Vitrum - Instructions for use. Composition: 13 vitamins, 7 minerals

Vitrum - Instructions for use. Composition: 13 vitamins, 7 minerals

Vitrum is several series of vitamins that are developed by the American company Unifarm. This article will talk about the most balanced series of 13 vitamins, 17 minerals. With the help of such vitamins, you can prevent problems associated with the lack of a particular element in the body. Vitrum vitamins of this series will help restore vitality and strengthen immunity.

The complex of vitamins is designed in such a way that with its help it is possible to satisfy the daily need of a person for the beneficial substances he needs. By regularly using these vitamins, you can adjust the metabolism, improve the body's resistance with strong physical and mental stress.

Important: some believe that the body itself is able to synthesize the elements necessary for it. This is a deep misconception. Yes, it can synthesize some vitamins. But, for this he needs the original elements. And we do not always give them them with food. If you do not eat vegetables and fruits every day, then vitamin-mineral complexes will be the only way to maintain the normal state of the body.

Vitrum forms of release

Vitrum vitamins.
Vitamins included in this Vitrum complex are capsulent pale percussion tablets with Vitrum engraving on one side and dividing risk on the other

Vitrum indications for use

  • Our immunity is exposed to many negative factors daily: stress, poor ecology, infection, bad habits, etc. This list can be continued for a very long time
  • It is possible to help the body cope with such an impact of the environment and modern lifestyle with the help of proper nutrition
  • We get the required vitamins and other beneficial substances from food. But, today it’s not enough only to eat right. Special support for the body is also necessary in the form of an additional administration of vitamin complexes

And the best of them is Vitrum: 13 vitamins of 17 minerals.

Important: according to the Institute of Nutrition of the RAMS, about 40% of the inhabitants of our country suffer from a lack of vitamin A. 35% - the lack of vitamins of group B. And the overwhelming number of inhabitants of our country has a shortage of vitamin C extremely important for immunity. Also, half of the examined There is a shortage of microelements necessary for normal health.

This complex of vitamins Vitrum is shown to all people who monitor their health, and want to reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with the lack of certain substances

In addition, this vitamin complex was also developed for the prevention of problems associated with an epidemic of viral diseases.
For "vitamin" help, people who:

  • Due to strict diets, many useful products are excluded from their diet. Including meat and milk
  • They eat irregularly and in their diet, vegetables and fruits take up little space
  • They have bad habits (alcohol, smoking, etc.). They may have a deficiency of vitamins C and B6
  • Taking hormonal, antibacterial and psychotropic drugs. They negatively act on the digestibility of vitamins B2 and with

Vitrum dosage

This complex of vitamins is taken for 1 tablet once a day. It is possible to take a “vitrum” tablet from this complex of vitamins both before meals and after. In this case, it is not recommended to chew the tablet. It needs to be drank with a small amount of water.

Important: there is an opinion that not all vitamins are combined with each other. Therefore, many opponents of vitamin-mineral complexes do not trust the tablet form of such drugs. As for the drugs "Vitrum", the tablets are designed in such a way that vitamins from them are absorbed at different times. That is, do not "interfere" to each other. Moreover, there is a synergistic connection between some compounds, with the help of which their action intensifies. In the vitamin-mineral complex "Vitrum" and this is taken into account.

Vitrum for children

The Vitrum complex 13 of vitamins 17 minerals is not recommended for children to receive before reaching their age of 18.

Vitrum children
In the line of drugs of the UNIFARM, there are drugs intended specifically for children:
  • "Vitrum Baby" (Vitrum Baby). A balanced complex of 13 vitamins and 11 minerals designed specifically for children from 3 to 5 years. Vitamins in the form of animal figures from light gray to orange-gray color, with a light fruit-vanilla taste and smell
  • "Vitrum Kids" (Vitrum Kids). Vitamins developed to cover the lack of necessary elements for the development of the body of children from 4 to 7 years old. Chewing tablets made in the form of animals from light pink to dark pink with a light fruit taste and smell. These vitamins have an increased concentration of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Important trace elements for a growing child's body
  • "Vitrum Junior" (Vitrum Junior). Vitamins that Unifarm has developed for children who began to go to school. They can be consumed by children from 7 to 14 years old. The composition of this complex includes an increased dosage of vitamin A, ion iodine and vitamin C. Speaking components for the intellectual development of the child
  • "Vitrum Circus". This complex of vitamins can be taken from two years old. It is designed to prevent an iron lack in the body
  • "Vitrum Tineeger" (Vitrum Teenager). Children from 12 to 18 years of age during intensive growth and puberty need vitamins A, E and D, as well as other substances that allow you to cope with strong emotional, intellectual and physical activity. All these substances are collected by Unifarm in this complex

Vitrum side effects

Side phenomena when taking Vitrum preparations in recommended dosages are unlikely.

In rare cases, with individual intolerance to the components of this tool, heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and other problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract may appear.

Cases of nervous excitement, drowsiness, headaches and other disorders of the nervous system associated with the use of vitamins are also described.

Vitrum contraindications

Reception of the complex "Vitrum: 13 vitamins and 17 minerals" is contraindicated in:

  • High content of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the blood
  • Certain diseases of the respiratory system
  • Urolithiasis
  • Stomach ulcers and 12
  • Glucose malabsorption syndrome
  • Reduced level of red blood cells in the blood
  • Hippovitaminosis a
  • Intolerance to components of vitamins

Vitrum overdose

An overdose of this vitamin complex is not described. Laboratory experiments show that with a slight overdose, the body itself must bring out substances unnecessary to it.

With a significant overdose of vitamin preparations, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take activated carbon. Then it is necessary to fight specific symptoms of an overdose.

Vitrum or Centrum

Which drug is better
Which drug is better

“Vitrum: 13 vitamins and 17 minerals”, as well as its analogue from “Centrum: from A to Zinc” are complex drugs that include a complete set of vitamins and minerals necessary for the vital activity.

The Centerum complex contains 25 substances, and Vitruma - 30. But, “unrescched” elements are not so important for the body. Their lack is not critical. But in terms of the number of basic substances, this complex “Vitrum” surpasses “Centerum: from A to Zinc”. What can be seen from the table below.

Vitruma contains almost twice as many vitamins:

  • By mass, Vitruma contains approximately 2 times more vitamin: A, B12, D3, E and folic acid. But, in "Centerum", 1.5 times more extremely important vitamin C and 2 times more vitamin B7
  • Another “trump card” “Centerum: from A to Zinc” is Luthein. This substance is not synthesized by the body, which means it can only be obtained from food. Luthein plays an important role in the health of the eyes. You can get it from egg yolks, fruits and vegetables
  • There are no 6 minerals in the compared complex of vitamins from Centrum: silicon, vanadia, potassium, chloride, tin and nickel. Also in it is less than several times copper, iron, iodine and zinc. And chrome and molybdenum almost 2 times more

As for the additional substances that ensure the stable state of vitamins and minerals in tablet forms, there are more “centrum”. Some of these compounds can be harmful to people suffering from hypolactasia.

Important: you can choose a suitable vitamin complex for yourself only with the help of a specialist. The doctor should examine the patient, get the results of analyzes and other procedures. Then prescribe the drug that will have the best effect.

As for the cost of the above drugs, the complex from Vitruma costs less than several rubles.



"Bio-Max". A combined drug, which includes macro- and trace elements necessary for the body. With its help, you can strengthen the immune system of the body, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and increase resistance to loads. Vitamins and minerals included in this drug will improve the condition of the skin, hair, bone tissue, gums and teeth.

  • The drug is available in the form of tablets. Dosage: 1 tablet per day after eating. Course: 4 weeks

"Selmevit intensiv". A combined drug, which includes the polyvitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The composition of this complex has a large complex collected many substances with antioxidant effects. It can be used to protect the nervous system from stress and other loads.

  • The drug is available in the form of tablets: dosage: 1 tablet per day after meals. Course: 3 months

"Alphabet Classic." A complex drug in the form of tablets of different colors. Each tablet contains vitamins and minerals that interact well with each other. The alphabet is used for the general strengthening of the body and the work of its individual organs.

  • Dosage: one tablets of different colors three times a day. Course: 1 month

"Multitabs Classic". Dad containing 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. It is a source of all useful substances necessary for the body. “Multitabs Classic” is able to provide a normal level of energy and support the health of adults and children.

  • The drug is available in the form of tablets. Dosage: 1 tablet per day during meals. Course: 4 weeks

"Complivit". The multivitamin complex, designed for constant intake with the aim of maintaining the health and recharge of the body with the substances with the necessary substances.

  • The drug is available in the form of tablets. Dosage: 1 tablet once or twice a day after eating

Vitrum: tips and reviews

Lyudmila. These vitamins were advised by a friend. I drank them every day and noticed that the hair almost stopped falling out. The condition of the skin and bones has improved. And the intestines began to work better. I will drink the course, then I will rest a little and again buy this drug.

Elena. The drug that really helps. I started drinking Vitrum when I entered the institute. The load was enormous. Experiences, frequent lack of sleep, snacks on the go. All this could cause health problems. I tried Vitrum. He helped the body cope. And intellectual activity has improved from it. Now I drink these vitamins every six months.

Video: Vitrum Century

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