What shows an analysis for glycated hemoglobin - decryption. How to donate blood to glycated hemoglobin?

What shows an analysis for glycated hemoglobin - decryption. How to donate blood to glycated hemoglobin?

What is glycated hemoglobin? What are the norms of glycated hemoglobin for children, adults and pregnant women?

What do we know about such a concept as glycated hemoglobin? Why are such tests surrendered? What is the indicator of glycated hemoglobin about? How to decipher such tests? What are the norms of glycated hemoglobin for various population groups? We will try to figure out all this in this article.

What does glycated hemoglobin mean?

What is glycated hemoglobin?
What is glycated hemoglobin?
  • Glycated hemoglobin or glycosized hemoglobin
    It is considered a product of the reaction of hemoglobin and glucose. The fact is that inherently hemoglobin is a protein, and sugar in a collision with such a protein begins to bind it. Such and such related compounds are called glycated hemoglobin
  • The larger the blood of glycosized hemoglobin in the ratio with pure hemoglobin protein, the higher its indicator. And accordingly, the larger blood sugar will be. At the same time, this indicator displays the concentration of glucose in the blood not at the time of the study, but over the past three months
  • Glycated hemoglobin is an extremely important indicator that allows you to detect diabetes mellitus in its early stages. Also, such an analysis can show a pre -aable state of the body

Preparation for analysis for glycated hemoglobin. How to take glycated hemoglobin?

Preparation for analysis for glycated hemoglobin
Preparation for analysis for glycated hemoglobin

The following signs of diabetes mellitus may be indications for the delivery of such an analysis:

  • constant thirst and dry mouth
  • long and frequent urination
  • ambulance
  • prolonged wound healing
  • constant infectious diseases
  • falling vision

Blood for analysis of the level of glycosized hemoglobin is taken either from the vein or from the finger.

If in case of analysis for sugar blood must be taken on an empty stomach, then an analysis for glycated hemoglobin can be taken, both from a hungry person and a well -fed one.

For a more clear picture, of course, you can refrain from eating before analysis, but this is not necessary.

Analysis for glycated hemoglobin can also be taken at any time of the day.

It will not be an obstacle to the blood sampling for this analysis and condition of the patient, neither psycho-emotional nor physical. In other words, even if a person suffered stress, suffers from a cold or a virus and at the same time takes various kinds of drugs, it is not contraindicated for him to undergo studies on glycosa hemoglobin.

How and where to take an analysis for glycated hemoglobin?
How and where to take an analysis for glycated hemoglobin?

Only the following states of the human body can slightly reduce the indicator of glycated hemoglobin:

  • anemia
  • bleeding and other blood losses
  • hemolysis

The same indicator can increase blood transfusion and a lack of iron in the human body.

  • It is best to take an analysis for glycated hemoglobin in laboratories with new equipment. Such laboratories give more accurate results
  • It is worth noting that blood tests at the same time in several research centers can give distinguishable results. This difference is easily explained by the use of various kinds of research methods
  • Therefore, it is better to constantly take tests in the same proven laboratory
  • Repeat the tests for people at risk, preferably every three to four months

Deciphering the analysis on glycated hemoglobin. Glycated hemoglobin in men

The norm of glycated hemoglobin in men
The norm of glycated hemoglobin in men
  • The results of tests for glycated hemoglobin (HBA1C) contain numbers by which you can determine the location of the human body to diabetes mellitus
  • The norm of glycated hemoglobin for men is equal to the norm of the same indicator for women
  • If glycated hemoglobin during research shows a number from four to six percent, then this indicates the normal state of the body
  • If the indicators are in the range from six and a half to seven and a half percent, then a person can suspect a pre -diabage state. Also, such figures may indicate the presence of iron deficiency
  • If glycated hemoglobin exceeds the number seven and a half percent, you can confidently state the presence of diabetes in humans
  • If HBA1C in the patient exceeds ten percent, in which case, urgent comprehensive treatment is indicated

Glycated hemoglobin in children

The norm of glycated hemaglabin for children
The norm of glycated hemaglabin for children
  • Indicators of the norm of glycosized hemoglobin in children coincide with the indicators of the norm for adults
  • If the child in the HBA1C indicator is at the mark above ten percent, it must be urgently treated. However, you should not take too radical and speedy measures, since the accelerated decrease in glycated hemoglobin can provoke a sharp drop in vision
  • An increased level of glycated hemoglobin (over seven percent) can be considered the norm only for the elderly

Glycated hemoglobin in pregnant women

Glycated hemoglobin in pregnant women
Glycated hemoglobin in pregnant women

The level of glycosized hemoglobin in women in an interesting position can fluctuate throughout the entire period of pregnancy in one direction or the other. The reasons for such jumps can be:

  • too large the fetus (more than four kilograms)
  • anemia
  • merch in the work of the kidneys

HBA1C is stabilized, as a rule, in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Despite this inconsistency of the level of glycated hemoglobin during pregnancy, its diagnosis is extremely important for determining the pregnant woman with possible diabetes of pregnant or real diabetes.

The norm for pregnant women is all the same indicators as for women in the usual state:

  • 4-6%-metabolic processes are normal, there is no diabetes
  • 6-7%-a pre-aable state that requires constant analysis and control
  • 7-8%-diabetes
  • above 10% - complications of diabetes requiring urgent intervention

The norm of glycated hemoglobin, table

Glycated hemoglobin norms table
Glycated hemoglobin norms table

Video: glycated hemoglobin

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