Composition on the topic "Love" - \u200b\u200bexamples, arguments

Composition on the topic

We bring to your attention several ideas to write works about love.

Composition on the topic "Love" - \u200b\u200ban example

Working on the topic of love is an example
Composition on the topic "Love" - \u200b\u200ban example

Composition on the topic "Love" is an example:

  • Love is the most beautiful feeling on the planet Earth. This is a special spiritual state that makes a person sacrifice himself for the well -being of the one who found a place in our heart. And this is not only a guy’s love for a girl. This is the love of the mother for their children, the love of native brothers and sisters, the love of friends, and even love for the homeland.
  • In ancient times, most people generally believed that the gods give people love, and only if the sinful earthly residents really deserve this. It was believed that this wonderful feeling brought people closer to the inaccessible celestials, and made them special. Perhaps that is why they treated the lovers carefully, tried not to offend, because people believed that if they destroy someone's feelings with their own hands, then they would get trouble. Men, falling in love, tried to devote all their existence to the lady of their heart, they surrounded her with maximum attention and care. In the modern world, such a gallant man would be called a "real knight."
  • Love of men and women. As a rule, we can observe this type of love most often, and in the most striking manifestations. The love of a man and a woman is a union of two opposites, which are attracted to each other inner interest. Some are looking for a native soul in such a union, which can be trusted without fear of being ridiculed, others want to have a reliable support in life, which will help more easily experience difficulties, and for the third, a loved one is part of his own, and he simply does not represent his own Life without him, about such unions often say: "He loves contrary to everything." It is such love that can inspire a person most of all, force him to move, take some actions in order to make the second liller happy.
  • Mother's love for her children. Another type of love that we can observe every day. Probably, no one will argue with the fact that mother is a special person in the life of every person. She, as an earthly guardian angel who is always trying to protect her child from negativity and troubles. It is mom who puts the most in our development. She teaches us to walk, speak, helps to master the first self -service skills, stimulates our development in various areas of life. And sometimes she has to deal with all the problems of her children being tired, sick, upset. But because she loves her children with all her heart, she never talks about her problems, and sacrificing her health, does everything so that the children are happy. And the worst thing is that the sacrifice of maternal love children realize only when they themselves become parents.
  • The love of siblings and sisters. Now let's talk about the love of brothers and sisters. How does it manifest in this case? The blood relatives of a priori are close to each other, as they grew under one roof, therefore, even getting their own families, as a rule, continue to warmly communicate. Such a feeling as love makes them meet periodically, call up, hold great holidays together, celebrate birthdays together. Moreover, it is the brothers and sisters who are those people who are the first to learn about the events in the family - good and not very, and they are the first to fly to the rescue. That is how fraternal or nursing love manifests itself. In the same way, love will be manifested between the consolidated brothers and sisters, unless, of course, parents shared them in childhood.
  • Love of friends. Many will say that there can be no love between friends, but believe me, such an opinion is not right. Sometimes a friend who is not a blood relative can do much more for a person than his family. Initially, friendship is built on joint interests, respect, but gradually people are so very close that they feel kinship. They begin to perceive a person as a brother or sister, and therefore are ready to help and support in any life situation. And for such people it is necessary to hold on with all their might, protect them, and of course, not forget to show his care, because a person should not only give, but also receive something in return, in this case the unconditional love of a friend.
  • Love to motherland. Love for the Motherland is generally difficult to measure, and sometimes we ourselves do not even realize how much we love the place where we were born and lived all our lives. The most clearly love for the Motherland manifests itself during military conflicts - those who love her - stand up to her, and those who do not care where to live are trying to run away. Take, as an example, the feat of our grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War. Without hesitation, they went into battle against the Germans, even realizing that they could die in an unequal battle. And many of them died, but other soldiers stood in their place, for whom the protection of their homeland was more important than their own life. And it was precisely such a sacrificial love of ordinary people that helped to win over evil.
  • As you can see, love can have completely different transformations, but at the same time it makes the world kinder, more beautiful, makes everyone change for the better without exception. Therefore, with confidence, we can say that love is a special gift that must be protected, developed, and do everything so that it becomes as much as possible.

Composition on the topic "Maternal love"

Working on maternal love
Composition on the topic "Maternal love"

Composition on the topic "Maternal love":

  • Maternal love is an inexhaustible source of the most beautiful feelings that are granted to the man of the universe. It is mom who loves us, regardless of what we do and say, protects us from the attacks of other people, helps to make the right choice in life, simply gives us mental warmth and affection. Thanks to my mother’s love, we feel calm, peace, happiness, and it is her love that makes us happy. Maternal love is manifested in almost all areas of our lives.
  • So, when we only appear on the white light, we are completely defenseless, and only my mother’s voice, and her heartbeat, help us calm down in those moments when we feel not in the best way. And we do so exclusively because we subconsciously understand that it will not harm us. In infancy, each person depends on the mother, and it is at this moment that the sprouts of maternal love are laid.
  • It is love that makes our mothers real persistent tin soldiers who are able to turn the mountains for the sake of their child. Mom gets up before everyone else, prepares breakfast everyone, collects to school, kindergarten, and then he runs to work. When we come home after class, we will always have a delicious dinner. Thus, she shows that she loves her children very much, and wants to make their life easier as possible. The peculiarity of maternal love is also that she does not stop supporting even adult children. Even if they already have children themselves, for mom they are those people who need her custody. Therefore, she can continue to cook delicious ones, help financially, even adult daughters and sons. In this case, maternal love can be compared with the enormous power of the spirit, which is enough for everyone she loves, and this can definitely be called an inexhaustible source.
  • But maternal love can not only be correct, sometimes it becomes blind. Some women dissolve so much in their children that they simply do not notice how bad they are people. In this case, the feelings of the mother are not good either for the woman herself or for the child. Imagine that you have done something not very good, for which you are very ashamed, and you told about this to a native person. He, in turn, listened to you carefully, but did not make a remark, but said that nothing terrible happened. Of course, you will be very happy about this behavior, but what people around you will think. They will condemn you and your mother. In the eyes of society, you both will look unpleasant - a mother, as a person who raises a child is very bad, you are as a malicious offender of generally accepted rules. The most unpleasant thing is that such a behavior of a loved one can cause an adult man or woman will build life exclusively on his own rules, not thinking how this can affect their environment.
  • From all this, one conclusion can be drawn - maternal love is important for each person, but it is not necessary to abuse it. Moreover, one should not forget that mother is also a living person who wants attention and care, so do not forget to give her her spiritual warmth. Moreover, it is very easy to please her - just help with homework, buy a cute trinket, or just brew tea and sit with her in the kitchen, chatting about anything sweetly.

Composition on the topic "Love Story"

Working on a love story
Composition on the topic "Love Story"

Composition on the topic "Love Story":

  • Everyone is given love to meet everyone, but not everyone succeeds in preserving it. Most of us simply do not know how to wait, and want to get everyone at once. This is probably why some people spend a lot of time and effort to find their soul mate. Fortunately, I do not belong to this category of people, I am exactly the lucky one who fell in love once and for all, and moreover, at a small age. Does it sound too fabulous? Believe me, no, I just knew with whom it was comfortable and easy to in any setting, so he instinctively sought to be near this person.
  • My love story began in the senior group of kindergarten. My parents moved to live in another area of \u200b\u200bthe city, and I was transferred to another kindergarten. I didn’t really like it there, since I did not know anyone, and for this reason it was very lonely. All the boys were terrible brawls, who always tried to push me, and I, like a newcomer, did not want to engage in skirmishes with them. Therefore, most often on a walk I quietly sat on a bench and patiently waited for my parents.
  • On one of these days, I saw how the parents brought a red -haired girl to our playground, and everyone around her was delighted. It turns out that she was just sick and was absent for a long time. She was very sweet and cheerful, but I was in no hurry to meet her. Daria, that was her name, did it herself. She came up to me, named her name, and asked why I did not play with others. She had to tell her the truth, she laughed, and offered to play together. So our friendship ensued. This is now I understand that she was much more confident in me, and it was she who was a tower in our children's union. But then I saw in her a man with whom I am pleased to communicate, and this was the most important thing.
  • Over time, we went to school, studied in the same class, and were also inseparable. The people around are so used to seeing us together that we were very surprised when we came to the lesson separately from each other. We grew up, and our friendship was strong every day, Daria became for me the person whom I trusted all my secrets and dreams. I was so strong in her that I did not even think about asking for advice from my parents, or from grandparents. How to solve our problems, we always solved with Daria. She gave advice to me, and I, if necessary, to her.
  • Closer to the graduation, I realized that I really like Daria as a beautiful girl, and I decided to tell her about it to understand how to continue to communicate further. We are used to always telling each other the truth, so I did not have fear of this conversation.
    Daria listened to me, and calmly said that she felt the same, and from that moment we became a couple. Parents were not happy with this, because they believed that we were still undergrowth before the age to build some kind of relationship, but they could not affect us especially. We started spending even more time together - preparing for final exams, making plans for the future, and just walked a lot. It was a very happy time.
  • At the graduation, Daria was the most beautiful graduate, and I was proud and rejoiced that I got such a cute girl. After graduation, we applied documents to one institute, and already dreamed of how we will study together. But what happened that we did not expect, Darina's parents decided to move abroad to live, so she had to adjust her plans and plan her studies in a new place.
  • To say that for us it was a strong blow - to say nothing, we could not even imagine how we could live so far from each other. But the parents were inexorable, and did not want to leave Dasha with her grandparents in Russia. The day when she flew to another country was very terrible to me, it seemed to me that I would never be happy more. My parents persuaded me that it was still necessary to study, so I took my hands and plunged into my studies. Daria was also bored, so we called up and talked for hours - they told each other how our day passed, and dreamed of when we were together again. In this mode, we lived for almost five years, though Daria’s parents took pity, and she came to Russia twice a year, and we could see ourselves in reality. When she completed her studies, she returned for good, we got married, and we live quite happily.
  • Our love story clearly shows that if you show patience and look for communication methods at a distance, then warm mental feelings can be preserved even in difficult life moments. Therefore, just show patience, and then your second half will definitely be with you.

Composition on the topic "Love for the Fatherland"

Working on the topic of love for the Fatherland
Composition on the topic "Love for the Fatherland"

Composition on the topic "Love for the Fatherland":

  • Have you ever wondered what love for the Fatherland will mean? How does it manifest in the modern world? And is she at all now? We can confidently say that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers once had such a special attitude towards the Motherland. It was this feeling that helped them defeat the Germans in the Great Patriotic War. History stores many examples of their sacrifice, which helped to accomplish a real feat, because sometimes it had to be so difficult that only faith in victory and the desire to protect their relatives, and the land on which they walk, forced them.
  • In those times, the defenders of the Motherland had to starve, live in not the best everyday conditions, while they constantly had to ensure that the enemy sniper did not shoot them. Moreover, sometimes Soviet soldiers had to selflessly go to certain death, so that the Germans would not advance deep into the country. This is a vivid example of love for their fatherland.
  • And how can a modern person show love for his homeland? Love for the homeland is the right deed. If necessary, to help maintain legal power, not to sow panic moods, to enter the subbotniks who are satisfied with the state, to respect the symbols of the state, to adhere to all the laws and rules of society. Such simple things are also a manifestation of love for the Fatherland. Also, do not forget about patriotism. It must be developed from the smallest age, and then growing up, people will be ready for the sake of their homeland for the most heroic acts. There are many examples of patriotism, and all of them amaze with great love for the Fatherland.
  • My grandfather told me that he had a friend at the front, who got to the front line due to his perseverance. He was the son of his parents who had the necessary acquaintances, plus he had health problems that did not allow him to serve. But he could not sit in the rear, while all his friends fought for the peaceful sky and his relatives. And he went to the military registration and enlistment office every day, until he was allowed to leave for the front. His parents were shocked by his act, and persuaded not to go to certain death, but he said that he could not do otherwise. It turned out to be a very good soldier who always boldly went into battle, and never threw wounded friends on the battlefield. He died in the battle for Stalingrad, with a smile on his face, sacredly believing that his contribution to this war would help to bring the world to the rest.
  • A great love for the motherland is also described in Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of Man”. In it, the author introduces us to Andrei Sokolov - a man, with a great power of spirit, who did not tremble in front of the enemies when he understood that this could be the last minutes of his short life. He boldly refused to drink for the Germans' victory in the war, although he understood that they could kill him for this. But for Andrei, this would be akin to the betrayal of his homeland, which he loved with all his heart.
  • The same strong person is described in the work of Tvardovsky - This is a simple soldier Vasily Terkin. He was a brave, purposeful, and patriotic person. Vasily believed that every real man was obliged to defend his homeland. And this is a great honor. Therefore, when he had to cross the ice river to pass an important message to other Soviet soldiers, he did this without hesitation. He was so much obsessed with ideas to help others that it seemed not to notice cold water and fierce cold.
  • As you can see, love for the homeland can manifest itself in different ways, but at the same time it is always aimed at protecting the common house. Therefore, it is very important that modern youth also has the right civil position and selflessly did everything so that our country is strong and prosperous.

An example of an essay-story on the topic "Love"

An example of an essay-story on the topic
An example of an essay-story on the topic "Love"

An example of an essay-story on the topic "Love":

  • Love is not only feelings for a person, it can have other transformations. So, a person can captivate reading books, for example, and he will be given to this hobby more than others. In the world there are people who love books so much that they do not part with them day or night. About the same story happened in my life, but only in my heart a love for the circus settled.
  • I grew up in an ordinary family, where mom and dad are always at work, so after lunch I always be at home alone. Having made homework, I go out onto the balcony and patiently peer into the distance to see in advance how my mother comes from work. So it was on this day. It was warm outside, so I put a chair on the balcony, sat on it and began to watch what was happening on the street. There was everything, as always-the cars were buzzing and racing somewhere, people hurried about their business, and only sparrows and blue packed lazily on the ground. I decided to see if my mother was going home, and I saw far with trees a large bright tent, which seemed to have risen over the city. I wondered what it is, but I could not go so far without parents.
  • When my mother came home, I asked her what beautiful appeared in our city. She laughed and said that the circus came to us, and she had already bought tickets for the nearest performance. My joy knew no bounds, because I can see with my own eyes what I had seen only on TV before. At the weekend, I woke up before everyone else, removed the bed, washed, and began to wait for my mother to wake up. Closer to dinner, we went to the circus, and this day made me incredibly happy. I saw with my own eyes the juggles, acrobats, funny clowns, trained animals. But most of all I was struck by a girl on a ball. She sailed very beautifully around the circus arena on a large inflatable ball, and did it so easily that it seemed to the audience that she was a weightless light feather, which was followed by a ball due to the air flow.
  • Upon arrival home, I decided to portray this circus number on paper to capture this happy moment for life. After visiting the circus, I began to watch all the broadcasts, where there was a mention of the circus - I was interested in everything that was connected with it. Over time, I realized that my love for the circus is not episodic, and, most likely, this will be my future profession. I already told my parents that I would go to study at the circus school, and I will definitely speak to the audience, and give them a good mood.
  • As you can see, my love for the circus made me more confident, courageous, although I used to be afraid to defend my opinion before. But my great desire to fulfill my dream made me change, and it definitely benefited me. Therefore, dear friends, feel free to dream, because your dreams will make you happier.

Composition on the topic "Love of parents and children"

Composition on the topic of love of parents and children:
Composition on the topic "Love of parents and children":

Composition on the topic "Love of parents and children":

  • Parents are those people whose love we may not doubt even in those moments when they are angry with us, or we are upset by something. It is so laid down by nature that their love is unshakable, even if the child has committed a terrible act. Unfortunately, not all children understand how difficult it is sometimes parents, because sometimes they have to give their child all themselves, while receiving nothing in return. But, as a rule, most parents are ready to sacrifice everyone, for the good of their child. And there are a huge number of examples.
  • Gogol's work "Taras Bulba" - A striking example of maternal love, which did not fade off even at a great distance. The wife of the protagonist lived not the most happy life. She was not lucky enough to marry a rude, forever evil and too ambitious person. He believed that his sons could grow up with real men, only away from his mother, therefore, as soon as he could, he sent them to study. But with this behavior he failed to move his sons from his mother. When they came home, she surrounded them with care, warmth, and at least for a short time she allowed them to feel like her beloved sons. Moreover, she often boldly defended them if she saw that the father was very too much too much to the stick. Sometimes, of course, she lost the battle to a stern husband, and then before their departure they just admired them all night to remember her favorite features, and pray a happy share for them from God. The fate of this woman is a vivid example of the fact that the mother in any circumstances thinks exclusively about the good of her children.
  • Tolstoy's work "Childhood". This story shows us brightly how important parental love is. Moreover, both parents, and if someone does not give her, then in the end loses, because at a certain moment the children will begin to move away. Natalya Nikolaevna was a kind, sweet woman who sought not to squeeze people. She loved her husband very much, and even forgave him that he rashly spends her dowry. The husband of Natalia Nikolaevna accepted such an attitude to his person as granted, and did not really try to suit his wife. In the same way he treated children. In those days, in rich families it was not generally customary to affection for children. Sometimes parents could not see their children for months, and no one saw anything wrong with that. But Natalia Nikolaevna did not suit this state of affairs, and therefore, at the first opportunity, she spent time with her children - she talked a lot with them, walked, just hugged, and did all this contrary to the fact that in the noble environment it was considered a monoton. Her love for children was above all this. When she died, it was the children who suffered the most, because they lost their person who loved them as he was.
  • In the work of Fonvizin "Undergrowth The other side of parental love is shown. The rich landowner loves his son until reckless. She extols him always and everywhere, even if he does not deserve it. The woman tries to suit the great age children in the smallest requests, but instead of gratitude he hears only new wishes. But this does not stop the woman, she continues to make the life of the royal son, and this leads to the fact that he becomes too arrogant, capricious, and lazy. It comes to the point that he is lazy to extend his hand behind a glass of water. But mother is a mother, she will justify any behavior of her child, so the landowner did not see anything wrong in her love. But this was the case until the moment when help was not required herself. But the son in this case demonstrated his superiority. He cynically betrayed his mother and did not help her. This work is a vivid example of the fact that parental love should be correct. Of course, you need to love your children, but sometimes it is necessary to explain to them that not everything in this life should appear by clicking a finger.
  • Of all this, one conclusion can be drawn, parental love is a wonderful feeling built on the dedication of the child’s interests. And if the parents do everything right, then the children will grow up with kind and open people, and will certainly respect both dad and mom.

The final essay on the topic "Love for yourself"

The final essay on the topic
The final essay on the topic "Love for yourself"

The final essay on the topic "Love for yourself":

  • And whether one of the people was conceived that in the world there is also love for themselves. Not every person is ready to accept himself with all the flaws, make them their sweet feature, and be as easy as possible to them. If you managed to do this, then you are a lucky one who could definitely love himself in the guise of nature.
  • Sometimes we ourselves prevent us from living in harmony, see flaws in ourselves, and try to get rid of them. So, the girl is a teenager, fights with her acne, applying a thick layer of foundation on her face. It calms her, and she thinks that no one will know about her little secret. But in fact, everyone around see how unnatural her face looks, and this layer of chemistry certainly does not benefit her skin. If the girl accepted her problem, she could get rid of her more quickly. Now you can easily purchase many good care products that are fighting with teenage skin problems, the main thing is that they are selected correctly. All that the girl needs to do, love herself in this form, and try to correct the problem if she is so disturbing.
  • Excess weight. Now all over the world, exceptionally thin people are considered beautiful. They sew beautiful clothes for them, they are removed for fashion magazines. But if you go out into the street of any city, you can see that there are units of such ideal people there. But at the same time, the imposed opinion prevents the others from falling in love with themselves in the weight that they have. Now everyone is striving to lose weight, and at a fast pace as possible. And none of these people thinks that such rapid weight loss can harm the body. Teenagers are particularly subject to this way of life, it seems to them that a couple of extra pounds makes them ugly, not worthy of the attention of other people, although in fact no one sees these extra pounds. Therefore, it is so important to explain to children that they are always beautiful, even if they do not correspond to model parameters. And so that they really love themselves, you need to teach them to choose the right clothes, because with its help you can well adjust both growth and weight.
  • Harmful food also prevents us from loving ourselves. Most people love fast food, sweet soda, sausages and mayonnaise. Many people think that, using such products, they just spoil themselves with delicious, and do not think about the fact that every day they cause damage to their health. And this is what shows how the person actually relates to himself. If a person loved himself, he would surely love his body and saturate the body only with useful products.
  • In this case, we can only draw one conclusion - to love yourself, it means that it is right to treat your flaws, take care of your health, strive for self -development, be always calm and positively configured. If you follow these simple tips, you can become a truly happy person.

Composition on the topic "Love for nature"

Essay on the topic of love for nature
Composition on the topic "Love for nature"

Composition on the topic "Love for nature":

  • Nature are trees, shrubs, various herbaceous plants, flowers, aquatic element. All this can impress a person with its beauty. Sometimes a person feels calmer and more confident in the wild than among people in the equipped city. Such people love nature with all their hearts, and try to spend as much time as possible closer to it. Their great love for nature gives inner calm, which helps them more correctly respond to irritating factors. More precisely, man and nature help each other. It heals their soul wounded by problems, and they, in turn, protect it from destruction.
  • In general, a love of nature should be shown not only by constant admiration. In this case, actions play the main role. Think, you would start cleaning a forest glade from garbage if other people left it. A person who loves nature would definitely do this, he could not enjoy the beauty surrounding him if pieces of paper and plastic were lying around him. If you clean someone else's garbage is hard work for you, you can definitely say that you do not appreciate nature, as it is necessary.
  • Nature is also animals and birds that surround us, for them forests and parks are a house that gives them both food and shelter. Therefore, it is important to remember that, cutting down the trees, you deprive some animal of the opportunity to live and eat normally. A person who loves nature will never harm plants and animals, because he understands well that their life is closely interconnected. In general, in essence, people can safely be divided into two types - those who love nature, and those who destroy it.
  • For the first category, nature is a very beautiful feature of our planet, and they try to save it for subsequent generations. For another category of people, nature is a source of earnings, and they don’t care what will happen to it after their activities. The second category includes that part of humanity that is completely indifferent to what surrounds it. Indifference makes them silent accomplices of troubles that happen through the fault of people.
  • An example of such an attitude to nature is the work “Do not shoot white swans". In it, the author described the good and hardworking Yegor, who loves nature with all his soul, and helps her even if he suffers himself at the same time. His spiritual and physical suffering is not important to him, he feels good if he knows for sure that at this moment no one harms nature. Another hero of the work - Fedor, can be safely called a pest, he sees the surrounding nature exclusively, as a source of profit, and he does not care that many condemn him for this.
  • As you already understood, in the world there are two opposite camps of people, which is closer to you, you can solve only you yourself. But when making a decision, remember that it is infinitely impossible to take her gifts from nature, sooner or later they will end, and then your children and grandchildren will not be able to live in the same good conditions as you. Therefore, take care of nature, love it with all your heart, and do everything that it has not disappeared from the face of the earth.

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