  • When buying burdock oil, pay attention to the composition of the product. You can purchase a fake (for example, mineral oil), which instead of benefit will bring you a lot of harm
  • You can use oil not only in its pure form or in masks. You can add it to shampoo or rinser. The effect will not be so noticeable, but the oil will bring the benefit of your hair
  • Dose burdock oil depending on the length and density of your hair. So, for example, on the hair below the shoulders will need about 5 tons. oils
  • It is better to distribute oil evenly, using a comb with cloves, dividing the hair into strands. When applying, moisten the cloves in oil for high -quality application
  • You can use oil several times a week, as it is absolutely safe and will bring only benefits to your hair. You can even apply oil at night
  • With the proper patience, you will definitely achieve the result and your hair will begin to come to life after tormenting with ironing, hairdries or curls
  • Do not heat the oil in the microwave - it can lose its properties
  • When using burdock oil several times a week, the result is noticeable after a couple of months. Hair becomes much thicker and healthier, after a couple of months you will probably notice an acceleration of their growth. With rare use (once a week) you will notice the effect a couple of months later. It all depends on what goals you pursue using this product.

Busk with burdock oil for hair, video

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