Poems about dad for children - original, touching, beautiful, kind: the best selection

Poems about dad for children - original, touching, beautiful, kind: the best selection

Dad is an important person in the life of every child, he is a defender of a small person, and with his example shows what a real man should be. Kids can express their feelings for their father with touching and kind rhymes. They can be memorized, or just read to a native person to raise the mood - for any family holiday, use as a congratulation on a birthday. In our article you will find many verses about dad for children.

Poems about dad for children - the best selection

Poles about dad for children - the best selection
Poems about dad for children - the best selection

Poems about dad for children - the best selection:

The best!
Can he play football,
Can read the book to me
Can warm up the soup
Can look at the cartoon
He can play checkers
Can even wash the cups
Can draw cars,
Can collect pictures,
Can ride me
Instead of a quick horse.
Maybe he can fish for fish,
Crane in the kitchen to fix.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!


"My dad is a military man"
My dad is a military man.
He serves in the army.
He is with a complex technique
Army is friends!
He walked more than once
In combat campaigns.
No wonder they say:
"The commander is from the infantry."


My father
My father! My dad!
I'm on your knee
I will jump faster than a deer
When you come home.
All that dreams fly to,
You know and know how.
And under the roof we have
It's worse, more fun
From your cheerful eyes.


If dad is at work,
He flies on an airplane.
Because he is a pilot.
And when he comes home,
Then fear is unknown to me:
I am flying in his hands.
May my flight is not high:
The ceiling bothers me.
But one day it will come
They will trust me with the plane.
If only I want
I will fly above dad.


Like Dad
I want to look like dad.
In everything I want to become like a dad.
How he is to wear a suit and hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart, not to be lazy
And do everything like him - for five!
And do not forget to get married!
And ... take our mother as a wife.


Daddy profession
The bridge is trembling and the engine howls -
It is a dad-show for us.
A plane flies through the blue sky.
They are controlled by Papa Pilot.
Walks together with the military in a row
In the gray overcoat dad-soldier.
Who is the record holder in the all -around?
We answer: "Dad-Sportsman!"
Coal to cut is not tired in the bowels of the mountains
Black from soot dad Shahter.
Steel melts, steam is from the boiler -
Dad-worker, he is an steelmark.
Will cure thousands of broken hands
In the children's hospital, a papa-surgeon.
The crane will install, clean the blockage
Dad-Santechnik or Monter.
Who performs on the scene on the BIS?
This is a well-known dad artist.
"There is no unnecessary profession in the world!" -
Papa Poet has been teaching us from childhood.


My father
My dad is beautiful
And strong, like an elephant.
Favorite, attentive, affectionate he.
I look forward to dad from work.
Always in my portfolio
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful,
Smart and brave.
Even a difficult matter is on his shoulder.
He is also a hut,
The mischievous and prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is cheerful
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And playing is interesting.
And boring without dad
Ride on a sled.
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loudly.
My dad is a wizard
He is the best.
He turns in a moment
In what you ask.
He can become a clown,
Tiger, giraffe.
But best
He knows how to be a dad.
I will hug him
And I whisper quietly:
“My daddy, I am you
I love it tightly!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine! "

Pope verse from daughter - words

Pope verse from daughter - words
Pope verse from daughter - words

Verse about dad from daughter - words:

They know everything that I am a princess,
So my dad is the king.
You are my progress engine,
My idol and my hero!
The strongest, most honest
The most intelligent and dear.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame!


Loves my dad,
I do not lag behind him:
He plays the guitar,
And I sing songs.
Our dad is best in the world,
Good, kind and dear,
Everyone loves him: mom, children,
For us, he is the most expensive!


Dad is power, he is a stronghold!
Dad will pick up the garden,
He will be afraid of the boys,
On earrings and bears.
They will know how to call
Offended the daughter of dad!
I am not scared next to my dad
I am brave near dad!
He does not see a bow
How to tease everyone with a language.


Summer in the morning is a damp
I go to the meadow for a walk.
So that I do not get lost -
Papa leads the hand.
What do we see?
That's so wondrous!
In fresh morning glory
Flowers and grass in the meadow
Wash in dew.
I'm not small, I know
And although I don't know
So as not to get wet to the thread,
I sit on my father!


Let the rain go all day,
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And hide from the rain.
He will hug me gently
He will say gentle words.
And, again, the sun will smile -
Will disperse the clouds-draw!
I'll sit on his handles
And whisper, looking into the eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"


Dad, let's play the horse,
I'm tired of tags and clums.
He agreed with a sigh of order:
How to refuse a fidget-house?
The baby holds tightly by the mane,
He waves his tail, flying up above the bump ...
They rush - gracefully, beautifully, -
Dad-loser with a horse-daughter.


Daddy's daddy - you and I are similar
The look is the same nose very similar
I'm waiting for you from work dear dad
I would be glad to give a smile!
With a mouth toothless whisper: “What I know,
What do you love dad - I am your dear!
I will grow up soon - I will not even notice!
You will not tell her more than my mother! "

Pope verse from his son - words

Pope verse from his son - words
Pope verse from his son - words

Verse about dad from his son - words:

With dad for fishing
What do I need for fishing?
I will find a straight stick
And one, without a dad, even
The fishing line is long.
I did not forget about the bait:
Dug into a large jar
Two dozen worms.
Everything, look, I'm ready!
I worked hard to glory
Even dad was surprised!
Praised my ingenuity
I took fishing with me!


That's how dad
My dad easily knows how
Turn the house into a ship.
Sheet - like a flag on the ray,
We are in pursuit of whale!
The whale is huge, the whale is dangerous,
MOKR, Zubast, cunning, strong ...
Only mother is not clear,
Why is he meowing ...

Dad AC in all matters,
And in work and in words!
We respect and love
Dad is simply incomparable!
There was everything, and it was all

Attack, attack ...
Everything did not work out as I wanted
Overcame a lot.
Dad for children with a mountain,
We love dad with all my heart!


I want to tell you for a long time
But I don't know how:
You are the best dad on earth
In any business, a mastic!

You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, strict, saw.
You know how to sing songs
And just amuse!

You catch pikes and perches.
Well done in everything ...
But for me everything is more important -
You are a loving father!

Your love is always with me.
I remember this,
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!


I always wanted to look like
On you, my dad is dear!
Be the same strong and be able to,
In life, you can find out any.

I like to talk to you
Argue and talk about life,
Make decisions with the head,
And the issues are difficult to solve.

Congratulations on your holiday,
Happy, your son is yours, believe me!
Let your dream come true
Joy, you try on a smile!


Everyone forgets about dad,
They compose songs to mom,
I want to tell you
Who is dad for me.
Dad goes to work,
He takes his hand to school,
The park takes off for a walk,
To chew sweets.
He plays football with me,
Cool books reads,
And feeds, gets it,
Sleep and leave.
Even if it suddenly gets tired
Lie down on the couch,
All the same, always with me,
My daddy, my hero


I have a father!
Ask what is he?
The strongest dad
The most brave warrior!
Kind. The smartest is.
How not to boast.
Dad only with mom
You can share.
I have a father!
Anyway, what he is!
The best dad in the world,
Because he is mine!

Dad Day - Poems about dad for the holiday

Dad Day - Poems about dad for the holiday
Dad Day - Poems about dad for the holiday

Dad Day - Poems about dad for the holiday:

All dads are important
All dads are needed:
Strong and bold,
Clever, skillful!

Father's day we celebrate
And we congratulate the dad.
After all, there is no more expensive in the world
Dads, all men are useful!


Be, dear, healthy and happy,
Let everyone argue.
And today yours are right
Bright holiday - Father's Day!


You are the most important person.
I love you, dad.
And on the day of my father I will tell you:
You are proud of your daughter.

You are like Superman for me
Defender and Savior.
And let everyone envy me
What is such a parent.


Happy Father's Day, my dear daddy,
Congratulations so gently.
How proud I am to you, how I love
And I wish you health, loving!

You are so strong, very brave,
My defender, my brave hero.
Let everything that is so important come true
For you, my dad is dear.


Happy, be positive
Every day, every moment, every moment
Enjoying them leisurely,
So that you have reached the best in life

Moms, of course, are important and needed,
But this world would not be full without dads:
Without those whose house is the snoring in the house
And who hugs us with the power of love.


Thank you, my dad, for being there,
For the fact that you are an assistant to me and a judge.
Thank you for your loyalty, for friendship and honor,
Thank you for believe in me with your heart.

You are the best in the world! I'm proud of you
And I will always be proud and in everything.
For your kind word, I hold on
We are going through life together.


Today is your day! I wish you
Love and success, good and warmth.
Be kind to your beautiful fate -
And she will answer with joy.


You are protection and support
For your family,
Happy Father's Day
Accept from me.
There will be a house a full bowl
Children grow up.
Let the hearth
The fire of love is burning.
In family life happiness
There will be no end
I wish you proudly the title of father.


Congratulations on my father's day!
Let the dreams come true
There will be joy endlessly
Life will be filled with warmth.

The family will be happy
And love only multiplies
May your soul sings
And let everything turn out!


Today is a holiday, Father's Day.
I want to congratulate you, dad.
Thank you for being with me
Thank you for teaching me not to cry.

That he protected from all offenses,
What was the city for me,
Although, you used to be with me
I did not agree, even argued.

Love you. I'm proud of you.
And I wish you happiness.
After all, dads are better than you,
In this world I do not know!

Pope verse on his birthday - pleasant words from children

Pope verse on his birthday - pleasant words from children
Pope verse on his birthday - pleasant words from children

Pope verse on his birthday - pleasant words from children:

My daddy is beloved.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on a horse!
You can, I know for sure
Help and protect,
So beautiful dad
Only you are able to be.
I wish you all my soul
Health, long years,
And I am proud of you
After all, there is no better dad!


Dad, congratulations on my birthday,
You just know, I don’t want happiness.
How much to wait for him, a year or a century?
And you are already a happy person.
I wish you to keep what is,
So that the bad news does not find ways.
So that laughter, as before, was cheerful and cheerful,
So that you have loved you love.
So that everything always succeeds in business,
So that happiness, although there is, but not end.


We wish you always
Was the best dad
And nobody among others
Dad would not be cooler.

We wish you not to get tired
You are strong at work
We love you and want
So that dad is happy.


Congratulations, our papula,
The best in the world you are.
On our birthday we wish
So that everyone comes true.

Be healthy, don't lose heart,
Help us with advice
Be support to us and a friend,
Never lose heart.


Happy Birthday, Papul,
Congratulations, dear.
We wish you happiness
Know, we are proud of you.

We wish to be healthy
Believe in strength, do not give up.
And for us authority,
As before, stay.


Dad, dear, dear,
Happy birthday, our hero,
You are the best in the world -
We are good for us all with you!

Be healthy, not pain
And the soul is not the elder
Laugh more often, smile
With positive, more fun!

Hug mom more often,
And kiss, and adore,
We are all, too, in between
We love you, you know!


The kindest dad in the world,
We wish you happiness, we are your children.
We want your birthday to
Your mood was beautiful
So that you are funny, joke and laugh
He enjoyed his family with his life!


Daddy's daddy
Dear, dear,
We congratulate you
On your birthday.

We wish you to be
Strong and healthy,
Woke us up in the morning
Voice cheerful.

I took us fishing
I taught to sports,
To be in front of mom
Always defended us.

You are the best dad
All over the world
Happiness wishes you
On the birthday children.


Favorite dad, happy birthday,
Be happy, full of strength, healthy,
Conduct your aspirations
And be ready for discoveries!

Let luck shine for you
Like a heavenly star!
We know the best you are in the world
And you will always be like that!


Thank you, father,
For upbringing and guardianship!
You are our hero, you are well done
There is no cooler than a person for us!

The best dad on the whole planet
We will devote these congratulations,
We wish you all the berths
And joyful notes are always in the mood!

Be strong and brave, like superheroes,
Be proud of a family and, of course, by yourself,
It is around to charge everyone with your positive,
Be persistent, decisive, happiest!


Happy Birthday, Papul,
We congratulate you!
You are the most beautiful with us
We are all proud of you.

Be always healthy, strong!
You are our dear defender.
Always hurry to us from work,
Know what we are waiting for you home.

Ah, today is your holiday,
Our daddy is dear
Congratulations helmet bouquet,
And also - big hello!

We want to wish, of course,
Your life is serene,
Let it pursue success,
Know for us, you are the best!

Pope about dad for children original

Pope about dad for children original
Pope about dad for children original

Poems about dad for children are original:

My dad is good
Good and simple,
Respects mom
Such a sincere.

My dad is my beloved
Dear to the heart,
And also beautiful -
Affectionate, dear.

My dad is reliable
Faithful family man,
And in this world,
I have one.

I respect dad,
What more i can say?
I am anywhere like this
Do not find anymore.

It is not a pity for him
Nothing in life -
My gold folder,
I love him!


You are strong and brave
And the largest.
Scolding on the case
And praise with the soul!
You are the best friend,
You will always protect.
Where you need to - teach
For a prank, you will forgive.
To our questions
You know the answers.
You smoke a cigarette
You read the newspaper.
Any breakdown
Easy to eliminate.
And puzzle
You quickly decide.
I'm walking nearby
I hold on to the hand.
I imitate you
I am proud of you!


I asked my daddy
To get a cloud.
He answered: "Oh, can I?"
And he ran away somewhere.

Returned a moment
With a white cloud:
Sweet-sweet, like jam,
Light, light, like smoke.

This cloud is large
It was like a souvenir.
The appetizing is
But on a stick, like a filling.

I cried out, my eyes with my eyes:
- My dad is Aladdin!
This is a cloud from a fairy tale
You are from the lamp good Jin!


Dad plants
And build a new house,
Even the trousers will stroke
And correct the entire defeat.

He is in football - just a pro
And in hockey is not a profan.
And he also cooks coffee,
He wears mom in the morning.

Our miner is dad,
Our defender is him.
And even mom does not know
How he holds everything around.


He knows about everything in the world
Builds, repair and breaks.
If he sees that he is sad
Will smile into my eyes
And share a secret
What he somehow did somewhere.
Laughs me to tears
And from the heart, sadness will erase.


I'm your beloved dad,
I wish to be rich
And money and soul,
So that we are proud of you.
Be healthy and happy
At least go around the whole earth,
It’s better not to find dad!


They say that dad is difficult
Swaddle, bathe, feed
And, of course, it is impossible
To cook borscht for lunch.

Dad dads do not knit
And the pigtails don't weave
And of course they will not show
Where flowers bloom in the garden.

But all the dads can
Back, patch, repair.
They will always help on labor,
They are easy to score a nail.


"Dad is not mom to you" -
So sings Potap.
And I will tell you straight
This is true!
Mom is often in stress -
You need to have everything!
Dad is more often cheerful -
Gingerbread, not a whip!
Mom's nerves - twigs,
Daddy - cement,
But for dad girl
There is one point:
If next to my daughter
Sees the groom
In jokes puts an end to
Frightns slightly.
(And hardens immediately
Dad’s hand).
The look is focused
And cold ...
Dad, by the way,
It’s not to blame here.
Just where mom,
Finally, calm
Dad will say directly:
"The best is worthy!"
And it doesn't matter, however,
That the groom is good!
It's just very dad
Love their crumbs!

Beautiful poems about dad for children

Beautiful poems about dad for children
Beautiful poems about dad for children

Beautiful poems about dad for children:

A poem about the best dad in the world
Dad reads a book to me
Friendship with him I cherish
Each fairy tale for dad
I will retell that hour aloud

Then I'll take a book myself
I will read dad out loud
Dad will retell a fairy tale
I will take a breath


Daddy Papul!
How I love you!
How glad I am when together
We are going for a walk!
Or we will make something
Or just say.
And what a pity you again
Go to work!


About dad
My dad is cheerful
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And playing is interesting.

And boring without dad
Ride on a sled.
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loudly.


My dad is a wizard.
He is the best.
He turns out instantly
In what you ask.

He can become a clown,
Tiger, giraffe.
But best
He knows how to be a dad.

I will hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I'm you
I love it tightly!

You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!


Touching poems about dad for children

Touching poems about dad for children
Touching poems about dad for children

Touching poems about dad for children:

Dad under his arm
I quietly get off the couch at night
And I crawl to dad quietly in bed,
And quietly and quietly lying like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under the dad under his arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will tell me fun: - Well, miracles!
Where did you come from? That surprised! -
- Yes, I was always with you next to you!


I look into an inverted binoculars
I look at binoculars: everything around
It became so unfamiliar suddenly -
Some kind of tiny sofa
And I am like a giant!
Full things are full,
I go around the whole house:
Here is the table, here is the door, but the window
And dad outside the window.
He waves a hand from afar:
- Come here soon! -
It costs so small
That I regret him ...


Dad tells a fairy tale
I know the fairy tale by heart
From word to word
But let him tell
Let, I want to listen again.
And I only want one thing:
Let the fairy tale last longer.
While I'm with dad, nothing
Bad will not happen.
And I ask dad again
From the beginning to tell a fairy tale.


My dad arrived
Dad returned
From a business trip.
Click to the boots
Big sneakers.
Daddy hugged my jacket.
Also missed! Well, business!


A month in the stars is in love,
He gives bright light to them;
Dad - loves us with you,
Gives peace to us and peace
Gives a kind, sweet dream ...
He is in love with his family!


Children's verse "Dad is the best"
Yes, my dad is the best!
He always has success,
Whatever he does!
And yet - he is a cool friend,
Knows how to keep secrets
Will disperse all the sorrows!
He is both kind and mighty,
He and his mother loves us very much,
Disster clouds over us,
We know that for sure!
Daddy, the sky is clear to you
The happiness of the radiant!


I always love him
I love all dad,
I love the same
When sings when it is sad,
When he makes something
When he reads and is silent,
And even if he shouts,
I will not pay, I will endure
I love him anyway!


My dad is dear,
My loved one
Thank you for everything
This light is for this life.
For the fact that you love me
You give everything in life,
For the fact that with my mother,
You carry happiness to me.
Behind your eyes,
It's warm for your hands
For sincerity alive,
Trust in the soul.
Let the years fly
I will save tenderness
And dad at an unobtrusive hour,
I will extend my hand.
My dad is good
Good and simple,
Respects mom
Such a sincere.
My dad is my beloved
Dear to the heart,
And also beautiful -
Affectionate, dear.

My dad is reliable
Faithful family man,
And in this world,
I have one.

Funny poems about dad for children

Funny poems about dad for children
Funny poems about dad for children

Funny poems about dad for children:

I will lick your mobile phone
I will let the saliva in the drinker
You won't scold me
Because you love much!

I will open the cabinets, I will open the cabinets,
I will wash the floors with my tongue.
There is no reason to scold me
You are my relatives!

I stand in bed for three hours
And I don't want to sleep
Well, and you download me
You sing a quiet song!

I mix buckwheat with manku
And I will open the paint to the bank.
Oh, I will get
For landscapes on the wall!

The first laugh is my agu,
Ladushki and the first tooth.
You will never forget
Because you love much!

I'm not saying yet
Only the syllables will repeat
Well, I'll tell you!
Dad, I love you!


Sunday once
My dad saved my kitten.
The cat on the tree climbed -
He was afraid of big dogs.
Dad drove away all the dogs
And the kitten got me.
I really want me too
To be like a daddy.
Because my dad is
For me now a hero!


Dad holds the umbrella tightly,
Under the umbrella, I am dry
But I do not see the horizon -
I see dad's ear.

This ear is just a shine!
Until that dear
That immediately climbed
Kiss it!


Dad got up in the morning,
I ate everything to a bit,
I did not drop, imagine, cups,
Never tore shirts
And did not run barefoot
And did not click his tongue,
And he was not friends with a mongrel -
Very boring dad lived!


How many times have been in the park
We are with my father
And went on a kayak
We are with my father.

There was once a terrible wind
Dad was a rower.
Not afraid of a minute
We are with my father.


Good on the carousel
Circle in the circle,
Circle in the circle,
Good on the carousel
One after another,
One after another.

Only immediately from the carousel
We moved to dad.
Wounded, hung.
Dad is better than a carousel!


We play chess with dad
And we chew the apples silently.
My dad is non -beating in the game,
But I attack Ferzem!
I started the party wonderful -
I ate a pawn, an elephant and a horse,
But dad went interestingly -
He ate an apple with me!


If you are on the corridor
Rush on a bicycle,
And towards you from the bathroom
Dad went for a walk,
Do not turn into the kitchen,
The kitchen has a hard refrigerator.
Better in the dad.
Dad is soft. He will forgive.


An adult can be dangerous
If he is your father.
You should not annoy it,
If he sat for a long time
On parental assignment,
And then he came home,
I already hung a suit in the closet
And the belt freed the belt.


My dad is a hero!
For the weak - mountain:
And the mosquito will not offend.
The same as on the screen.
But if he sees blood,
But if he is injured,
Then maybe he instantly change
And in our house, as in the hospital:
Mom on the finger blows,
Conjures over his finger, bandages
And the whole table is in the pharmacy army.
But dad suffers heroically!


My dad is a philosopher scientist,
He believes: teaching - light,
He poses a lot of questions
And looking for every answer.

Letting the smoke rings,
Points hoisting on the nose,
"What could be indelible?" -
He once asked a question.

Here everyone thought a little
And he expressed his Mnier:
I cried out cheerfully: "Cat!"
And mom sighed: "Lingerie ..."

Children's poems about dad for memorizing

Children's poems about dad for memorizing
Children's poems about dad for memorizing

Children's poems about dad for memorizing:

Why do I need a trampoline
And the Swedish walls?
There are dad's shoulders
Stomach and knees.
On dad would all day
Hung, did not get off.
Well, right not dad
And the whole "gym"!


My dad dreams
Rush along the puddle,
Esk five sketches
And two cakes for dinner.
More about the dog
He dreams of official, but only he carefully
It hides!


Dad, you're the best in the world
The best father on a huge planet!
I admire you, I am proud of you
I hold my own hand tightly!


Dad for the family, like a sip of water,
We can’t live without him in any way,
Buys his mother daddy flowers,
And he is the best dad for me!


My brother and I have a dad,
Big and gloomy dad.
But this is only for friends
After all, he is crafty at home.


My grandmother opened me
There is a big secret yesterday
What was dad too
Once eight years.
He, like all the boys,
Sometimes mischievous
And jumped like a monkey,
And I got deuces.
Was lazy on charging,
The face did not wash
And devils in a notebook
Often painted.
I am a dad's secret
Terribly surprised
After all, for this
He scolds me.


I want to tell you for a long time
But I don't know how:
You are the best dad on earth
In any business, a mastic!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, strict, saw.
You know how to sing songs
And just amuse!
You catch pikes and perches.
Well done in everything ...
But for me everything is more important -
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this,
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!


Dad's hands-cosmodrome!
So tall dad at home
He throws me, circles.
The spacesuit is about to be needed!
Well, yesterday he is from cardboard
The starship built us.
And he told me a serious tone:
“You fly into space. The navigator is a cat! "
He hugged his mother, meeting,
As soon as she stepped into the house.
Mom laughs: - I fly away!
Already in the sky, in the seventh!
Here dad treats a branch with us,
Here is the house - sings a saw!
Dad has a one -color rainbow
The hands are common.
I don’t sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, flickering eyes,
He doesn’t sleep ... Ah, hands-cosmodrome!
I go to the world huge from them!


I revealed the most terrible secret!
Opened because ... well, in general, I forgot ...
My dad, when he was a child, by chance
The chandelier broke a football in the house!
And poured green on the braids of his sister,
And the kettle boiling out the window dropped!
And he told me something else:
That he never did anything
Did not burn the plasticine, did not splash water,
He did not lie and did not fight, did not whip, did not ache,
I did not climb the basement, I was not afraid of injections,
He studied at the "five" and did not pick up anywhere.
I revealed the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
I am too, even later,
And yet the same as me, dad was!
My grandfather told me everything in secret,
And dad does not believe. Probably forgot!


I have your smile
I have your eyes
Forgive my mistakes
I want to tell you
Together we can so much
No one will harm us
We will think about good
All the sorrows behind
You have done so much for me
I don't know how to thank
I want to please you
So I decided to give a song
You are the best dad in the world e-e-e-e
The best dad in the world e-e-e-e
I love you.
And I sing for you.

Pope about dad are short for children

Pope about dad are short for children
Pope about dad are short for children

Poems about dad are short for children:

I love my dad
I will tell him about this.
It does not work out in words -
I'll just kiss with my mother.


With all my heart I love you
And I love all my soul ...
I'll give you back in my arms
I will not see that you are big!


Dad is a taxi driver, he will bring people
To whom to the station, and to whom on the subway
To whom to the store, and maybe to school
To whom in kindergarten, and to whom and in the cinema.


My dad is the best -
He repairs my toys.
And he glues books, and notebooks -
And even my mother and I bake pies.


When I play with dad,
I run and shoot.
And let the trains let go
And take off into the clouds.
Somersault all books - -
After all, the boys grow so!


I'm still quite a child
The restless boob.
And my dad is an adult uncle.
He is so big, big.
The kindest, most brave,
My beloved, my dear!


Daddy Papul! How I love you!
How glad I am when we are going for a walk!
Either we make something, or just say.
And what a pity you go to work again!


Daddy, my dear,
I love you so much!
I'm the best for you
I will give the drawing.


In the palm of the palm of my father
A terrible scratch.
Oh what dad is brave,
I would have roared for a long time.


I will do me exercise
I will study well,
I will help adults -
Will be dad me to be proud


You know how amicably
Daddy and I live!
We play together, sing together,
We laugh together, walk together,
Together we read funny tales!


Sunday for a walk
I go along with my dad.
So that he is not lost
I hold his hand.


Thanks for your every wise advice
And a good smile is a beautiful light,
For the fact that you love me immensely me!
My dad is beloved, with your birth!


Father in the family we have a chapter.
You are something strict in something, in some ways,
You never let you down
You will always give advice in everything.


Here I will grow big
That will be good:
I will buy myself like dad
Phone, glasses and hat,
Black tie-butterfly
And I get married to mom!


Dad succeeds in life
Even if it is tired, always laughs,
He creates a strong foundation,
From a transparent, tiny grain of sand,
Creates comfort, warmth, comfort,
He protects his hearth to the blood!


I love my dad
And I am pleased with success.
At least I can push up
Only on his back.


The TV says
The light burns, and dad is sleeping.
He mutters and sniffs,
The television snores louder.
We know the simple rule
That waking it is not worth it.
If dad is disturbed -
It will be difficult to lay.


Dad looks in the mirror:
How does the sweater sit on it?
Mom catches my father's look:
Dad is glad or not happy?
Dad is glad and mom is glad
Well, I need it:
If everyone is happy in the house,
So in the house, peace and way!

Good poems about dad for children

Good poems about dad for children
Good poems about dad for children

Good poems about dad for children:

Big Daddy
My dad is great,
It’s not easy to look at him:
You need to lift your head,
To "hello!" tell him.
He sits on my shoulders
And rides the whole evening.
Before going to bed, he reads books,
In the afternoon we play cat-mouse.
Dad is kind, very strong,
He can do what he wants.
I open my secret to all,
That I love dad!


Was at a little son
Good dad is a giant.
Pope had a giant
Cup holder and glass.

He had a pillow
Just a snowy mountain.
Giant Gazeta
He read in the morning.

With a giant sandwich
He drank coffee. And then
I stuffed a large phone
"Captain" tobacco.

Pope had a giant.
Very little son,
In a very small mug
Poured tomato juice.

Giant Giant
He reached the knee
And for dad for a walk
Barely spoke.

But put him on his shoulders
Good dad is a giant.
And the son stretched towards
Sun, birds, clouds.


Compose a song to me, dad ...
Compose a song to me, dad,
About a huge car
With the house of the wheel,
Back the body is a dump truck,
Like a driver's stairs
Rises into the cabin
I'm like this in the picture
I found in a new book.

She has plates - headlights ...
Waiting in a career and at a construction site ...
Only I did not understand what
The secret is?
Write: hidden in the car
Not a dashing three -
All four hundred horses
And for them there is no place there?


With dad in the meadow
Summer in the morning is a damp
I go to the meadow for a walk.
So that I do not get lost -
Papa leads the hand.
What do we see?
That's so wondrous!
In fresh morning glory
Flowers and grass in the meadow
Wash in dew.
I'm not small, I know
And although I don't know
So as not to get wet to the thread,
I sit on my father!


With Dad
I'm not afraid of my dad!
Dad has sweets in his pockets,
I'm holding on my dad on my neck,
And we are together with him giants!

I'm not afraid of my dad!
Let the winds be spinning
And lightning in the sky shines, well, and let it
Dad and I are walking on the puddles!

I'm not afraid of my dad!
And we will open the door to the darkness,
He will win around me, I will smile at him,
And it will become fun both!

I'm not afraid of my dad!
Let the goblin wander furtively,
And if I suddenly wake up at night,
Then dad does not sleep at the crib.

I'm not afraid of my dad!
We are having fun with him,
And if sadness comes unexpectedly,
That dad will sing under the guitar.

I'm not afraid of my dad,
Dad is cozy on the neck,
And with dad, I admit my mother in love,
After all, mom cooks tastier!

Poems about dad to tears for children

Poems about dad to tears for children
Poems about dad to tears for children

Poems about dad to tears for children:

You are the best dad on earth
In any business, a mastic!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, strict, saw.
You know how to sing songs
And just amuse!
You catch pikes and perches.
Well done in everything ...
But for me everything is more important -
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this,
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!


Let the rain go all day,
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And hide from the rain.
He will hug me gently
He will say gentle words.
And, again, the sun will smile -
Will disperse the clouds-draw!
I'll sit on his handles
And whisper, looking into the eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"


Dad plants
And build a new house,
Even the trousers will stroke
And correct the entire defeat.

He is in football - just a pro
And in hockey is not a profan.
And he also cooks coffee,
He wears mom in the morning.

Our miner is dad,
Our defender is him.
And even mom does not know
How he holds everything around.


To score a nail? Of course, to dad.
Hanging the shelf is also he.
It will be exactly in the hat
If dad enters the house.

Dad will cope with business
And the problems will solve everything.
He is golden with his hands
Fix everything to hurry.

He is a defender and a miner.
Dad is the best family man.
And my offender trembles,
Dad will cope with him.

Dad will give advice reliable
And he will help at school.
Everything will be easy with dad.
My low bow to him ...


My dad knows everything in the world!
The answer is to any question -
And even where the children are taken,
And what is toxicosis.

He knows where his mother has money,
And what threatens at night,
And about some point there
He knows ... but does not say.
There is a person in the world
More expensive than all coins,
His smile heart
I have been warming me for many years.

His care is in his hands
Responsibility to the family,
He will always help me
Tell me something.


When I get older
He will suddenly get old
I pour him tea
Covering from white blizzards.

I will be the best
Caring to him,
After all, more this life,
I love daddy!


My dad is dear,
My loved one
Thank you for everything
This light is for this life.
For the fact that you love me
You give everything in life,
For the fact that with my mother,
You carry happiness to me.
Behind your eyes,
It's warm for your hands
For sincerity alive,
Trust in the soul.
Let the years fly
I will save tenderness
And dad at an unobtrusive hour,
I will extend my hand.


You are always support for me
My favorite dad is.
I love you even in disputes
And today is your holiday.
Let him give life to you smiles
Let all dreams come true.
Even if making mistakes,
You will always be happy!
Papul, you are the most
The man in our family is the main one!
Easily make decisions.
Your achievements are solid!
I'm very proud of you
I study with you.
Do not dare to get sick.
Live in the world for a hundred years!


Dad for the family, like a sip of water,
We can’t live without him in any way,
Buys his mother daddy flowers,
And he is the best dad for me!

Little verse about dad for children

Little verse about dad for children
Little verse about dad for children

Little verse about dad for children:

I'm still quite a child
The restless boob.
And my dad is an adult uncle.
He is so big, big.
The kindest, most brave,
My beloved, my dear!


My daddy is cheerful
Can sing, read poetry.
Well, and if necessary,
The "apple" will be able to dance.


Dad, if he wants, can sing a song,
If you warm it cold with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It’s hard for me to fall asleep without dad.


I am an assistant dad Vova
I always help
I can pump the wheels
I am in the car without difficulty.
I am an assistant - I can do everything
Water in the garden
If suddenly I get sick
I can cure myself.


My dad is proud of me
Loves, appreciates, values
My beloved dad Vova
My life ... and there is a meaning in it.
And dad did not believe
I really wanted, I really wanted to -
And I flew, and I flew!

They swam below
Trees and roofs,
And the birds shouted:
- Higher, higher!

And the air smelled
And by sea and in the summer,
But it's not that,
But it's not that,

And the fact that he flew
Over me in the embroidery
My father! My father,
Not believing me!


- Dad,
And your dad and mom
Have you been loved? -

“Have you been pounding in childhood with a belt?”
- Lupa.
“And you didn't forget that?”
- Did not forget.

That's why I don’t bloom you
What I love.
- So you were not loved
If you pounded.
- Love.

Just time and people
They were others.


My dad, like a goblin, judge for yourself:
Our refrigerator is stuffed with mushrooms.
There is an empty people from the forest,
And dad mushrooms, as in the garden, tears.


My dad weighs one hundred kilograms,
But very nimble, I will tell you.
When was younger and a thin,
He went to Salekhard on foot.


I'm young - I fly in a dream,
Everything in the pink light is seen for me.
And dad said he was young too,
And maybe even me younger.


Our dad came home from work
And he said that he was tired.
I am all male worries
I took it today.

He will say thanks to his son
A younger brother will help me.
Dad we repair the car.
Dad will be very happy.


I'll write a poem about dad
How much I love him.
I'll tell him once
Or I repeat a thousand times.
Let everyone around here recognize here,
And a blizzard, and rain, and hail.
Dad is my best friend!
There are no barriers between us.


It’s important on the street that dad and I are walking.
And the sun is clear in the sky.
We joke, laugh and sing songs.
What a pity that this does not often happen.


My dad and I are big friends,
Where the dad steps his leg - there I am!
We repair and paint the car -
We have been doing everything together for a long time.


I strive to help dad in everything,
No need to wait for a long time.
I like to spend time with him,
How good it is for me to be.

Poems about dad for a child 3-4 years old

Poems about dad for a child 3-4 years old
Poems about dad for a child 3-4 years old

Poems about dad for a child 3-4 years old:

I'll tell you about dad -
I’m no longer a muddler.
This dad is well done
Aceful strangle.
He will switch all the diapers,
With dinner, the question will settle.
Getting all the dishes,
Grand Luda will regret.
He does not groan or whine,
Necessary? So the floors will wash!
All the carpets are pushing,
And he will not ask for awards.
Daughters will put in the bed.
And our dad can also
Fix the wife of the hairpin,
Little the thread help the needle.
He knows how to keep a soldering iron
How to clean the washbasin,
What to fill in a dry felt -tip pen,
In general - the master is all hands!
Beauty in their apartment !!
Ah yes dad! The best in the world!


In the PA-para-Park
By para-parapettes
We are para-para-lace
We walked this summer.

I'm in a skirt in the frills
I walked around the railing
And smoothly from the yoke-

We don't need tickets
On para-pairages-
By para-parapettes
Campaigns are suitable for us!

We are an armful with balls
Let's rush along the boulevard ...
We are wonderful with the folder


It is decided!
I am sad, and the cat is in addition.
Decided! I will pay now!
From the tears of the bitter soon
There will be a sea in our house.
The waves will become tirelessly
Dad discard from the couch.

He will ask:
- Tell me to mercy
Why do we need dampness in the apartment?
I don't want to from the closet so
Make two batiscons
And sit there in full break ...
All! We go to the carousel!


Hint for dads
All dads in the world
I will say between us,
From work should
Return with the balls,
Go home,
(Despite the neighbors),
In huge costumes,
But good bears.

Must bring
Ledsov, at least a little
Pull the cookies
Children from the threshold,
And cakes and cupcakes,
And gingerbread too.
But dad about it
They don't know, it seems.


Military order
My dad went to the fees
To the military to serve,
He will not come home soon.
How can we live without a dad?

If I were a commander,
I would give such an order:
- To all the military to remove uniforms,
Pass the weapon at once!

That's all. And there is no reason
Leave children and mothers,
And men will go

And my dad will return:
- Hello! I came home!
And I will answer him:
- By my order!


I would have to look
From a two -meter height,
I would understand
In everything that is not easy

I would have shoes
Size - forty -five!
I would be a two -pound
Raise the weight,

B me, if they cry,
Be able to laugh
I would have a suit
Striped sew

I would with the fields
Wide hat,
I would then become
Looks like dad!


I miss my dad
If my dad was a captain,
He would swim around the seas-oceans,
And I would be bored without dad ...

If my dad drove planes,
He made a long -distance flight,
And I would be bored without dad ...

If my dad was a driver,
If dad were a climber,
If in a cosmic rocket rocket rushed -
I would, then without dad, missed it!

But my dad is here at a neighboring factory,
Every morning it starts a car,
And I meet him at home in the evening,
I meet, I meet,
And still I miss!

Poems about dad for a child 5-6 years old

Poems about dad for a child 5-6 years old
Poems about dad for a child 5-6 years old

Poems about dad for a child 5-6 years old:

I can not read

Papa's books
A whole thousand!
Which ones will not be asked -
He will find it right there.

Probably dad
Everything already knows
And one again sits
And reads.

I am books like dad
I love and dream:
We will grow up -
So many books
I will read.

And son to himself
I will not forget to call
I'll ask him: - Well,
What do you read?


Dad has no son, dad has two daughter ...

Dad has no son, dad has two daughter,
Two girls, I and sister.
We play dolls, wash the handkerchiefs
And whisper with her until the morning ...

Dad does not have a son, but how would I like
He should drive the ball with someone,
Build a rocket, go fishing,
Male problems understand ...

Dad has no son
Well, what can I do
Two girls came out in a row.
And dad sighs and catches stealthily
A neighbor's sympathetic look.

Dad has no son
Well, no and not ...
Accept from us congratulations
There can be no dad happier in the world
Than dads with two daughters!


Things to do
My dad and I went
For important matters.
Towards passers -by
Moved to us.

We walked all somewhere,
Turned right;
Then I met us
Uncle curly.

And dad is my uncle
Asked about something
And even to visit us
I invited tea!

And then we are again
They walked somewhere
About something serious
They reasoned on the way.

Suddenly my dad
He looked at his watch
And nervously for some reason
Touched his mustache.

Here I thought
What happened,
And maybe even
The trouble happened!

But nothing at all
Did not happen,
And just dad
The boss was angry!

And we went quickly
Almost ran;
Then at the station
Someone was waiting for someone ...

And they walked again
They ran around
And even somewhere
A little late!

My dad's hand
All the time of me
I kept very tightly.
Otherwise, you can't!

So as not to lag behind
And do not get lost
I am also for dad
Hold on tight!

And so all day
We circled us like Yula!
At the end of the day, I asked:
- And where are the things?


A man in the house
Dad at the airfield
Told me: four days
You will be a man in the house
You stay with me!
The plane rolled up
Dad taxied to take off.
I ran into our apartment,
In the kitchen, the light ordered to light up
I put it at the table at home,
I made such a speech.
“Grandma,” I said strictly, “
You run across the road.
Every pedestrian knows:
There is an underground transition!
Everyone is an order: in the sky clouds,
So, beware of rain!
For umbrellas, just in case,
I score two nails.
- Get smirked inappropriately, -
I threatened Katya with a finger. -
That's what, the older sister.
My dishes, be good!
- Mom, well, and you are not very,
Do not be sad and not bored.
And you leave, by the way,
Turn off the gas in the kitchen!

Poems about dad for a child 7-8 years old

Poems about dad for a child 7-8 years old
Poems about dad for a child 7-8 years old

Poems about dad for a child 7-8 years old:

Baby son came to his father
And he decided to ask:
Dad, dad I want
Know how it appeared!
Dad blushed like cancer
And he said, embarrassed:
In general, son, they think this:
Stork wears children ...
Dad, I live in Moscow!
There are only crows here!
And don't hang me
On the ears of pasta!
That's right, this is so ...
Well then, let's say ...
We went to the department store ...
You lay in cabbage ...
Dad, dad, what kind of nonsense?
This is unrealistic:
To buy a person -
This is criminal!
Well, I don't know the answer -
I have to work!
It may explain the secret
This mother for you ...
Mom also carries nonsense!
In your thoughts the wind!
The fool will understand
How the children are taking!
In general, I want a sister!
Explain to mom,
That everyone will start children -
Lying on the couch!


About Papa-Venu
Though my dad, let's just say
Growth is not at all big,
Mom says all the time:
"I'm behind a stone wall."

He runs everyone in the house,
Everything is in his hands.
Even reads fairy tales to us
On the Internet does not stick out!

Dad is smart, dad is brave,
At work, dad is a treasure,
He heads the department
Very important, they say.

Doctor, scientist and worker -
Daza dads are needed.
Dads - this is very important
For family and for the country!

But my dad is the best!
I was lucky with him ... and with my mother!


About Daddov's dad
Dad is not at home again
The month seems to be the second.
He went to the ends of the world
He is on a business trip.

Without it, a mess in the apartment:
In the corridor, the light went out,
The crane "sings", stupid knives,
The toilet flows.

Dog Timoshka is not well -groomed,
There is no one to go to the market,
Nobody can score a nail
And joke with a neighbor.

What to do? For help
I will turn to the directors.
Idle - everywhere the road!
Well, leave us dad!


Papin is secret
Where is dad? Very strange!
There is no, an empty bath in the kitchen.
It's time to go to kindergarten.
Pigtails need to be braided,
My strands were disheveled.
Or maybe dad decided to hide and seek
Now play with me?
I'll go look for him.
I will look for him everywhere
AU! Dad, where are you, where?
I open the door to the bedroom
And I don't believe my eyes!
Dad is studying pigtails
Braid to Masha on a doll,
I will not bother him
Everyone has their own secrets.
I'll wait for him here
- Daughter, where are you? I'm walking.
Let’s braid the pigtails.
Happened! I am glad,
Isn't it time to kindergarten?
You know, there is a regime,
We are running together with dad,
I love dad very
If I need to suffer.
Nobody, believe me, no,
I will not give my father a secret!


Dad tells a fairy tale
I know the fairy tale by heart
From word to word
But let him tell
Let me listen again.
And I only want one thing:
Let the fairy tale last longer.
While I'm with my dad
Nothing bad will happen.
And I ask dad again
From the beginning to tell a fairy tale.


Dad and parent meeting
Dad was crumbling at the threshold
As if he was carrying a heavy load,
Standed a little more
And he said: - Son, I'm afraid!

About fifteen or more
I was not at school for a day
I’ll come, what if there, at school
Will they call me again?

These school programs
I haven't loved before
I will be honest: because of my mother
I went to school then.

I'll squeeze a hundred times from the floor
I will run a hundred -meter,
But without mom again to school?
Do not ask, I can’t!


A real man
A real man - he never
Does not lie in bed for a long time,
It turns on the shower, and there is ice water,
But first, of course, dumbbells.

A real man will shake his face
Before going to work,
And for breakfast he certainly has an egg,
Strong coffee and two sandwiches.

A real man - I will be like that!
I'm not afraid of bruises, scratches,
I look at dad, I repeat after him,
I am a real son. I am daddy!

Video: Malvina Matrasova - three girls ...

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