The use of a decoction and tincture of a series for the skin of the face and hair. Baths with a series

The use of a decoction and tincture of a series for the skin of the face and hair. Baths with a series

We recall forgotten knowledge about medicinal plants. The theme of the article is a series. This plant has been used by man for many centuries as an indispensable bactericidal agent that successfully fights with the most severe skin diseases even in newborn babies.

  • Knowledge of the benefits and dangers of plants allowed a person to survive in confrontation with nature forces, viruses, bacteria, predatory animals
  • These ancient knowledge gave humanity a chance to rise into the sky and sink to the bottom of the ocean, enjoy the dawn and enjoy the noise of rain outside the window. XXI century returned to people interest in almost forgotten knowledge
  • Familiar strangers - medicinal plants - excite the minds of not only scientists, but also those who want to live happily ever after

The benefits and contraindications of the series. A series of allergies and itching skin

The effect of healing herbs on the human body
The effect of healing herbs on the human body

Indications for the use of a series are

  • pyelonephritis
  • cystitis
  • acute respiratory viral infections (SARS)
  • all types of pyoderma
  • psoriasis
  • atopic dermatitis
  • eczema

The list of indications is due to the unique composition of the series of three -part, which includes

  1. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

The human body cannot synthesize this substance independently, which determines the need to receive vitamin C from food.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of the series,

  • protects, strengthens the vessels
  • derises harmful cholesterol
  • neutralizes the action of free radicals
  • stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin
  • enhances the effect of other vitamins and trace elements
  • promotes regeneration processes
  • activates immunity
  1. Karotin (Provitamin a)
  • improves the operation of the reproductive system
  • activates cell growth and promotes the rapid restoration of damaged tissues
  • participates in the formation of bone mass and teeth
  • normalizes metabolism
  • improves vision
  • neutralizes the action of free radicals
  • can accumulate in the human body
  • activates collagen production
  1. Essential oil
  • it is a natural antibiotic
  1. Bitter substances (bitterness)
  • activate hematopoiesis
  • normalize the work of the cardiovascular, excretory system, gastrointestinal tract
  • accelerate the burning of the fat layer
  • contribute to the restoration of acid-base balance
  • normalize the process of detoxification of the liver
  1. Tannins (tannins)
  • give elasticity to the walls of blood vessels (p-vitamin effects)
  • have bactericidal and hemostatic properties
  • tonic
  1. Bioflavonoids

It was these substances that have revived interest in traditional medicine. Surprisingly, all medicinal plants that have been used by rural sorcerers contain a huge amount of bioflavonoids. A series is no exception. It contains flavonoid compounds with diuretic activity and hepatoprotective exposure

  1. Mucus

The list of medicinal plants with a high content of mucus is limited. The most famous among them: Altie, chamomile, series, mallow.

How affect the human body:

  • reduce taste sensitivity to acidic
  • soften the irritation of the pharynx and the upper hand when coughing
  • improve the absorption of beneficial substances by the body
  • normalize the work of housing and communal services
  • contain natural alkaloids
  1. Kumarins - natural flavors
  2. Minerals
  • potassium (k)
  • calcium (CA)
  • magnesium (mg)
  • iron (Fe)
  • manganese (mn)
  • zinc (Zn)

There were no contraindications for the use of a series (except for individual intolerance). The effect of the preparations of the series on the human body is soft, does not provoke side effects and does not come into conflict with other medical drugs.


It is important to remember: a series is useful on time, in moderation, and only to those who need (like any other medicinal plant)

Frequent use of drugs.

  • can strengthen nervous excitement
    • negatively affects sleep
    • reduces blood pressure

It is undesirable to use a series of internally

  • children aged 0-3 years
  • pregnant women (especially the II and III trimesters of pregnancy)
  • nursing mothers

And now we will consider in more detail the main areas of application of a series of three -part

Treatment with a series. Baths with a series

The series is used externally

  1. In the form of infusion for lotions, compresses
  • arthritis
  • gout
  • acne
  • acne
  • boils
  • exudation diathesis
  1. In the form of a rinse infusion
  • seborrhea (scalp and hair)
  • cough (throat)
  1. In the form of powder for dry powder, compresses
  • purulent wounds
  • purulent ulcers
  1. In the form of a bath for baths for allergies, rickets
  2. In the form of an infusion for enemas and microclem with problems with the large intestine

Can I drink a series? Not only possible, but also necessary


The series is taken internally

  1. With colds as a diaphoretic
  2. For diseases of the genitourinary system as a diuretic
  3. With ulcerative colitis as a means to relieve irritation
  4. With problems with the gastrointestinal tract and anorexia as a means of normalizing digestion and improving appetite
  5. With problems with the liver and diseases of the biliary tract as a choleretic tool
  6. With rickets and allergies as a means of normalizing metabolism
  7. In the prevention of various diseases as a general strengthening and tonic

Fetroots Medicine recipes with a series

 The article contains general recipes for traditional medicine.


Important: the course of each disease is individual, since it depends on many factors. It is better to use recipes of doctors under the supervision of a doctor, especially the treatment of children

Infusion of a series for internal and external use. Can I drink a series?

  • 4 tbsp. l. Dry grassy fertilizer "Chess of grass" ("Black Tregrande")
  • 1 l of pure water (boiling water)

How to cook:

  1. Pour grass into a thermos
  2. Pour boiling water
  3. Insist 12 hours
  4. Strain

Important: the infusion should be transparent, golden brown tea

Office storage - 12 hours


How to take internally

  • 1/3 cup 30 minutes before meals
  • the number of receptions is 3-4 times a day

How to apply externally

  • lotions, compresses (several times a day)
  • cosmetic ice, cosmetic wiping (several times a day)

Any drug is accepted by the course consisting of the period of active administration and the period

  • active reception period - 10 weeks
  • period-5 weeks

Important: If you feel a deterioration in a general state, immediately stop taking the infusion and consult a doctor!

A series of allergies and itching skin

Infusions of a series facilitate the symptoms of many unpleasant diseases
Infusions of a series facilitate the symptoms of many unpleasant diseases

The first thing you should do before the use of drugs is to consult an allergist! Any medicine can be poison!

It is recommended to combine the internal and external use of drugs based on a series

Recipe #1 In the series

  • 3 tbsp. Dry grassy fertilizer "Chess of grass" ("Black Tregrande")
  • 200 ml of pure water (boiling water)

How to cook:

  1. Pour dry collection into any comfortable container with a lid
  2. Pour water
  3. Insist within 15-20 minutes
  4. Strain

How to take internally (only for adults):

  • Share boiling water to the original volume and drink like tea 2-3 times a day between the main meals
  • Active reception period - 20 weeks
  • Period-break-10 weeks

How to apply externally (suits for children):

  • Moisten the reaction focus with infusion, let the infusion dry

Recipe #2. Oil infusion of a series

  • 50 g of dry herbal collection "Chess of Grass" ("Black Tregrande")
  • 400 ml of refined vegetable oil

How to cook:

  1. Pour the herbal collection into any heat -resistant container
  2. Pour the collection with vegetable oil
  3. Place the container in the water bath
  4. Tash oil with a series in a water bath for about 10 hours. Do not allow active boiling of the oil mixture
  5. Stir to remove air bubbles
  6. Strain the mixture

Store in a dark cool place

How to apply externally (suitable for children):

  • Apply oil to the reaction focus in the morning and evening

This oil is perfect

  • to relieve external symptoms of allergies in adults and children
  • for skin care
  • for caring for coarse and cracked skin heels

Recipe #3. Baths with a series

Bath broth is prepared based on the following proportion: for each liter of water water, 1 g of dry collection is required

The volume of children's baths is 20-40 liters, respectively, the collection must be taken 20-40 g (the weight of herbal collection in 1 tbsp-3 g)

The volume of the standard bath is 200 liters

The broth needs to be prepared at least 45-60 minutes before the bath is accepted


  • 20-40 g of dry herbal grass "Chess grass" ("Black Tregrande")-for a children's medical bath or 200 g-for adults
  • 1 l of boiling water (for children), 3-4 l of boiling water (for adult)

How to cook:

  1. Pour the herbal collection into any heat -resistant container suitable in volume
  2. Pour water and close the lid
  3. Place the container with a decoction in a water bath
  4. Boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Stir the mixture from time to time
  5. Remove from heat and leave to infuse (from 45 minutes to 8 hours)
  6. Strain

Important: the time of taking a medical bath is 15 minutes, the temperature of the water is 37-38 ° C.

The number of techniques (for children and adults)

  • 5 times a week - until normalize the condition of the skin
  • 2-3 times a week-as a prevention

Application of a series of hair and scalp


Recipe #1. With seborrhea

  • 3 tbsp. l. Dry grassy fertilizer "Chess of grass" ("Black Tregrande")
  • 400 ml of pure water (boiling water)

How to cook:

  1. Pour grass into a thermos
  2. Pour boiling water
  3. Insist
  • 10 minutes under a closed lid
  • until the open lid open
  1. Strain
  2. 200 ml of infusion Dilute 500 ml of pure water

How to apply:

  • As a means for rinsing the scalp and hair after cleansing with a detergent
  • The temperature of the inflammation infusion should correspond to body temperature
  • The use of the infusion of a series helps to get rid of dandruff and normalizes the condition of the skin of the head
  • For more effective treatment, the external use of infusions of a series with the internal technique of the infusion of a series should be combined

Recipe #2. Tincture of a series

Tincture of a series of alcohol/vodka successfully fights with hair loss

  • 1 part of the dry herbal collection "Chess of Grass" ("Black Tregrande")
  • 10 parts of medical alcohol (can be replaced with vodka)

How to cook:

  1. Pour the herbal collection into a convenient container with a hermetically closing lid
  2. Pour alcohol/vodka
  3. Mix thoroughly
  4. Insist 2 weeks at room temperature
  5. Strain

Tincture of the series - Application


  • Dilute the tincture in the ratio of 1 part tincture to 10 parts of water
  • Light massaging movements rub the product into the cleansed scalp
  • After massage, hit your head with a terry towel for 15-30 minutes


  • 10 drops of tincture 3 times a day

The use of burdock oil with a series

 Burdock oil with a series is a panacea in the struggle for healthy hair. Pharmacies offer ready -made oil compositions. However, you can make such a tool at home.

  • 50 g of dry herbal collection "Chess of Grass" ("Black Tregrande")
  • 50 g of dry pharmacy fee "burdock root" or 75 g of fresh chopped root
  • 400 ml of refined vegetable oil

How to cook:

  1. Pour the herbal collection into any heat -resistant container
  2. Pour the collection with vegetable oil
  3. Place the container in the water bath
  4. Tash oil with a series in a water bath for about 10 hours. Do not allow active boiling of the oil mixture
  5. Stir to remove air bubbles
  6. Strain the mixture

Store in a dark cool place

How to apply (the procedure is carried out before washing the head):

  1. Rinse your hair under running water, slightly dry with a towel
  2. Warm oil (1-2 tbsp. L.) apply to the roots with light massage movements
  3. Distribute the oil along the entire length of the hair with a crest/comb with rare teeth
  4. Remove your hair under a plastic cap, wrap your head with a terry towel
  5. Oil should remain on the hair for 1-3 hours
  6. Wash your head using the usual means for you

 Use the oil mask 1-2 times a week until normalizing the hair.

Important: If you have oily scalp, use sour rinsing after using burdock oil

The basic proportion of a solution for rinsing hair:

1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice or natural apple cider vinegar per 200 ml of warm water

How to apply:

  • Rinse the hair thoroughly in a warm solution for rinsing
  • Wash your head with the usual means

The use of oil and tangerine oils

Adding a series of a few drops of mandarin essential oil to the oil will enhance the beneficial properties of the composition.

Mandarin oil

  • prevents the formation of dandruff
  • fights with brittle hair
  • activates hair growth

A series of therapeutic properties for the skin


  • Any of the above infusions can be used as a tonic or cosmetic ice for problem skin skin
  • Alcohol tincture of a series diluted 1: 1 mineral water without gas, will replace a cleansing lotion for problem skin

Home cosmetology has long appreciated the nourishing masks for the face based on a series

A recipe for a nutrient mask for problem skin skin

  • 1 tbsp. l. Dry grassy fertilizer "Chess of grass" ("Black Tregrande")
  • 1 tbsp. l. Dry Herbal Gathering "Chamomile Pharmacy"
  • 1 tbsp. l. custard green tea
  • 200 ml of boiling water
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese

How to cook:

  1. Pour the mixture of herbal preparations and tea into a thermos, pour boiling water
  2. Insist within 2-3 hours
  3. Strain
  4. Take a steamed grass collection
  5. Thoroughly rub honey, steamed grass and cottage cheese in a blender

How to apply:

  1. Apply a mask to cleansed skin
  2. Leave for 15-20 minutes
  3. Wash off with herbal infusion

Application of oil of a series

The oil of the series retains all the beneficial properties of the series of three -part and is used not only for external procedures, but also internally. Regular intake of oil facilitates the symptoms of allergies, psoriasis, bronchitis, etc.


The easiest way to use oil is to lubricate the problem areas of the skin or apply oil compresses.

No less useful for the skin will be homemade cosmetic masks with oil.

Recipe #1 protein mask with butter.

  • 1 egg protein
  • 1 tsp. honey (liquid)
  • 1 tsp. Oils of a series

How to cook:

  • Carefully mix all components

How to apply:

  1. Apply to cleansed skin, avoiding the eyebrow/eye area, lips. Application time 15-20 minutes
  2. Remove the mask by rinsing your face with a decoction of a series or clean water at room temperature

Recipe #2 Honey Lemon Mask with Oil Facial

  • 1 tbsp. l. Oils of a series
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey (liquid)
  • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice (can be replaced with natural apple cider vinegar)
  • 1 tsp. fresh aloe juice

How to cook:

  • Carefully mix all the components of the mask

How to apply:

  1. Apply the mask to cleansed skin, avoiding the eyebrow/eye area, lips. Application time 15-20 minutes
  2. Remove the mask by rinsing your face with clean cool water

Body oil

In addition to the treatment of the skin, the oil is also used for reflexology. The method of acupressure can be mastered independently, focusing on the diagrams below

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Pills with a series, benefit and use

 This drug belongs to the phytopreparations of a wide range of action, due to the unique properties of the series


Video: Tregrande series

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