Composition on the topic "My Favorite Book" - Examples

Composition on the topic

We bring to your attention examples of essays on the topic: “My favorite book” - for schoolchildren for reading and literature lessons.

Composition on the topic "My Favorite Book" is an example

Composition on the topic My favorite book is an example
Composition on the topic "My Favorite Book" is an example

Composition on the topic "My favorite book" is an example:

  • The book is the easiest way to get into another, mysterious and interesting world. Reading it, a person is transferred to another reality, while living the life of the protagonist. Each person prefers a certain topic, but I love fantasy most of all, with a drop of magic. Reading such a book, I imagine that I myself become a wizard, of course, kind, and with all my strength I try to make the world around the world kinder and brighter. Most of all I like to read books about Harry loss - my favorite part of Harry Potter and Gifts of Death.
  • Initially, I watched several parts of Harry's story on television, and I really liked them. Then my mother suggested that I do not watch films about a little wizard, but try to read a book about him. Initially, I did not really like this idea very much, but I still decided to give the book a chance. When I began to read, I was surprised to realize that in the book all the heroes are described more carefully, and this contributes to the fact that you understand them more.
  • I liked all the parts of the story about the young wizard, but most of all I remember the last part - "Harry Potter and the gifts of death." Why? Everything is very simple. It is in this final part of the story that the support of friends and relatives is most important for a person. It was his friends who supported Harry in the main battle of his life, and it was thanks to them that he survived. Thanks to this book, I realized that my friends should be appreciated and respected, because no one knows what awaits you in the near future. I also realized that life is not always easy, and in order to achieve something you need to make a lot of efforts, in my case, to study diligently.
  • In conclusion, I would like to say that my favorite book Harry Potter and Gifts of Death is really capable of changing the worldview, and not only a child, but also an adult. In view of this, if you still have not read it, then be sure to do it, and believe me, you definitely look at the people who surround you differently.

A brief essay on the topic "My favorite book"

A brief essay on the topic "My Favorite Book":

  • Before meeting with the work of Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov, I did not really like to read. This lesson seemed very boring to me and not particularly necessary. After all, we live in a world where all the information can be easily found on the Internet. But my mother insisted that the book can captivate any person, and will definitely make him wiser. I protested as I could, but one day my mother brought the book “Collection of Stories”, and ordered me to read it, and using the information received, fill out a reading diary that we were issued at school.
  • "Collection of stories" Nosov It turned out to be a bright and beautiful book with interesting illustrations that attract attention. Initially, I examined them, and only then started reading. And lo and lo and I realized that I even like these little stories for children. I especially liked some of them, and I will tell you about them separately.
  • The story “Steps” is a story about a cunning boy who, at the expense of his sister, wanted to get praise. He decided to count the steps, but having taken a few steps up the stairs, he stopped, and asked his sister to run away to his mother and say a step number. The girl ran from brother to mother until the stairs were passed. As a result, the boy boasted his achievement, and did not notice how much his sister did. Now I know for sure that this is definitely impossible to do.
  • The story “Living Hat” is a story that cheered me very much. It tells about two friends who calmly sat and painted pictures. However, they thought that they were in the house alone. But at one moment a large hat flew to the floor, and at the same time began to move very much. The boys were very scared, and began to guess, which makes the hat move. And when they already began to decide how to deal with a living hat, they realized that there was a harmless kitten under it. This story taught me that not all that we are so afraid of is terrible and dangerous for us.
  • I liked this book very much, and I read it from crust to crust. And I recommend that you get acquainted with light, interesting and instructive stories that will teach you how to look at the world around the world.

Mini-processing on the topic "My favorite book"

Mini-processing on the topic My favorite book
Mini-processing on the topic "My favorite book"

Mini-processing on the topic "My Favorite Book":

  • The world of books is infinitely huge, and we do not even suspect how interesting and diverse it is. I was born in a family where books are treated with special trepidation. I have a reading family, so our house has a huge number of diverse literature.
  • My favorite book is Tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Initially, my mother read them, and when I grew up, and she learned to read, I re-read these stories on her own, and looked at them a little differently.
  • Most of all I like the fairy tale "The Snow Queen." When I was small, I did not quite understand why Gerda risks her life for the sake of saving Kai. But now, when I already go to school, and I have a younger brother, whom I love with all my soul, began to understand how important it is to protect my relatives and friends. And I also realized that if the snow queen took my brother on my sleigh, then I would also do everything so that he would return home healthy and unharmed.
  • I also remember the fairy tale “Persistent Tin Soldier”. She is a little sad, but in her, love still defeats evil. She teaches us that you have to fight for your love to the very end, even if this may end not in the best way.
  • I really love Anderson's fairy tales, because they are able to show people from their best side. This great man shows us how important it is to be wise, kind, bold, savvy, compassionate and stubborn. All this makes a person better, and increases the opinion of him as high as possible. If you still have not met these amazing works, then be sure to do it. Believe me, you will like them very much.

Composition-reasoning on the topic "My favorite book"

Composition-reasoning on the topic "My favorite book":

  • How beautiful the world of fairy tales I recognized very early, it seems to me that my mother began to read them as soon as I began to speak tolerably. In any case, memories come up in my memory when I fall asleep in the evening, and I see my mother with a book in my hands. Probably, this is what caused my great love for fairy -tale stories.
  • Most of all I love volkov’s storyteller “Wizard of the Emerald City”. I re -read this work periodically, and I like it more and more. I am very impressed by the main character of the work - Ellie. She was able to maintain self -control, falling into a magical country that could be dangerous for a simple girl. But she was not at a loss - she was collected, confident in herself and her abilities. And it was her correct mood that helped her, and her new friends avoid many problems.
  • This fabulous work is very instructive. So, the scarecrow, who had no brain, considered himself not the smartest, and from this suffered. But when the whole company was in trouble, it was he who made the right decision that helped them avoid complete collapse. Could a hero who does not have wisdom and knowledge. And the iron lumberjack, who always thought that he was not capable of warm feelings due to his lack of heart, was also unlawful. Although in fact he had it, otherwise he could compassion and worry about his new friends. And, of course, the cowardly lion, who believed that he had completely absent courage. When the tigers attacked their team of travelers, he tried his best to protect his friends. Can it be called a coward?
  • This book does not just teach us to be bold, kind and inventive. She shows us how sometimes a person perceives himself incorrectly. Sometimes we ourselves do not even suspect what we are capable of until we get into a stressful situation. Read this interesting work, and you will definitely understand how important it is to believe in yourself and your strength. After all, it is faith in himself that can help a person achieve a lot.

The final essay on the topic "My favorite book"

Final essay on my favorite book
The final essay on the topic "My favorite book"

The final essay on the topic "My Favorite Book":

  • I read a lot, and already managed to read a huge number of interesting and instructive works. All of them taught me that in any situation it is necessary to remain faithful, kind, bold and wise. After all, sometimes the life of other people depends on our actions and actions.
  • Most of all my soul affected jack London's work "White Fang". The book describes the nature of the distant north as well as possible - its beauty, primacy and danger to human and dog life. The dog’s feelings are described as thoroughly as possible, therefore, when you read the story about a white fang, you can feel that they tell you about a real friend.
  • White fang is a cross between a dog and a wolf, so it is brave, almost fearless, hardy, strong. And at the same time, he is very attached to people, and despite the fact that in his veins there is part of wolf blood, prefers to live according to human laws. And people do not always use this correctly. One of the owners is not in the best way belongs to a smart and devoted dog, and even offends her. At such moments, I become very sorry for the white fang, because he still continues to love those who offended him.
  • The Indian Gray Beaver was perhaps the kindest master for a white fang. He appreciated his endurance and the ability to pull the harness for days, even when other dogs refused to do this. The Indian tried to protect his treasure, and categorically refused to sell it, he really loved a white fang, and saw a friend of the assistant and friend in him. Therefore, he never sat him on a chain, making it completely free. But bad people took up the Indian and took a white fang to themselves. At that moment, I was very sorry for the dog-warrior, because his life changed to the wrong side.
  • Handsome Smith is a man who was very much mocking a white fang, and this caused me a strong rage. If there was my will, then I took a dog from him, and sent him to jail. This man was engaged in dog battles, and it was for this that he needed a white fang. In it, he saw the one who, with a victory, will bring him money. But the white fang was used to freedom, and the fact that he was put on the chain was very angry with him, and he refused to obey the new owner. For this he was constantly beaten, trying to suppress the desire for will thus.
  • Scott is another owner of a white fang who showed him that a person can treat a dog as a member of his family. Initially, he was wary of the new owner, because the former saw in him exclusively a way of profit, and for this they forced to work hard. But Scott really loved a white fang, protected him, fed and treated him. And his soul completely thawed, and he again began to trust people. Moreover, when the life of Father Scott was in danger, he rushed to defend him despite the fact that the bandit shot him from a pistol.
  • After reading this work, I realized how important kindness and sincere intimacy are in our harsh world. Now I know for sure that with their help you can definitely make the world around the world a little kinder and more beautiful. After all, if a person shows care and kindness, then in response, be sure to get the same.

Narrative composition on the topic "My favorite book"

A narrative composition on the topic "My favorite book":

  • I am a great adventurer, they capture me and transfer me to a cheerful and mysterious world, where there is a place for my imagination. When I read adventure works, I always imagine myself the main character, and I think about how I would act in his situation. Most of all I like the adventure described in the book "Tom Sawyer".
  • Tom is a cheerful and mobile boy who cannot live if he does not do something eccentric. So once, to disrupt the lesson, he took off the wig from the teacher, and everyone had fun. The truth is not to the teacher - he complained about Tom, and he was punished for this act. But this does not stop Tom, having served his punishment, he again begins to look for a new adventure on his head.
  • And do not think that Tom is a bad and not obedient boy - he can do what they ask him, and sometimes even able to adhere to generally accepted rules. But still he is a child, and he is characterized by a desire to have fun, and he does it no matter what. Moreover, he had a real friend who understood him at a glance, and always supported his ideas. His friend Huck was the same as a merry, and also sought to have fun all the time. Friends all the time fell for their leprosy, but this only strengthened their desire to alternate. And they were happy to do this as soon as the opportunity was given.
  • You probably thought that Tom is just a marshmallow boy who only makes nasty things to others. In fact, he is a very good person, and is capable of much if the situation is demanded. So, once Tom and the local girl Becky were lost in the forest. Becky was confused, and did not even try to rectify the situation. And Tom, in an extreme situation, behaved like an adult. His composure and wisdom helped him and Becky survive in harsh conditions.
  • This book teaches us that we never need to judge a person without getting to know him more closely. The opinion of the rest of the people can be deceptive, because sometimes Zadir, a merryman, can provide a collected hero, whom you can rely on in a difficult situation.

Composition on the topic "My favorite book is" Kolobok "

Working on my favorite book - Kolobok
Composition on the topic "My favorite book is" Kolobok "

Composition on the topic “My favorite book is“ Kolobok ”:

  • We all heard, or read, the fairy tale “Kolobok. As a rule, most of us perceive this work as a fun adventure of a naughty bun. And did you think about what the author of this work actually wanted to tell us.
  • Kolobok is shown in this story by a naughty fidget who seeks to run away from grandparents. It seems to him that he does everything right, because in this way he saves his life - they certainly will not be able to eat him if he runs away from them. And he does it, and even rejoices for a while. In very soon, animals begin to meet in the forest, and they all want to outwit and eat it. True, for some time he finds the strength in himself to escape from them. This continues until a cunning fox does not meet in his way. She speaks sweetly, and convinces Kolobok that nothing threatens him next to her. And as soon as he relaxes, she eats him.
  • What is the moral of this fairy tale? Probably, due to childhood, no one thinks that adult life is much more complicated than the nursery. The child cannot do everything that is an adult, which means that he certainly cannot do without the help of parents, or grandparents. In the same way, Kolobok thought. He believed that, running away from his grandparents, he solves all his problems, although in fact he only aggravated them.
  • After reading this folk tale, I realized how important it is to obey my parents and do what they ask. After all, they love us very much, and certainly do not wish us evil.

Composition on the topic "My favorite book is an inch"

Composition on the topic "My favorite book is an inch":

  • Absolutely all tales carry a hidden meaning in themselves, and if you read them carefully, you can understand what thought the author assumes us to. I want to say right away that almost all fairy tales teach us good and love for your neighbor. My favorite work is the fairy tale H.K. Anderson "Thumbelina".
  • Thumbelina is a little girl who lived in a beautiful flower. It was there that a terrible toad noticed her, and stole her to marry her her green son. But the Thumbelina was not at a loss, taking all her will into a fist, asked for a flying beetle to help her. The beetle helped her run away from the toad, but at the same time left one in the forest. When winter came, from death she was saved by a field mouse, which warmed her in her mink. Thumbelina began to see a friend in her, although her savior conceived a terrible one - she decided to marry her as an old mole. But this wedding was also avoided by the main character. When she lived underground, she found a dying bird there, and she became very sorry for her. Therefore, she stealthily wore her grain and water. The bird recovered and gained strength, and when she flew away, she took with her an inch.
  • As you can see, the fairy tale clearly shows us that kindness and compassion are necessarily returning to the one who exudes them. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, try to help those who are in a difficult situation. Perhaps someday, in your life there will be a situation, who exactly this person will reach out to you.

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