Quiz for children in the camp - musical, intellectual, humorous, historical: questions with answers

Quiz for children in the camp - musical, intellectual, humorous, historical: questions with answers

In our article you will find a material that will help you conduct a quiz for children in the camp during the summer holidays.

Quiz for children in the camp with answers - "Funny tasks"

Quiz for children in a camp with answers - funny tasks
Quiz for children in the camp with answers - "Funny tasks"

Quiz for children in the camp with answers - “Funny tasks”:

Here is a simple task -
Recall the sense of smell:
a) ear, b) nose il c) eye -
Everyone will decide from you.


At least like fish as a whole,
But the largest is much in the body:
a) crocodile, b) varan, c) whale -
Each of you will decide.


At night, the path to illuminate,
It is necessary to turn it on:
a) headlight, b) light bulb, c) sofit -
Each of you will decide.


In a word, you can safely
Call the outcome of the case:
a) finish, b) point il c) end -
Who answered is well done!


The bush is low
And there is a beautiful flower,
The stem is all covered with spikes,
It is difficult to take it with your hands:
a) rosehip, b) honeysuckle, c) boxwood -
Each of you will decide.


The animal is like a hedgehog,
Since all in needles too:
a) hedgehog, b) echidna, c) porcupine -
Everyone will decide from you.


Brought together with his brother
For fish in the apartment, a pond:
a) bottle, b) aquarium il c) pelvis -
Everyone will decide from you.


To run very fast
Take the bar all the time "clean"
The ball is further throw
And, of course, to be the first,
Every day with friends, he
Came to /stadium /


He is with you and with me
Walked by forest stitches
Friend hiking behind
On belts with fasteners. /Tour. backpack/


I picked up the club - not timid
There are no games better than /hockey /


When spring takes its
And the streams run ringing,
I'm jumping through her
And she is through me. /rope/


I have two horses, two horses
On the water, they carry me
And the water is hard, as if stone. /skates/


Shield with a basket ball on the floor
We play /basketball /


The friend pulled his friend
With one hand in the fight. /capture/


Eat carrots, salad, oranges,
The athlete is needed for strength. /vitamins/


We hit the ball with football,
And with your hands - /volleyball /


He loves to walk through the forest
To sleep in a tent
And make a bonfire. /tourist/


These are children not a tourist
The mountain climbs - /climber /


I twist him with my hand
And on the neck and foot.
And at the waist twist
And I don't want to drop it. /hoop/


Small, remote
Shouts loudly
The judge helps
Tired does not know. /whistle/


In the sea carried by the wind
Swan wing.
The guy is on the shift,
He is a sailor on this - "yacht"
And from the wind and from the heat,
It will tame you from the rain
How to sleep in it sweet
What is it - /tent /


What is this well done
In the pool floats - /swimmer /
I twist him with my hand
And on the neck and foot,
And at the waist twist,
And I don't want to drop it. /hoop/


Drive on ice on ice
We all have it in sight.
She will fly into the gate,
And someone will definitely win. /washer/


Nimble ball and two rackets.
All blows are rosary, tags.
Play to the victorious,
Nobody gives way to anyone! /tennis/


We will collect the team at school
And find a large field.
Pierce the corner -
We score your head.
And in the gate the fifth goal!
We love us very much /football /


They stood all summer
Winter expected.
We waited for the pores
They rushed off the mountain. /skis/


There is a stadium in the yard
Only very slippery is it.
To rush like a wind there,
Learn to skate on skates. /rink/


Who will catch up with me on ice?
We run ahead.
And they carry me not horses
And shiny /skates /


On the griffy on each side
Heavy "pancakes" hang.
The task for the athlete -
Raise this severity. /barbell/


Green meadow,
One hundred benches around,
From gate to gate
The people are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing networks. /football/


I decided to become a strong man
I hurried to the strong man:
- Tell us what, about
How did you become a strong man?
He smiled back:
- Very simple. Many years,
Every day, getting out of bed,
I raise me /dumbbells /


There is a lawn in our school,
And on it are goats and horses.
We smoke here
Exactly forty -five minutes.
At school - horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess! /gym/


Here the team wins,
If the ball does not drop.
He flies aptly
Not at the goal, through the net.
And a platform, not a field
At the athletes in /volleyball /


On the squares of the boards
The kings brought the shelves.
No for a fight at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets. /chess/


On Olympus in the ancient world
The Greeks raised weights
Competed in running, strength,
Severity suffered.
And gave them rewards /Olympics /


Drings the puck before him. /hockey stick/


This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on top and rush on it,
Only better to the rule of the steering wheel. /bike/


The bar is raised, oh my god! -
Here, probably, six meters!
Jump to help me what can you?
Well, of course, long /pole /


In this sports players
All are dexterous and high.
Love them to play the ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball shakes loudly on the floor,
So this is /basketball /

Quiz in the camp for primary school children - "who is the most attentive"

Quiz in the camp for primary school children - who is the most attentive
Quiz in the camp for primary school children - "who is the most attentive"

Quiz in the camp for primary school children - “who is the most attentive”:

Bears rode on a bicycle.
And behind them the cat is backward.
And behind him are mosquitoes in a balloon.
And followed by crayfish on a lame dog.
("Tarakanische" - K, I. Chukavsky.)


My cheerful ringing ball
Where did you rush to jump?
Yellow, red, blue, do not keep up with you.
(Ball - S.Ya. Marshak).


I lived - there was a girl. What was her name?
Who called, he knew. And you do not know.
How old was she?
How many winters, so many years-soroka are not yet.


The blanket ran away, a sheet and a pillow flew off like a frog, rode off me.
I am for a candle, a candle in a stove.
I am for the book to run and skip under the bed ...
(Moidodyr ” - K.I.chukovsky)


He sat on the bed in the morning, began to put on a shirt,
He put his hands into his sleeves-it was the trousers.
He began to put on a coat, he will say to him: not that.
He began to pull on Gamashi- they say to him: not yours.
Here's what a Bassina scattered from the street!
("Bassina scattered from the street" S. Ya. Marshak)


The kittens groomed: “Tired of me to meow!
We want, like piglets, grunt! "
And behind them and ducklings: “We do not want to grunt anymore!
We want like frogs, quip! "
("Confusion" - K.I. Chukovsky).


The sieve jumps through the fields. And the trough in the meadows.
The broom along the street along the street went behind the shovel.
Axes, axes are pouring from the mountain.
The goat was scared, spread her eyes:
“What is it? I do not understand anything "
("Fedoreno Gore" -K.I. Chukovsky)


The cat carried away the mouse and sings: -No not be afraid, baby.
Let's play another hour in cat mouse ”, dear!
The frightened mouse answers her with a consumption:
Our mother did not tell us to play in cats-mouse
(“The Tale of the Stupid Mouse” - S.Ya. Marshak).

Merry quiz for children in the camp - "Guess the word"

Merry quiz for children in the camp - guess the word
Merry quiz for children in the camp - "Guess the word"

Merry quiz for children in the camp - “Guess the word”:

The beginning of the tree is called,
The end, my readers,
Here, in the book, there is a whole,
After all, in every line only they. (letters)


The beginning of the note,
Then - a deer decoration.
And together - a place
Lively movement. (road)


The beginning is the voice of the bird
The end is at the bottom of the pond.
And the whole in the museum
You will find it without difficulty. (painting)


The beginning of the word is a forest
The end is a poem,
And the whole is growing
Although not a plant. (beard)


Two notes and pretext,
Combining, they will give a beep. (siren)


You will find me at the bottom
In the blue sea.
And in me, from beginning to end,
Two prepositions and three "tsa". (oyster)


The first I exclaim with pleasure
I shoot the second from the book shelf,
When the first is connected to the second,
You will get the smallest particle. (atom)


Exclamation, statement,
Everything is a poet for writing. (Oh yeah)


My first syllable is a pretext,
The second is a summer house,
And the whole, sometimes, is solved with difficulty. (a task)


My beginning is the letter of the alphabet,
She always hisses angrily,
Second - ships are afraid
And they seek to get around him.
And in summer and spring we fly and buzzes,
It will sit on a flower, then fly again. (bumblebee)


You will find my first syllable then
When water is dripping in the drop.
Pronoun - the second syllable,
But in general - your school table. (desk)


On the first - it costs a sentry,
The second - it turns green in the forest,
And in general - it only gets dark,
You lie down and your labor day is over. (bed)


My first syllable is a big bunch of papers,
And from the second - the porridge will be thicker.
But in general - a tree tree is slimmer
Not a single alley knows. (Cypress).


The first syllable is a slight hint -
The third part of the snowman.
The second syllable is slightly larger -
So the lady is called in Poland.
And in the end, my friends,
Do not forget about me. (Company).


The first syllable is a simple note,
The second syllable is already a game
If you think reluctantly,
Take a thing from the joiner. (Bit).


The first syllable is known for Archimedes,
The two seconds jointly mean the "century".
In general - firearms,
It would not be a person who did not own them. (Pistol).


The first syllable loves the plane,
He is the most experienced pilot.
The second, admiring himself,
It happens with a chair for the king.
The third syllable is the resistance,
Rather, a unit of measurement. (Astronomer).


The first word sings,
Opening the mouth of the mouth.
And the second will furious
And he is in a hurry to cattle.
If you bring them together,
You’ll sing around the Christmas tree. (Choir - binding).


The first syllable is the term when playing.
The second - he will call on the attack.
And together - a house in the yard,
And the ball has been living in it for a long time. (Con - cheers).


The first syllable in the teapot hisses,
And whistle, as it will boil.
The second - under the nose of the Cossack,
The Cossack is proud of them for nothing.
Whitts into the sea in the distance
The whole word is in the old shuttle. (Steam - mustache).


The first syllable fell from the mountain,
It turned out from the snow.
And the second is in a hurry to play
He asks the ball to convey.
Together - lives in a backpack
And he will lead to the north. (Lump - pass).
The first syllable is a measure of weight,
And the second is in a pine forest.
Together - good Artemon,
He is forever curly. (Pood - spruce).


The first syllable floats with the fountain
For the endless oceans,
And the second for the New Year
Dad will bring me to the house.
Connect two syllables
And you get the uniform. (Kit - spruce).


In the first part - on Earth he inherited the bear everywhere.
In the second - it will be exposed over the years, we understand this ourselves.
If both parts are together - you will pass more often.
(Trace - experience).

Musical quiz for children in a summer camp

Musical quiz for children in a summer camp
Musical quiz for children in a summer camp

Musical quiz for children in the summer camp:

  • Together to walk together ... (in the vastness).
  • Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go ... (dig potatoes).
  • The sunny circle, the sky around, is ... (Boys drawing).
  • If there was no winter in the cities and ... (villages)
  • Twice two four, twice two four, everyone knows this ... (in the whole world).
  • From a smile, everyone will become brighter, from a smile (in the sky the rainbow will wake up).
  • The blue car runs, runs, a fast train ... (gains a move).
  • Chung-Changa, we live cheerfully, Chung-chang ... (we sing a song).
  • Clouds are white horses. Clouds that you ... (rush without looking back).
  • Suddenly the wizard will arrive in a blue helicopter and for free ... (Kino will show).
  • A grasshopper sat in the grass, a grasshopper sat in the grass, just like a cucumber ... (he was green).
  • Strong friendship will not break, it will not stick up ... (from rains and blizzards).
  • In the young month of April, snow is melting in the old park, and winged swings ... (start their run).
  • Now I am Cheburashka, every mongrel to me at once ... (gives a paw).
  • Neither waves nor wind scare me, I swim ... (to the only mother in the world).

Guess the song according to the description:

Song of a mammoth

On the blue sea to green land
I swim on my white ship,
On its white ship,
On its white ship.
Neither waves nor wind scare me
I swim to the only mother in the world
I swim through the waves and wind
To the only mother in the world.
I swim through the waves and wind
To the only mother in the world.


"Song of Lioness and Turtles"

I'm sitting in the sun,
I look at the sun ...
I'm sitting and sitting
And I look at the sun.
-Do "I'm sitting", but "lying" ...
- You are lying, and I'm sitting!
Rhino, horn, horn is coming,
Crocodile, Dil, Dil is floating.
Only I am sitting (lying)
And I look at the sun ...
Near the lion lies
And moves the ears,
Only I'm lying everything
And I don't look at the lion cub.


“Trying! Hello!"

Past the white apple of the moon
Past the red apple sunset
Clouds from an unknown country
They hurry to us and run somewhere again.
Clouds are white horses!
Clouds - What are you rushing without looking back?
Do not watch, please, down
And ride us in the sky, clouds!


"Happy birthday"
(From the cartoon "Masha and the Bear").

Time walks slowly
And only once a year
Birthday happens
And his child is waiting.
He sighs dreamily
And quietly sings:
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy birthday, happy birthday!
Happy birthday to me


The song "Who are the fixtures."

What a fixture
Vertically challenged!
We are and through glasses
It’s not easy to see.
They are such a trifle
That there are almost no them
And who are the fixes -
Big, big secret!

They repair from the inside
Irons, motors,
Phones, mp3,
Other devices.
Without them, the clock does not walk,
The light does not shine without them.
And who are the fixes -
Big, big secret!


Song of Bremen musicians

We will not forget our calling:
We bring laughter and joy to people!
We are tempting vaulting arches
They will never replace freedom.
Our carpet is a flower glade,
Our walls are giant pines,
Our roof is a blue sky,
Our happiness is to live with such a fate.

Quiz for children for children in the camp

Quiz for children for children in the camp
Quiz for children for children in the camp

Quiz for children for children in the camp:

  • Box, box ... Mundered substance! "Guest from the future"
  • - The shadow on the hare fell and the sheepskin coat came out! - Where did you go? "Good EEH"
  • I hate doctor! "Dr. Aibolit"
  • “Why are you, grandfather, completely crazy?” Drive the bridegroom and the dowry! "Morozko"
  • This is called the Dulfer. "Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkina"-"Vacations of Petrov and Vasechkin"
  • And along the road - the dead with braids stand, and silence! Elusive Avengers
  • It was last summer, in mid -January "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • And if you scream, we are at all ... eliminate you! "Guest from the future"
  • What a disgusting manner: to bring sad news on such a happy day! "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • And I don't care about your business. After all, I do not care. "About the Red Red Riding Hood"
  • What stared? Syroezhkin is me! "Adventures of electronics"
  • Have you tried the local kefir? "Guest from the future"
  • I have a voice too! I also want to sing! "Adventures of electronics"
  • Ah, it's you, an old floating suitcase! "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • Ah, what bliss is to know that I am perfection! "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • You are the main thing on the liquid. The liquid has the most power. "Welcome or extraneous entrance is prohibited"
  • In Baghdad, everything is calm, calm, calm ... "Magic Aladdin lamp"
  • Comrades! I wanted the best! So that children gained weight ... so that there was discipline ... how is it, comrades ... "Welcome or extraneous entrance is prohibited"
  • You will be extended with whips, and you jump like a nice one! "About the Red Red Riding Hood"
  • Alice, my girl! You still do not get away from sports glory! "Guest from the future"
  • I have the volume of the body more than yours - I have to support it. "Guest from the future"
  • And what are you doing here? The movie has already ended! "Welcome or extraneous entrance is prohibited"
  • Uri, Uri. As heard, a reception. "Adventures of electronics"
  • Why can't you eat a herd? And who tried to eat a herd? "About the Red Red Riding Hood"
  • The devil knows that ... cutlets are taken out ... they cook the escape. Or worse ... "Welcome or to the extraneous entrance is prohibited"
  • And the Cossack is sent! Elusive Avengers
  • It's even good that so far we are bad! Aibolit-66?
  • ... well -fed, but non -vouched! "Varavara-beautiful, long braid"
  • This is me, kind. Eh ... "Good EEH"
  • - This is my motor! I gathered it myself! - Anyway, state ... "Davydov and Goliath"
  • I am bloodthirsty, I am merciless, I am an evil robber of Barmaley. And I do not need either chocolate, no marmalade, but only young children ... "Dr. Aibolit"
  • - Are you warm, girl, is it warm, red? "Morozko"
  • I myself was three hundred years ago ... "Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • - And who are you? - And I am from that shore of the sea, on a lame flea flew ... "Good EEH"

Historical quiz for children in the camp

Historical quiz for children in the camp
Historical quiz for children in the camp

Historical quiz for children in the camp:

Riddles of the ancient world

I know that stratum
All beautiful, big
There is an Egyptian kingdom
It was called ... (state)


What kind of person is sitting on the throne?
Everyone obey him.
His name is Heops, Tuganhamun,
In Egypt, this is ... (Pharaoh)


There are many secret rooms in it.
Pharaoh is buried here.
And traps and curses.
Whose tomb, guess?
(Cheops, Tutankhamun)


It seems like a man:
His face, like everyone else.
The body is like a lioness.
Protects entrance to the tomb.
"Father of horror" is called one


I am a sign, I am a letter, word, syllable
For many knowledge, the source
They could draw me
And write on papyrus.
I am an integral alphabet.
Where there are no vowels
And my ancient letter is forgotten


What a clear luminary?
In a boat in gold grief
In the east appeared
And the dawn lit up.
The boat passes through the sky.
Egyptians do not take the eyes.
We are glad to his god.
Oh praise! Praise to him!
(The god of the sun - Ra)


They were protected and appreciated everywhere,
And in ancient Egypt - idolized.
Take a look, guys, at this god -
He looks like a little in appearance.


Front Asia people.
He invented the glass, and now ...
Purple fabrics sold.
I often stole children.
Passing the spaces of the sea.
He brought a lot of grief to all,


On the banks of the Euphrates River
There was no surprise to everyone:
Gardens "hang", towers are standing,
And temples, just a sight for sore eyes


He appeared from a hoe
Having saved everyone from excess torments.
He was dragging behind the stomach.
You are right, of course, this is ...


Live within the area of \u200b\u200bone
They, like a seed thrown into the ground,
Having gathered a few births
They formed ……


Name this bore
When the whole day-day
Fruits, berries, roots -
Which has the appearance of a food
The first people were looking for
The herd was eaten then.


These are the ancestors of all elephants
But much more, shaggy.
For hunters, all the more so,
No more desirable.


Women have learned to sow and squeeze
And the hostesses of them turned out:
A stick with a bitch took
And they began to dig faster,
So that the crop turns out kindly.
You guess you or there is no:
A thousand or more years
What did the person come up with?


Gathering relatives and all friends-
He decided to profit from them.
He robbed someone else's tribe
He shared prey with friends.


They lived as neighbors,
They rowed about the past.
The land is only common
There was everyone for them.
(Neighboring community)
Can be like a stake,
But for the ancients, not a joke ...
For them, this is God or the spirit.
What is it out loud.


How it may differ
The oldest man
From those who appeared
Early a century?
After all, he is the same naked
And also all overgrown.
Eats everything that comes across
True, he is rising.
(The ability to make tools.)


This is the main tool
For many centuries.
It is made of wood.
But changing slightly.
Hunters Perenias
Tied to the tip.
And since then for all animals
No weapons are threatening.
(A spear)


The leaders of the tribes and their friends
All were glorified.
And inherited to their descendants
Glory to that and honor.
They began to call these people,
You're right. Well, of course, …….


Name the gun
What was invented for a long time
The very first person.
And for us now it
Not even necessary at all.
(Dubina, stick stick, pointed stone.)


The first is the team.
The man is not lazy there.
He walks in the forest a day.
Collects everything - not laziness.


The man went fishing.
To have a big catch.
And he grabbed the subject
What made of bones.
What it was.
And the weapon served.


From the genus they chose
Who is old and wise at the same time.
And they chose him for
That your experience is ready to give


The man took the bone il Tree,
I split it slightly.
And in the breakup he is very clever
I inserted pebbles. Hand
I took it carefully
To cut off the ears of them,
So as an instrument, what,
Still known to everyone,
Could he work alone?


Holes in the skin of it for a long time
Pierced. Oh, and Kolka!
For all ancients, the needle,
We call her ……


This stick was cut down
And she was focused.
What it was.
Yes, of course…


Man took a stick, stone
And tied up. He is not laziness
They work all day.
He cuts the trees to them.
How? Hurry to call which one?
(Stone ax)

History of the Middle Ages

The feudal lord always lived there.
The fortress was laid here.
And saved from enemies.
He withstood a lot of battles.


A thunderstorm of Europe was a long time
They even served the noble.
And Denmark formed
Everywhere they fought everywhere.


Their wealth is not great
Two or three villages and not more.
And in their own way they are all to the will
Both the duke and the count are happy to serve.
(Barons and Viscounts)


They began to sow more bread
They began to collect more.
When part of the field is large.
She even began to rest.
People became a ferry
In the villages to call everything.


As a way of agriculture was called
When two fields were sown,
The third was forced to rest
And the high crop was harvested.
(Three -sex.)


The first they are in the family
Then the military leaders.
Dear for everyone.
Their affairs are excellent.
Tell me what to call them.
Well, of course, this is ...


To collect everything taxes.
The king began to appoint them
To lead the area
And people there judge everyone there.
Tell me how to call him
How everyone began to dignify.


He is the main one over the monks
He is the boss for them glorious
He lives with them
The strict is very ongoing.


Who is the rules of the Church violate
And they don’t listen to God at all.
He has a lot of comfort
They do ……


I decided to leave people
To find calm.
And always pray for them.
From their life to renounce.


Tell me how to call that place
Where the monks are not crowded.
They also sow, also hug
They all live together


What was the name of that land
What was inherited
But not just like that, but it is necessary
The service of the warrior to carry
And bring the detachments.


Where the documents are stored
You tell us soon.
Where are the most important points
They painted it by year.


“The Beach of God” was his name.
What do you know for yourself.
The Union of Leaders headed
The thunderstorm was all enemies


He is cunning, calculating
He killed all rivals.
The strength of the Franks showed
He won the Romans.
He was the first king
And he recorded the laws.


What year tell me
The kingdom of the Franks
The empire suddenly became
The glory of the predator won.
(800 g.)


He was called the great.
He captured a lot of lands.
The peoples have hung up by thousands
He proclaimed the empire.
(Karl the Great)


He was the leader
Brave and powerful
They led their struggle.
And people folded legends.
(King Arthur)


He is a large feudal lord
For service he gave the land.
He is a senior for him.
Tell me who he is since then.

Humorous quiz for children in the camp - "Fun Mathematics"

Humorous quiz for children in the camp - fun mathematics
Humorous quiz for children in the camp - "Fun Mathematics"

Humorous quizzes for children in the camp - "Fun Mathematics":


Look carefully -
There are two hands on the door.
Doors can be counted.
One, two, three, four, five.
Be diligent.
Do not snooze.
How many handles?
(10 pens)



I take
You count
But do not rush.
Here look,
Do not be a rampant:
Answer -
In my hand
How many
(4 pencils)



Kvochka decided
Count chickens.
Three cockerels,
Yes, the chicken is five.
And how many are they together?
It's hard to know.
She is only five
She knew how to count.
(8 chickens)



We begin to take away.
There were five condeles,
And now there is a couple.
How much did Tamara eat them?
(3 rolls)



In the week our Marat
I ate fourteen grenades.
Calculate, since not laziness,
How much did he eat them per day?
(2 grenades)


Grandma's geese

Grandmother Marusi has
Cat, goat, puppy and geese.
The cat purrs the porch.
Six geese float along the river.
Where the goat is gnawing,
The goose of the grass is pinched.
From the plaster plaster
Two goose pinch crusts.
Calculate as soon as possible
How many geese are together?
(9 geese)


Pestrushka has five chickens.
Kryakushka has five ducklings.
- Five plus five, -
Nikolka asked, -
How much will it be together?


Dad, mom, brother, I -
That's all our family.
We all love for lunch
Eat a couple of cutlets.
How many mom, every time,
Need to fry them for us?
(8 cutlets)


And it was necessary to happen like this -
For five days, Vadim was lying in the hospital.
And this is not at all a joke -
He was pricked three times a day.
But cheerful, not sick,
He returned to his home.
Who is strong in mathematics?
How much did he accept?
(15 injections)



Eathed in the morning
Nelly with Nina
Two pears
With a half.
How much is Nina
Together with Nelly,
These pears
For breakfast
(5 pears)

In the country


In September at the dacha Ksyusha
I ate three pears a day.
How many pears, tell me soon
Did Ksyusha eat in seven days?
(21 pears)


Buying shoes

We were in the market -
They bought shoes to everyone.
For Anyuta Lapochka
We bought slippers.
For Peter and Vovochka
We took the sneakers.
Shoes - for Antoshka.
Kolya - sandals.
Sands - dad too.
Mom - slippers made of leather.
Good chose the goods.
Calculate how many pairs?
(7 pairs)



We gave Lariska
Four irisks.
Three more iris
We gave Borisk.
Then three iris
We gave Lariska
Four irisks
We gave Borisk.
So how many iris
Now with Lariska
And how many iris
At Boriska?
(Lariska does not have them
And Boriska does not have -
Have long been eaten
They are all tanks)



They go from the hill
Three sisters,
On the hands
The sisters
How much together
(6 mittens)



Gathered for dinner
The whole family:
And I,
And another sister
With a puppy,
And with a kitten
Small groin.
Now tell me
Who can, -
How much on the table
It must be
(6 tablespoons)



The three -year -old Andryushi
There were only four pears.
Taras had a drain
More pears are four times.
At a girlfriend, at Marinka,
Ten peaches in a basket.
And the roller with a bow
On Antonovka alone.
How many fruits in a row
Was the guys together?
(32 fruits)



Tell me guys,
How many corners
Any square?
(4 angle)


In first grade
There is Svetlana in the first grade,
Three Andrei, two Ivan.
There is a novel, two leads, Zoya,
Valentina, Vladik, Borya,
Three Petra, Zakhar, Bogdan,
Two Tamara, five Tatyans.
Calculate in a row,
How many guys are there in the class?
(25 guys)



It was in the morning at Seryozha
Thirty cloves in a comb.
Eight cloves have broken.
How many of them are left?
(22 cloves)



For five pears sold watermelon.
How much are three watermelons cost
The same peanut?
(15 pears)


In the book 26 stories
And only 17 fairy tales.
Answer how many fairy tales
There are fewer in the book than stories?
(9 fairy tales less)


How many boots are needed
For the family of octopuses,
If they don't have daughters
And only one son?
(12 pairs)


Laying down

I got in May at Andryusha
Such a flock of birds per day
Sixty carried eggs.
But one day it came -
Sixty he sold chickens
How much after Andryushka
Was the layers on the day of the eggs?
(20 eggs)

Intellectual quiz in the camp for children - "Primate a word"

Intellectual quiz in the camp for children - Prove a word
Intellectual quiz in the camp for children - "Primate a word"

Intellectual quiz in the camp for children - “Kind the word”:

Red, juicy of our Signor!
Who is in the salad? … (tomato)


He is green, he is in a salad.
Salt it, by the way.
We love, he is well done.
His name ... (cucumber).


Red vegetable, clearance clever.
It's sweet .... (carrot)


One hundred clothes and a lot of crunch.
This is white ... (cabbage)


I cut finely - I cry suddenly!
This is a round white ... (onions)


Kohl a cold from his feet,
Sit bread to them. Burning .... (garlic)


It is similar in red to the heart.
My salad with Bulgarian .... (pepper)


Coming in mashed potatoes with a spoon.
My garnish is called ... (potatoes)


Minerals in it have a treasure.
The sheet is green. Call for …. (salad)


Cut the circles of the disk shape.
In the skin of the pink .... (radish)


Collect - from relatives of exercise.
House for the vegetable on ... (bed)


The treasure is a salad! My treasure in borscht!
There is a lot of benefits in .... (vegetables)


Being a herring is not rude.
In the dish heated under ... (fur coat)


Their collection is colorful is no secret.
The name of the dish - ... (vinaigrette)


Hard, flowers and a lot of light.
What is the time of the year? …(summer)


It’s better for us to walk in the morning
Because in the afternoon ... (heat)


A lot of sun, hot day.
Less sun where ... (Shadow)


In very hot weather
I will drink more often .... (water)


Fragrant bushes.
Everyone blossomed ... (flowers)


Rain in them. Well, for now -
This is in the sky ... (Clouds)


We will not drown, daring.
We are good ... (swimmers)


We are sailing back and forth.
Refreshes us ... (water)


The world of trees is the world of miracles.
We protect green ... (forest)


Behind the fence the shadows are bright.
Alley network in green ... (Park)


They came into the shadow, for a stone-claw.
In the summer in the river we catch ... (fish)


Inquisitive kids.
What do we love to read? ... (books)


Friendship is better than all awards.
I instantly forgive friends I ... (glad)


It is stupid to argue like in a circle.
I will give in to the dispute ... (friend)


I always take to play
Interesting ... (game)


We remove the games ourselves.
Help good ... (Mom)


We rest with a sense of proportion.
We will solve ...


The screen has only an hour.
It's time to take a walk .... (now).


I am with the love of warm
I hug with sweet ... (mom)


In the summer, schoolchildren in the wild.
In September, their meeting in ... (school)


We wish you happiness, laughter.
Well, at school you ... (success)


The plan for the day I build myself.
The plan is built on ... (hours)


My talent is not a cat in a bag.
I will erase it in ... (circle)


I compose without a hint.
I come up with ... (fairy tales)


I will joyfully open the book.
I want to help ... (hero)


The lesson sometimes gives me
Stupid fairytale ... (hero)


Children want to read
Exciting ... (books)

Quiz for children in the day camp - "Truth or Lie"

Quiz for children in a day camp - truth or lies
Quiz for children in the day camp - "Truth or Lie"

Quiz for children in the day camp - "Truth or Lies":

Grandma is asking Arkash
To eat from a radish ...
Answer: Salad (porridge).


On the roads it became dry - I have dry ...
Answer: Legs (ears).


They repair roofs, furniture, frames,
They go fishing ...
Answer: Dad (mom).


Like a green log
I have been lying in the water for a long time,
But do not touch the abdomen,
I can eat you! I …
Answer: Crocodile (frog).


Passed by the hive
Clubfoot ...
Answer: Bear (crocodile).


I could pick up myself
A couple of mittens for ...
Answer: Hands (legs).


Frost is cracking in the yard,
You put on a hat on ...
Answer: On the head (on the nose).


To stroke T -shirt, panties,
Mom includes in the outlet ...
Answer: An iron (clock).


Hockey players heard crying
The goalkeeper missed them ...
Answer: Washer (ball).


The bunny came out for a walk,
The paw of the hare is exactly ...
Answer: Four (five).


Round -shaped head,
The same form is the letter ...
Answer: o (a).


My sister is small
Bought by summer ...
Answer: sandals (boots).


Take the flowers an armful
And we will weave with you ...
Answer: Wreath (hat).


Old women go to the bazaar
Buy yourself ...
Answer: Products (toys).


Irinka and Oksanka have
There are three -wheeled ...
Answer: bicycles (sled).


Birthday on the nose -
We baked ...
Answer: Cake (sausage).


From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again
Dexterously jumping ...
Answer: Monkey (cow).


All this dispute,
You cut the fabric - take it ...
Answer: scissors (ax).


In the threshold, lifting his head,
howls with hunger ...
Answer: Wolf (giraffe).


And capricious and stubborn,
I don't want to ...
Answer: Daughter (mother).


Always dressed in sliders
Sleeps in the garden with a dummy ...
Answer: Brother (grandfather).


For vaccinations and injections
Moms of children lead to ...
Answer: Clinic (school).


To first -graders enters the classroom
Only fearless ...
Answer: Teacher (diver).


He is a big hut and comedian,
He has a house on his roof.
Blink and a hitch
And his name is ...
Answer: Carlson (Dunno).


All wheezes, sneezes Lada:
I ate a lot ...
Answer: ice cream (chocolate).


For lunch, son Vanya
Mom cooks soup in ...
Answer: a pan (glass).


Mom asked Julia
She pour a seagull into ...
Answer: A cup (pan).


Dolls dresses, pants
They always like to sew ...
Answer: Girls (boys).


He is reliable security,
The door cannot be without ...
Answer: castle (crane).


Every day the summer is closer to us,
Soon we will stand on ...
Answer: videos or skate (skis).


Look at the bird -
The legs of the bird is exactly ...
Answer: two (three).


The teacher Ira explained,
That two more than ...
Answer: One (four).


I draw a picture of watercolors,
Like dad in the country, the barrel saws ...
Answer: saw (drill).


And in Voronezh and in Tula,
Children sleep at night at ...
Answer: beds (chair).


I ate a bunny and catches the second
Fiery red-haired angry ...
Answer: Fox (cow).


Who bites the bump on the branch?
Well, of course, this is ...
Answer: Squirrel (Bear).


Kv-kva-kva-what a song!
Which may be more interesting
What could be more fun?
And sings to you ...
Answer: Nightingale (frog).


Right up the shore!
The toothy is floating ...
Answer: Crocodile (parrot).


The tail is fan, on the head is the crown.
There is no bird more beautiful than ...
Answer: Peacock (crow).


Probably two hundred years
Petina ...
Answer: Turtle (bride).


Daughters and sons
He teaches to grunt ...
Answer: Pig (ant).


Who will take off from the flower about?
Multi -colored ...
Answer: Moth (hippo).


Kings are all in portraits
Drawn in ...
Answer: Crown (berets).


Above the forest of the sun, the beam went out,
The king of animals is sneaked ...
Answer: Leo (rooster).


Between the snags arranged a house
Thorny ball - kind ...
Answer: Hedgehog (gnome).


Under the dome of the circus into a dangerous flight
Bold and strong will go ...
Answer: Gymnast (pilot).


The horse and the boat are walking along the cells,
He prepares his victorious move ...
Answer: chess player (judge).


Lviv, dogs train
Brave, bold ours ...
Answer: Tamer (fisherman).


Bunks and kalachi
They bake every day ...
Answer: bakers (doctors).


Folds, pockets and even Kant -
I sewed a beautiful dress ...
Answer: tailor (musician).


Cooks porridge and broth
Good, fat ...
Answer: cook (postman).


At night every window
Slightly illuminates ...
Answer: Moon (Sun).


You will sleep in the lessons -
You will receive for the answer ...
Answer: two (five).

Video: Quotes and phrases from Soviet cartoons

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