Psoriasis: stages, symptoms, signs, causes. Treatment of psoriasis in children and adults with drugs and folk remedies

Psoriasis: stages, symptoms, signs, causes. Treatment of psoriasis in children and adults with drugs and folk remedies

The insidiousness of psoriasis is its ability to activate and aggravate during periods of diseases and nervous upheavals. If you do not take measures in time, psoriasis can quickly occupy large areas of the skin.

Psoriasis is a disease of the skin, nails and the scalp of the body, non -infectious nature. The disease is characterized by the appearance on the body of dark pink peeling spots of different sizes.

Psoriasis can resume after the end of treatment, while the places of rashes and the intensity of their spread change. In rare cases, the disease affects internal organs and systems, bones, tendons and joints.


How does psoriasis begin, photo?

Psoriasis begins with the appearance of rounded spots on the skin-papuls of pink-red shades, somewhat rise above the level of healthy skin. After a while, they are covered with small white scales.

Simultaneously with the detection of affected areas of the skin, patients often note the appearance of a sense of weakness and fatigue.

Psoriasis begins with the appearance of spots on the skin

Forms and stages of psoriasis in children and adults

Psoriasis is multifaceted in its manifestations, types, forms of spots and degrees of damage to a particular part of the body. The most common forms of psoriasis are most common:

  • plush -shaped (simple, ordinary, vulgar)-occurs in 80-85% of patients. The affected areas of the skin look like inflamed gradually increasing plaques, which, having reached the maximum size, are covered with a dirty white film. Plush -shaped psoriasis can affect any parts of the body
  • exudation (pustular) - one of the most severe forms of psoriasis. Often it is a kind of response of the body to taking medicines or stress. Skin lesions with exudative psoriasis look like blisters filled with liquid. Affects shoulders and lower legs, in severe cases spreads throughout the body
  • harvested - Got its name due to the form of rashes, outwardly reminiscent of drops. Ground-shaped psoriasis in most cases is a complication of the suffered sore throat or streptococcal disease of ENT organs. Usually affects the skin in the hips, neck, shoulders, back, hairy part of the head
  • spotted - The complicated form of mall -shaped psoriasis is characterized by draining together of large spots and the spread of them throughout the body. Impresses mainly young women and girls
  • follicular - A rare form of psoriasis, in which the hair bulbs on the legs and hips are affected. Papules resemble inflamed acne, have a formed clearly marked “head” in the center
  • erytrodermic - It affects large surfaces of the skin, causes severe suffering of the patient. In patients with this form of psoriasis, there is an increase in temperature, edema and pain of affected places, convergence of skin layers, infection, leading to complications
    Erythrodermic psoriasis

    Erythrodermic psoriasis occurs against the background of abuse of alcoholic beverages, as well as after severe infectious diseases or severe nervous shocks. A neglected disease can lead to the death of the patient, while the treatment has significantly facilitates the patient's condition on time.

  • artropatic - affects the skin, connective tissues and joints. The limbs swell, become uncontrollable. In severe cases, can lead to disability of patients
  • psoriasis on bends - Appears in all the bends and folds of the body in the form of large shiny spots. Due to shaving, friction or other mechanical exposure, plaques are constantly injured, which causes bacterial infection
  • psoriasis of the palms and feet - affects the palms and feet of middle -aged people who regularly play sports or heavy physical labor. Spots can have a standard look, but in some cases they form callous growths
  • nail psoriasis - It nurses the structure and appearance of the nail plates, making them fragile, thick, peeling and delaying. The disease can lead to the death of the nail plate
  • psoriasis of the scalp - Itching and the appearance of characteristic spots on the scalp. Flashing plaques have an unattractive appearance, which contributes to the formation of complexes
Psoriasis of the scalp

Important: the choice of treatment depends on the form of the disease, the development of the disease and the degree of damage to the body.

Distinguish 3 stages of psoriasis:

  • progressive - available papules increase in size, new spots appear on the body, patients complain of severe itching
  • stationary - the growth of old and the appearance of new plaques is not observed
  • regressive (reverse) - itching and peeling decrease or disappears, the plaque frames the formed white bun
With the progressive form of psoriasis, new spots appear on the body

Psoriasis symptoms and signs

There are signs that are characteristic only for psoriasis, regardless of its form and stage of development. The totality of three symptoms indicates the development of psoriasis, and not any other skin lesion:

  • specific spotscovered with peeling scales. If you remove the upper white layer, a smooth shiny plaque surface will be exposed
  • bright color plaques under the top layer
  • manifestation of blood drops With mechanical exposure to psoriasis plaques. Blood appears to the surface of damaged skin, if, cleaning the peeling white layer, continue to scrape the plaque

Important: in addition to common features, each form of psoriasis has its own manifestations.

One of the signs of psoriasis is the bright color of the affected skin under the upper peeling layer
One of the signs of psoriasis is the bright color of the affected skin under the upper peeling layer

Psoriasis disease in children and adults, causes

There are many reasons for the development of psoriasis in children and adults, and it can be very difficult to identify what exactly was the impetus for the appearance of signs of this disease.

At the same time, having determined and, if possible, eliminating the reason, you can get rid of psoriasis with minimal losses of health, forces and means. The main factors provoking psoriasis are:

  • genetic predisposition - the probability of getting psoriasis is higher in those whose relatives suffer from this ailment
  • transferred infectious diseases, such as Angina, SARS, influenza can significantly lower immunity, thereby preparing the fertile ground for the attack of psoriasis
  • immunity decline, vaccination
  • violation of metabolic processes, leading to changes in the balance of vitamins in the skin and the whole body
  • the presence of chronic infections
  • allergy
  • stress, experiences, nervous shocks
  • any skin injuries - insect bites, burns, cuts
  • long taking some drugs and vitamin complexes
  • alcohol abuse, smoking
  • unbalanced nutrition, overeating
  • temperature changes, climate change

Important: psoriasis can begin to develop both in children and adolescents and in people of mature and advanced age.

Strong stress can cause psoriasis
Strong stress can cause psoriasis

Is it possible to become infected with psoriasis?

It is impossible to become infected with psoriasis in everyday life. This disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

Neither close contact, nor joint life with patient with psoriasis, they are jealous of the health of his loved ones. The only factor capable of causing a psoriasis of relatives of the patient is genetics. Therefore, if parents suffer from psoriasis, then children will most likely also become victims of this disease.

It is impossible to become infected with psoriasis even with close contact with the patient
It is impossible to become infected with psoriasis even with close contact with the patient

How to treat psoriasis at home with folk remedies?

Treatment of psoriasis at home with the help of traditional medicine is permissible only in the initial stages of mild forms. Self -home treatment of psoriasis should be complex. To do this, select recipes aimed at:

  • internal cleansing of the body
  • external exposure using compresses and baths
  • treatment of affected areas of skin with ointments and creams

Important: properly selected home treatment can significantly alleviate the patient's condition: completely eliminate or slightly alleviate itching, prevent the appearance of new spots, and increase immunity.

The most effective folk remedies for treating psoriasis:

Recipe No. 1. The psoriasis plaques are densely lubricated by solidol once a day. Treatment continues until a noticeable improvement in the condition.

Solidol - a folk remedy for treating psoriasis
Solidol - a folk remedy for treating psoriasis

Recipe No. 2. A strong solution of baking soda lubricate plaques and the skin around them. It is advisable to tightly wrap the areas with cling film and leave for several hours.

Recipe No. 3. For two weeks 2 times a day, skin damage is treated with linseed oil. At the same time, linen bran is taken inside, 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

Recipe No. 4. Small plaques of psoriasis “cauterize” with fresh celandine juice 3 - 4 times a week.

Recipe No. 5. Prepare a thick ointment of pharmacy fish and crushed scales of sea fish (1: 1). The ointment is applied to the affected areas for 1.5 - 2 hours, then washed off with warm water with tar soap.

Recipe No. 6. Food soda (1 tsp) is diluted in celandine juice (2 tsp). This product lubricates plaques 3 times a week for 3 months.

You can treat psoriasis at home with soda
You can treat psoriasis at home with soda

Important: during treatment, you should drink as many warm grass and berry teas as possible. They will help to saturate the body with missing vitamins.

Different folk remedies from psoriasis can be used simultaneously or alternating with each other. It is possible to understand that the recipe has come up and the treatment described in it helps to improve the well -being and condition of the patient's skin.

Important: you can soften the peeling skin of the affected areas with sea buckthorn, olive, peach or apricot oil.

Olive oil - a home remedy for softening a peeling layer
Olive oil is a good remedy for softening a peeling layer of psoriasis of skin areas

Aloe with psoriasis

Aloe home ointments, as well as pharmacy concentrated gels, can bring significant relief to patients with psoriasis.

Patients using such a home remedy noted a good result of treatment, based on aloe juice: freshly cut aloe leaves (40 g), celandine juice (30 g.), Vinegar 9% (5g.), Flax oil (30 g.) Mix, mixing, mixed oil (30 g. Add warm boiled water (30 - 50g.). The resulting ointment is applied to plaques and left for 2 -3 hours. Rinse with warm water with tar soap.

Also, the affected areas of the skin are lubricated with fresh undiluted aloe juice 3 to 5 times a day for one month. As a result of this, the symptoms of psoriasis become less pronounced. Aloe pharmacy products have a similar action.

Important: only the use of aloe or ointments based on aloe is not enough for the full treatment of psoriasis. Aloe can only act as an auxiliary additional tool.

Aloe juice with psoriasis lubricate the affected areas of the skin
Aloe juice with psoriasis lubricate the affected areas of the skin

Sea salt for psoriasis

To prevent the appearance of new spots, alleviate itching, relieve irritation and reduce peeling with psoriasis, and sea salt baths help.

Important: the concentration of salt in water can depend on the shape and stage of psoriasis. Therefore, to achieve the maximum effect, it is advisable to obtain the recommendation of a dermatologist on this subject.

To prepare a therapeutic bath, you will need 0.5 - 0.7 kg of sea or ordinary table salt. You need to take a bath with salt for at least 20 minutes. During this time, with the help of a soft sponge, carefully clean the psoriatic plaques from the upper peeling layer, and ensure direct water access to the spots. Leaving the bath, you can not rinse and wipe the body.

It is desirable to treat psoriasis with sea salt in natural conditions - on the shores of the Dead Sea or Salt Lakes. The natural hospitals of Israel, Crimea, Kyrgyzstan help most of their visitors from psoriasis.

Sea salt in psoriasis relieves itching and reduces irritation
Sea salt in psoriasis relieves itching and reduces irritation

Treatment of psoriasis with a laser

The impact on damaged areas of the skin with a laser is one of the newest methods of treating psoriasis. After several sessions of laser therapy, inflammation and peeling on the psoriatic plaques of the skin decreases markedly.

The action of the laser is aimed at the active absorption of incoming rays with skin cells affected by psoriasis and their subsequent death. In this process, healthy cells do not participate.

Important: laser treatment of psoriasis has contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, the presence of oncological diseases, diabetes, epilepsy, photosensitivity, herpes.

The full course of treatment of psoriasis with a laser consists of 3-7 procedures, which are performed twice a week. First of all, the dermatologist conducting treatment determines the type of patient skin and the optimal dose of light energy for the affected areas.

The regulation of the intensity of rays is carried out using a special nozzle. The procedures are performed without pain relief, but after them redness remain on the skin. The cost of treatment depends on the area of \u200b\u200baffected skin.

Laser treatment is one of the most effective methods for combating psoriasis
Laser treatment is one of the most effective methods for combating psoriasis

Drugs, drugs and medicines for psoriasis

  • To combat psoriasis, they use a wide variety of means and methods. In addition to ointments, creams, lotions, baths with healing herbs are improvised materials: soda, salt, solidol, oil
  • One of the most effective methods for combating psoriasis is gara Rufa fish treatment. The patient is placed in a bath with a family of fish of this species, which bite microparticles softened in the water of the affected skin.
  • In this case, the fish produce a special enzyme that promotes rapid healing and restoration of the skin. After several sessions, the symptoms of psoriasis are noticeably reduced
  • No less effective in the treatment of psoriasis the use of ultraviolet combcreated specifically to eliminate dermatological diseases. It acts on damaged areas of the skin with UFB rays of a certain length. The procedures are carried out 2 to 4 times a week, with a gradual increase in the dose of radiation. The full course of treatment is 30 days. During this time, about 90% of patients get rid of psoriasis
  • To those whose body is susceptible to the action of homeopathy, suitable drug treatment based on medicinal plants

A prerequisite for treatment with homeopathic agents is a competent calculation of the dosage of the drug for each individual case:

  • Psorinohel - is used for various forms of psoriasis, regardless of the degree of its spread
  • Arsenikum Album - reduces non -red peeling
  • Karbonika pocket - Eliminates and softens rough peeling
  • Acidum Formitsykum - reduces itching, relieves irritation
  • Arsenikum Yodatum - prescribe weak and elderly patients
  • Petrolium - eliminates the psoriasis of the nail plates
  • Manganum - eliminates symptoms of severe psoriasis, when the disease disrupts the work of the joints

Psoriasis "delicate leather" psoriasis It is easy to use and is quite effective. It is glued directly on the affected areas and acts as an anti -allergic, soothing and antiseptic agent, inhibiting the growth of psoriasis cells. The patch is used before noticeable improvements.

Plaster from psoriasis
Plaster from psoriasis

Important: the traditional methods of treating psoriasis include taking pills, the use of ointments and creams. The appointment of certain drugs depends on the form of the disease and the degree of damage to the skin.

Psoriasis tablets of strong action:

  • Methodotrekast - suppresses the growth of cells in the affected areas of the skin, is used in severe forms of psoriasis. The product has a number of serious side effects and is unsuitable for long -term use
  • Dirosan - Hormonal drug is used to treat psoriatic arthritis and pustular psoriasis. It has a quick effect, significantly reduces the manifestations of psoriasis. Negatively affects the state of the body as a whole, therefore it is prescribed in rare cases
Diprosan - hormonal remedy for psoriasis
Diprosan - hormonal remedy for psoriasis

Important: an independent selection of a remedy for psoriasis is undesirable, since the error in the calculation of the dosage can only worsen the course of the disease and complicate the treatment.

Ointments and creams from psoriasis

The use of ointments and creams is an integral part of the treatment of psoriasis. Creams have a more delicate, air texture, unlike dense and fat ointments. Creams are most effective:

  • Acriderm
  • Betaderm
  • Moil
  • Triderm
  • Calcipotriol

There are ointments hormonal and non -hormonal. The use of the former guarantees the rapid obtaining positive treatment results, however, it entails a radical consequences for the work of internal organs and systems of the body. In addition, hormonal ointments are addictive. The most effective hormonal ointments:

  • Momat, Skinlite, Moimm - Based on Momethason
  • Lokasalen, locomotive, flucort, flucinar, synalar - Based on fluometazone
  • Tiacort, Nazacort, Florocort, Kenalog - based on triamcinolone
Ointment from psoriasis skinlate
Ointment from psoriasis skinlate

Important: before choosing a hormonal ointment, patients must be prescribed tests for hormones.

Non -hormonal ointments Safe, but do not have strong action:

  • Belosalik
  • Salicylic ointment
  • Zinc ointment
  • Cartobil
  • Daivobed

Important: the use of creams and ointments must be combined with other means of combating psoriasis.

Belosalik - non -hormonal ointment from psoriasis
Belosalik - non -hormonal ointment from psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis: tips and reviews

Anna, 30 years: I have been treating psoriasis for 3 years. Non -hormonal ointment of Belosalik helps well. I'm afraid to use hormonal drugs, although the effect of them should be better.

Svetlana, 28 years old: Psoriasis overtook me by surprise. I really did not expect that I would have to face this problem. I tried all the means of traditional medicine, but nothing helped. It is unfortunate that she did not immediately turn to a dermatologist. The doctor wrote out the ointment of Kamiol. I use it for 3 weeks, almost half of my spots disappeared, only barely noticeable traces remained.

Oleg, 52 years old: I usually do the active treatment of psoriasis in the summer. Firstly, I try to be on the beach as often as possible, sunbathe. Secondly, I use creams and ointments based on tar. For example, Mazes Magnipor helps a lot. I believe that the main thing in the fight against psoriasis is not to give up and not despair.

It is possible to cure psoriasis
It is possible to cure psoriasis

Contrary to the widespread opinion that it is impossible to get rid of psoriasis, the symptoms of this disease can be eliminated to every patient. Subject to contacting a competent dermatologist and the clear performance of a specialist’s appointments, psoriasis will certainly retreat.

Video: How to cure psoriasis forever? Psoriasis is contrasted or not, psoriasis signs

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Comments K. article

  1. And here they read about psoriasis I have never met a better site yet, they laid out everything on the shelves, well done! And about treatment and drugs, in general, I liked it, a good resource)

  2. With psoriasis, treatment with birch tar in the form of Berestine and proper nutrition helped me a lot. Six months later, psoriasis - and he was completely in my initial stage.

  3. A good drug is off. I feel normally from him (a couple of years ago in general some hard tablets were written hard, already to nausea), I don’t feel at all that I drink pills. My body just does not like medicine wildly. Well, it helped with psoriasis.

  4. And I am also saved by Berestine. And I even like the smell) very quickly helps to remove itching, and the therapeutic effect is very noticeable.

  5. Many people who have psoriasis are very praised by Naftaderm. The ointment includes Naphthalan oil. Therefore, the drug does not give side effects and addiction, because it is not hormonal.

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