Poems for children for memorizing - simple, funny, interesting, short, funny, beautiful: the best selection

Poems for children for memorizing - simple, funny, interesting, short, funny, beautiful: the best selection

A selection of poems for memorization for children of preschool and school age.

Poems for children for memorizing - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old

Poems for children for memorizing - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old
Poems for children for memorizing - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old

Poems for children for memorizing - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old:

The sail yacht raises,
The wind of the sail pouts
And to the distant shores
Rocks a yacht on the waves.
Who is floating on a yacht?
The one who lives in the alphabet.
All toys, all friends,
All letters - from A to Y.

I sat on the rug ...
I sat on the rug
And the pots thundered.
Mom and dad came running,
Uncle Fedya with Aunt Kappa,
All pots selected
But they did not expect
That I hid in the corner
A frying pan and saw.

I grew up
I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal
I will collect my toys
And I will give Seryozha.
Wooden dishes
I will not give it yet.
I need a hare myself -
Nothing that he is lame
And the bear is too smalled ...
It is a pity to give the doll:
He will give it to the boys
Or throw under the bed.
Give the steam locomotive Seryozha?
He is bad, without a wheel ...
And then, I need too
Play at least half an hour!
I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal ...
But I seem to be Seryozha
I will not give anything.

I'm twisting a rope ...
I am a rope.
I jump, jump, jump.
They are dizzy
The sun and puddles.
All benches, every house
So they go stuck.
Dancing janitors with a mustache
And flowers and poplar ...
Under the feet,
Under the feet
So the Earth turns!
Hey, who needs a jump rope?
I will let me jump - I don't mind!

Yula was amused
And she went to dance.
How the wind was spinning
Singing Yula.
Just one leg only
And how dancing, baby!
Dancing near the nightstand
Yula in a flowering skirt.
Yula in a flowering skirt
The girl, Lyubochka.

Nestedly mischievous,
I'm so groovy!
It is worth clicking a couple of times -
And do not hold me!

I will quickly end in place.
It is very sad to be alone.
Well, let's stumble together!
Do not get bored with me!

Dolls of a waltz dance old,
The couple is spinning for a couple,
And Yula, Yula, Yula
I never found couples.
Who will make friends with Yula,
He will be completely spinning.

This is not a problem
In the yard they knock all day
Two cut grandchildren.
Grandfather made them a real
With a round hat hammer:
- Here, guys, shake the box
From cut boards.
Yasha hit the board
And hit the arm.
Painfully a finger - it doesn’t matter
This happens sometimes.
A white rag is tied
His middle finger.
But to grandfather, after all, is not immediately
Mastery came.
Be more closely, be
The way is not easy to skill!
Nikita took a hammer
And hit deftly.
I squinted only sideways
The nail has a head.
Get rushed out - it doesn’t matter.
This happens sometimes.
- It doesn’t matter what the guys have,
As someone noted,
The box came out crooked, -
First work!

Eskimo in the harness of fast
He rode the tundra silver.
I was driving on deer,
I was driving on dogs
Through a blizzard and a blizzard ...
He is brave, however.
The fur coat is long to the heels,
Black eyes shine.
I am from the tundra Eskimo
Eskimo brought yesterday.

The excavator is a little
Cleans the road with a scoop.
Oh, work is not easy -
A lot of sand in the yard!

Not a funnel and not a crater -
An excavator dug a hole.
I didn’t pick it with a scoop,
And I dug it with a bucket.
The matter is simple for him
If only there was no downtime!
Behind the sandbox - Mountain!
And in the sandbox ... - A hole.

My puppy, puppy patrol,
Protects the house and the yard.
From dawn to night dark
He walks with a tender pipe.

The Nutcracker teases the mouse people:
- Freak! Freak! Well, just a freak!
But here the unfortunate Nutcracker is bewitched!
What a handsome he is! Well, just lucky!

My dear toys
You are now students.
I am your teacher.
See my glasses?!
We will solve examples
We will write words.
Add one to one -
How much will? True, two!

The best poems for memorizing children

The best poems for memorizing children
The best poems for memorizing children

The best poems for memorizing children:

We are friends - two yashki,
We called us "twins."
"What are the unlike!" -
They say passers -by.
And I must explain
That we are not brothers at all,
We are friends - two Jacobs,
The name is the same.

About friendship
A breeze is friends with the sun,
And dew - with grass.
Friends with a butterfly flower,
We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are glad to share!
Just quarrel to friends
Never necessary!

You can’t break strong friendship,
You can’t destroy without difficulty.
You can’t argue with a friend faithful,
Well, if suddenly trouble
He will always reach out
Will never leave.

I have a best friend
He is worthy of the most
If something happens suddenly,
Brave and stubborn
He will come to the rescue,
And he will reach out.
Together we are moving forward
Having forgotten about boredom!

It’s good to be lonely
If you are not alone
It's good when you sideways
There is both north and east,
There is a cautious West,
There is a warm, quiet south,
When there is reliable nearby,
A disinterested, faithful friend.

A girlfriend came to me
And we played with her.
And here is one toy
Suddenly she liked her:
The frog is clockwork,
Merry, funny.
I'm bored without a toy -
Beloved was!
But still I am a girlfriend
I gave the toy.

Friendship - what kind of word is
It seems like simple!
If you are a friend - be ready
Hurry to help!
And it doesn't matter what happened
You will ask this later
Since a friend has so happened
So do wisely.

It is difficult to live in the world without friendship,
After all, someone must love someone,
Or just be near, in moments of longing,
To invite a hairstyle, fix socks,
For adults - love, and for us it is friendship,
You need to take care of each in the world!

How I start there are sweets,
My friends do not count.
And the sweets ended
And there are no friends at all.
For the candy every friend
So it tears it from the hands.
Well, why do I need this friendship?
I myself love sweets.

We quarreled with a girlfriend
And sat down in the corners.
Very boring to each other without each other!
We need to make peace.
I did not offend her -
Only held the bear,
Only with a bear she ran away
And she said: "I will not give it!"
I will go and reconcile
I'll give her a bear, I will apologize
I will give her a ball, I will give a tram
And I will say: "Let's play!"

Friendship is a gift ...
Friendship is a gift to us from above,
Friendship is light in the window;
A friend will always hear you
He will not leave in trouble.
But not everyone is given
Know that friendship is in the world,
That it’s easy to live with friends,
More fun with them.
Who walked without a friend
On the road of this life,
He did not live - existed.
Friendship is the world of the planet.

I now have a friend
Proven and true.
Without it, I am like without hands
If frankly.
We are walking in the yard
We play fun
Soon to school in September
Together stab.
I am a friend of a friend of any secret
I'll tell you without fear.
I bring him cutlets
Hiding under a shirt.
Eat, my little friend,
What else do you start?
You are still a puppy
And you know how to be friends.

But do you have to call a friend,
When it is dark on the way,
When the roads not to recognize
And there is no strength to go?
When the trouble is from all sides,
When at the sun - night
Wouldn't he see
Doesn't he rush to help?
After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep
When is it suddenly!
But ... if a friend must be called -
That is hardly a friend ...

I'm still a child
Sixty meter tall,
Clumed giraffes.
Come to the zoo.
And I am friends with Uncle Borea,
He is both my father and mother,
From the bottle will feed
And put in the hay to sleep.
I kiss it in response,
I will allow myself to hug
The hand is more tender
I will begin to lick your tongue!
It is not easy to live without a mother here,
But I will say without embellishment:
Uncle Borya is the best!
We have tender friendship with us.

Simple poems for memorizing children

Simple poems for memorizing children
Simple poems for memorizing children

Simple poems for memorizing children:

How I love sweets!
(Like my grandfather of the newspaper).
I can eat seven pieces in a row,
And others don't like it.
Mom and dad say:
“You will not be a beauty
My daughter will get sick,
In chocolate dress, lips. "
I will tell my parents:
“I won't forget to brush your teeth
And I'll see the dress. "

I am not a sweet tooth
Dad, mom, woman, grandfather,
I'm not at all a "sweeter" ...
Not friends to me "sweethearts",
On jam and sweets,
I don't even look briefly.
I'm friends with cutlets!
Why does everything disappear?! -
This Carlson arrives.
Carlson is a noble sweet tooth!
Well, not greedy, drink, eat.
No, I'm not a liar at all ...
There, in the corner of his coat.
Last time, so hesitated,
That he did not fit him.

I got it…
I love the cake
Cakes, ice cream,
I love chocolate, jam,
And also marshmallows, cookies!
I would eat everything for lunch
Instead of soup and cutlets!
Instead of chicken, broth,
And some champignons!
How to glorify with adults?
Can add sugar to the soup?
Crush the cookies there,
And pour more jam?
Oh, I'm smart!
What am I sitting, suffering?
I crumbled, poured ...
And then I understood everything!

I rush quietly ...
I drag a chair soon
To our buffet!
Turn the key in the lock
And take the candy!
My eyes flashed:
I wanted a lot!
You have been removed far away
Well, why so strict?
I eat candy, eat another,
I rush quietly,
And the wax is empty
I leave it near ...

Lived in the world a sweetish
He was fat like a buffet.
Sweet -fat daily
He ate a hundred sweets for breakfast.
Cook soup from chocolate
Sweet dinner for lunch
At the afternoon, the gingerbread is sweet,
Kozinaki and Shcherbet.
Ate for dinner a sweetheart
Both Halva and Marmelad,
And condenses forty spoons,
And a marshmallow salad.
After dinner in the crib
He went to bed sooner
To see the sweetest
The most sweet dream.

At breakfast
On a saucer cake -
Two cherries in jelly.
The cake is cottage cheese
They gave me for breakfast.
Orange tea smokes -
In it, the sun is a lemon.
Only stir the tea with a spoon,
And he will become sweet.
And nearby, with a red cup -
Malusenka completely.
My mother is sitting
And looks how I eat!

I am a caramel.
Only a week
I am from birth -
And in a terrible mouth?!
Do not imagine my candy wrapper!
Do not touch the bow!
I have no salvation
Will they eat about?
I will be sweet
Inside - with a lipstick,
But with a nasty - with a nasty!
Chew me?!
I will spoil the tooth.
And I will ruin two.
And I will ruin three ...
And even five!

Candy flare
We have sweat disappears from a vase.
Their dad does not like. Mom has a diet.
A candy priest comes to us at night,
And everyone says I am sweet and hand.
No one believes me, they want to punish.
And I can't prove to them in any way
What is the flash come to the buffet
He finds a vase in it, and in a vase sweets.
Eats them herself, an insidious priest,
And the candy wrappers hides under my pillow.

Poems about sweets and allergies
Mom hid sweets,
And scolds the New Year.
It is not clear to me all this ...
It does not give orange ...
What is "allergies",
"Acetone" and "diathesis"?
Every day such a word is such
I still hear here.
Dad just laugh.
He gave advice to me:
- That's when you start to itch,
You will find out, my angel!
I asked my grandmother.
And she is her again:
Mom said to her son:
We must observe the norm!
What should I do with it?
If the house has a celebration -
I eat and eat only sweets,
Well, and ... nothing more.

For all good things,
Mom gave me candy.
I will give up a soulmate to my brother
He read me a book yesterday.
I will find a girlfriend Zoya,
And I will certainly treat.
And the kitten to Eroshka
I will let me try a little ...
I wanted to treat everyone
Yes, that’s just, I didn't have time
After all, the candy is not sad,
It turned out to be very tasty!

Whatever you tell me, all sweets love,
So to suck out of boredom and drink a seagull.
People cannot live without sweets on Earth,
For that, life is given to be sweet.
Life without sweet is boring and without mood
I don’t want to eat at all, the appetite is bad.
That's when the moment comes, this is a birthday,
Everyone will give me sweets, on this holiday mine!
In the meantime, that the emptiness, if suddenly, in the pocket,
The supply of sweet sweets has long ended.
Then I'm running, as always, to my sweet mother,
Mom in life will never tell me, no.
I know for sure, we have sweets in our locker,
Mom always keeps them in a vase, with a flower.
I am a long time ago, I know this trick,
It will give candy anyway for your beloved daughter.

Interesting poems for children to memorize

Interesting poems for children to memorize
Interesting poems for children to memorize

Interesting poems for children for memorizing:

I missed school
Am I overheated in the sun, or what?
I suddenly got bored at my own school.
Miracles! I'm 6 now, for example,
I would just solve an example
And I would remember a couple of rules
Just so that the mind does not rust.
We went to the forest yesterday for mushrooms,
I remembered: you have to do a herbarium!
And the neighboring preschooler Lizka
I read the rhyme in English.
Petka tears: “Poor summer cottage!
Bring the child the task!
Fill it on the control!
He will be very pleased then! "
I myself understand: ridiculous.
What would I do if not summer?!
So I wanted to walk around in the wild!
And now I miss school ...

On Tuesday, she brought the bed -
I could not wake up in time.
The day before yesterday I forgot the portfolio
There was a banana in it - I had to return.
I figured out my mistakes,
Today I wanted to come on time,
But too much accelerated
And flew past the school.
They say there are schools
Where is the fence - from the picket fence.
To children all of these schools
They put a “colon” \u200b\u200bvery often!

There are many other schools,
Where they do not put a "stake" at all,
How to call the fences there?
I suggest: "Frequent!

We are an hour today
They cleaned the new class.
One hundred pieces of paper from iris,
Sunes and notes
It was found with us.

There were only three lessons,
And not five or six.
How we managed so much
Write, read and eat?

I was coming from school
Slowly slowly,
I came up with excuses.
Discard four
By nature,
And in Russian -

Funny poems for children to memorize

Funny poems for children to memorize
Funny poems for children to memorize

Funny poems for children to memorize:

There are no ghosts

I will say for sure:
Highlights - fiction!
That's for sure - nonsense!
And nowhere, and never:
Neither on Tuesdays, nor on Wednesday,
Neither the woman, nor the grandfather,
Neither at sea, nor in the forest,
Not at twelve hours
There are no ghosts!
Every schoolboy knows this.
Even the wind of howling ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhers
There are no ghosts, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhings
And a terrible dark night
Nobody wants to scare us,
After all, any lead -
Just a misunderstanding!
And behind the cabinet ... just ... Shadow,
And not a gear ... a gear ...
Nonsense ... error ...
There are no ghosts!
And no one sighs there ...
And there are no nobody there ... not steps ...
Not even to think!
And in the darkness ... no one ... does not take ...
Does not laugh ... and does not whistle ...
And draws ... there ... not eyes ...
It's just shown a-ah-ah!

Fifteen thick grandmothers

Fifteen thick grandmothers
Stood at the fence
Fifteen thick grandmothers
We looked at Yegor.
And he wanted to go through the fence
Lock like a bird.
And he wanted like a fly agaric,
To fall through the earth.
Fifteen thick grandmothers
He was not offended
Fifteen thick grandmothers
They breathed in his face.
Why did he just suggest
To convey the AVOSKU?
Grandmother through the road
I wanted to translate ...
Timurovtsy transferred,
As you can see in Russia.
And who they are - you
Ask your grandmother.

Offended briefcase
The portfolio grumbled offended:
-So-loser! Loader!
Where did he die without me?
Today is Monday!
I took the ball - and immediately beyond the threshold,
I threw me under the bunk.
All! We were late for the lesson.
Now we get a deuce.
Sometimes he will throw in the way, -
I am flying where it got.
But so as not to go to school ...
This has not happened!
Let there be no guilt in this, -
I worry too much.
And he ran away - and at least henna.
So serve the boys!
Already evening outside the window, -
Everything wears him somewhere!
The portfolio did not yet know about
That summer has come.

Seryozha and nails
The whole house shakes.
He beats Seryozha with a hammer.
Reddened with anger
Cutting nails.
The nails are bent,
Nails are crumbling,
The nails are wriggled
They are over Seryozha
Just mocking -
Do not drive into the wall.
It's good that the hands are intact.
No, a completely different matter -
Cutting nails into the ground!
TUK! - And the hats cannot be seen.
Do not bend
Do not break
They are taken back.


Tanya has a lot of things
Tanya has a lot of things:
In the morning she helped her brother, -
He ate sweets in the morning.
Here's how much to deal with Tanya:
Tanya ate, saw tea,
Sat down, sat with her mother,
I got up, went to my grandmother.
Before going to bed, she said to my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I will help you tomorrow.

From the point of view of a cat
From the point of view of a cat -
Life is clear and simple:
Vovkin Dad exists
To walk the cat for fish,
Because the fish themselves
They could not jump into a bowl;
Mom Vovka - well, so that there is
with whom to doze under the TV,
And the fire team -
to remove the cat from the cornice;
Chair - to tear up the upholstery,
Cabinet - to hide in it,
Only Vovka exists
It is not clear why.
He, according to the cat,
Very harmful to the tail!
And with decent cats,
You know, not a hundred tails!

Lived in a cockroach apartment,
In the gap at the threshold.
He did not bite anyone
I did not touch anyone
I didn’t scratch anyone
Did not pinch
Did not sting
And his home
Very respected.
So I would have lived a cockroach
Life with everyone in the world.
... only people started up
In his apartment.

My friend
I teach my friend to count:
- How much will there be three plus five?
My friend squinted his eye.
- Well, sake eight times!
He wags his tail.
Barking - does not want to ...
I bark myself. And he is silent.
How to teach this? ..
I take a handful of sweets.
The friend plays a tail.
- How much will there be three plus seven?
The friend was stunned at all:
Jumps, plays.
Barking - does not want to.

I bark ten times in a row, -
I eat fruit marmalade.
- How much will there be two plus two?
Do not ask! Spend first!
Count! There are sweets.
You will bark - you will eat!
He does not understand.
Does not want to bark ...
I bark again. I eat again.
- You will be completely without sweets!
- From six we will take five?
Well, my friend, let's count!
Answer, do not modern!
- Gav!

Funny poems for children to memorize

Funny poems for children to memorize
Funny poems for children to memorize

Funny poems for children to memorize:

Sport spreads our shoulders,
Strength, dexterity gives us.
He develops our muscles,
He calls us for records
All the guys know
What hardening helps
What are always useful to us
The sun, air and water.
Who is friends with charging
Who will drive laziness in the morning,
Will be bold and skilled
And cheerful all day!

Sports language is the same for everyone:
Labor, directed, jerk - and success!
You were striving for victory for victory -
And for good reason you have achieved success!
Then salty, powerless with tears
The muscles with tension achieved recognition!
So further: discarding fatigue
Muscles of strong boiling joy
Again you will rush for records!
You will take a new and new one!
New victories to you, in life and in sports,
Started at the legs at a steep turn!

We must play sports,
We must - we must harden!
We must be the first to be in everything
We are no frosts!
We dive from the iceberg,
We are good swimmers.
We are completely almost large
We are diligent youths.
After a water bathing,
We begin to grow.
And gymnastics again
We begin to perform.
We ride in the snow,
We lie down on the shore.
And then we dive under the water,
To get your food.

Eskimo-sedding, having eaten
Having listened to mothers of the song.
We go to bed together,
You will rather see dreams.
In them we are adults, big,
They are beautifully brought up in them.
They have hunters, athletes,
In them we see changes.
We are always growing in a dream,
We rest at that.
We are gaining health,
We live together, cheerfully!

Everyone knows, everyone understands
That healthy is nice.
You just need to know
How to become healthy!
Close yourself to the order -
Do charging every day,
Laugh more fun
You will be healthier.
There is no better recipe in the world -
Be inseparable with sports
You will live a hundred years -
That's the whole secret!
And we are already today
Stronger than yesterday
Physical training! Physical training!
Physical training!

To grow and temper
Not by day, but at night
We are used to doing
Physical education in the morning!
The guys really need sports!
We are friends with sports!
Sports - assistant, sports - health,
Sports - game, physical education!

Squeezed plastic movements.
Instant throw reaction.
Oh sport! You are a generation teacher.
Big friend is a faithful hand.
To run, swim, move skillfully,
Enemy, playing, win,
Let your body without doubt!
There is no more honor than to create yourself!
Sport gives us energy energy,
Personality, strength of mind, beauty.
Sport teaches us to look at the world with love,
In reality to embody your dream.

We are friendly guys,
We came to kindergarten,
And each physical education
Getting to do very glad!
We are in the garden with physical education
They studied a lot.
On charging in the morning
Got, hardened.

It is always useful to play sports,
Protect health, eat right.
Going to the pool is not just buying
And harden and improve.
In the morning, the run is to do by all means
With dumbbells in the hands at the same time,
After all, it helps undoubtedly
Be strong, strong, modern.
At the evenings in the evenings, push up -
Trying the steel muscles to try,
So that if you have to undress,
Inquisitive views to stop being shy.
No need to load the body instantly
Try to practice variables
And the force will be set gradually -
The figure will become just beautiful.

I woke up early in the morning
And he decided: “I will become an athlete!
I will swim, run, jump,
Like Bruce Lee - with his feet to snatch,
Like Klitschko - fight in the ring,
Like Schumacher - rush in the map,
How Ronaldo will be apt
Like Pete Samprass - I'm with a racket
I will win the court!
I will achieve success in sports!
I will achieve, because I'm stubborn.
Mom will be proud of me ... " -
So I dreamed half -shout
But my mother said to me:
“You are first for order
I would have done charging in the morning! ”

Everything is instantly in our life.
Everything goes and pass.
Sports must certainly be
Engage all year round.
Jump, run, push up,
The cargo is heavy to lift,
Train in the morning
Run a hundred -meter.
Running away from heart attack,
Do not spare yourself, neighbor!
The vigorous world of fun starts -
Bulletin of future victories!
Do not stew. Do not be shy.
Go without doctors.
Take your body.
Be healthy! Always healthy!

Sports holiday is proud
enters into its own
The sun is kind
Meets his children

We are brave, both strong and dexterous
With sports always along the way
The guys are not afraid of training -
Let the heart knock in the chest.
We are brave, both strong and dexterous
You must always be ahead.

Health, strength, dexterity
Here is a fiery covenant sport
Let's show our friendship, courage
Hello helmet helm!

The young body to temper
Great to finish the heights
Courage and will to educate
Sports will help us.

To be the first to be in sports
We need to love sports.
So that everyone can become an athlete.
It is necessary to start a charge day.

Who does not like physical education?
She helps everyone!
Be healthy, strong, dexterous
To protect the homeland to be prepared

We were engaged in physical education
So that the organism becomes iron
And in a healthy body
The muscles were hardened.

Like the sea of \u200b\u200bthe stands are noisy
Today there will be a difficult battle
Fucking brave guys
For sports enthusiasm

The dispute will be not easy for each of our records
In one we believe sincerely and sacredly
All those who love sport, all those who believe in sports
Reliable guys.

A jerk and jump - and in a flight, like a bird!
Who can compare with you in motion?
Sport to you was the only reverence
To hope, health, success!
When you defeated the border -
You overcame yourself!
Let your strengthening - victory bring
And you are offered to the golden places!

Beautiful poems for children to memorize about the family

Beautiful poems for children to memorize about the family
Beautiful poems for children to memorize about the family

Beautiful poems for children to memorize about the family:

I will ask the task now.
Listen, here is my family:
Grandpa, grandmother and brother.
We have order in the house, fret
And cleanliness, why?
We have two mothers in our house.
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter -in -law, daughter.
And the youngest - I,
What is our family?

"Family is us"
Family is us. The family is me
Family is my dad and my mother,
The family is Pavlik - the brother of the native,
Family is my fluffy cat,
The family is two dear grandmothers,
Family - and my sisters are my mischievous,
Family is a godfather, and aunts, and uncles,
Family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit,
Family is a holiday at a round table,
Family is happiness, the family is a house,
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil!

Family tree
I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is relative to me.
On this tree
Until the senile years
My great -grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My father
I learned to take off on it
And he was able to become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
Winds swayed.
And the leaves are sobering
Like bells,
When I have
Chicks appeared ...

"Family History"
Parents are not up to me in the spring.
Home repair is the main concern.
They’ll be busy, as if after a flight
They returned to the house with the whole family.
I get our old album,
I look at bright pictures,
Cracked, as if in web,
And I freeze over a colored leaf.
Here the great -great -grandfather looks at me.
I'm wondering who he was once:
A hunter, maybe a soldier?
Hurrying somewhere at the sunset of the day.
I will fade dad every night:
“Dad, tell me,” and he is all:
"Tomorrow, tomorrow."
It's a shame, I want to know about dinosaurs.
I love such stories!

Everyone should know about their family.
I carefully examine my ancestors:
Sitting and holding branches in the wings-laps ...
I am their descendant - gray sparrow!

"And the family is all"
And the family is a house,
These are two and the third,
And maybe the fourth,
And the fifth later.
These are warm lines
In the desired envelope,
If the separation waves
Sad wing.
And the family is light
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates all his life
And accompany us.
This is creativity,
Where neither the latter nor the first
Where both joy and grief -
Always in half.
And the family is everything.
Folds without her
Lonely thought,
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
More dear in the world,
Nothing, no matter how you think
And no matter how you brave ...

A family
Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet cake
And he will give me a little yarn
So that I can run with a cat!
And my grandfather will give me a rubbish,
Will bring nails, hammer,
And the instrument will be ready
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!
And dad will take fishing
He will tell about forest herbs ...
We are nearby, a little aim
Let's go past the mushrooms.
We take mushrooms on the edge of the edge,
We find an intricate root
In a forgotten forester hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...
And mom, bending over the bed,
Singing a calm song
On tiptoe will come out furtively
And good dreams will call!
And the wind bursts into the windows,
I think I don't sleep for a long time:
Well, what should I answer to this?
I just love them very much!

A family
The family is a strange word,
Although not foreign.
- How the word happened
It is not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand,
Why seven of them?
Do not think and guess,
And you just need to count:
Two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Papa, mom, me.
Put it up?
It turns out seven people
A family"!
- And if there is a dog?
It turns out eight "I"?
- No, if there is a dog
It turns out in! - a family.

"Family is happiness, love and luck"
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a trip to the country in summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant expenses.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is labor, about each other care,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Resentment and quarrels drive away,
We want friends to say about you:
What a good family this family!

"A family"
It is very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
I was going for dinner!
Grandfather will post
What I learned from the newspapers
Correcting glasses
What dried
Sage bundles ...
Father and mother -
About important work,
Brother - about fishing,
Football, campaign ...
And about the control
Today - I ...
Outside the windows evening
And in the house - a family!
Family is what will keep us in a storm,
After all, she is not afraid of spray of life waves,
It will hide from the cold and protect in the rain.
The family is our fortress and our faithful shield.
Family is children and a marriage union.
What could be stronger than such durable bonds?
Here everyone is clear and very loved,
In its own way are roads and indispensable.
We wish you to be a real family
It's great if relatives are with you!
We wish you unity always and in everything,
And let your friendly house fill happiness!

"His family"
Vova has a deuce with a minus -
Unloved business!
He did not move at the board.
He did not pick up the chalk in the hands of mela!
He stood as if stone:
He stood like a statue.
- Well, how do you pass the exams?
The counselor is worried.
- Your family, father and mother,
To reproach on the assignment
The director will be personally!
We have good twenty -five
And three families are excellent,
But your family for now
The director is unhappy:
She to raise a student
It does not help the school.
- Well, what does my family have to do with it?
- He says sighing.
- I get two
- And suddenly the family is bad!
He would bear reproaches
I would not show me
But about the family a question is
- The family will not give offense!
They will blame mom:
“We have good twenty -five
And three families are excellent,
And you are alone - a bad mother! "
- The director will say personally.
Vova looks sad into the distance,
Lay on the heart of a stone:
It became, mom, very sorry.
No, he will pass the exam!
He will tell mom: “Do not be sad,
Hope me!
We must translate us
In a good family! "

Sunday is luck!
Sunday is so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom makes pancakes.
Dad washes to the cup tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we are the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song is pouring into the window,
I myself am ready to sing
It's good when we are together
Even if there are no pancakes.

"Loved you for no special reason"
Loved you for no special reason
For the fact that you are a grandson
For the fact that you are a son
For the fact that the baby
For the fact that you are growing
For the fact that dad and mom look like.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain a secret support of your.

Children's poems for children for memorizing about winter

Children's poems for children for memorizing about winter
Children's poems for children for memorizing about winter

Children's poems for children for memorizing about the winter:

Not going on and do not eat,
Because ice.
But it is perfectly served!
Why isn't anyone happy?!
Author: Valentin Bereestov
The stars began to spin,
They began to go to the ground.
No, not stars, but fluffs,
Not fluffs, but snowflakes!

There is a birch in a peler.
Rinks on the branches of the fringe.
The easier than the gently the snowflakes -
All the colder is winter!

I'm winter. I love frost.
I bring people to tears.
And I myself do not spend in vain.
Leaving, however, pay.

White snowflakes, light fluffs,
Like sparks burn on the palms of the guys.
And instantly melt
But do not fly away.

The sleds are moving down themselves,
But they have one whim.
So that sledges rush from the hill,
We are doing them up ourselves.

A quiet whistle of snowstorms is heard,
And snowflakes flew.
In white hats at home.
Hello, Russian winter!

Attered again
In fur coats with white fringe,
And meters meters.
Oh, how cold in winter!

On the trees of the fringe
From snowflakes, hoarfrost.
Winter painted
White sky is blue

Who meowed at the door?
- Open it as soon as possible! -
Very cold in winter.
Murka asks home.

Gorky curls from the pipe.
The glass is painted.
I swing on a sled from a hill.
I'm not cold, warm!

Golden month in velvety blue,
On the trees fragile weightless hoarfrost,
I close my cheeks with a moss moss,
And I look at the evening in a narrow crack.

Light fluffy,
Flutters moth
Belosis shines.

Burning frost cod,
It is dark in the yard;
Silver hoar
Raised the window.

A snow -white blanket.
The houses were embellished.
Fierce cold has come.
So winter came to us.

As usual in January
A lot of snow in the yard
But the trouble is small -
We blind the snowman!

Three balls, bucket, carrot
And for the eyes - two coals;
Sticks-rucks will be inserted deftly:
We sculpt the snowman!

Everything hid a white fur coat
Frost is at home at home
Everything around was transformed
It was winter to us.

Winter is full of fun,
She does not let us get bored!
Winter-pies of snowmen,
Funny sledges and skates.

Look what a miracle:
Snow with a carpet lies everywhere!
She wove him herself
Needlewoman Winter.

So that the snowflakes do not melt
On the palms of Marinka,
The blue prompted her
Hide the handles in the mittens.

Short poems for memorizing children about spring

Short poems for memorizing children about spring
Short poems for memorizing children about spring

Short poems for memorizing children about spring:

Spring has a lot of work,
Rays help her:
They drive along the roads
Talking streams,
They drown snow, break ice,
They warm everything around.
From under the needles and blades
The first sleepy beetle crawled.
On thawed flowers
Golden blossomed
The kidneys swollen, swollen,
Bumblebees fly from the nest.
Spring has a lot of worries,
But things go in a way:
The emerald field has become
And the gardens are in color.

Living chain
The river was swollen,
The kidney swelled,
Living in the sky
The chain floats.
In the dawn Sini
Kurlyls the flock,
Spring and summer

All the verba is all fluffy ...
All the fluffy verba
Spread around;
Again, the spring is fragrant
I blew the wing.
The stanger of the clouds rush,
Heat is illuminated
And they ask for the soul again
Captivating dreams.
Everywhere varied
The picture is occupied by the look,
Noisy a crowd of idle
The people are glad ...
Some kind of secret thirst
The dream is steamed -
And over the soul of each
Spring flashes.

Spring is walking towards us
Fast steps
And the snowdrifts melt
Under her feet.
Black thawed
On the fields are visible.
Apparently very warm
Legs of spring.

Rural song
The grass is green
Sunny shines;
Swallow with spring
In canopy flies to us.
The sun is more beautiful with her
And spring is miles ...
Stret up from the road
Hello to us soon!
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song
That from the countries of the distant
Brought with me ...

Go away, the winter is gray ...
Go away, winter is gray!
The beauty of spring
The chariot is gold
Rushing from the mountain embroidery!
Is the old to argue, butter,
With her - the queen of flowers,
With an entire army of air
Good breeze!
And what is noise, that the bundles,
Warm shower and rays,
And chilikani, and stump! ..
Leave yourself soon!
She has no onion, not arrows,
She smiled only - and you
Picking up your shroud of white,
She crawled into the ravine, into the bushes! ..
Yes, they will find it on ravines!
There are already a bee noise.
And flies with a victorious flag
Farm butterflies detachment!

Spring and stream
I slept under the snow for a long time,
Tired of silence.
I woke up and rushed away
And with the spring he met:
- Do you want your song
Will I sing to you, spring? -
And spring:-Cap-cap! Cap-cap!
Ruchek, you will not be jerking?
- No, not a bit, not at all!
I just woke up!
Everything rings, murmures in me!
I will sing! .. Snow melts.

Spring guest
Dear Pevunya,
Swallow dear,
I returned to our house
From someone else's edge.
Better under the window
With a live song:
“I am spring and sun
Bring with me ... "

Near the pine tree snowdrop
Looks at the sky - light, gentle.
That snowflakes are petals!
Do not pull your hands to him -
Suddenly the petals melt! ..

Spring gives songs
Gives songs Spring,
Gives smiles
And to meet her from the bottom
Fish floats.

The forest woke up
Prays the forest spring-Ksarevna:
Laughter pouring loudly
In the depths of green,
Above the water of the jelly.
The forester is dancing under the oak,
The fresh branch waves violently.
The waterway curls,
Frisch sisters.
River herbs in the hair,
The chest is like foam, the gaze is crafty, -
Or in the spring
Eashes a game!

Grandfather Cosmach, gray -haired, shaggy,
He sat down on a humpbacked stump,
And the Yaga Starukha
Something whistles deafly.
Joy has mastered everyone:
In the lush splendor of the night white
The king swamp
Lnight root.
And conjures in Tina with a whisk:
“Fake up, spring, smile
All the paths are forest
And human hearts! "

After the flood
Rains passed, April is warming up,
All night - fog, and in the morning
Spring air definitely shakes
And a soft smoke blue
In distant clearings in Bor.
And quietly dozing boron green,
And in silver forest lakes
Even more slender is his column,
Fresh pines crown
And delicate larch patterns!

Hurry up, spring!
Hurry, spring, hurry,
I am sorry for the bunny from the heart:
There are no oven in the forest,
Do not bake bread bread,
There is no hut - lock the door,
There are nowhere to warm your ears ...
Hurry, spring, hurry,
I am a sorry for the sparrow from the heart:
Grandmother has no grandmother,
Who will connect socks and vest?
Fingers in blue will be chilled.
I can't help with a sparrow ...
Hurry, spring, hurry,
The perch is sorry from the heart:
He walks and boils in cold water,
What to eat, he does not find anywhere,
Apparently, cries in the dark and silence.
Hurry, spring, hurry!

Blutters ran away somewhere in the morning
Frosts disappeared somewhere in the distance.
Winter of Shubenka dropped in fright
And she ran away lightly with them.
And at night he returns after her
Sighs, tries among the darkness.
But something is shorter and closer
There is a fur coat in winter.

Cranes arrived
To old places:
Ivushka over the Backhand
Sadly, group!
And water in backwaters
And the dawn over Ivushka
Fun to the cranes:
In the spring, spring!

In the meadow
Forests in the distance know better
Blue Heaven.
Noticed and black
On arable land, a strip
And children's sonorous
Above the meadow of the voice.
Spring goes on security
Where is she herself?
Chu, a voiced voice is heard,
Isn't that spring?
No, it's loudly, subtle
In the stream a wave gurgles ...

When winter was?
Such a Kuter began around
And so many troubles fell to the ground,
That in the morning, unable to stand it, the ice started.

Finally spring came
Finally spring came.
Spruce, birch and pine,
Dropping white pajamas,
Woke up from sleep.

Behind the Luga river they grew up ...
Behind the river of the meadow, they grew up,
Bells the light freshness of water;
More fun on the groves rang
Bird songs in different ways.
The breeze from the fields brings heat,
The bitter spirit of Lozina is young ...
Oh spring! How the heart of happiness asks!
How sweet is my sadness in the spring!
Mild sun leaves the leaves
And the paths are soft in the garden ...
I don't understand that the soul reveals
And where I am slowly crazy!
I don’t understand who I love longing,
Who is dear to me ... and not all the same?
I am waiting for happiness, tormented and longing,
But I do not believe in happiness for a long time!
It is bitter to me that I am severless
The purity and tenderness of the best days,
That I am happy and crying
And I don't know, I do not like people.

Patient, tired ice,
Sick and melt snow ...
And everything flows, flows ...
How cheerful is the faithful run
Mighty muddy waters!
And the decrepit snow cries,
And the ice dies.
And the air is full of nog
And the bell sings.
From the arrows of spring it will fall
Free rivers prison,
Gloomy winter stronghold, -
Sick and dark ice,
Tired, melt snow ...
And the bell sings,
That my God is alive forever
That death itself will die!

Blue, clean
And nearby is
The last snow ...
The last tears
About grief of the past
And the first dreams
About the happiness of another.

Morning verses
It is so pleasant -
Wake up
And get up,
And the blue sky
In the window, see
And find out again
That everywhere - spring,
That morning and sun
More beautiful sleep!

The arrival of spring
Niva greens, groves babble,
In the sky the lark is awe,
Warm rain, sparkling of waters, -
Having called you what to add?
How to glorify you with other
The life of the soul, spring is coming?

In a quiet nook
Our court
Cry two icicles
Started yesterday.
“Tsok-tzok-tzk, it’s hot for us!
Tsok-Tsok-Tsok, trouble! "
The spray scattered
Rall water.
The sun is slightly higher
It stood over the yard
Tears from under the roof
They poured with a stream.
Poor icicles
We cried in the spring
Making less
With every tear.
So crying a day,
In the morning on the weekend
There were two icicles
A puddle alone.
In a puddle in the evening
Water dried -
After all, they do not help
Tears never!

Poems about autumn for children to memorize

Poems about autumn for children to memorize
Poems about autumn for children to memorize

Poems about autumn for children to memorize:

Evil autumn breeze
At the bush, tore off the leaf.
Listed for a long time with a leaf.
I circled over the trees,
And then my knees
The yellow leaf laid.
He touched his face with cold:
“Get a letter!
This was sent to you autumn
And also an armful of yellow,
Different letters
He threw it.

Late fall
At the shore is timid
Fragile ice lies.
Sadly cloud is gray
The pond is floating along the bottom of the pond.
The harsh breathes in the fall
Clear water.
The leaves were thrown away,
Meeting the cold.

In the Osinov forest
In the Osinov forest
The aspen trembling.
The wind breaks
With aspen of a scarf.
He is on the paths
The scarves will drop -
In the Osinov forest
Autumn will come.

Dull time! Okay charm!
Dull time! Okay charm!
I am pleased to me your farewell beauty -
I love lush nature wilting,
In Baggers and in gold, dressed forests,
In their halls of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And heaven is covered with hare wavy,
And the rare sun is a ray, and the first frosts,
And the distant gray -haired winters are threats.

Rusted underfoot
Rusted underfoot
Leaves with yellow sides.
It became damp, it became a head,
You need to gather to school.
I am barely notebook
Placed in his portfolio
Among the berries of mountain ash,
Maple leaves and aspen,
Acorns and rahs ...
And, probably, Olezhek
My desk neighbor will ask:
"What is all this?" "This is autumn" ...

Golden grove
Autumn! Golden grove!
Gold, blue,
And flies over the grove
A flock of crane.
High under the clouds
Geese respond,
With a distant lake, with fields
Farewell to say goodbye forever.

Carpet paths
For autumn clouds somewhere
Crane fell silent.
On the paths where the summer was running,
Multi -colored carpet lay down.
The sparrow was sad behind the window,
Unusually quiet at home.
On autumn carpet tracks
Winter arrives unnoticed.

Rains fly
Rains fly, fly, fly
You will not get out of the gate.
On a wet path
Raw fog crawls.
In sad pines
And fiery mountain ash
Goes and sows autumn
Fragrant mushrooms!

Plums show off in the garden ...
Plums in the garden are crumbling,
Revolution of a noble obstacle ...
The yellow leaf was bathed in the pond
And welcomes early autumn.
He introduced himself as a ship
The wind of wanderings swayed him.
So we will swim after him
To the berths unknown in life.
And we know already by heart:
In a year there will be a new summer.
Why the universal sadness
In every line in poetry in poets?
That's why traces of dew
Will they wash off the shows and led winter?
That's why all the moments are all
Fixed and unique?

Autumn has come
Autumn has come
Rains began.
How sad
Gardens look.
The birds stretched
In warm edges.
The farewell is heard
Crythus Crane.
The sun does not indulge
We are with our warmth.
Northern, frosty
Blowing cold.
Very sad
It’s sad at heart
From the fact that summer
Do not return already.

Autumn is crying quietly in the dance
The braids dismissed autumn
Broken bonfire.
More often hoarfrost, less often - dew,
Rain is cold silver.
The autumn shoulders exposed
In the neckline, all wood -
Soon a ball, a farewell evening ...
The foliage is already lying.
Chrysanthemums marvel
The outfit is painted.
The wind is not a hindrance to the ball -
Louder music a hundred times!
The braids dismissed autumn
The wind trembles the silk of hair.
More often hoarfrost, less often - dew,
The smell of late roses is sweeter.
Autumn cries quietly in the dance,
The lips are trembling in a whisper.
In the puddles, the gaze is sad.
Birds circle plaintively.
Stretching out a leaf like a hand,
The sad "goodbye" waves ...
Autumn, feeling separation,
Whispers tearfully: "Remember ..."

Autumn conversation
Kalina Kalina said:
- Why are you, girlfriend, in Kruchin?
Why is such a cloudy look?
What kind of pain does your heart have a pier? ..
Kalina Kalina answered:
- That's why Kruchin gnaws at me
That winter is already on the verge,
What is already on the approach of snowstorms,
After all, not without reason - think for yourself! -
Our branches flew around yesterday! ..

If the leaves are yellowed on the trees,
If a distant bird flew to the edge,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,
This time of the year is called in the fall.

Elk echo
I won anxiously moose:
The summer was over - it ended.
And the signal of the forest anxiety
Rolled along the road.

He flew to the clouds with the wind,
He ran along the paths of fox.
And from trees yellow echo
I dropped the autumn leaves.

Gathered and flew
Gathered and flew
Ducks on a long journey.
Under the roots of the old spruce
Makes the bear to the den.
The hare dressed in the fur, white,
It became warm to the bunny.
Wears protein a month whole
In reserve mushrooms in the hollow.
The wolves are growling dark at night
For prey in the forests.
Between the bushes to the grouse of the sleepy
The fox is making his way.
Hides for the winter cedar
In the old moss, the nuts are deftly.
Capercailline is pinching the needles.
They arrived at us to winter

I walk, sad alone
I go, I am sad alone:
Autumn is nearby.
Summer was drowned with a yellow leaf in the river.
I throw him a circle - my last wreath.
Only summer can not be saved, if the day is autumn.

The autumn worries of the hare
What is the hare on the mind?
Prepare for winter.
Not in the store
An excellent winter down jacket.
White-white whiteness,
To run in it until spring.
The former became cold,
Yes, and - Ser, and - is not enough.
He is in the winter of the enemy pack,
Like a target on a slope.
It will be safer in the new
Not noticeable to the dogs and owls.
White snow and white fur -
And warm, and more beautiful than all!

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
Today he is just new!
All ruddy, gold.
Where are you, leaflet? Wait!

Sheet: quiet, warm, delicate autumn
Quiet, warm, delicate autumn
The leaves are wilted everywhere.
Paints in lemon, orange color light.
On sidewalks, lawns, alleys
She sprinkles them, not sparing at all, -
Here is a leaf hung over the window in the web.
Windly window. And a gullible bird
my palm, circling, sits down,
Light and cold, gentle and clean, the sheet.
Wind rush. The sheet takes off from the palm of his hand
Here he is already on a neighboring balcony,
MiG - and, bypassing a wide cornice, down!

Autumn wind: someone walks at the gate
Someone walks at the gate-
Then the branch will touch
Then the blades of grass will gather
And he will throw up.
Then it will begin to bend the mountain ash
At the clogged cottage
I took to blow on the puddle,
Like hot tea.
And does not freeze without a coat
On a chilly blue evening ...
This someone is nobody,
He is an autumn wind.

From dawn to dusk
Forests turn
In painted sails.
Again autumn
Leaves again
Without beginning, endlessly
Over the river
And at the porch.
Here they are floating somewhere-
Then back
And then forward.
From dawn to dusk
The wind tears them into parts.
Whole day
The rains are oblique
Pull the threads through the forests,
As if they were repaired
Golden sails ...

Autumn. Silence in the village of Dachny ...
Autumn. Silence in the village of Dachny,
And deserted-hard on the ground.
Spider web in the air transparent
Cold, like a crack in the glass.
Through sand pink pines
The roof with a cockerel will be sided;
In a light, haze, velvet sun -
Like a peach touched by a fluff.
At sunset, magnificent, but not sharp,
The clouds are waiting for something, frozen;
Holding the hands, they proceed brilliantly
The last two, the most gold;
Both faces the faces of the sun
Both fade from one end;
Senior-carries a feather of firebirds,
The younger one is a fier of the firewood.

Summer verse for memorizing children

Summer verse for memorizing children
Summer verse for memorizing children

Summer verse for memorizing children:

So much light! So much sun!
So much greenery!
Summer has come again
And warmly came to our house.
And there is so much light around
It smells of spruce and pine.
It would be so that summer
It was a whole year with me!

Gifts of summer
- What will you give me, summer?
- A lot of sunlight!
In the sky, a rainbow-fool!
And chamomiles in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- A key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cuckoo
To go to the edge of
You shouted to her a lot:
"Guess me as soon as possible!"
And she is in response to you
I guessed for many years!

Ripe summer
Ripe summer
The berries are dressed
In apples and plums.
The days became beautiful.
How much color!
How much light!
The sun is on the top of the summer!

Happy summer
Summer, summer came to us!
It became dry and warm.
Right on the path
The legs walk barefoot.
Bees circle, birds curl,
And Marinka is having fun.

The sun shines brightly ...
The sun shines brightly.
The air is warm.
And wherever you look -
Everything is bright!
They are full of meadow
Bright flowers.
Gold is doused
Dark sheets.

The sky became clear
The distance rushed!
It was as if there was no rain
The river is like crystal!
Above the river fast,
Illuminating the meadows,
Appeared in the sky

Sunny morning
The sun is many, many, many,
The sun is a whole country!
Sunny legs are stuck
In the low branches by the window.

Here it is still a little
Will accumulate strength in the embroidery,
Gold -band the golden one
Will get into the house to me!

In summer in heat
How wonderful in summer in heat
Walk with mom to the forest,
Enjoy silence,
Bright blue heaven.

The sun of the summer rays
What a good day!
A light breeze blows.
The sun of the summer rays
So nice hot!

How we spent time in the summer
We walked, sunbathed
They played near the lake.
They sat on the bench -
Two cutlets ate.
The frog was brought
And a little grown.

All year round. June
June came.
"June! June!" -
Birds chirp in the garden.
For dandelion only Dun,
And all of it will fly around.

All year round. July
Senos is in July.
Somewhere, thunder grins sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

All year round. August
We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
A lot of people joy
After all the labors.
The sun over spacious
Nivami stands.
And sunflower with grains

What does the sun look like?
What does the sun look like?
On a round window.
The flashlight in the dark.
It looks like a ball
On the damn hot too
And on the pie in the stove.
On a yellow -shaped button.
On the light bulb. On Lukovka.
On a copper patch.
On a cheese cake.
A little to orange
And even on the pupil.
Only if the sun is a ball -
Why is he hot?
If the sun is cheese,
Why is the holes not visible?
If the sun is onions,
Everyone would cry around.
So, shines at the window
Not a nickle, not a pancake, but the sun!
Let it look like everything -
All the same, everything is more expensive!

Flasped the meadow for all dews.
A ray made his way to them,
Gathered dews in a web
And he hid somewhere between the clouds.

I draw summer
I draw summer -
And what color?
Red paint -
On the lawns of roses,
And green - field
In the meadows of mowing.
Blue paint - sky
And the cherry stream.
And what paint
Will I leave the cloud?
I draw summer -
It is very difficult ...

Why is there so much light?
Why is there so much light?
Why is it so warm?
Because this is summer
For the whole summer it came to us.
That's why and every day
The longer is not a day
Well, and nights
Night from night
Everything is shorter and shorter ...

Summer path
The path has a back on the path,
The path rushes to the river in the heat.
- Plus! - From a cliff into a light pond.
Look - already on the shore by another
Curls the field, butterfly fling,
As if and did not swim - dry!

Red summer
So the summer arrives -
Strawberries blushed:
It will turn to the sun sideways -
All will pour into scarlet juice.
In the field - red carnation,
Red clover. Take a look:
And forest rosehip in the summer
All showered in red.
Apparently, people are not in vain
They call the summer red.

Why is the summer short?
-What for all the guys
There is not enough summer?
- Summer, like chocolate,
Tails very quickly!

Pushkin poems for children for memorizing

Pushkin poems for children for memorizing
Pushkin poems for children for memorizing

Pushkin poems for children for memorizing:

The Lukomorye has green oak ...
In the Lukomorye oak green;
Golden chain on oak Tom:
Both day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything walks around the chain around;
Goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - says a fairy tale.
There are miracles: there is a goblin roaming,
The mermaid on the branches sits;
There on unknown paths
Traces of unseen beasts;
Hut there on chicken legs
Stands without windows, without doors;
There the forest and debts are full;
There are waves about the dawn
Sand and empty on the Bregg,
And thirty knights of beautiful
Chreds from the waters come out of clear,
And with them their uncle sea;
There is the Korolevich in passing
Captivates the formidable king;
There in the clouds in front of the people
Through the forests, through the seas
The sorcerer carries a hero;
In the dungeon there is a princess
And the brown wolf serves her correctly;
There is a stupa with a butter
Goes, wanders by itself
There the king is stroke over the gold;
There is a Russian spirit ... there it smells of Russia!
And there I was, and I drank honey;
At the sea, I saw a green oak;
He sat under him, and the cat is a scientist
He told my fairy tales.

I erected a monument to myself unmarried ...
I erected a monument to myself unmarried,
A folk path will not overgrow to him,
He ascended above he by the head of the rebellious
Alexandrian pillar.

No, I won’t die all - the soul is in the treasured lyre
My ashes will survive and will run away - it will run away -
And I will be glorious, dook in the subwine world
At least one PIT will be alive.

Hearing about me will pass throughout the great Russia,
And everyone will call me the last droit of the tongue,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and Finn, and now Wild
Tungus, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,
That I felt good feelings with a lyre,
That in my cruel century I glorified freedom
And mercy to the fallen, made.

The order of God, oh muse, be obedient,
Resentment is not afraid, without demanding a crown;
Praise and slander were taken indifferent
And do not dispute the fool.

Poems for Agnia Barto for memorizing children

Poems for Agnia Barto for memorizing children
Poems for Agnia Barto for memorizing children

Poems for Agnia Barto for memorizing children:

The puppy was fed milk,
So that he grew up healthy.
Got up at night and secretly
They fled to him barefoot -
He feel his nose.
The boys of the puppy taught
They fiddled with him in the garden,
And he, upset slightly,
Shagal on the occasion.
He is used to grumbling on strangers,
Just like an adult dog
And suddenly a truck arrived
And he took all the guys.
He waited: when will they start the game?
When will the fire be lit?
He was used to a bright fire,
To what is early in the morning
The pipe calls for the collection.
And he barked to hoarsely
On dark bushes.
He was alone in the garden of empty
He lay down on the terrace.
He lay a layer for an hour,
He didn't even want to wave his tail
He could not even eat.
The guys remembered him -
They returned halfway.
They wanted to enter the house
But he did not let him enter.
He will meet them, on the porch,
He was in the face of all in a row.
He was caressed by the kids
And he barked with all his heart.

Touch her inadvertently -
Immediately: - Guard!
Olga Nikolaevna,
He pushed me!
- Oh, I pricked! -
Sonin's voice is heard. -
Something in the eye hit me
I will complain about you!
At home, complaints again:
- My head hurts…
I would lie down -
Mom does not tell.
The boys conspired:
- We will open the account:
Let's count complaints -
How much will it come out a year?
Sonya was scared
And sits quietly.

It was in January
It was in January,
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

One day
Night sometimes
When in the forest is so quiet
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Zaychat and Zaichikha.
Who is hunting for the new year
Get in the paws of the wolf!
The rabbits rushed forward
And jumped onto the Christmas tree.
They pressed the ears
Hang like toys.
Ten small hare
Hang on the Christmas tree and are silent -
Deceived the wolf.
It was in January, -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

One hundred clothes
A bike, three fufikes,
On the lining a dress.
Scarf on the neck, the shawl is big,
What kind of ball is rolled?
One hundred clothes, a hundred fasteners.
Words cannot utter words.
“So they wrapped me up
I don't know, is I here? "

- Miracles! - said Lyuba. -
The fur coat was long.
There was a fur coat in the chest,
The fur coat became small for me.

How big Andryushka sits
On the carpet in front of the porch.
He has a toy in his hands -
A rattle with a bell.
The boy looks - what kind of miracle?
The boy is very surprised
He will not understand: well
Calling is heard?

Who, who
Does this room live?
Who, who
Does he get up with the sun?
This Mashenka woke up
On the side turned to side
And, having back the blanket,
Suddenly she stood on her legs.
There is not a big room here -
There is a huge country here
Two giant sofas,
Here is the green meadow -
This is a rug by the window.
Mashenka reached out
To the mirror with your hand
Mashenka was surprised:
"Who is there?"
She reached the chair
I rested a little
I stood at the table
And again I went forward.
Masha began to grow up.
It is necessary to educate my daughter.
Masha has a daughter -
She is soon half a year.
She does not cry
The eyes are hiding from the light.
So that she sleeps with us,
Remove the lamp from the table.

No, we decided in vain
Roll the cat in the car:
The cat is not used to riding -
I knocked over the truck.

We will build the plane ourselves,
We will rush over the forests,
We will rush over the forests,
And then back to mom.

Rope in the hand,
I pull the boat
On a fast river
And the frogs jump
For me on the heels
And they ask me:
- Roll up, captain!

Our Tanya cries loudly:
I dropped the ball into the river.
Hush, tanechka, do not cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

Dropped the bear on the floor,
They tore Mishka’s paw.
I will not leave him anyway,
Because it is good.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in the box on the barrel.
A sleepy bear lay down in bed.
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods his head
He is bowing to the election.

I have a kid
I myself pass.
I am a kid in a green garden
I will take it early in the morning.
He will get lost in the garden -
I will find him in the grass.

Left, right!
Left, right!
To the parade
There is a detachment.
To the parade
There is a detachment.
I am glad:
An hour and a half
Left, right!
Left, right!
Already holey

Sparrow on the puddle
Jumps and dizzy.
He ruffled the feathers,
The tail flooded.
The weather is good!

Early, early in the morning
Mom came out
To teach ducklings.
She teaches them, teaches them!
-You swim, Uti-Uti,
Smoothly, in a row.
Although the son is not great,
Not great
Mom does not tell cowardly,
Does not tell.
- Swim, swim,
Don't be afraid,
Do not drown.

We are a whole morning
Fiddled with sprouts,
We planted them
With your own hands.
My grandmother and I together
Planted seedlings,
And Katya walked
With a girlfriend in the garden.
Then we had to
Fight weeds.
We pulled them out
With your own hands.
My grandmother and I dragged
Full watering water
And Katya was sitting
In the garden on the bench.
- What are you on a bench
Are you sitting like a stranger?
And Katya said:
- I'm waiting for the crop.

Video: short rhymes for the smallest. Developing cartoon

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