Quiz for proverbs and sayings for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Quiz for proverbs and sayings for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Examples of tasks for quizzes by proverbs and sayings.

Quiz for proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren

Quiz for proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren
Quiz for proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren

Quiz for proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren:

Remember proverbs and sayings about fairy tales

  • The fairy tale is not a fairy tale, but a saying.
  • Listen to a fairy tale, and listen to the saying.
  • A fairy tale is a lie, and the song is true.
  • A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellow lesson.
  • The tale from the beginning begins, reads to the end, does not interrupt in the middle.
  • A fairy tale is a fold, and the song is the past.
  • Tales are not salads: you will not sit down and you won’t go.
  • Eat porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: with your mind - Sleeom with mind, yes, on the mustache.
  • A good fairy tale, but the last.
  • Listening to a fairy tale, they do not ask questions.
  • Every joke in a fairy tale is good.
  • There is a pig of a gold bristle, but in fairy tales.
  • The story is not stolen behind the fairy tale.
  • There is not a fairy tale: you won’t throw a word out of it.
  • Bride dreams and women fairy tales.
  • There was a king, the king of the psar, but did not have a dog - and the whole fairy tale.
  • The tale is red with a warehouse, and the song is fret.
  • Mal was - listened to fairy tales; He grew great - he himself began to tell, but they did not listen.
  • Either do it, or tell fairy tales.
  • On fairy tales, on the sleds.
  • Without reading fairy tales, do not throw poisoning!
  • The soul went hands - the devil will have (from the saying).
  • Tell the tales! Speak, I will listen to!
  • I don’t sleep and do not sleep and do not doze off, but I think I think (from a fairy tale).
  • It’s good to tell a fairy tale about the Roman cucumber (from Krylov).
  • This is a saying, and the fairy tale will be ahead.
  • He beat the ruff with a brow on a dashing bream (from a fairy tale).
  • The king of Tofut was lived - and the fairy tale is all of the tuta.
  • There is an end to any fairy tale.
  • Not every drink is suitable for drinking, not every fairy tale is a pointer to people.
  • The fool is only lucky in fairy tales.
  • On oak, which is under the oak; On fairy tales, on the sleds.
  • A fairy tale is affection for the heart.
  • Who loves dancing and who to listen to fairy tales.
  • Without a naughty and a storyteller, dozing.
  • On the Duma, under the smoke; On fairy tales, on the sleds
  • If my granddaughter is May, I know fairy tales.
  • Life, as in a fairy tale, the further, the worse.
  • A good fairy tale, but the last.
  • Songs sing about him, fairy tales are told.
  • The tale is all, you can’t say anymore.
  • Tell the one who did not see Foma.
  • The fairy tale is good.
  • A proverb and saying a conversation is painted.
  • The past is that the resin, and the nonsense - that the water.
  • A fairy tale is a fold, listen sweetly.
  • We also said fairy tales.
  • Everything is in fairy tales, but there is nothing in the hands.
  • Take care of your tongue under old age for the guys to tell a fairy tale.
  • The tale is red with a warehouse, and the song is fret.
  • Soon the fairy tale affects, but not soon the job is being done.
  • There is not a fairy tale: you won’t throw a word out of it.
  • Here is a fairy tale for you, but I have a bunch of bunch.

Remember the proverbs of friendship

  • An old friend is better than two new ones.
  • Friend is known in trouble.
  • There is safety in numbers.
  • You can’t buy friendship for money.
  • One for all and all for one.
  • Not in service, but in friendship.
  • In crowded but not mad.
  • Who will you lead with, from that you will get
  • There are not many friends.
  • Tell me who is your friend and I will say who you are.
  • There is no friend - look, find - take care.
  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  • A man without friends is a tree without roots.
  • You can’t cut strong friendship and ax.
  • There is no price to a true friend.
  • Friendship is more expensive.
  • Get lost yourself, and help out your comrades.
  • Goose pig is not a comrade.
  • The wrong friend is more dangerous than the enemy.
  • Without a friend on the heart of a blizzard.
  • A faithful friend is better than hundreds of servants.
  • There are no distances for friendship.
  • A great merit is to help out a friend in trouble.
  • A friend is easier to lose than find.
  • Stand for each other - and win the battle.
  • Look for a friend better than yourself, not worse than yourself.
  • Do not recognize a friend in three days - find out at three years old.
  • A friend will teach, but the warning will teach.
  • Look for friends, and the enemies yourself will be found.
  • Good brotherhood is more expensive than wealth.
  • Friendship - like glass: you will break - you will not add.
  • You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
  • Who is stingy and greedy, he is not Laden in friendship.
  • A good friend is better than a bad relatives.
  • The friend is inexhaustible, that the nut is unsolved.
  • A good friend is old, and the house is new.
  • More friends are more enemies.
  • A looking for a friend without a flaw will be left without a friend.
  • Friendship from unfriendly lives closely.
  • Friends of the rich - that the chaff is near the grain.
  • Who is cool in the morals is not a friend to anyone.

Remember proverbs and sayings about the world

  • The world is strong not with weapons, but by people of good will.
  • The world is made by labor, not in words.
  • There are not only doors in the world.
  • The world to the people - life will be more beautiful from year to year.
  • The world is not waiting, the peoples take him into their own hands.
  • The world stands to the rati, and the army - to the world.
  • There is a lot in the world, like in a sea of \u200b\u200bwater.
  • The world is with you and God with you.
  • The world is happiness for the people.
  • The world is a great matter.
  • The world without the elder that the sheaf was shown without.
  • The world is not waiting, they are fighting for the world.
  • The peoples need peace, not a military uniform.
  • To fall through the whole world.
  • The world is not without good people.
  • Peace and work are keeping in the leg.
  • We believe the pacts, and even more facts.
  • The thin world is better than a good battle.
  • In the world and death is red.
  • The light will defeat the darkness, and the world - war
  • We move the world and mountains.
  • The world is not waiting, they are conquered.
  • Peace to you and we are to you.
  • The world of Zinet - the stone will crack.
  • Living in the world is worldly and create.
  • Where is the world, there is joy.
  • Living in the world, do not forget about the war.
  • The world is building, but the war destroys.
  • No matter how much you are at enmity, you need to leave a loophole for the world.
  • The world creates, defeats.
  • You won’t get peace.
  • The world is a garden: everything is growing in it.
  • The world's neck is Tolsta.
  • Peace to your home.
  • There was no good war and bad peace.
  • Walk around the world, but not cities.
  • The sun cannot be closed to the clouds, the world cannot be defeated.
  • For a peaceful word to the world and you need to answer.
  • From the Carpathians to the Pamir, our people want peace.
  • In the same world, all are smeared.
  • The world of everyone is older, and there is an officer in the world.
  • The world is water: it will make and disperse.
  • Flowers need the sun, and people - the world.
  • The world will blow - the wind will be, the world will spit - the sea will be, the world will subside - the forest dries.
  • The world is better than a quarrel.
  • The dove of the world curls, and the capitalist is shaking.
  • In the world in the sea.
  • A good person is a world, and madmen - a head in a pool.
  • Where the world is yes, there is no treasure.
  • The world and Lad is a large treasure.
  • The matter of the world is strong.
  • Everyone needs to know: whoever sows the world - the world will collect.
  • The world is a wave: that one, then all.
  • Mirly business alone cannot do.
  • The straw world is better than an iron fight.
  • Where is the world, there is good deed.
  • The worldly truth stands tightly.
  • The world is wicked, and the monastery is pious.
  • Plants stretch to the light, and the peoples - to the world.
  • That vorog to whom the world is not dear.
    The worldly tear is great.
  • The world is more expensive.
  • Living in the world sleeps calmly.
  • The world will roar - the forest is being driven.
  • With the world everywhere there is a spaciousness, with abuse everywhere tightness.
  • Together for the world to stand - there is no war.
  • Mirkom and with a stream.
  • The world in the family is holding on to the wife.
  • The thin world is better than a good quarrel.
  • There are many in the world, but the poor cannot be counted.
  • The world is a great thing: as they will breathe in the whole world, so the temporary will die.
  • You won’t serve the world out the window.
  • Peace and love are the head of everything.
  • The world is great man; The world is a great thing.
  • There is such an agreement in the world: who abducted, he and the thief
  • The world is the world.
  • Worldly rumor that a sea wave.
  • To live in the world - to serve the world.
  • The world is a great man, he will feed everyone.
  • The world will stand for itself.
  • Who sows the world, reaping happiness.
  • The light defeats the darkness, the world will defeat the war.
  • Mirsky glory is changeable
  • With the world along the thread, a naked shirt.
  • Millions - for peace, millionaires - for the war.
  • You will not be nice to the whole world.

Quiz for proverbs and sayings for preschoolers

Quiz for proverbs and sayings for preschoolers
Quiz for proverbs and sayings for preschoolers

Quiz for proverbs and sayings for preschoolers - "decryption":

  • Sell \u200b\u200ba stroller in winter and dump truck in the summer (cook sleds in the summer, and a cart in winter)
  • The wine does not flow over the standing sand (water does not flow under the lying stone)
  • The night has fun in the morning, because there is no one to relax (the day is bored until the evening, if there is nothing to do)
  • Fifty -four - peasant cucumber for the first time (forty -five - woman berry again)
  • A separate ostrich scolds someone else's desert (every Kulik praises his swamp)
  • Cat - the enemy of the monkey (dog is a friend of man)
  • Chicken boar girlfriend (goose pig is not a comrade)
  • The cow occasionally hides cleanliness (the pig will always find dirt)
  • The teetotaler of the puddle to the chin (drunk sea knee
  • Lies of ears caresses (though the eyes are baked)
  • The idleness of the lover intimidates (the master is afraid)
  • One happiness - many questions (seven troubles - one answer)
  • This is bad if it starts badly (everything is fine that ends well)
  • Facial clock - despondency for the year (time - funny hour)
  • The letters are like eagles - fly and slip away (the word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you will not catch)
  • It is necessary to praise the reflection if the face is straight (there is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the mug of the crooked)
  • The contribution of non -payment is terrible (debt payment is red)
  • For Juan, not Sombrero (according to Senka and a hat or on the Yereme and a cap)
  • Small kayak - a small flight (a large ship - a big swimming)
  • Weight - five, and two weekends (business - time, fun - hour)
  • The eyes of the old people are silent for a lie (the mouth of the baby verbs the truth)
  • You will also abandon the bird in the sea with the lazy one (you can’t easily pull out the fish from the pond)
  • Puppies to scare - to run near the park (not to be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest)
  • Freeze the lizard under your back (warm the snake on your chest)
  • Satiety disappears per minute of hunger (appetite comes during meals)
  • Happiness moves the company (trouble does not come alone)
  • Ladies in a carriage - slices harder (woman from a cart - mare is easier)
  • Lysina - male disgrace (braid - girlish beauty)
  • From the courage of the back of the head is small (the eyes are great in fear)
  • Alien dress is far from the face (your shirt is closer to the body)
  • The police shoes get wet (the hat is on the thief)
  • Below the heels you can land (you can’t jump above your head)
  • Great idle is worse than a tiny business (a small thing is better than a big idleness)
  • For a single fool, there are not enough difficulties (for any sage is quite simplicity)
  • Happiness moves in heaps. (Trouble does not go alone)
  • Go away from the new washing machine. (Stay with a broken trough)
  • Lysin is a male disgrace. (Braid - dressed beauty)
  • From the courage of the back of the head. (Fear has big eyes)
  • Alien shoes are further from the legs. (Your own shirt is closer to the body)
  • On a policeman, the felt boots are wet. (The hat is on the thief)
  • You will not go down below the heels. (You can't jump above your head)
  • He hid that the algae is from the aquarium. (Gruzdev called himself get in the body)
  • Chicken a boar girlfriend. (Goose pig is not a comrade)
  • You will correct borsch with sauce. (You can't spoil the porridge with oil)

Quiz for proverbs and sayings with answers

Quiz for proverbs and sayings with answers
Quiz for proverbs and sayings with answers

Quiz for proverbs and sayings with answers:

Quiz "Remember proverbs and sayings about animals"

  • There would be a pig, there would be a bristle.
  • In his nest and a crow, the kite will turn off his eyes
  • In the cold, the cat does not catch mice.
  • You can see the falcon by flight, and the fellow on the gait.
  • Wolf in sheep's clothing.
  • Wolf for sheep is a bad shepherd.
  • The wolf is not a friend.
  • Do not call the wolf on the dogs to help.
  • The wolf's legs feed.
  • Pity the wolf - it bites more evil.
  • Wolves to be afraid - do not go to the forest.
  • Sparrows are dumb - nests curls.
  • The raven will not turn the eyes of the eye.
  • The crow, although it flew over the sea, and did not become white.
  • This is where the dog is buried.
  • All night the dog smeared for a month, but I did not know that for a month.
  • Every Kulik on his swamp is great.
  • Every cricket, know your pole.
  • Every mouse is afraid of a cat.
  • Deaf grin.
  • Hungry as wolf.
  • Woe alone cancer paints.
  • Goose pig is not a comrade.
  • Give the chicken to the bed - the whole garden will smoke.
  • Two bears do not live in one den.
  • The friendly herd Volkov is not afraid.
  • She complained to the wolf’s sheep for bad life.
  • The crane flies high, sees far.
  • Behind a mosquito with an ax, behind a fly with a butt.
  • For his blood - and the chicken is a fierce beast.
  • The hare is from the fox, and the frog is from the hare.
  • Know, a cat, your basket.
  • Know the beast by claws, to know by hooves.
  • And the wolves are full and the sheep are intact.
  • And the frog can drown.
  • And the dog remembers who feeds her.
  • They do not beat from the gun on sparrows.
  • If the bush was not sweet, the nightingale of the nest was not fork.
  • Each chicken praises its own.
  • Each bird protects its nest.
  • Each cumulates praise his swamp.
  • Like a cow on ice.
  • No matter how much the crow, but far from the falcon.
  • Like a fish in water.
  • Like water off a duck's back.
  • Like an elephant in a bowl shop.
  • Like an elephant of a crude.
  • What is the owner, such is the dog.
  • When a fried rooster pecks.
  • When the cancer whistles, and the fish will sing.
  • The horse runs - the earth is trembling.
  • The cow is black, but her milk is white.
  • Beat the cow with a stick - do not drink milk.
  • The cat from home - mice to dance.
  • The cat cried.
  • The cat is a hunter to the fish, but he is afraid of water.
  • The cuckoo praises the rooster for praising the cuckoo (I. A. Krylov).
  • Kulik and Gagara - two boots of a couple.
  • The lazy horse and tail interferes.
  • Either hay is a handle or a pitchfork to the side.
  • Catchs the wolf, catch the wolf.
  • A horse is a gift, and a spoon is a gift.
  • Better a small fish than a big cockroach.
  • Love is blind.
  • A small dog is a puppy to old age.
  • The monkey is still a monkey without a tail.
  • Martyshkin labor.
  • A chicken -baking egg will pull out a chicken.
  • The bear has come in the ear.
  • Bear corner.
  • Disservice.
  • Methyl in a crow - he got into the cow.
  • Wet chicken, and also roasts.
  • Milk at the cow in the tongue.
  • He runs to the catcher and the beast.
  • On the hazard of their rooster is stronger.
  • For lunch, the bead is enough and flies.
  • On the landfill, the rooster is more important.
  • At least put on a pig on a pig, everything will not be a horse.
  • Flies do not sit on a whole egg.
  • On the alien side of the lobby, I am glad about his Voronushka.
  • Not great cricket, but sings loudly.
  • The bird is not great - a tit, but smart.
  • Every day is not Sunday.
  • Not every dog \u200b\u200bbites, which barks.
  • Do not drive the horse with a whip, but drive the horse with oats.
  • It’s not for the wolf that they hit that ser, but for what the sheep ate.
  • Not the first winter to winter the wolf.
  • Not a robe, a sparrow.
  • You will not kill the snake - it is sting.
  • Do not teach a goat: he will steal from the cart.
  • He lagged behind the raven and did not stick to the new.
  • The mouse's tears will pour to the cat.
  • Rotten apple injures its neighbors.
  • The first swallow.
  • The rooster will unwell, if he does not know how to speak.
  • They do not shoot at the sparrows from the gun.
  • By pike command.
  • Put a pig.
  • Sing better well with a groove than the bad nightingale.
  • Put the pig at the table, she and legs on the table.
  • Only crows fly right.
  • The bird is small, but the claw ocher.
  • The scared crow is afraid of the bush.
  • Let the goat into the garden, he will wrap all the cabbage.
  • The fish rot from the head.
  • Live with wolves-howl like a wolf.
  • With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.
  • With a lousy sheep, at least wool Klok.
  • The pig will find dirt.
  • I would say a word, but the wolf is not not for the wolf.
  • No matter how much the wolf is feeding, he looks into the forest.
  • The dog lies in the hay - he does not eat and does not give others.
  • The nightingale does not feed their fables.
  • Forty on the tail brought.
  • The old dog does not bark in vain.
  • A flock of jackals can art a tiger.
  • Consider the raven.
  • The tiger, although fiercely, will not eat their own.
  • A cowardly hare and stump of wolf.
  • Do not look for a mustache - you won’t find a mustache
  • Stubborn like a donkey.
  • The hare is white, and the hunter is brave.
  • A good blacksmith and a frog will bribe
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • Through strength and the horse does not jump.
  • A turtle step.
  • A cat smells, whose meat has eaten.
  • Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Task - continue proverbs and sayings:

  • What goes around comes around).
  • Without difficulty ... (do not catch a fish from the pond).
  • Business before pleasure).
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).
  • He took up the guzh ... (do not say that not a dozen).
  • With whom you will lead ... (from that you will get).
  • Prepare the sled in the summer ... (and the cart in winter).
  • As it comes up ... (so responds).
  • You’ll chase two hares ... (you won’t catch a single one).
  • Make a fool to pray to God ... (he will break his forehead and his forehead).
  • How many wolf do not feed ... (and he looks into the forest).
  • The farther to the forest ... (the more firewood).
  • What goes around comes around).
  • Without difficulty ... (do not catch a fish from the pond).
  • Business before pleasure).
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).
  • He took up the guzh ... (do not say that not a dozen).
  • With whom you will lead ... (from that you will get).
  • Prepare the sled in the summer ... (and the cart in winter).
  • As it comes up ... (so responds).
  • You’ll chase two hares ... (you won’t catch a single one).
  • Make a fool to pray to God ... (he will break his forehead and his forehead).
  • How many wolf do not feed ... (and he looks into the forest).
    The farther to the forest ... (the more firewood).

Task - recall proverbs or sayings about the following items

  • A spoon. (Road spoon for dinner. One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.)
  • Book. (To live with the book - do not bother the century.)
  • Needle. (Where is a needle, there and a thread.)
  • Awl. (Murder will out.)
  • Apple. (One rotten apple can ruin hundreds of others. The apple does not fall far from the apple.)
  • Stone. (A rolling stone gathers no moss.)
  • Feather. (What is written with a pen - you can’t cut down an ax.)

The task is to recall proverbs and sayings that mention the numbers

  • The mind is good, but two are better.
  • Seven nannies have a child with the eye.
  • An old friend is better than two new ones.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • Seven troubles - one answer.
  • One for all and all for one.
  • The promised three years are waiting.
  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  • For one broken two broken ones are not given.
  • There are no two deaths, but one do not pass

Quiz - "Russian proverbs and sayings"

Quiz - Russian proverbs and sayings
Quiz - "Russian proverbs and sayings"

Quiz - “Russian proverbs and sayings”:

1. Who, according to the Russian proverb, the legs feed:
a) Wolf +
b) a horse
c) runner

2. What, according to the proverb, has ears:
a) at the door
b) at the walls +
c) at the intercom

3. Which horse does the proverb advise not to look in the teeth:
a) purchased
b) stolen
c) gift +

4. Who, according to the Russian proverb, is a person for his happiness:
a) blacksmith +
b) tailor
c) master

5. How the proverb ends: “A large piece ...”:
a) a large plate
b) teeth rejoice
c) the mouth rejoices +

6. Where you can’t pull the fish without difficulty, according to the proverb:
a) from the freezer
b) from the pond +
c) from the aquarium

7. What a smart person will do by meeting the mountain on the way:
a) will conquer
b) shift
c) bypass +

8. Before what event, according to the saying, should any human injury heal:
a) before the wedding +
b) before the New Year
c) before name day

9. What, according to the saying, is the beauty:
a) investments
b) care
c) victims +

10. Where is a very happy person, according to the saying:
a) for seven seals
b) in the seventh sky +
c) for seven seas

11. Cat ... according to Malaya Spasskaya!
a) sausage +
b) mask
c) coloring

12. Called ... -troke in a basket:
a) mushroom
b) Gruzem +
c) cucumber

13. Osina will not give birth:
a) orange +
b) tangerine
c) Tsushima

14. The first pancake:
a) mountain
b) snowdrift
c) lump +

15. ... ... washes, and two ... -time:
a) hand, hand, hands +
b) paw, paw, paws
c) leg, leg, legs

16. ... in the fall, they believe:
a) Zaitsev
b) chickens +
c) bears

17. ... from ... not far falls:
a) a leaf from a tree
b) light from the lamp
c) an apple from an apple + +

18. Language ... will bring:
a) to Rome
b) to Kyiv +
c) to mind

19. All roads lead ...:
a) to Kyiv
b) to Moscow
c) in Rome +

20. Lazy hands are not relatives ...:
a) quick legs
b) smart head +
c) hardworking people

21. Learn to learn ...
a) it will always come in handy +
b) no need to be lazy
c) good tradition

22. Science teaches only ...:
a) the one who wants to learn
b) smart +
c) stupid

23. Every business of the master ...:
a) scared
b) is afraid
c) afraid +

24. Human labor feeds, and laziness ...:
a) decorates
b) spoils +
c) relaxes

25. Always lazy ...:
a) a day off
b) Sunday
c) holiday +

26. I grieve with tears ...:
a) you will not prove
b) you will not help +
c) do not benefit

27. It will be on our street ...:
a) holiday +
b) salute
c) wedding

28. DOLODING day until the evening, if ...:
a) do one
b) there is nothing to do +
c) do not need to do anything

29. Learning light, and ignorance - ...:
a) darkness +
b) night
c) prison

30. You can listen to it, and ...:
a) you will not believe
b) you can’t believe +
c) do not believe

31. Free cheese ...
It happens only in the mousetrap
The second mouse gets
does not lie on the road

32. I ate a dog ...
Kota pity
The dogman is for evil
He choked on his tail

33. Called by a load ...
Climb into the body
Live with cargoes
Show the documents!

34. Without difficulty ...
You can't spoil the porridge
You can't lay out and the tile is nowhere
You can't catch a fish from the pond

35. Born to crawl ...
will not get off the runway
He cannot fly
It does not fly long

36. You love to ride ...
Love and ride
love and sledges to carry
Teach SDA

37. Measure seven times ...
Write down once
and no longer need
Cut once

38. A large ship ...
Big swimming
Big torpedo
Eleven Oscars

39. Baba with a cart ...
funny hour
One mare is smaller
The mare is easier

40. Do not spit in the well ...
will fly out, you won't catch
You will get there yourself
You will need to get drunk

41. Eyes are afraid ...
And the hands do
And the hands are dirty
Don't look at the price tag

42. Taken for the Guise ...
The horse is resting
Don't say if not a dozen
Do not forget to go to the shower

43. The devil is not so terrible ...
Like his baby
How he is painted
as a person under his influence

44. The case is time ...
sweat now
funny hour
The case will wait

45. Who gets up early ...
God gives him
He gets everyone
That and slippers

46. \u200b\u200bHow many wolf do not feed ...
He still looks into the forest
He looks anyway!
And the bear still has more

47. Friends are known ...
in food
At your discretion
in trouble

48. Better a tit in the hands ...
than a crane in the hair
than a crane in the sky
than "duck" under the bed

49. You go quieter ...
You will be further
Further Kukish
louder rage at the back

50. He laughs well ...
who wants to live longer
who laughs in a megaphone
Who laughs the last

Quiz on the topic "Proverbs and sayings"

Quiz on the topic of proverbs and sayings
Quiz on the topic "Proverbs and sayings"

Quiz on the topic "Proverbs and sayings":

The task of the players is to choose a Russian proverb or saying similar in meaning

  • The fly will not fly into the closed mouth. - The Italian proverb. (Word is not a sparrow: it will fly out, you will not catch.)
  • Two dogs are unlikely to share one bone. English proverb (two bears in the same den will not get along.)
  • Praise is not pudding. The English proverb ("thanks" will not be full.)
  • Where there are no fruit trees, beets will go beyond the orange. Iranian proverb. (Bravybie and cancer - fish.)
  • He will not get lost who asks. Finnish proverb. (Language will bring to Kyiv.)
  • A silent mouth is a golden mouth. German proverb. (The word silver, and the silence is gold.)
  • You can’t weld rice with rice. Chinese proverb. (The guest is not fed by fables.)
  • And there are spots on white jade. Chinese proverb. (There are lees to every wine.)
  • An early bird eats a worm. English proverb. (Whoever gets up early, God will be fallen.)
  • The peak is not placed in the bag. Polish proverb. (Murder will out.)
  • He ran from the rain, fell under the rain. Arab proverb. (Without fire and in the fun.)
  • Do not teach the fish to swim. English proverb. (Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.)
  • You can’t spend a bakery on bread. Spanish proverb. (An old bird is not caught with chaff.)
  • Do not look for fried sausage in a dog cone. German proverb. (Look for winds in the field.)
  • Those who have a talkative mouth, that body in bruises. English proverb. (My tongue is my enemy.)
  • He will not get lost who asks. Finnish proverb. (Language will bring to Kyiv.)
  • The scalded cock runs away from the rain. French proverb. (Who got burned in milk, blows into the water.)
  • A leisurely elephant before reaches a goal than a frisky stallion. Vietnamese proverb. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get.)

"Riddle, made by a proverb"

  • On the alien side, she is doubly sweet. It is more beautiful than the sun, more expensive than gold. Love for her is stronger than death. (Homeland)
  • Whoever has no beauty has not seen in it. She is a granite, no one will win her. She does not believe in tears. (Moscow)
  • He is glad that the pie is great, and he does not know what the threshold is full. Do not expect good from him. From it and crying with laughter rushes. (Fool)
  • She humiliates the wise. She cries, wealth jumps. She is not a sin, but brings to sin. (Poverty)
  • You will destroy it - you can’t buy a new one. It is more expensive than wealth. Cleanliness is his collection. (Health)
  • Her heart warms up better than the sun. There is no relative to her relatives. The bird is glad in the spring, and the child is her. (Mother)
  • Without her and the bell to it. He does not talk, but his head answers. He will bring to Kyiv. (Language)
    Bread - eat salt, and cut it. She does not burn in fire and does not sink in the water. She is good, but happiness is better. (Truth)
  • A man without them that a tree is without roots. He is known in trouble. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred of them. (Friends)
  • There is no good without it. There is no fetus without it. Without him, rest is not sweet. (Work)
  • Where he is, here is the owner. Lead it - and weave bast shoes. He is great, but he does not tell him to lie. (House)
  • Without him, everything will be sown. You won’t be full without it. Six it for lunch, and the word is on the answer. (Bread)

Task - complete a proverb or saying

  • “The work of the master ...”, and you must add: “... afraid.”
  • Appetite comes with eating).
  • Hunger is not ... (aunt).
  • Prepare the sled in the summer, and the cart ... (in winter).
  • Porridge is not oil ... (spoil).
  • There is nothing like leather).
  • Not in your sled not ... (sit down).
  • The first pancake ... (lump).
  • Live and learn)
  • You can’t easily pull the fish from ... (pond).
  • Seven nannies have a child without ... (eyes).
  • Be patient, Cossack, ataman ... (you will).
  • Human labor feeds, and laziness ... (spoils).
  • Eat bread and salt, and the truth ... (Listen).
  • Every dog \u200b\u200bhas his day).

Find and correct

  • The appetite takes place during eating. (Comes)
  • It would be gold, but there is a devil. (Swamp)
  • The city is not a aunt. (Hunger)
  • The forest is chopped - caps fly. (Chips)
  • One with a cat - seven with a spoon. (With a bipod)
  • The nightingale is not fed with towers. (Fables)
  • Though a stake on the head of the carcass. (Anti)
  • You can’t spoil the oil oil. (Porridge)
  • A mosquito will not flow the braid. (Nose)
  • Caviar stands a candle. (The game)
  • Wait for the weather with grief. (By the sea)

Finish the proverb

  • The day until the evening is bored ... (if there is nothing to do).
  • Seven times measure cut once).
  • You like to ride ... (love and carry sledges).
  • The hut is not red with the corners ... (and red pies).
  • Do not swear the hole to another ... (you yourself will fall into it).
  • Not knowing Broda ... (do not stick into the water).
  • Soon the fairy tale affects ... (yes, it is not done soon).
  • The first pancake ... (lump).
  • There would be no happiness ... (Yes, misfortune helped).
  • Strike while the iron is hot).
  • Prepare the sled in the summer, ... (and the cart in winter).
  • Do not sit back ... (there will be no boredom).
  • The rope is long, ... (and the speech is short).

How many proverbs are in the poem?

It’s not without reason that proverbs say ...
You can’t live without them!
They are great assistants
And in life, faithful friends.
Sometimes they instruct us,
Wise tips give.
Sometimes they teach something
And they take care of us from trouble.
The proverb will not break forever -
After all, with her and grief, and trouble.
And our speech is full of proverbs:
Let's remember them, friends!
Well, which of you will not agree.
That the dream is dead without labor;
That the work of the master is afraid;
What is life given to us for good?
That a friend is not the one who smears honey,
And the one who will tell the truth directly;
That it is long for the day until the evening, if there is nothing to do;
That he will only destroy himself
Who does not like others at all.
Who screams: "I will help",
And the time has come: "I can't."
Where is the muddler and a grouse
There is not a profit, but a loss;
And read the teacher as your parent.
And in the proverbs, after all, it is said
That you yourself must study.
Letters are not the one who knows how to read
And the one who listens and understands.
And, of course, you can't easily pull out
And a fish from the pond.

Funny troubles

  • The pen is stronger than the sword. (What is written with a pen, you can’t cut down an ax.)
  • You won’t catch up with a word that has flown up and on a four. (The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch.)
  • They do not talk about poverty with the rich man. (A well -fed hungry does not mean.)
  • You will learn a friend in danger. (A friend in need is a friend indeed.)
  • If there is smoke, there is fire. (There is no smoke without fire.)
  • Behind the flock of pheasants he chased - he did not catch a single one. (You’ll chase two hares - you won’t catch a single one.)
  • Silence is better than verbus. (Word - silver, silence - gold.)
  • Prepare the umbrella in clear weather. (Prepare the sled in the summer, and the cart is in the winter.)
  • A lot of people, a lot of opinions. (One hundred goals, a hundred minds.)
  • Do not judge a person by his appearance. (They are met by clothes, escorted by mind.)
  • They make a stick out of the needle. (Make an elephant from a fly.)
  • Dance to someone else's music. (Dance under someone else's pipe.)

Another option for troubles:

  • You look at the book - there is no mind.
  • You can’t cut down chickens with an ax.
  • Do not spit in the well: it will fly out - you will not catch.
  • There is strength, but you see a figure.
  • The word is not a sparrow - it is useful to get drunk.
  • You like to ride - you will continue.
  • What is written by a pen is considered in the fall.
  • You go quieter - love and carry sledges.


  • You look at the book, and you see the figure.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • Do not spit in the well: it will be useful to get drunk.
  • There is strength - there is no mind
  • The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out - you will not catch.
  • You like to ride - love and carry sledges.
  • What is written with a pen, you can’t cut down an ax.
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Intellectual quiz for proverbs and sayings for children

Intellectual quiz for proverbs and sayings for children
Intellectual quiz for proverbs and sayings for children

Intellectual quiz for proverbs and sayings for children:

Remember the profession

Take care of the land native, as a beloved mother.
Live - to serve the homeland.
For your homeland, no strength or life spare life. (Serviceman)


The return road is always shorter.
Smart comrade is half the road. (Chauffeur)


They are not treated from health.
It is difficult to treat an old disease.
Hard - treated, healthy - beware. (Doctor)


Kosi, scythe, while dew, dew - down - and we are home.
Do not doze off. (Bakery).
Sepoil on the table, pushed on his back.
What you put in the boiler, then you will remove it. (Cook)

Guess encrypted proverbs and sayings

  • What pancake usually gets lumpy? (The first.)
  • What bird, according to folk expression, always praises its swamp? (Sandpiper.)
  • What can not be thrown out of the song? (The words.)
  • What animal is not a comrade? (Pig.)
  • How many unbeaten ones are “given” for one broken? (Two.)
  • They blow it, burning in milk? (Water.)
  • What is not smoke without? (Without fire.)
  • What does Moscow do not believe? (Tears.)
  • Why not cut down what is “written by a pen”? (Ax)
  • What should be forged while it is hot? (Iron.)
  • What kind of poultry chicks are “counted in the fall”? (Chickens.)
  • Without what animal to the mice is expanded? (Without a cat.)
  • What product is the head of everything? (Bread.)
  • What hairstyle is called "girlish beauty"? (Braid.)
  • Which person’s hand, according to the proverb, “will not be impoverished”? (Giving.)
  • Who, according to the proverb, is “afraid of the case”? (Masters.)
  • How many people with spoons “fall on one with a bipod”? (Seven.)
  • What bird, according to the proverb, "do not feed fables"? (Nightingale.)
  • What, according to the proverb, “flies when they cut the forest”? (Chips.)
  • At what time of day do all the cats seem gray? (At night.)
  • What is not recommended for spitting according to a well -known proverb? (To the well.)
  • Who whistles on the mountain? (Crayfish.)
  • What gifts do not look in the teeth? (Dailed horse.)
  • What advises to carry a proverb if you like to ride? (Sanctors.)
  • You can’t put on someone else's companies ... (scarf).
  • Big swimming - big ... (ship).
  • If you assemble the world along the thread, then what can you gather in a naked? (Shirt.)
  • Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred ... (friends).
  • What is not necessary to sit on if you want to eat kalachi? (On the stove.)
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get).
  • Not according to the words, but for what? (On business.)
  • According to the well -known proverb, you need to be born, if not beautiful? (Happy.)
  • What did you tear in the bazaar of a curious barbar? (Nose.)
  • For what, the proverb says, do not take money? (For demand.)
  • What is the mother is called the mother? (Learning.)
  • How many hands does a smart head have according to the proverb? (One hundred.)
  • Without what is not a ruble? (Without a penny.)
  • What is wiser than the evening? (Morning.)
  • What can you not buy, judging by the proverb? (Health.)
  • Seven are not waiting for him. (One.)
  • Where do not you need to meddle without knowing Broda? (In water.)
  • How many nannies have a child without eye? (At seven.)
  • What fruit falls near its tree? (Apple.)
  • Why is the debt red? (Payment.)
  • What do you like money? (Check.)
  • When does the appetite come? (While eating.)
  • Why can't you hide in a bag? (Shila.)
  • What can not be cut down with an ax? (Written by pen.)
  • Which horse's horse will not spoil? (Old.)
  • What companies can you put a scarf on? (On a stranger.)
  • Without what you can't take out a fish from the pond? (Easily.)
  • When is the chickens count? (In the fall.)
  • How is the wedge knocked out? (Wedge.)
  • What should every cricket know? (Your pole.)
  • Where do all the roads lead? (To Rom.)
  • How many years have been waiting for the promised? (3 years.)
  • What should be prepared in the summer, and what in winter? (Sani is cooked in the summer, and the cart is in the winter.)
  • Without what is not a rose? (Without spikes.)
  • What animal "stepped in the ear"? (Bear.)
  • What is being done with a hat of a thief? (Burns.)
  • He is red with payment. (Duty)
  • They fly apart when harvesting firewood in the forest. (Chips)
  • A holiday that is not year -round for the cat. (Pancake week)
  • Specialist in the search for dirt. (Pig)
  • Comes during meals. (Appetite)
  • You can’t bite, despite the proximity of the location. (Elbow)
  • You can’t pull it out of the reservoir without difficulty. (Fish)
  • The road to dinner. (A spoon)
  • They escort on it. (Mind)
  • A quiet habitat of evil spirits. (Pool)
  • A bird that does not look like a word that has not been. (Sparrow)
  • Not watched by seven nannies. (Child)
  • He is not a comrade pig. (Goose)
  • If its own, then does not pull. (Burden)
  • Which bird is preferable to a crane flying in the sky if it is in her hands. (Tit)
  • They are considered a classic couple. (Boots)
  • An animal, which is a puppy until old age. (A little dog)
  • Everything is the head. (Bread)
  • The serial number of the pancake received by the lump. (The first)
  • Where it is not recommended to go with your charter. (To someone else's monastery)
  • They have no comrades. (Taste and color)
  • He is sleeping, and the service is coming. (Soldier)
  • Guide to Kyiv. (Language)
  • They cannot spoil the porridge. (Oil)
  • A headdress that indicates a dishonest citizen. (Hat)
  • Unit of account in the fall. (Chick)
  • Alien, where stones are thrown. (Garden)
  • Mother of the Middle Ages. (Repeat)
  • Knowing his pole. (Cricket)
  • Friend of human. (Dog)
  • A fan of ride in oil. (Cheese)
  • What is praised by every cooker, if it is its own. (Swamp)
  • They fall close to the tree on which they grew. (Apples)
  • After its completion, it is useless to wave your hands. (Fight)
  • There is always a clamp for her. (Neck)
  • The time of the year for cooking sled. (Summer)
  • Running to the catcher. (The beast)

Video: Russian folk proverbs and sayings

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